

May 4th, 2020
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  1. Qianye Ying'er and Chi Wuyao ac­quain­tance the 1st day, then pro­posed to her Zhou Xuzi is she de­liv­ered Chi Wuyao „big rit­ual”.
  2. Under ap­pro­pri­ate oc­ca­sion that in all pre­pare, mak­ing him meet in North­ern God Ter­ri­tory, kills Zhou Qingchen to stir up his anger, al­ways di­rects Zhou Xuzi, in ex­treme anger loses under wis­dom storm North­ern God Ter­ri­tory.
  3. So long as so, the in­sti­ga­tion, then can light North­ern God Ter­ri­tory to pile up the in­nu­mer­able year of hate fire of slightly thor­oughly, then counter-at­tacks the re­venge rea­son­ably, but once the East­ern God Ter­ri­tory that side suf­fers hard­ship, meet­ing half hate North Ter­ri­tory, half to hate Eter­nal Sky...... rather than to en­counter shar­ing a com­mon ha­tred under un­rea­son­able ag­gres­sion.
  4. West­ern God Ter­ri­tory and South­ern God Ter­ri­tory also when the joke waits and sees.
  5. The idea of Qianye Ying'er is very good, but by the Chi Wuyao half ap­proval, half was over­ruled, even/in­clud­ing sees the Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror time , is ahead of time greatly.
  6. Be­cause, this turn­ing point that con­cerns cur­tains of war to pull open, should not bet in Zhou Xuzi body, but must con­trol pre­cisely in own, may not early, not be pos­si­ble to be late.
  7. And as Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror, whether Zhou Xuzi will lose the wis­dom to storm North­ern God Ter­ri­tory, is the un­known that no one is able to de­ter­mine.
  8. But after the fact...... Zhou Qingchen dies, Eter­nal Sky God Realm di­rect realm clos­ing, is stir­less.
  9. Has not at least wanted the plan of storm North­ern God Ter­ri­tory re­venge com­pletely, in­stead to care about the Zhou Qingchen final fame and in­tegrity, is eras­ing all re­lated traces full power.
  10. All re­lated ru­mors, are Chi Wuyao dis­patch the per­son dis­perse in East­ern God Ter­ri­tory and West­ern God Ter­ri­tory qui­etly.
  11. But so-called turn­ing point con­trol in own hand, then uses own hand, comes to light this dark blast­ing fuse „for” Eter­nal Sky God Realm.
  12. Qianye Ying'er has to ac­knowl­edge, under sem­blance that Chi Wuyao that such as the se­duc­tress/evil spirit be­guiles gen­er­ally, soft­ens under the ten­der feel­ing of leisurely and fa­vor­ing to Yun Che, is one wants in­tel­li­gently com­pared with her ex­quis­ite, com­pared with she more ruth­less spicy mind.
  13. Per­haps, the three God Ter­ri­to­ries night­mare is not only Yun Che one, there is still one Chi Wuyao!
  14. The for­mer is their per­son­ally cast­ing, the lat­ter...... had been dor­mant the en­tire ten thou­sand years in the dark­ness!
  15. Qianye Ying'er palm, Void World Caul­dron has flown to reach be­hind the back, has not looked at Star Realm one in de­struc­tion again, her form vac­il­la­tion, turns around to van­ish in the dark­ness.
  16. When ap­pears again, is neigh­bor­ing an­other Star Realm.
  17. But this time more thor­ough North Ter­ri­tory, is very small Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm.
  18. Fear­ful voice/sound of Star Realm dis­in­te­gra­tion the dis­tant bi­og­ra­phy, has alarmed this Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm most re­gion. Di­vine Sov­er­eign breaks through, floats looks up to spa­tially to the di­rec­tion that the sound of de­struc­tion trans­mits.
  19. His name 【Night trav­els at dou­ble speed】, Is this Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm Great Realm King, is only Di­vine Sov­er­eign.
  20. When that pres­sure cover from Void World Caul­dron next, his pupil en­larges in alarmed and afraid.
  21. ————
  22. The sur­round­ing world changes to piece of de­struc­tion Pur­ga­tory, run­ning away that he dies, but big was swept...... the stu­por by one be­fore the in­com­pa­ra­bly fear­ful air wave as be­fore, he saw an iron grey giant big caul­dron.
  23. Suf­fers the de­struc­tion calamity be­side Star Realm, the Qianye Ying'er form goes far away again. When de­parts, her di­vine sense light swept the Star Realm Realm King night in stu­por to travel at dou­ble speed.
