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  1. Eric Aboadwe
  2. August 25, 2017 ·
  4. (The True Living Bread & Water)
  8. Today’s reading of the Word is taken from 1 Corinthians when the Apostle Paul says:
  10. “Though I SPEAK with TONGUES of men and of angels, but have NO LOVE, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And thought I have the gift of PROPHECY, and understand all MYSTERIES and all KNOWLEDGE, and thought I have FAITH, so that I could REMOVE mountains, but have NO LOVE, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my good to feed the poor, and though I give my BODY to be burned, but have NO LOVE, it profits me nothing” (1 Corinthians 13:1-3).
  12. We THANK God for feeding us always with His elaborate Word of TRUTH which edifies our spirit and soul. We also THANK Him for enabling us to discern all things and to “Test the spirits” whether they are from Him or not (1 John 4:1). God has given us all these abilities through His undiluted Word so that as His “sheep,” we will always be able to recognize His “voice” so that we don’t follow the “voice of strangers” (John 10:4-5). This is only possible for those who BELIEVE in the Word of His “water, blood, and the Spirit.”
  14. As it stands now, speaking with “TONGUES of men and of angels” have become the most sought-after (greatly desired) gift among many Christians of today especially the PENTECOSTALS and the CHARISMATICS. This is because they have been made to believe in falsehood that speaking with “TONGUES of men and of angels” is the evidence that one has received the “Holy Spirit.”
  16. Most of them have become so accustomed to the Speaking with “TONGUES” to the extent that Satan has locked them up in it, and therefore even when God is CORRECTING them, they refuse to accept His CORRECTION. This is exactly what happened in the Corinthian Church and God was using the Apostle Paul to CORRECT their misguided belief.
  18. And even though the main theme of Paul’s message in 1 Corinthians 13 is about the “LOVE” of God which has SAVED us from all our SINS and TRANSGRESSIONS, many Christians do not still comprehend it. For the past few days, we have been studying about this profound “LOVE” of God the Father about His “LOVE” of deliverance that has RESCUED us from Satan, sin, darkness, and death.
  20. But the reason why many Christians do not still get the message of Paul in 1 Corinthians 13 is because JESUS said that “The HEARTS of this people have grown dull. Their EARS are hard of hearing, and their EYES they have CLOSED.” (Matthew 13:15). This is a lamentable situation among many Christians who refuse the Word of the BLESSED Saviour to enter their “HEARTS,” and who have rejected the fact that He “came by water and blood” (1 John 5:6).
  22. Therefore they cannot see the “WATER” BAPTISM of His “LOVE” because they have “CLOSED” their “EYES.” Meanwhile it is this same “WATER” which can wash their “EYES” from the dust of SIN which Satan has blown into their “EYES.” But the devil has deceived them, and he has made “The HEARTS of this people grown dull,” and therefore they do not want JESUS to “anoint” their “EYES with eye salve,” so that they “may SEE” (Revelation 3:18).
  24. That’s why the LORD declared, “Lest they should SEE with their EYES and hear with their EARS, lest they should UNDERSTAND with their HEARTS and turn, so that I will HEAL them” (Matthew 13:15). JESUS is the only loving Savior who wants to SAVE every Christian-Sinner with His Word of the water, blood and the Spirit. But many Christians prefer to speak with “TONGUES of men and of angels” more than God’s “LOVE” which grant us the “REMISSION of SINS.”
  26. But our LORD told them in Revelation, “I counsel you,” but they refuse His “counsel.” Therefore when He tells them “I came by WATER and BLOOD to SAVE you,” they still refuse His “counsel.” It is such a pity. We the truly born again Saints must remember Christians in our prayers and continue to pray for them because the end result of their “Stubborn hearted” (Isaiah 46:12) is the disaster of hell-fire.
