
Juicy (Adult)

Jan 2nd, 2014
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  2. >You are Anonymous.
  3. >And apparently Applejack absolutely requires your help in the orchard this week. Something about being able to move more apples. All you know is you wish you could kick trees so hard that most of the apples fall out. If you could do that you would feel a lot more useful whenever she asks you for help.
  4. >Granted, you do help, it's just that next to her and her brother you sometimes feel a bit inadequate.
  5. >Maybe you can learn kung fu, then you'll be able to punch the trees hard enough to shake some of the apples loose.
  6. >"Anon."
  7. >Yeah, that would be cool. Your apple felling kung fu skills would become known across the land, and masters of various pony martial arts would come to challenge you. One of them would be the prideful type at first, but upon defeat he would realize he was wrong and join forces with you in the upcoming tournament.
  8. >"Equestria to Anon."
  9. >You snap out of your daydreaming fantasy to see Twilight in front of you, giving you a deadpan look. "Are you alright, or do I need to splash cold water on you again?"
  10. >Shaking your head, you lean back in the small chair and sigh. There's a book in your hands, but due to your derailing thoughts you had stopped reading. The library is always so quiet on Sundays, and it makes you bored enough to think about stupid things.
  11. "I'm fine."
  12. >Twilight smirks, "I was beginning to worry your brain stopped working."
  13. >Oh now that's just cruel.
  14. "What time is it?"
  15. >"Around noon, why?"
  16. >You stand from the chair and close the book, handing it to Twilight, who floats it out of your hands. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot that Applejack asked for your help."
  17. "No idea why she needs me there."
  18. >"You save them a lot of time. Normally they don't have a worker dedicated to just moving the apples from the orchard to storage. Besides, it's good pay."
  19. >She does raise a good point. Even if you can't fly, use magic, or kick like Superman, a helping hand is still a helping hand.
  20. "Well, I guess I'll get going then."
  21. >After bidding Twilight goodbye you head out. The walk to Sweet Apple Acres is always a long one. Even though you've made this same trip several times it's just as boring as ever.
  22. >You decide to let your thoughts wander a little. It's been a few weeks since you last helped Applejack out on the farm... just after that entire thing with the Everfree sprouting tentacles like it was in Japan.
  23. >That... might have been the only time you left the library in the past month, actually. You've been sticking to it like glue, reading every book you could find.
  24. >You have a good excuse of course. After being here for a while you still don't know much about Equestria. Considering as there's no viable way to return you to your world, this is your new home now. For all intents and purposes you are now an Equestrian citizen.
  25. >It doesn't help that Celestia literally filled out the paperwork before you got a chance to meet the locals.
  26. >When you first arrived it had been Fluttershy and Twilight who were the fastest to accept you into the fold. The others had been uncomfortable around you at first, but it was those two that made your integration into the new community possible.
  27. >Apparently Twilight has prior experience with your kind, or at least a variation of it.
  28. >As for Fluttershy... well, she's just really accepting from what you can tell.
  29. >In fact, there's a restaurant you can get reservations at, just for you and that yellow mare. You'd been planning to ask her out yesterday, but you couldn't find her, and she never answered her door.
  30. >Just as you're reminding yourself to ask her about that, you hear wings flapping softly. "Oh... h... hello Anon."
  31. >You stop walking and turn your head towards the voice. Fluttershy floats down and lands next to you, a small smile on her face, "Are you going to the orchard?"
  32. "Yeah, wanna tag along?"
  33. >For some reason her face goes red at that, "I'd love to. That is, if you don't mind."
  34. >Fluttershy living up to her name as always. When you first met her it was hard to believe how kind and meek she was. You'd never met anyone like that back in your world.
  35. >You start walking, Fluttershy trailing along at your side. Out of the corner of your eye you can see her wings twitch every now and again. It's one of those subtle things she does whenever she's nervous. She's been doing it around you a lot lately, come to think of it.