  24. In is too long, third Star Realm de­struc­tion in dark Star Ter­ri­tory of not far away.
  25. ............
  26. North­ern God Ter­ri­tory south­ern bound­ary Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm and two Low-Rank Star Realm ex­tin­guish in one night bro­ken, this mat­ter spreads, North Ter­ri­tory shock.
  27. The North­ern God Ter­ri­tory sur­vival re­quire­ment is quite bru­tal, is low­est level Star Realm so, re­lies on plun­ders, the blind com­pe­ti­tion, changes from one dy­nasty to an­other ex­tremely nor­mally, ex­tin­guishes the coun­try, to ex­ter­mi­nate the clan com­mon.
  28. But, erupts in South Ter­ri­tory is not the fierce bat­tle of war of life, but is the an­ni­hi­la­tion of en­tire Star Realm!
  29. Even if chaotic world, at least has the most basic cri­te­rion. With is North­ern God Ter­ri­tory Star Realm, even if High-Rank Star Realm hates ex­tremely Low-Rank Star Realm, is can­cels its Realm King sect or the core pa­tri­ar­chal clan......
  30. de­struc­tion Star Realm, with will be preg­nant the fresh flesh and blood to change into the dust in North­ern God Ter­ri­tory thor­oughly, this is shock­ing, any life im­pos­si­ble ac­cepts and big crime of for­give­ness.
  31. This calamity, two pieces of Low-Rank Star Realm com­pletely de­struc­tion, in­fer­tile.
  32. The Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm dis­in­te­gra­tion scat­ters in all di­rec­tions, the life buried to ex­tin­guish 99%, sur­viv­ing pro­found prac­ti­tioner does not know that had any­thing, the Realm King night trav­elled at dou­ble speed also by the pow­er­house dis­cov­ery sur­vival that other Star Realm caught up with, but was in the stu­por. Spread­ing of news ex­treme ve­loc­ity, the shock and anger of spread and as­cen­sion of ex­treme ve­loc­ity make North­ern God Ter­ri­tory start to con­tinue shock.
  33. Star Realm was ex­tin­guished, in orig­i­nally grad­u­ally North­ern God Ter­ri­tory on the wane, this type as bad as the ex­treme sit­u­a­tion, does not know that many years have not ap­peared.
  34. Quick, Devil Lord and Devil Em­press are fu­ri­ous, dis­patch­ing the news that Plun­dered Soul Realm fast in­ves­ti­gates to spread.
  35. This and other big crimes, with­out a doubt, King Realm must act the in­ves­ti­ga­tion and judge­ment!
  36. More­over, for at­tach­ing great im­por­tance to of table calamity event, Devil Em­press sent out Third Suc­cubus Yeli and Fourth Suc­cubus Yaodie Suc­cubus goes in per­son the south­ern bound­ary.
  37. When Yeli and Yaodie ar­rive, 40 Star Realm Realm King and all over­lords who the sur­round­ings ap­proach have waited for early here, every large or small pro­found ark cov­ered en­tirely big piece Star Ter­ri­tory.
  38. As dis­tance that south Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm can dom­i­nate bound­ary, ar­rival of Suc­cubus, if sim­ply the deity de­scends to earth gen­eral.
  39. They not only come out early wel­comed, but also all sur­vivors, as well as loafed in nearby pro­found prac­ti­tioner to one at that time strongly.
  40. When Yeli and Yaodie ar­rival, the south­ern bound­ary of calamity, the Star Realm frag­ment in chaotic flut­ter­ing, in the space is sur­viv­ing de­struc­tion aura as be­fore.
  41. Es­pe­cially that two Low-Rank Star Realm, even/in­clud­ing „in con­fu­sion” could not have seen, a stretch of cav­ity, as if never has only ex­isted.
  42. Suc­cubus ar­rives, nu­mer­ous Realm King trem­bling with fear wel­comed. Suc­cubus Yaodie has not paid at­ten­tion to any­body, she was sit­u­ated in the de­struc­tion Star Realm cen­ter, aura passed over gen­tly and swiftly fast the de­struc­tion trace of sur­viv­ing, sud­denly said in a low voice: „This power, seems strange.”
  43. She looks back: „You to power that here sur­vives, what im­pres­sion can have?”
  44. Au­di­ence Realm King shakes the head hastily.
  45. „Hears that de­stroyed Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm has the sur­vivor, they now where?” Yeli asked.
  46. „Re­turns to Suc­cubus Your High­ness,” one ob­vi­ously is Realm King of leader goes out, in­com­pa­ra­bly re­spect­ful say/way: „Sur­vivor are ex­tremely few, has given shel­ter in pro­found ark com­pletely.”
