
HeavyBob 06/07/2019

Jun 7th, 2019
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  1. Today, 11:03:58 AM
  2. Tom_Neverwinter:
  3. HeavyBob: I'm unsure what you're implying
  4. Tom_Neverwinter: more spam. I have 0 sympathy if you are banned.
  5. HeavyBob: I don't know what your problem is man, I'm just a dude like anyone else.
  6. HeavyBob: My ban in no galaxy is justifyable for the actions I performed.
  7. HeavyBob: Please don't fight me, I don't know you.
  8. Tom_Neverwinter: good god. one message is enough.
  9. Tom_Neverwinter: when one sends large amounts of mesages in a short period this is called spam and is frequently a ban offense...
  10. HeavyBob: Did you even look at what I posted?
  11. HeavyBob: its 4 messages in the span of 12 mins
  12. Tom_Neverwinter: yeah: microtransaction this. microtransaction that. I'm important. the world revolves around me fix my ship.
  13. Tom_Neverwinter: it was more than 4 messages......
  14. Tom_Neverwinter: literally 1 per minute for a bit there.
  15. HeavyBob: you're talking about the ban
  16. HeavyBob: its a chatroom
  17. HeavyBob: people post messages in a chatroom...
  18. Tom_Neverwinter: I dont care any more. you deleted it and claim to have been banned multiple times. stop spamming. your not getting anyone on your side that way.
  19. HeavyBob: Why is it your role to perform the enforcement of rules?
  20. HeavyBob: Why are you pming me about this...
  21. Tom_Neverwinter: no reason. tired of spam. your annoying.,
  22. HeavyBob: Then mute me man. Perhaps I don't matter to you and I don't have to be.
  25. then you unmute me:
  27. HeavyBob: The key thing that I want that I imagine most backers want is a good game,
  28. Tom_Neverwinter: good for you. we also dont want people to spam.
  29. HeavyBob: Idk what your problem is man. I'm a backer like you *I'd assume* and I just want a better experiance. Sadly the experiance I'm having atm is poor as I can't play and the dream of being able to play with friends in org colored spaceships is slowly disapearing.
  30. HeavyBob: How would you propose I interact with the community and voice my opinion about the game when I'm unable to because of a ban that I've been given unjustly
  31. HeavyBob: on the community forums
  32. Today, 11:37:38 AM
  33. HeavyBob: You don't have to like me man. I've got no ill will against you.
  34. Tom_Neverwinter: I dont need to like you. I dont. you act like a victim, you probably earned the ban justly
  35. Tom_Neverwinter: opinion is fine. spam is typically not. how you say things will also have a HEAVY hand in how people take your "opinion" especially when its SPAMMED every 45 seconds. we get it, your unhappy. now stop pushing your opinion on us.
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