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Dec 14th, 2015
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  2. <dashwolf> that fatego guy just became dick of week on jp twitter circles now
  3. <~Nazta> Eh?
  4. <dashwolf> a short time line of the shit that went down
  5. <~Nazta> lol
  6. <dashwolf> 1) borrowed 500,000 yen to roll for waifu
  7. well it's definately scathach
  8. <dashwolf> 2) on his twitter, he said he had trouble paying it off and ask for parents
  9. <dashwolf> 3) parents compromised and agreed to pay half in exchange he finds a job (apparently hes 27 years old and neet)
  10. <dashwolf> 4) decided to work (but a series of tweet of how everyone rejected him due to his neet and 27 year olds)
  11. <~Nazta> Why would you borrow 5k$ when you're in that situation... wtf.
  12. <dashwolf> 5) on nico live stream, viewers took pity on him, and 1 guy told him he will help him if he doesn't take his parents money and find a job seriously
  13. <dashwolf> 6) 500,000 yen donation
  14. <dashwolf> 7) dude went to buy more itunes cards with that money
  15. <dashwolf> 8) chatroom raged
  16. <dashwolf> 9) he deleted his twitter and everything <-- this is now
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