
Summary Story 201811

Nov 30th, 2018
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  1. Nichol suggested to split into two groups to minimize risk of them getting annihilated. Hyou, Nichol and Sakura parted ways with Reagan's group. Citra was concerned but Reagan said at times like this friends work better than a parent.
  3. Emperor and Levnard teleported into a church. Emperor was puzzled why they got into that place and Levnard said teleportation might have failed. Emperor said to go back to Ardore tower to recuperate his magic power. Before teleporting away, Emperor said he might have been that place before, but dismissed that thought eventually.
  5. Reagan's group ran into Nagi. Nagi said her life lost meaning that neither the Emperor/Orders nor Hyou needed her. She sought out Reagan's group so that they could kill her. She blurted out that she looked at Hyou as her brother. The thought of siblings made Sieghart concern about her. Sieghart said he would become her brother and got into a fight with her. Eventually Sieghart won and instead of asking her to call him brother, he asked her to treasure her life. To make sure of that, he made Nagi follow them. Nagi smiled at Sieghart's (unintentionally?) funny speech and decided to tag along, since she had nowhere else to go.
  7. Hyou, Sakura and Nichol had a conversation about how Hyou finally realized that he could pursue his dreams as Rain only because he had his friends to support him. Battling together with Sol made him realize his mistake.
  9. Reagan's group met Shamlin on the way. Shamlin was surprised Nagi's on their way. Nagi said she could not stay in Orders after hearing what Emperor said and asked Shamlin to come along too. Shamlin said he found it more fun not having to follow orders of other people and wanted to be alone. Reagan's group said that they did not order each other, except sometimes Reagan's (jokingly) out of pity that he would be sad if nobody listened. Shamlin said since he found it refreshing after he killed Distorque, he thought killing the Reagan's group could be refreshing too.
  11. "Why are you so persistent on things being beautiful"
  12. Sieghart "Try to add beautiful to words important to you"
  13. Ignacio "Beautiful axe"
  14. Folka "Beautiful wallet"
  15. Ignacio "They do indeed make me feel better"
  17. After the fight, Sieghart said although Shamlin was cute, the way he acted wasn't beautiful enough. Shamlin was happy that he got called cute for the first time and asked to tag along so Sieghart can teach him the way of beautiful. He said he changed his mind, saying that being with them seemed fun too. Shamlin wanted to call Sieghart "Teacher" but Sieghart asked him to call "Beautiful Brother" instead. After the rest of Reagan's group left, Shamlin told Nagi he understood why she tagged along. Reagan's group understood very well how meaningless strife/conflicts are.
  19. Lasswell group met Zeno. Lasswell said they had no reason to fight anymore but Zeno insisted to fight with Lasswell one last time, saying that if Lasswell can't win him, he would not be able to save Faisalith. Zeno said he prepared a fitting battleground for their last fight and talk. On their way there, Lasswell noticed how the way Zeno walked had become heavier. Zeno asked if Lasswell liked the last nickname he gave him "Pyro Glacial Knight (lol)" and Lasswell said yes. Zeno said if one is passionate like fire, he can't think calmly; if one is calm like ice, he won't be able to pursue his ideals. He told Lasswell he believed Lasswell is the man who can create an ideal world. Lasswell began to cry and Zeno asked him not to cry until he killed him. Lasswell refused but Zeno said otherwise Lasswell would die, such is the relationship between them.
  21. "Aside from Pyro Glacial Knight I had some other candidates, such as Fried Rice Warrior, how about switching it to it now?"
  22. "...please stick to Pyro Glacial Knight."
  24. Zeno talked about his old comrades as they walked. He spoke of them as if they were his pride. He had great bonds with them and he believed they could win anything as long as they were with each other. Finally they reached a spot where they could see Ardore Tower. Zeno said that he wanted to battle Lasswell where his old comrades to see, since he buried them under Ardore Tower.
  26. The reason why Axter told Lasswell to abandon emotions was because even with such strong bonds, they lost. However he was surprised Lasswell could surpass him using the power of emotions. Lasswell understood his loss and said all the more reason to fight the Emperor together. Zeno said firstly he never actually abandoned his emotions yet telling Lasswell to abandon his, yet he did not have strong emotions like Lasswell's group. He always had his anger hidden behind his mask while working for the Emperor. Being such a half-assed man as he was he would only drag them down. Also, his life was coming to an end, only a few days left at best. He wanted Lasswell to make him believe in emotions again, to defeat him again, to accomplish what he couldn't.