  36. "You okay Flutters?"
  37. >She looks away with a frown, still walking, "I'm fine. How has your day been Anon?"
  38. >Now she won't even look at you while she's talking to you. It's like she's regressed back to your first day here.
  39. "It's been fine. I'm asking because you seem a bit twitchy is all."
  40. >She cringes a bit. It's extremely obvious that she had been trying to change the subject. "It's alright. I've just... had a strange week is all. I was wondering if..."
  41. >Her sentence degrades into slight mutters and whispers you can't make out. You sigh and shake your head.
  42. "Come on, you know you can talk to me, right?"
  43. >"Of course I do!"
  44. >Now she's panicking. Great job numbnuts, you just made her feel even worse. "I... it's not like I'm trying to ignore you or anything. Though I do suppose that's what it seems like."
  45. >You stop walking and kneel down to her, causing her to flinch slightly.
  46. "Calm down. I haven't seen you in a while and now all of a sudden you're afraid of me. What happened?"
  47. >Her blush returns, darker this time, "Can we just... go to the orchard please?"
  48. >You frown.
  49. "Okay, but we're talking about this when the work day is over, got it?"
  50. >She nods softly, "I understand."
  51. >You reach out and ruffle her mane. This time she doesn't flinch away, but smiles and leans into your hand. When you pull it away she once more averts her gaze, but you decide not to push the matter. You've never been one to push her into something she doesn't really want to do.
  52. >The walk to Sweet Apple Acres seems even longer now that Fluttershy is with you, completely silent. Normally you would make small talk, chatting about her animals or her various friends. On good days you even get her to open up about herself a little, but you've never been met with complete silence like this.
  53. >When the two of you arrive Applejack is already there at the gates of her home to greet you. "Howdy Anon, Fluttershy. I'm right grateful ya'll decided to help out today."
  54. >You glance at Fluttershy and raise an eyebrow. She's still not making eye contact with you, and she hadn't mentioned volunteering as you had.
  55. >Before you can inquire Applejack steps towards Fluttershy, "You alright Sugarcube?"
  56. >Fluttershy gives a light nod, "Yes, I'll be fine."
  57. >"Alright now, don't want a repeat o' what happened a few days ag..." She cuts herself off, giving you a nervous glance, "A... anyways. Ya'll are welcome to whatever food and drink we got in this old house back here. Normally we take a break every two hours, but we're gonna be switchin' that to one hour on account o' the weather."
  58. >As usual, the orchard is kind to its workers, and Applejack never overworks her volunteers. It makes sense considering that a single buck from her or her brother yields almost an entire tree of fruit.
  59. "So, we ready to get started?"
  60. >"Darn tootin'. Anon, the wheelbarrow we made's out back o' the barn. Fluttershy, you're gonna be pickin' apples on the west side of the field."
  61. >And just like that, your day of hard work begins.
  62. >One hour of hauling a wheelbarrow full of apples to the storage area in the barn, and taking it back empty for another shit ton of apples.
  63. >Then a fifteen minute break.
  64. >Then another hour of work.
  65. >The second time Applejack is generous enough to give you twenty minutes.
  66. >After the third hour you hear Applejack call through the orchard, "Let's call it an early day!"
  67. >Only three hours of bucking, huh? They must have something else they have to do.
  68. >Needless to say you're sweating your ass off. It's good though, spending a few hours outside and working hard.
  69. >You sit on a nearby fence, admiring the apple trees surrounding you.
  70. >The sound of hooves on the dirt alerts you to the presence of another, and you look up to see Fluttershy with a small saddle bag on her back. "Um... you look thirsty, so I brought you something to drink. It's in the bag."
  71. >Pushing yourself off the fence you decide to settle for leaning against it. Fluttershy takes place at your side and sits on her haunches.
  72. "You mind?"
  73. >She smiles, "Of course not, go ahead."
