
Drug Dealer Anon Chapter #1

Jul 29th, 2012
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  1. Drug Dealer Anon Chapter #1
  3. >As you continue into town is it deafly silent
  4. >Not a single person to be found
  5. >And in fact
  6. >The entire town seems to be made for dwarves
  7. >Everything seems... Smaller
  8. >Strange enough, there are carts every few meters just stocked full of fruits and vegetables
  9. >There must be some weird honor system in town to say the least, seeing as they are just openly leaving goods out
  10. >Feels like you're being watched
  11. >"Achoo!"
  12. >Yep, definetely being watched
  13. >You turn around and spot the offender
  14. >It's a... Pink horse
  15. >Wat
  17. 1/x
  19. >As soon as she saw your expression she bolted off
  20. >Wat
  21. >No seriously
  22. >Wat
  23. >Someone needs to beat the kids who painted that poor horse
  24. >Continuing on you admire the craftsmenship of this town
  25. >The buildings are simple and efficient, other than a few outliers that appear to be crafted off of weird things
  26. >There's a carousel, a candy building, and even a...
  27. >Is that a tree
  28. >They built a house in a tree
  29. >How is it not de-
  30. >You know what
  31. >Doesn't matter
  32. >It's cool anyhow
  33. >You must be tripping balls right now dying on your living room floor
  35. 2/x
  37. >This town is so colorful
  38. >It's so colorful it's giving you a headache
  39. >Deploy tactical canteen
  40. >Taking a swig, you hear footsteps behind you
  41. >You turn revealing
  42. >More horses
  43. >Jesus fuck It's like someone ate a box of crayons and vomited all over the poor things
  44. >Purple, Yellow, Blue, Orange, White, and that Pink one
  45. >Jesus fuck is that one wearing makeup
  46. >Backawayslowly
  47. >They're following
  48. >Fuck
  49. >Tactical moonwalk activated
  51. >They're still following
  52. >Fuck
  53. >180
  54. >Start sprinting
  55. >Looking behind you
  56. >Still following
  57. >Suddenly the Rainbow one takes off
  58. >WINGS?
  59. >WHAT
  60. >It crashes into you and you go flying
  63. 3/x
  65. >You smack face first into a tree
  66. >Mother of god that's going to hurt
  67. >You turn around and kick the horse in the face, sending it flying into a nearby wall, crashing through it and out the other end
  68. >You don't feel good
  69. >Your brain feels like It's swelling
  70. >You fall to the ground, blacking out in the process
  71. >Sleep takes you instantly
  73. 4/4
  75. >Eyes open and fluttering
  76. >Arms? Chained
  77. >Legs? Chained
  78. >Head? Feels like It's been hit with a hammer
  79. >You can barely see a white horse with a red cross on It's... Flank?
  80. Hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng
  81. >Frightened, she jumps to the side smacking her head on the wall and knocking herself out
  82. >Well that didn't work
  83. >Suddenly guards rush in, seeing the knocked out nurse, and you chained to the bed
  84. >"How the... how did you even... You know what, never mind"
  85. >It just talked
  86. >Wat
  87. >Now It's dragging the other horse out
  88. >A scroll beings to enter the room in an aura
  89. >Followed by the same unicorn as before
  90. >Is it... Levitating, you know what, nope
  91. >NOPE
  92. >"Oh good, you're awake"
  94. 1/x
  96. >"...c-can you understand me"
  97. >You nod yes
  98. >"Well... can you talk then?"
  99. >You nod again
  100. >She claps her hooves together, but then frowns
  101. >"And you're not going to do so...?"
  102. I'll do as I please
  103. >She backs up a little bit, recoiling from the sound of your voice, before returning to her normal stance
  104. >"Great, I've got a few questions"
  105. Go ahead, It's not like I have much to do anyhow
  106. >You say sarcastically while tugging on your chains
  107. >"What species are you? I've never seen something such as yourself before in my studies"
  108. >Think
  109. >THINK
  110. >Ding ding ding
  111. Human? I suppose...
  112. >"I've never heard of a hyuman before, where are you from?"
