
Kelseys not sorry

Feb 21st, 2018
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  1. Covet: Kelsey was sitting on the couch in her room chewing on the inside of her cheek. She was reading through both her messages and her email, and wasn't impressed with what was sent to her in either place. Connor curled up in bed on the top bunk fast asleep. She was thankful for that. She pulled up the website that had the pictures. Scrolling through them she glowered and it seemed to put her in an even worse mood the more she scrolled through everything.
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Brad sat on the couch beside Kelsey, his laptop in his lap as he continued to edit and work on the music video. He had both earbuds in because he was actually matching things to the music now. Catching a quickl glimpse of Kelsey's screen, he turned his head fully to look at it as she scrolled, trying to be discreet that he was looking at what she was doing instead of his own work.-
  3. Covet: She wasn't really paying attention to Brad looking over her shoulder. She saw the picture of her and Thomas, then quickly shifted her position, turning her screen off as she set her phone down, " I'm going to go get a drink, do you want anything hun?" She asked Brad, looking over at him with a soft, forced smile as she stood up.
  4. Alexithymiaa: -Only faintly hearing her words through the music in his ears, he yanked out one of the earbuds and lifted his eyes to her face, forcing a smile because he was growing angry with what he thought he just saw. "Can you make some popcorn?" He asked her, hoping the process would take long enough fo him to look at her phone while she was out of the room.-
  5. Covet: "Of course." She smiled and leaned over to give him a quick kiss on the lips. "I'll be right back." Kelsey said making her way out of the room and down towards the kitchen so that she could get herself something to drink and put the popcorn in the microwave. Getting a couple of bottles of water, she put the popcorn back into the microwave and hit the button for the auto pop thingy.
  6. Alexithymiaa: -Brad watched her until she stepped out of the room, grabbing for her phone the instant she was out of sight. He turned the screen back on to open whatever it was she was last looking at, seeing the pictures of her and Thomas together on the website. He inhaled sharply, beginning to scroll a little harder through the website.-
  7. Covet: Kelsey took a drink from her water waiting until the microwaved went off. She grabbed a bowl and opened up the steaming bag, dumping it into the bowl. Tossing the bag into the trash she grabbed the bottles of water and the bowl and made her way back to the bedroom, opening the door quietly. She was smiling as she spoke, "I'm back, and popcorn is hot."
  8. Alexithymiaa: -He looked up from her phone and his scrolling to see her coming in through the doorway, yanking his other earbud out to drop onto the keyboard of his laptop, turning her phone to face her with one of the pictures of Thomas and her on the screen. "What the hell is this?"-
  9. Covet: Kelsey looked at the phone then at Brad, then over to where Connor was asleep. She walked in and put the bowl and the waterbottles on the table. "It's nothing. It's what Jason was trying to use to manipulate the custody situation. Someone came to him with those pictures and he thought he could use them as leverage." She said trying to sugar coat the situation while keeping her voice down.
  10. Alexithymiaa: -He stared stared at her in disbelief of her cavalier attitude, tossing her phone down onto the table in front of him before shifting his laptop down in front of it. "Nothing? It doesnt look like nothing. It looks like you're all cuddled up to Thomas like you're more than just his student's mom. Kels, tell me the fucking truth." He used that whisper yell voice where he was actually yelling, but it was so hushed that it wouldn't have woken Connor.-
  11. Covet: Kelsey bit the inside of her cheek as she looked at him, taking a deep breath. "Please don't overeact about this, hun." She said looking at him. "It means nothing between us. We were just talking and being friendly. There's nothing there. I swear." She told him crossing her arms in front of her, keeping an eye on Connor because she didn't want him waking up.
  12. Alexithymiaa: "Being friendly? I don't know about you, but my mom never kissed any of my teachers in an attempt to be friendly." He shot back at her just a little louder than he was before, standing up to his feet. "If it was nothing, why didnt you tell me about it?"-
  13. Covet: "Yes, being friendly. If you bothered to look through the rest of that site You'd see that I have kissed Katie on the cheek like that too." She told him glaring then brought her finger to her lip to shush him. " I didn't tell you, because it didn't mean anything. What would be the point of me telling you about nothing happening." She said, though through all of this she wasn't exactly looking at him when she was speaking.
  14. Alexithymiaa: "You're really comparing this to Katie? Do I have to remind you platonic your relationship with Katie ISNT?" He asked, raising his voice a bit again despite her shushing. "Whether it meant anything or not, you should have told me. Clearly if the pictures are being used against you, its worth mentioning."-
  15. Covet: Kelsey set her jaw and grabbed his wrist, walking towards the door with him after she saw Connor stirring. Opening it up, she pointed out for him so that she could follow after. As if the door was going to stop enough sound. Once they were in the hallway, she spoke a little louder. "They aren't being used against me, now. Not in the same sense that they were. My lawyer is already working on figuring out who owns the site and who gave them the pictures. It's being taken care of. You have your own work to deal with, I didn't want this to become a big deal. So I didn't say anything."
  16. Alexithymiaa: -He stormed out of her room with her, waiting until the door was clicked closed before raising his voice. "But it is a big deal! Just because it's not being used against you NOW, doesn't mean it wasnt before because of the content of those pictures. If nothing was going on they wouldnt have been able to even try to use them against you in the first place. Why are you not getting that this matters?"-
  17. Covet: "Sedrick said what was there was barely usable against me in the first place. It was just some stupid manipulation tactic that Jason was trying to push. Well guess what, that backfired on him, so again, it doesn't matter." Kelsey said crossing her arms. "I don't want it to matter, that's why. Because it shouldn't matter. You're not mad because I didn't tell you about the pictures, you're mad because Thomas is involved in them." She said actually looking at him this time.
