
The Magician

Nov 17th, 2020
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  1. Card #1: The Magician // Fire // Mercury
  3. The Magician is all about making things happen, and he can do this because he has aligned his ego with his divine consciousness. Often the suit of fire is referred to as wands, staves, or staffs. All of these are tools of action, either creating items or modifying them in some way.
  5. Upright this card means that you can bring to the table whatever you have the will to bring so long as you have the balance of self and your higher senses. Mercury was the messenger of the Gods and so it's fitting that it is also the planet to govern communication. This can be conversations with those you need to make action happen or conversations with yourself to find the fire you need to bring your wishes to light.
  7. Reversed means exactly the opposite. Fire is used in creation of many things. You'll need it to burn hot to bring your wants to fruition. Reversed means that your flame is dampened in some way. You've lost your touch or sense of self balance, and you need to reignite whatever catalyst is inside you to accomplish your goals.
  9. #tarot #tarotcards #divinations #astrology #runes #tarotbros #divbros #cards #witchcraft #witch #shaman #wizard
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