  113. The United States? Ring a bell?
  114. >"And where would that be? United States meaning it must be made up of smaller countries..."
  115. North America...
  116. >"...and where is that? I'm sorry for asking so many questions, I'm just so curious to meet a new species!"
  117. The North-west hemisphere
  118. >"'re not from here are you"
  119. Nope
  120. >Silence creeps into the room while you try to fumble and get your capsule into your mouth
  122. 2/x
  124. >"What is that you're trying to do..."
  125. >You look up
  126. Put this in my mouth
  127. >"Why"
  128. >*Sigh*
  129. Ever heard of Vicodin?
  130. >"Nope... What is it? I assume some sort of drug..."
  131. It's a drug that makes pain go away, I've concentrated it and put it in a capsule that's on my neck
  132. >"Why would you need pain medication anyhow? You don't look that bad to me"
  133. Because I kinda got smashed into a tree and my head aches for the first time in months, that's why
  134. >"About that... You severely injured Rainbow Dash when you kicked her... She may never fly again"
  135. And she attacked me, so we're even. That dyke deserves everything coming to her. Who the heck just attacks someone out of the blue? Eh?
  136. >Awkward silence filled the room as you continued to attempt and swallow the capsule
  137. >Eventually it is bathed with a purple aura and it floats up to your mouth, looking up you spot the purple one looking at you sheepishly
  138. Thanks
  139. >You bite down
  140. >Feelsgoodman
  142. 3/x
  144. >As the drug kicked in you started to feel better, not as stressed, relaxed
  145. >The pain was numbed a little, not as intense, it was felt, just not acknowledged as pain
  146. >The purple one stared at you, writing little bits of information down from time to time
  147. So what, am I supposed to sit here chained while you take notes or can I be released, my wrists ache like a mother fucker and its not stopping.
  148. >"Well... I can release you, but you have to promise not to hurt anyone. If so... Well... We'll have to hurt you"
  149. Fine, I promise
  150. >"Pinkie Promise?"
  151. Who?
  152. >"Nevermind" she says as a purple aura surrounds your bindings, popping open and releasing you from the bed
  153. >You eagerly rub your wrists and ankles, flicking your hand a bit to get blood flowing again
  154. >You look down, noticing your belt and pants were left unmolested
  155. >You look to your right, backpack unmolested sat your backpack, which was quickly overslung back onto its rightful place
  156. >You look down to the small pony, you towered over her while she only made it to a little above your hips
  157. >She shifted uneasily in her seat
  159. 4/x
  161. I never did catch your name...
  162. >"Twilight Sparkle, and you?"
  163. >Wait a second
  164. >What is your name?
  165. >Just go with something dark and EGEE
  166. >Right
  167. Let's just say... Anonymous
  168. >"Works for me, now let's go see the Princess she must be dying to meet you!"
  169. Wait, what? I didn't agree to meet your princess...
  170. >"Oh well, Ponyville didn't have good medical care for your species, and with you kicking Rainbow Dash, we had to take you to canterlot"
  171. Ok...
  172. >"And in Canterlot the Princess lives, she's going to be so excited to meet you! I can feel it already"
  173. Right, you lead the way.
  174. >You follow her, leading into a long and seemingly unending hallway, leading up into room seemingly like a church, and at the end, two huge double doors
  175. >I swear if you get caught with all that blow...
  176. >Shhh, It's happening
  177. >The doors open and you are lead inside...