  28. They had a final match and clashed with all three variations of Tranquility. However as Lasswell was readying his specialty Final Tranquility, Zeno interrupted him, saying that such was the weakness of his trump card, his emotions. Since Final Tranquility combines all three forms of Tranquilities, it takes time to get ready. He would never find such opening. They fought until the night, but Zeno had the upper hand. As Lasswell collapsed eventually, Zeno healed him, saying such is his emotions, and asked Lasswell to bear Zeno's emotions into his strength too. With that he pleaded Lasswell to end this.
  30. Eventually Zeno was on the verge of collapse, he took off his armour and became Axter to do a final sword exchange with Lasswell "Lasswelllllllllllll!!" "Axterrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!". Then he collapsed, commending Lasswell for proving the power of emotions. Although Axter said healing magic is useless on him anymore, Fina said it could ease his pain. Axter pleaded them to go for Emperor. He would not die until he saw them defeat Emperor. He would stay there since he could see Ardore Tower from there.
  32. As Lasswell's group left. Axter said he was glad to have Lassswell as his disciple and said he was tired. Majin Fina (in crystal) showed up, forbidding him to give up just there. Axter said his body was at its limits but MFina reminded him about her powers. "Is that alright? You yourself should be disappearing too" "Even after that it can't be assured that Lasswell can win against the Emperor. Let's go, to the final battle ground." "I will turn every last drop of my remaining life into this final slash."
  34. Hyou said although he could fight Emperor with Lasswell, problem was after the fight. Lasswell would become king of Hess to lead Hess into the right path and him as King of Ardore to do the same. The rift between the two might not disappear in their generation but such was the paths they both should take. Only doing so could they achieve their dream of uniting Paladia. A sad dream that they could not walk together.
  36. As Lasswell's group is closing on to the Weapon, Lid and Juraga came back, bringing Drop of Origin with them. Eventually they found the Weapon and jumped on it. Lasswell used the Drop of Origin on the Weapon but had no apparent effect. Erumauru said that it might be Faisalith herself rejecting the effect. Faisalith's image appeared as they spoke. She was worried that she would appear naked (Gru prepared cloth in case of this possibility) and also she might become something like mini Weapon since she got assimilated. Lasswell pleaded him to come back and said he would accept no matter what form she was in. Hearing that, the weapon puked out a strange sphere, in which Faisalith lies. Then Faisalith got out of the sphere and appeared to be intact.γ€€Faisalith too off her goggles and hugged Lasswell. As they were rejoicing, monsters started to came out from the Weapon. Reagan arrived to help them as they fended off them.
  38. Eventually Nichol, Sakura and Lasswell arrived too. Then Erumauru realized that the strange sphere was Weapon's core. The core was summoning monsters trying to absorb Faisalith again. Reagan showed up and decided to go on the core one on one, with the resolve that it is time he did something for his children even if it cost his life. Eventually Reagan got the core to sleep. As Hyou and Lasswell showed up, Reagan said he would entrust the future of the planet to them. He said that them adults would only end up in the same mistake, it is the era of them kids. The adults would support them on their paths.
  40. Finally, Hyou and Lasswell had a stiff conversation on how they would become kings of Ardore and Hess respectively and they could not walk the paths together, especially how their blood would revolt each other. Faisalith jumped out and talked about how she was the child of both Hess and Ardore. She said that blood doesn't matter, what mattered was that it was warm as long as they held hands.
  42. Hearing their advice, Hyou and Lasswell activated their blood aura. And they walked towards each other as their blood aura opposed each other. It was an effort to overcome the opposition of blood. Eventually they overcame it and they both had new outfits/forms with capes and crowns. Fina welcomed Rain back. However Rain was still strained by the fact that he slashed Fina. Fina went to grab something to slash at Rain, saying that it's even. Rain thanked Lasswell. Lasswell returned Crimson Saber to Rain, saying that it was better for him to hold it after all. Then the chapter ended as they looked afar together side by side.
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