  47. „When more­over, the dis­as­ter hap­pened, goes through in Star Ter­ri­tory, at pass­ing by pro­found prac­ti­tioner was con­vened by us all, all in pro­found ark.”
  48. „Very good.” Yeli nods: „Had the work, lead­ing us to pass.”
  49. A ap­plause, ex­cited nu­mer­ous Realm King nearly kneels down.
  50. A dis­as­ter, mak­ing the en­tire North­ern God Ter­ri­tory vi­sion focus here, as re­mote Star Ter­ri­tory Star Realm, they had never been paid at­ten­tion.
  51. Above pro­found ark, Yeli and Yaodie are in­quir­ing per­son­ally luck­ily, but these peo­ple are still shaken, dif­fi­cult dif­fer­en­ti­ate Qiyan, but these so­bri­ety, shakes the head, does not know that had any­thing.
  52. At this time, a shout trans­mit­ted dis­tantly: „Trav­elled at dou­ble speed Realm King to awake!”
  53. A cloth­ing is com­pletely bro­ken, the mid­dle-aged per­son of look­ing pale was sup­ported by the arm, his blood-stained all over the body, aura is weak, in­jury vis­i­ble se­ri­ous.
  54. The po­si­tion that he is, in the calamity dead cen­ter, sur­round­ings myr­iad spir­its all ex­tin­guishes, only had him to de­pend upon the body of pow­er­ful Di­vine Sov­er­eign to live, but was also mad, if fine thread.
  55. „This per­sonal name trav­els at dou­ble speed for the night,” is first Realm King to Yeli and a Yaodie in­tro­duced: „For was de­stroyed dim Tao Realm King.”
  56. The night trav­el­ling at dou­ble speed lip that was sup­ported by the arm trem­bles, dur­ing is ex­tremely weak also flur­ried wants to salute. The Yeli palm lifts, stops his move­ment, vast and tem­per­ate pro­found en­ergy turns round in his body: „Does not need to be overly cour­te­ous, tells me, when calamity hap­pened, you see any­thing.”
  57. The Suc­cubus Yeli words, punc­tured the con­scious­ness of night of trav­el­ling at dou­ble speed pol­lu­tion ruth­lessly, be­fore the stu­por , the fear­ful pic­ture that saw let his pupil panic-stricken en­large­ment:
  58. „Caul­dron...... is a caul­dron...... very big caul­dron!” He howled to make noise, words was panic-stricken.
  59. „Caul­dron?” Sur­round­ing peo­ple look at each other in blank dis­may.
  60. „Talk­ing clearly, is what caul­dron?” Yeli close to a point, con­geal­ing sound said.
  61. „I do not know, I do not know.” The night trav­els at dou­ble speed shakes the head chaotic: „White caul­dron...... I have not seen very in a big way............ have fallen sud­denly got down......”
  62. "Ah!"
  63. Trav­els at dou­ble speed to speak in­co­her­ently in the night, star­tled re­cited from under trans­mits.
  64. Sends out voice/sound, is a thin and small with­ered man, Di­vine Spirit Realm aura, some shrink­ing of fear be­hind crowd.
  65. Is first Realm King is angry, rep­ri­mands: „damned bas­tard, dares to dis­turb Sir Suc­cubus to ques­tion, drags!”
  66. „Wait!” Yaodie ac­tu­ally makes noise, she looks to that ema­ci­ated man, the sink­ing eye­brow say/way: „You lost one's voice a mo­ment ago sud­denly, is it pos­si­ble that thinks, what per­haps de­tected?”
  67. „No, no.”
  68. Fac­ing the eye of Suc­cubus, the thin and small man is com­pletely the in­stinct fear, cow­ers.
  69. „Sir Suc­cubus ques­tioned, had not replied hon­estly.” Is first Realm King gets angry: „If con­ceals, di­rects the Suc­cubus big life anger, en­tire North­ern God Ter­ri­tory must not ac­com­mo­date you.”
  70. The thin and small male com­plex­ion is in­stan­ta­neous, body creakies.
  71. „Does not need to be anx­ious.” Yaodie voice/sound slows down: „You, if dis­cov­ered any­thing se­ri­ously, said truth­fully, Plun­dered Soul Realm must your merit.”
  72. The Suc­cubus leisurely word made the thin and small male com­plex­ion relax sev­eral points fi­nally, his throat „gulp”, blew up the brave gas chan­nel/an­grily said fi­nally: „Trav­elled at dou­ble speed the white big caul­dron that Realm King said...... I last night, has just seen.”
