

Dec 7th, 2013
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  1. ijontichy@powernoob ~http/forum $ ./
  2. ensuring table forum_posts is valid
  3. coldefs is: OrderedDict([('id', 'id integer primary key autoincrement'), ('author', 'author text'), ('topic', 'topic text'), ('content', 'content text not null'), ('image', 'image blob'), ('imagetype', 'imagetype text')])
  4. colkeys is: ['id', 'author', 'topic', 'content', 'image', 'imagetype']
  5. colstr is: id integer primary key autoincrement, author text, topic text, content text not null, image blob, imagetype text
  6. table forum_posts found
  7. colDict is: {'author': 'text', 'image': 'blob', 'topic': 'text', 'imagetype': 'text', 'id': 'integer primary key autoincrement', 'content': 'text not null'}
  8. finding "id" in table... found
  9. finding "author" in table... found
  10. finding "topic" in table... found
  11. finding "content" in table... found
  12. finding "image" in table... found
  13. finding "imagetype" in table... found
  15. ensuring table forum_topics is valid
  16. coldefs is: OrderedDict([('id', 'id integer primary key autoincrement'), ('postnum', 'postnum integer unique not null'), ('topicnum', 'topicnum integer not null')])
  17. colkeys is: ['id', 'postnum', 'topicnum']
  18. colstr is: id integer primary key autoincrement, postnum integer unique not null, topicnum integer not null
  19. table forum_topics found
  20. colDict is: {'topicnum': 'integer not null', 'postnum': 'integer unique not null', 'id': 'integer primary key autoincrement'}
  21. finding "id" in table... found
  22. finding "postnum" in table... found
  23. finding "topicnum" in table... found
  25. addPost: insert into forum_posts (author, topic, content) values (?, ?, ?)
  26. added post at index: 16
  27. registerPost: select postnum from forum_topics where postnum = ?
  28. registerPost: found []
  29. registerPost: insert into forum_topics (postnum, topicnum) values (?, ?)
  30. registered post 16 to topic 1: 13
  31. getTopic: select postnum from forum_topics where topicnum = ?
  32. checked topic 1: [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]
  33. post 4: (4, 'DICKS IN A BLENDER 499', '', '', None, None)
  34. post 5: (5, 'DICKS IN A BLENDER 485', '', '', None, None)
  35. post 6: (6, 'DICKS IN A BLENDER 764', '', '', None, None)
  36. post 7: (7, 'DICKS IN A BLENDER 86', '', '', None, None)
  37. post 8: (8, 'DICKS IN A BLENDER 499', '', '', None, None)
  38. post 9: (9, 'DICKS IN A BLENDER 824', '', '', None, None)
  39. post 10: (10, 'DICKS IN A BLENDER 709', '', '', None, None)
  40. post 11: (11, 'DICKS IN A BLENDER 540', '', '', None, None)
  41. post 12: (12, 'DICKS IN A BLENDER 288', '', '', None, None)
  42. post 13: (13, 'DICKS IN A BLENDER 904', '', '', None, None)
  43. post 14: (14, 'DICKS IN A BLENDER 580', '', '', None, None)
  44. post 15: (15, 'DICKS IN A BLENDER 973', '', '', None, None)
  45. post 16: (16, 'DICKS IN A BLENDER 440', '', '', None, None)
  46. well this works.
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