  18. Alexithymiaa: "So?" He shot back at her quickly, tossing his hands into the air. "So what if it's about Thomas? Don't you think I have a right to be upset because it's him? Because you looked pretty fucking cozy with him after specifically telling me that there would be no relationship between you two."-
  19. Covet: "There isn't a relationship between us. There's a friendship!" Kelsey yelled back at him. "So what if I was a little cozy with him, He knows nothing is going to happen, I know nothing is going to happen. Is it really so different than you and whatever his name was at the bowling alley? You didn't say anything about that to me. Am I allowed to act like you are right now?" She said trying to turn it around because she knew she'd fucked up but wasn't willing to admit it yet.
  20. Alexithymiaa: "The difference between me and Diego at the bowling alley is I wasnt basically in his fucking lap, Kelsey!" He yelled, spinning around to storm away from her before storming back. "I told you I didnt like that Connor was going there in the first place and we agreed that you werent going to have anything to do with Thomas more than dealing with Connor and that's not at all what those pictures look like. You were flirting with him and you know you were!"-
  21. Covet: "But you would have been if he was open to it!" Kelsey said back at him. "And would you have said anything to me about it?" She asked swallowing hard then shook her head, " I appreciate how much you do for Connor. I do. But regardless of how you feel about him going to that school, it's not going to change him going there. I made that decision for his best interest and he's thriving there so far. I'm not taking that away from him." She put her head down and gave a shrug, "So what if I was flirting. Would you care if it was anyone else I was flirting with?" She shook her head, " No... you wouldn't. If anything you'd be trying to figure out how you could get in on it too. Tell me I'm wrong." She said looking back at him.
  22. Alexithymiaa: "Of course you're not wrong. And I'm not saying he shouldnt be going to that school. But given how you KNOW I feel about thomas, you still did what you did. Regardless of ANYTHING else, you knew how I felt about him and you did it anyway. Nothing else matters because you knew if I found out, that I would be upset. I wouldn't care if it was anyone else because there is no history. You have a history with Thomas that doesnt include me and anything further also wouldnt include me. Just admit that you werent thinking of anyone, but yourself."-
  23. Covet: Kelsey was quiet for a moment, swallowing hard she nodded her head. "You're right. I was." She started off, then her face contorted, "For the first time in a very VERY long time, I thought about my self. God fucking forbid I do that! Right? Because... apparently where everyone else gets to do that, I don't get that privledge. I'm expected to care about everyone else and put them before myself. This ONE time I put myself before my career, before my parents, before my education, before my image, before you, before Connor. And I know you expect me to feel bad about it, and apologize. And I'm sorry it hurts you, or my parents, or Nancy and maybe even Connor, to see that. But I'm not sorry for putting myself first, for the first time in five fucking years! " She said through tears and anger. It was in that moment that she heard the small familiar voice of Connor behind her. // Connor had climbed out of bed after the yelling had gotten louder, and had been at the door. He didn't understand much of what the fight was about, but he'd never seen his mom like this, nor witnessed her and Brad fight like this either. His voice was soft and quiet and he looked scared as he walked over to Brad, looking up at him as he wrapped around his leg, looking shyly at Kelsey who looked angry "Dad?.... Momma? " He asked looking over at Kelsey. What he did understand was that Kelsey wasn't sorry, and not being sorry was bad.
  24. Alexithymiaa: -Brad inhaled sharply, opening his mouth to speak before promptly being cut off by Connor making himself known. He looked down as the child walked over to hug his leg, laying his hand on top of his head. "I'm sorry if we woke you up, Little Man." He said gently to him, almost driving the apology point home a little further. "How about you sleep in my room tonight, huh?" He asked him, trying to make it sound like a treat. "Momma needs to put herself first tonight, so I don't mind if you sleep with me in the other room. It'll be like a sleepover."-
  25. Covet: All Kelsey could do is watch as Connor looked at her, scared and upset. She didn't know how much he'd heard, or what all made sense to him, but she immediately felt the guilt, from everything hit her. Choking back a cry she put her hands over her mouth and closed her eyes while nodding her head, the only response she could give Brad for stepping in, when she knew he didn't have to. Choking back her emotions as much as she could she looked at Brad, "I'll get a hold of Holly to come get him from you in the morning to take him to school." She said softly then walked over to Connor to kneel down and press a kiss to his head, giving him a hug, "You, have a good sleep over, okay Kiddo? I'll see you tomorrow. I love much." It was hard to get the words out as is as she turned around and went to her dorm door, opening it up. She paused as she looked at both of them befoer she stepped inside and closed the door, sliding down it to lose her shit. // Connor nodded at Brad, "Okay Dad. " He said going along with it, because he's 5 and he does what people tell him to do... most of the time. But because he was scared he didn't ask any further questions, just held onto Brad, looking at Kelsey giving her a nod. "Love you too, Momma. Please don't be mad anymore..." He said as she turned around, leaving them in the hallway.
  26. Alexithymiaa: -He watched Kelsey as she disappeared back into her dorm, standing there a moment before leaning down to pick Connor up. "Okay, let's get back to bed." He said, his mind reeling from his argument with Kelsey as he walked across the building and over to his dorm so he could put Connor back to bed.-
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