  28. Formally the Apostle Paul was also not exception to those who have “CLOSED” their “EYES.” He was also among those whom Satan had blew the “dust” of religion into their “EYES.” But the moment he BELIEVED in the TRUE GOSPEL of salvation by believing in God’s RIGHTEOUSNESS fulfilled by JESUS baptism, His blood, and resurrection, the Word of God says that, “Immediately there fell from his EYES something like SCALES, and he received his SIGHT at once, and he arose and was BAPTIZED.”
  30. This is what happened to Paul. He BELIEVED in the baptism, blood, and the resurrection of JESUS before he was “BAPTIZED,” and it is this powerful FAITH which made the “SCALES” of religious “dust” to “fell from his EYES.” Therefore unless Christians aspire to obtain the same FAITH like Paul, they will not even understand what he is saying in 1 Corinthians 13 about “TONGUES.”
  32. Satan is only interested in stirring the emotions of many Christians in ecstasy to carry on with their so called “speaking with TONGUES” which is devoid of God’s “LOVE” which grants them the “REMISSION of SINS” and which makes them RIGHTEOUS.” How can SINNERS who are begging for FORGIVENESS of SINS every day speak in “TONGUES?” Can a SINNER speak in “TONGUES?”
  34. As Christians, we must think about our “soul,” and we must think about getting the QUALIFICATION to enter the “Kingdom of God.” And we must also think about how we can receive the BLESSING of the “REMISSION of SINS” once and for all. Therefore if you are a Christian and you know very well that you are a SINNER, don’t DECEIVE yourself, and don’t attempt to DECEIVE God because it will not work.
  36. Be HUMBLE and think about your own “soul.” You don’t have to desire the speaking of “TONGUES” which the Apostle Paul says it “Will CEASE” (1 Corinthians 13:8) more than the “LOVE” of God. You must rather desire the “LOVE” of God which has “blotted out your TRANSGRESSIONS and SINS like a thick cloud” (Isaiah 44:22) through the water and the blood of CHRIST once for all.
  38. Every Christian must DESIRE and BELIEVE in the power of God’s “LOVE” more than anything else.
  40. Our study continues........
  44. Eric Aboadwe
  45. August 26, 2017 ·
  47. (The True Living Bread & Water)
  51. Our reading of the Word is once again taken from 1 Corinthians where the Apostle Paul says:
  53. “Though I SPEAK with TONGUES of men and of angels, but have NO LOVE, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And thought I have the gift of PROPHECY, and understand all MYSTERIES and all KNOWLEDGE, and thought I have FAITH, so that I could REMOVE mountains, but have NO LOVE, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my good to feed the poor, and though I give my BODY to be burned, but have NO LOVE, it profits me nothing” (1 Corinthians 13:1-3).
  55. Our Scripture reading above speaks volume of things besides what we learnt yesterday. As we all know, speaking with “TONGUES of angels and of men” is one of the many gifts of the “Holy Spirit” including PROPHECY, KNOWLEDGE and FAITH (1 Corinthians 12:8-10) which the Apostle Paul was talking about.
  57. When the Apostle Paul says, “Though I SPEAK with TONGUES of men and of angels, but have NO LOVE, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal,” it means that a Christian may be speaking in “TONGUES” whiles he does not actually have the “Holy Spirit.” The words “but have NO LOVE” is the same as “but have NO REMISSION of SINS,” and it also means “but have NO HOLY SPIRIT.” You may get confused about this, but just relax and you will understand what Paul is saying here as we move further.
  59. Don’t forget that in our previous study, we learnt that no one can receive the “LOVE of God” in the absence of the “Holy Spirit.” And it was the same Paul who taught us how we received the “LOVE of God.” He said, “Now hope does not disappoint, because the LOVE of God has been poured in our HEARTS by the HOLY SPIRIT who was given to us” (Romans 5:5).
  61. This shows clearly that receiving the “LOVE of God” is only possible through “Holy Spirit.” Therefore if Paul says that “Though I SPEAK with TONGUES of men and of angels, but have NO LOVE,” we must understand that the words “but have NO LOVE” is the same as “but have NO HOLY SPIRIT.” This is because it is by receiving the “Holy Spirit” that God’s “LOVE” is poured into our hearts. In other words, God’s “LOVE” is giving to us through the “Spirit.” It means that if a person does not have the “Spirit,” then he does not have “the LOVE of God.”