  74. >You reach down to her saddle bag and open it up. There are about six water bottle inside, and you grab two of them. You pop one open for Fluttershy and hand it to her. She uses both her hooves to grasp it and takes a long drink of water.
  75. >It's probably wise to do the same. You don't want to be dehydrated by the end of the day, after all. You pop the cap from the drink and bring it to your mouth, taking a few big gulps. It's ice cold, just the way you like it.
  76. >Finishing, you turn to Fluttershy.
  77. "I don't see you helping out at the orchard a lot. What brought this on?"
  78. >"It's an apology," she says softly.
  79. "... An apology for what?"
  80. >She sighs and takes another drink before speaking, "I thought Twilight would tell you. Three days ago..."
  81. "What about three days ago? The fruit bats? Why would you need to apologize for that?"
  82. >This time she's completely silent. Her wings twitch a little, and she frowns deeply.
  83. "Flutters?"
  84. >"So she only told you about the bats. I see."
  85. "Is there something going on that I need to worry about?"
  86. >"Anon... if something happened to me and made me different, what would you think?"
  87. "Different huh?"
  88. >You take another swig of water and bring a hand to your chin.
  89. "Different like how?"
  90. >"N... never mind."
  91. >You smirk.
  92. "Hey. There's no need to be all worried about something like that. You seem pretty normal to me. If something happened that 'changed' you or whatever I can't really notice it. Now before we get all gloomy, do you wanna get something to eat?"
  93. >"I would love to."
  94. "How about some of these apples? I'm pretty starved and I don't really feel like walking back to AJ's place at the moment."
  95. >"A... apples? Oh, I shouldn't. I'm sure that Applejack needs them for..."
  96. >You laugh and shake your head.
  97. "Come on Flutters, don't be so uptight. I'm starving, and you're probably really hungry too."
  98. >Before she can raise further protest you hop the fence and head for a nearby tree. In a few moments you've scaled the wide trunk and are within its branches. Fluttershy watches from below, seemingly fascinated by your movements.
  99. >She looks like one of those people that watches National geographic.
  100. >You decide to give her a little show if she's so astounded by the way you move. You leave your legs planted between two of the more firm branches and reach out for some apples. Luckily there happens to be a few right in front of you.
  101. >After some shaking and rustling two of them fall down.
  102. >You let yourself fall and cling to one of the branches. Fluttershy gasps when she sees you pop out from the leaves, dangling by your arms.
  103. >You throw your weight back and forward before letting go, hitting the ground and making sure to bend your knees to lessen the impact.
  104. >Then you stand, spreading your arms wide with a shit eating grin on your face.
  105. "Ta da!"
  106. >Twilight would roll her eyes, Dash would affectionately call you a showoff.
  107. >Fluttershy, though?
  108. >She just stomps her hooves in a gesture of applause.
  109. >It's actually really cute. It's not like you did much. You just climbed a tree to get some apples for the two of you, and here she is looking utterly delighted and entertained.
  110. >You can't help the heat rising to your face.
  111. "It's not that big of a deal."
  112. >Upon you saying that, her eyes widen in shock, "Not that big of a deal? No no no." She hops over the fence, flapping her wings for extra lift as she lands softly in front of you, "Every species has strengths and weakness, Anon. Yours is no different. Twilight sometimes mentions how you feel being surrounded by ponies who can fly and use magic... how you sometimes forget your own worth."
  113. "She does, does she?"
  114. >You'll have to remember to have a little talk with the librarian later.
  115. >"Oh... um... I probably shouldn't have said that. Anyways, just think about all the things you can do. You're good with machinery, and... and architecture. Those are things that I could never do. There's a reason Applejack asks for your help all the time." She scuffs the ground with her hoof, a frown on her face.
  116. >You shake your head and chuckle.
  117. "Yeah, you're right. I'm just being an idiot. Now..."
  118. >You bend down to pick up one of the apples and present it to Fluttershy.