  73. The peo­ple are all star­tled. Yaodie one step, said for­ward: „What caul­dron is that? Where saw, said com­pletely truth­fully.”
  74. The thin and small man has not spo­ken, shrink­ing ex­tend the hand comes, in the hand, is or­di­nary Pro­found Im­agery Stone.
  75. His pro­found en­ergy spits, im­me­di­ately, an image pro­jects be­fore the peo­ple.
  76. The sky of image, is one group of sparkling white glow, in white glow, clearly dis­cernible is a Fang Ding.
  77. This image is to ob­vi­ously be away from en­graves very much, but Fang Ding's shape out­line is still clearly dis­cernible, it can be imag­ined its „true body” great­ness how.
  78. But the lower left of image, the shadow of that re­main­ing Star Realm is clearly dis­cernible!
  79. But the peo­ple vi­sion just saw clearly that mo­ment of image, this aura weak night trav­elled at dou­ble speed such as cried out strangely to make noise in­sanely sud­denly gen­er­ally: „Is it! Is it...... is that caul­dron! Is that caul­dron AH!!”
  80. The re­ceived stim­u­la­tion and in­jury are too re­ally big, the night trav­els at dou­ble speed ex­cit­edly, both eyes turn white, faints again.
  81. Au­di­ence Realm King looks to two Suc­cubus, just about to ex­presses it­self never to see this caul­dron, ac­tu­ally sud­denly dis­cov­ered, on the faces of two Suc­cubus pre­sented deep star­tled look.
  82. They turn very quiet, does not dare to send out a word.
  83. „This is......” Yaodie twit­ter­ing makes noise in the shock: „Void World Caul­dron? No, im­pos­si­ble!”
  84. She shouted, de­nied im­me­di­ately.
  85. „You have not mis­read,” Yeli said solemnly: „That pre­cisely East­ern God Ter­ri­tory Eter­nal Sky God Realm di­vine legacy item, has pow­er­ful space Di­vine Power Void World Caul­dron!”
  86. „East­ern God Ter­ri­tory Eter­nal Sky God Realm” sev­eral char­ac­ters the pres­ence nu­mer­ous will shake ig­no­rant the past com­pletely.
  87. Yeli turns around, to that thin and small man: „Who you are, why will carve this image?”
  88. The thin and small man seemed to be scared, say/way that some lit­tle time trem­bles: „Vul­gar...... threat­en­ing thin Xis­han, comes South Ruins Realm, yes­ter­day...... last night trav­el­ling here, saw white glow oc­ca­sion­ally, then en­graves con­ve­niently,...... once does not want fear­ful storm to clash sud­denly, at the scene stu­por. When awakes...... wakes up, by Realm King is de­tained...... Eh no, no, gives shel­ter, gives shel­ter.”
  89. The Yeli fin­ger, Pro­found Im­agery Stone in thin Xis­han hand has fallen into her palm, the order said: „Is im­por­tant, you must re­turn to Plun­dered Soul Realm along with me im­me­di­ately!”
  90. The „Ah?” thin Xis­han is shocked, then trem­bling said: „Yes, yes.”
  91. „Trav­els at dou­ble speed the night, es­corts to Plun­dered Soul Realm.” Yeli con­tin­ued.
  92. „also,” her vi­sion sweeps, voice/sound sud­denly cold under: „This mat­ter is re­lated to East­ern God Ter­ri­tory, the mat­ter of back is sig­nif­i­cant, ab­solutely not you can imag­ine. Be­fore all clear off, today you heard that sees...... can not di­vulge the half a point!”
  93. Au­di­ence Realm King again and again nod, cold sweat di­rect­ing cur­rent.
  94. Yeli and Yaodie have not con­tin­ued to stay again, the night in stu­por trav­els at dou­ble speed and shiv­ers the thin Xis­han also to carry off......
  95. When leaves the vi­sion of peo­ple, the timid color in thin Xis­han pupil goes sud­denly, dis­places, is the one dark crafty light.
  96. Al­though, Yeli and Yaodie is­sued the seal com­mand in the pos­ture of Suc­cubus.
  97. But, after they leave, less than a dou­ble-hour, „what de­stroys to ex­tin­guish three Star Realm is East­ern God Ter­ri­tory Eter­nal Sky God Realm Void World Caul­dron” rumor then such as the storm sweeps across gen­er­ally to North­ern God Ter­ri­tory each cor­ner, is shak­ing the North­ern God Ter­ri­tory space every inchs.
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