  63. I told you also that the words “but have NO LOVE” is the same as “but have NO REMISSION of SINS,” and the Scriptures is going to prove that. When the Apostle Peter was preaching on the Day of Pentecost, he told the people how they can receive the “Holy Spirit” when he said, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of JESUS CHRIST for the REMISSION of SINS; and you shall RECEIVE the gift of the HOLY SPIRIT” (Acts 2:38).
  65. This Scripture verse also shows that a person cannot have the gift of the “Hoy Spirit” if he has not received “the REMISSION of SINS” through FAITH in the water, blood, and the resurrection of CHRIST. We must understand the language of the Bible very well. If the Scripture says “for the REMISSION of SINS; and you shall RECEIVE the gift of the HOLY SPIRIT,” it means without receiving “the REMISSION of SINS” one cannot receive the “Spirit.”
  67. Let us therefore understand that “the LOVE of God” is the “REMISSION of SINS,” and this is what QUALIFIES a person to receive the gift of the “Holy Spirit.” These three (the love of God, the remission of sins, and the Holy Spirit) move together as a whole. That’s why I said that when the Apostle Paul says “Though I SPEAK with TONGUES of men and of angels, but have NO LOVE,” the words “but have NO LOVE” is the same as “but have NO REMISSION of SINS,” and it also means “but have NO HOLY SPIRIT.”
  69. Paul was saying these things to underscore the fact that, speaking with “TONGUES of angels and of men” is NOT the evidence that someone has received the “Holy Spirit.” He told the Corinthians that there are people among them who spoke in “TONGUES” but they haven’t received the “REMISSION of SINS” through the RIGHTEOUS works of JESUS which are the works of God’s “LOVE” for mankind.
  71. What Paul was saying is that, if somebody speaks in “TONGUES” but has “NO LOVE” (his SINS are NOT FORGIVEN, and he does not have the HOLY SPIRIT), then such a person has “become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.” In other words Paul was saying that such a person is just making “unnecessary NOISE.”
  73. Therefore when somebody speaks with a meaningless language such as “Kiliboroboroboro, shatamamama, yamamama” whiles he has not received the “REMISSION of SINS” which is the “LOVE of God,” then the Word of God is saying that he has become a “sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.” Such a person does not fit into the purpose of God. That’s why many Christians today do not even understand the purpose or the reason why God gave the gift of “TONGUES” to the Saints of the Early Church.
  75. When the disciples of CHRIST spoke in “TONGUES,” the Word of God tells us that they “began to speak with other TONGUES, as the Spirit gave them utterance” (Acts 2:4). But today dozens of Christians are speaking with “TONGUES” without having received any “utterance” from the “Holy Spirit.” And the truth is that the “TONGUES” that most of them speak is a learned one.
  77. They therefore make selection of words from other words such as “Kotoka, Toyota, Tomato, and Yamaha.” They then select some alphabets from each word and mix them together such as “Ko” from Kotoka, “To” from Toyota, and “Yama” from Yamaha. After that they combine them together and utter it as “Kotoyamayama” and they call this the speaking of “TONGUES.”
  79. But the Apostle Paul said that such things are nothing more than a “sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.” Paul was saying that anybody who does not want to become a “sounding brass or a clanging cymbal” must first of all receive the “LOVE of God” which is the “REMISSION of SINS,” and which will then qualify him to receive the gift of the “Holy Spirit” through FAITH in the water, blood and resurrection of JESUS CHRIST.
  81. We must also understand the fact that receiving “the LOVE of God” which is the “REMISSION of SINS” and the gift of the “Holy Spirit” are simultaneous.
  83. As Christians, we must submit ourselves to God’s correction through His “Word,” and then we will find “REST” for our “souls.”
  85. BLESSED are those who do so!
  87. Our study continues........
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