  119. "Ladies first."
  120. >It's as if all in the orchard goes completely silent.
  121. >Fluttershy just stands there, staring at the apple in your hand. After what seems like an eternity she finally speaks, "I don't think that's such a good idea."
  122. "It's an apple, what's the worst it could do?"
  123. >She doesn't respond.
  124. >You shrug.
  125. "Suit yourself, more for me."
  126. >Walking to the tree you got the fruit from, you sit down and bring the apple to your mouth, taking a nice big bite.
  127. >It's sweet, but not too overpowering.
  128. >As good as an apple gets, really. You've never had anything like these apples, and it wasn't hard to fall in love with them when you first arrived here.
  129. >As you enjoy the savory taste, however, you feel a weight on top of you.
  130. >You look past the bitten apple in front of your face and see Fluttershy climbing onto your lap.
  131. >It would be wise to ask what she's doing were it not for your mouth being stuffed full of fruit at the moment. It might be a good idea to swallow said fruit so you can speak.
  132. >Just as you think this, though, Fluttershy closes the distance between you, pushing her lips into yours and causing you to drop your apple.
  133. >As a knee jerk reaction your mouth opens, and you feel her tongue slide across your own, scooping up the apple you have in your mouth. Then, when she has a good portion of it, she pulls away, a glazed look in her eyes as she swallows what she stole from you.
  134. >A few seconds pass before her face turns a deep shade of red and she squints her eyes, letting out a small squeak.
  135. "Hey, hey what's wrong?"
  136. >You reach out and grasp her cheeks in your hands, turning her towards you. Her eyes are still shut tight, "I... I... I didn't mean to... to do that Anon I just..."
  137. "I uh... didn't know you liked apples that much."
  138. >Your joke only manages to get another shameful squeak out of her. At this rate she'll never be back to normal.
  139. >Something catches your eye before you can think on what to say though. Not only is she closing her eyes tight, but she's gritting her teeth, and her canines are pretty prominent.
  140. "Where'd you get those?"
  141. >Her mild shaking suddenly stops, and she opens one of her eyes to look at you, "G... get what?"
  142. "Those teeth."
  143. >She flinches and doesn't say a word.
  144. "Is that why you asked me that weird question earlier?"
  145. >Her face still in your hands, you lean forward to get a better look at her fangs.
  146. "I kind of like them."
  147. >"You what?"
  148. >As opposed to earlier, her eyes are now wide open in shock.
  149. "So, you wanna tell a story?"
  150. >She frowns and looks down... which happens to be right at your chest, which she is currently on top of. It doesn't help that you're only wearing a thin white shirt and some pants. This causes her blush to come back as she averts her gaze, "It was Twilight's spell. She had me use the stare on the vampire fruit bats and casted a spell to subdue them. The spell... um... I don't know. I think it somehow reflected to me."
  151. "So you're a fruit vampire."
  152. >"Not anymore. I've been staying at home for the past few days making sure the effects wore off." As she speaks her voice gets softer and softer, like she's ashamed. "Twilight tried to get rid of the fangs, but I guess they're not going away." She frowns, and you can see tears building in her eyes.
  153. "I think they're cute."
  154. >"Th... thank you, but..."
  155. "But nothing."
  156. >You wipe her eyes clear and grin.
  157. "They look good on you."
  158. >She smiles and leans into the hand that you left on her cheek.
  159. "So, that kiss, was that just you really wanting that apple?"
  160. >"No. At least I don't think so. I should probably get up now."
  161. "Nah, I like where you're at right now."
  162. >You swear this girl is going to get a nose bleed if she keeps blushing like this.
  163. >It would be a lie if you say you don't like her. In fact, you're pretty sure you enjoyed that kiss enough to want another one.
  164. >Question is, how do you get it?
  165. >She's probably still too embarrassed and surprised to give you another one.
