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Feb 17th, 2019
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  1. Gang command aliases: /gang /g
  2. Ally chat command aliases: /allychat /achat /ac
  3. Gang chat command aliases: /gangchat /gchat /gc
  4. Fight command aliases: /fight
  5. Admin command aliases: /gangadmin /gadmin /ga
  6. /g help - list of all gang-related commands (
  7. /g list - list of all gangs (gangsplus.gang.list)
  8. /g top - gangs leaderboard (
  9. /g info <gang> - specified gang's statistics (
  10. /g create <name> - create a new gang (gangsplus.gang.create)
  11. /g disband - disband your gang (gangsplus.gang.disband)
  12. /g invite <player> - invite specified player to your gang (gangsplus.gang.invite)
  13. /g join|accept <gang> - join specified gang (gangsplus.gang.join)
  14. /g uninvite <player> - cancel player's invitation (gangsplus.gang.uninvite)
  15. /g kick <player> - kick player out of your gang (gangsplus.gang.kick)
  16. /g leave - leave your gang (gangsplus.gang.leave)
  17. /g friendlyfire - toggle friendly fire in gang (gangsplus.gang.friendlyfire)
  18. /g levelup - level up to higher gang level (gangsplus.gang.levelup)
  19. /g promote <player> - promote specified player to higher rank (gangsplus.gang.promote)
  20. /g demote <player> - demote specified player to lower rank (gangsplus.gang.demote)
  21. /g leader <player> - give the gang leadership to specified player (gangsplus.gang.leader)
  22. /g deposit <amount> - deposit money on your gang's bank account (gangsplus.gang.deposit)
  23. /g withdraw <amount> - withdraw money from your gang's bank account (gangsplus.gang.withdraw)
  24. /g listhomes - list of all gang homes (gangsplus.gang.listhomes)
  25. /g home <home> - teleport to specified gang home (gangsplus.gang.home)
  26. /g sethome <home> - set specified gang home's location (gangsplus.gang.sethome)
  27. /g delhome <home> - delete specified gang home (gangsplus.gang.delhome)
  28. /g player|playerinfo <player> - specified player's statistics (gangsplus.gang.playerinfo)
  29. /g regroup <home name> - request all players to regroup at specified home (gangsplus.gang.regroup)
  30. /g confirm - confirms previous action, eg. gang disband (gangsplus.gang.confirm)
  31. /g ally <gang> - send alliance request to specified gang (
  32. /g neutral <gang> - set relation with an ally to neutral (gangsplus.gang.neutral)
  33. /gc on|off - toggle gang chat on/off (gangsplus.gangchat)
  34. /gc <message> - send a single message on gang chat (gangsplus.gangchat)
  35. /ac on|off - toggle ally chat on/off (gangsplus.allychat)
  36. /ac<message> - send a single message on ally chat (gangsplus.allychat)
  37. /fight challenge <players amount> <money> <gang> - challenge specified gang for a fight (gangsplus.fight.challenge)
  38. /fight accept <gang> - accept fight challenge from specified gang (gangsplus.fight.accept)
  39. /fight decline <gang> - decline fight challenge from specified gang (gangsplus.fight.decline)
  40. /fight join - join the fight your gang takes part in (gangsplus.fight.join)
  41. /fight leave - leave the fight your gang takes part in (gangsplus.fight.leave)
  42. /ga arena list - list all fight arenas (gangsplus.gangadmin.arena)
  43. /ga arena create <arena id> - create a new fight arena (gangsplus.gangadmin.arena)
  44. /ga arena delete <arena id> - delete specified arena (gangsplus.gangadmin.arena)
  45. /ga arena setlocation <arena id> <location> - set specified location for specified arena (gangsplus.gangadmin.arena)
  46. /ga arena setname <arena id> <name> - change the name of specified arena (gangsplus.gangadmin.arena)
  47. /ga arena save <arena id> - save changes made to an arena to the database (gangsplus.gangadmin.arena)
  48. /ga bank balance <gang> - check specified gang's bank account balance (
  49. /ga bank give <amount> <gang> - add specified amount to gang's bank account (
  50. /ga bank take <amount> <gang> - remove specified amount from gang's bank account (
  51. /ga bank reset<gang> - reset specified gang's bank account balance (
  52. /ga disband <name> - disband specified gang (gangsplus.gangadmin.disband)
  53. /ga reset <kills|deaths|assists> <player> - reset player's statistics (gangsplus.gangadmin.reset)
  54. /ga reload - reload Gangs+ settings/messages (gangsplus.gangadmin.reload)
  55. /ga socialspy [player] - turn on gang chat social spy for specified player (or yourself if no name is given) (gangsplus.gangadmin.socialspy)
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