  166. >Then, as if it's calling to you, your eyes trail towards the apple you dropped when she kissed you.
  167. >It's only about a foot away, and despite the pony on top of you it would be easy to reach.
  168. "You must really like apples now, huh?"
  169. >"I... suppose so."
  170. >You reach out and grasp the apple, bringing it up to take a huge bite out of it.
  171. >Fluttershy squirms on top of you, biting her bottom lip and looking away as you chew and swallow.
  172. "What's wrong?"
  173. >Any idiot could tell you're being a tease, and Fluttershy is no idiot.
  174. >"Um... could I maybe..."
  175. "Come and get it."
  176. >You take another bite, making sure to keep the actual apple from Fluttershy's reach.
  177. >With no warning she lurches forward and takes your mouth again, pushing her tongue inside and writhing it around, tasting.
  178. >You're pretty sure the two of you have crossed some sort of line now, but you don't mind all that much.
  179. >She presses her body into you, trying to get as close as possible as her tongue thrashes about inside your mouth. You didn't expect her to be this assertive, that's for sure.
  180. >Finally, after a good minute or two, she pulls away once more. This time a strand of saliva trails between your mouths. She licks her lips and shudders, "So good."
  181. >This sight alone is enough to drive you wild. You've never seen her act like this, and you want more.
  182. >She leans forward and bites the apple in your hand, then leans her head back, grinding herself into your now erect member.
  183. >Once more she bites her bottom lip, a soft moan escaping her throat. You can see her fangs pinch the skin on her bottom muzzle, and for some reason that turns you on even more. She let's her head drop and looks you straight in the eyes.
  184. >You can't help but stare right back. After all, her eyes are no longer a soft blue, but a very sharp red.
  185. >Her wings twitch and she smiles nervously, "I... I've never felt like this before," she says. "I'm uh... not sure what to do."
  186. "Look, I'm not trying to force you or anything, but uh... with the red eyes and the fangs and the grinding."
  187. >This time she grins sheepishly, letting her gaze trail off into the orchard, "Sorry," she whispers.
  188. >You didn't think it possible for someone to be this adorable and this hot at the same time, but here she is, right on top of you.
  189. "Well, apparently this helps."
  190. >You hold up the apple for her, and her pupils immediately dilate.
  191. "And being completely honest, it's kind of a turn on for me too, which is really weird because I've never been into food play."
  192. >She licks her lips, a small amount of drool trailing down her chin "Mmmm, juicy."
  193. "I should probably shut up and take it like a bitch now, huh?"
  194. >With no warning as usual, she leans all the way down, pushing herself back until her face is right in between your legs.
  195. >She bites your zipper and pulls it down, pushing her muzzle right into your cock as she tries to pry it free from your boxers. This contact alone is enough to send torrents of pleasure through you.
  196. >After some struggle, she pulls it free from its constraints.
  197. "Whatever you're doing down there, be careful with those teeth."
  198. >Her only response is a soft giggle before leaning slightly forward and sinking her fangs into the apple.
  199. >She stays there for a moment, and you think you hear her swallowing a couple of times. Then she pulls away and goes right back to groin level.
  200. >You don't find out her mouth is still full of apple juice until you feel it trailing down your dick. You look down to see her, staring intently at her work as the juice leaks out of her mouth and falls onto you.
  201. >Then, when she's finished soaking you, she leans down and takes you into her mouth, letting out a moan of satisfaction as her tongue writhes about.
  202. >You can feel her fangs just barely scrap against you, but she keeps her mouth wide as she slurps, so all it does is amplify the amazing feeling coursing through you.
  203. >It's over all too soon, and with one final lick, she pulls herself up. Now drool is freely falling from her mouth, and her red eyes are completely glazed over.
  204. >She reaches down slowly with a hoof and rubs it against herself.
  205. >It started as a simple movement, but then she does it again, and again. She gets a good pace going, pushing harder and faster, moaning and thrashing her head about as she masturbates right on top of you.
  206. >It's the most transfixing thing you've ever seen. There's no way you could peal your eyes away from something like this.
  207. >The best word you can use to describe it would be beautiful.
  208. >Her mane is already askew, bangs falling in front of her eyes as she rocks her hips into her own hoof.
  209. >Then, just as her moans start to escalate, she opens her eyes and looks right at you.
  210. >She pushes her hoof into her clit one last time and screams, her mouth wide open and her tongue falling out as she convulses, spraying three times before she collapses on top of you.
  211. >Another moment and she finally collects herself. She climbs your body once more, setting her pussy firmly on your cock and grinding. You feel the bare wet flesh push against you as she leans forward to lick your ear.
  212. >You can only take so much of this before you've had enough.
  213. >Dropping the apple, you reach around Fluttershy and grasp her ass cheeks firmly before rolling over.
  214. >And now you're on top.
  215. >Her eyes widen in shock as you push yourself inside her with a single thrust, going all the way to the hilt.
  216. >She throws her head back and wraps her front hooves around your shoulders, pulling you closer to her, "Wait... don't move yet."
  217. >You pause, and the wait is agonizing.
  218. >She gazes up at you, a warm smile on her face.
  219. >It's now that you realize the point of the question she asked you earlier.
  220. >Her eyes are red, and she literally has vampire teeth, but the pony that's looking up at you right now with a gentle smile on her face is your Fluttershy.
  221. >The one who accepted you when you came to Equestria. The one who took you in when you needed shelter. The one who fed you when you were hungry. The one who talked to you when you were missing your friends and family.
  222. >Your Fluttershy.
  223. >You start to move, gently at first.
  224. >She squirms a bit, getting used to the feeling. "I think... it's okay now," she gasps.
  225. >You lean down, wrapping your arms around her, but not enough to pin her wings.
  226. >The softness of her feathers feels good on your skin, and as you push and pull gently inside her, her short gasps start to change.
  227. >Soon, she's moaning as she did when she had been above you. This only serves as fuel to the fire, and you increase your pace.
  228. >Her insides are wet and tight, clamping around you as if trying to coax you to orgasm. As you pull out her walls clench like they are reluctant to let go, and as you push in they accommodate you.
  229. >The sound of wet flesh slapping together echoes through the treeline, and you realize that you're pounding her mercilessly now.
  230. >Her soft voice gives way to even louder screams. You think you hear her gasp your name a few times, but you're too engrossed in the pleasure to really listen.
  231. >She pushes her hips into yours, matching your rhythm as she wraps her hooves around you.
  232. >As you thrust harder and harder, her pussy starts to clench around your cock.
  233. >You reach down with a hand, stroking her clit as you fuck her.
  234. >She gasps in surprise, "Anon... I... I think I'm..."
  235. >You feel her spray on your hand as her body convulses. She throws her head back, grinding it into the grass as she gasps and screams in ecstasy.
  236. >You quicken your pace, still close but not quite there. Leaning back, you grab her hind legs and push them further apart, pounding into her over and over again as she has her orgasm beneath you.
  237. >Finally, her tightness proves too much, and you cum inside her, spraying her insides just as her orgasm starts to subside.
  238. >You pull out of her with a quiet pop and roll over onto your back.
  239. >It takes a long while for the both of you to regain your breath, and Fluttershy is the first to speak. She turns her head towards you and smiles, and despite being blue again, her eyes look even warmer than before. "I'm sorry Anon."
  240. "You kidding? For what? Being the hottest girl alive?"
  241. >A giggle, "No, for thinking you'd treat me differently."
  242. >She crawls to you, wrapping a hoof around your stomach and nuzzling into your chest, "Let's just stay here until Applejack calls for supper... if that's okay with you."
  243. "That's the best idea anyone has ever had in the history of everything."
  244. >This statement draws yet another giggle.
  245. >You could get used to this.
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