  179. 5/5
  181. >Inside are two tall ass ponies
  182. >Well, only to around your nose, but you get the picture
  183. >They're looking with absolute concentration, visage unchanging and showing no emotion
  184. >Staring into the depths of your soul as you approach
  185. >Twilight bows and you quickly do the same
  186. >"Rise"
  187. >You do as you're told
  188. >Twilight runs up to the white one and embraces her in a hug of some sort, "Princess Celestia, It's good to see you"
  189. >The blue one looks dejected, until Twilight runs up and hugs her as well, "Likewise for you Princess Luna"
  190. >Don't fuck this up
  191. >Eventually she settles herself by your side again, and Celestia's visage turns to a loving smile, while Luna's remains cold.
  193. 1/x
  195. >The silence is broken as Celestia speaks up, "So..."
  196. Anonymous
  197. >"Anonymous, yes, what brings you to the land of Equestria?"
  198. If I knew I'd tell you, I just woke up here a day or two ago.
  199. >"Do you have any recollection of how you got here?"
  200. I have the faintest idea but I'd rather not divulge the details
  201. >"I see, it must be hard trusting people you have only met days in advance with personal affairs" she stands, wings stretching and folding back to her side
  202. >"It must be scary for you"
  203. No, not really, I've always got an exit strategy for when things get bad
  204. >"And that is?"
  205. Fight my way out, or commit suicide
  206. >Silence fills the room, way to go, you've gone all DARK and EGEE on these pastel ponies
  207. >"And you would just... You would just end it? Just like that, through all you've been through just end it?"
  208. Yep, I'd rather die than live down on my knees, no reason to live if life isn't worth living
  209. >"Anoymous, is it. We were once sure that life was not worth living... but with time it had gotten better..." said Luna, emotion in her voice
  210. Back where I'm from if you fuck up hard enough life doesn't get better, it gets gradually worse 9 times out of 10.
  211. >"I see, so Anonymous, Twilight reported you kicked one of the Elements of Harmony and injured her severely, do you have an explanation for that" her voice cold and unkind
  213. 2/x
  215. >That Rainbow Dyke? Well that's easy
  216. She flew towards me and smacked me into a tree, I responded in self defense plain and simple. Serves that dyke right.
  217. >"Self defense by kicking her in the face? Don't you feel that's a little extreme"
  218. Well she made me end up in the hospital, I say it was a fair trade off...
  219. >"I see, I'll make note to strike any record from the court, she's known for stunts like this, a little over her head... Nonetheless, tell me about yourself"
  220. Myself?
  221. >"Yes, your profession, your world, your family, your friends..."
  222. >Hoh boy, might as well be honest, you can always kill yourself
  223. I don't have a family, anymore at least... My friends left me due to my profession or decayed...
  224. >"Decayed"
  225. Ah yes, my Profession, I am a dealer of all things illegal
  226. >"Illegal, so you're a criminal?"
  227. In my world yes, I deal in mind altering substances
  228. >"I see, such as alcohol?"
  229. No, Alcohol is mostly legal, I deal in harder substances that give you a feeling you will never be able to experience without them. A high you won't experience anywhere else
  230. >"I see, such as?"
  231. >You pull out a blunt
  232. Know what this is?
  233. >"No, not at all, it looks like a cigarette or cigar of some sort"
  234. >You light it, take in a huff, and breath it out
  235. Would you like to try it?
  237. 3/x
  239. >"Well... I suppose, I am after all immortal to an extent... No harm in trying it"
  240. >You hand her the joint, which she inhales
  241. Try to hold it in for a little bit
  242. >After around 15 seconds she exhales, coughing
  243. >"It smells just dreadful"
  244. I agree
  245. >You hand it to Luna, who takes a huff
  246. >Then to Twilight
  247. >"I don't really see how this is supposed to do anythi- woh" Twilight says
  248. >"We are experiencing... a calming senstation" says Luna
  249. >"The same for I, I suppose"
  250. Right now the substance had given you THC which is a mind altering drug, depending on the weed it can be a calming high, a more stimulant high, or elsewise
  251. >They begin slinking in their seats
  252. This is only the beginning of drugs, non-addictive, no dependency on the drug.
  253. >The blunt levitates out of your hand and back to Luna, who takes another hit
  255. 4/x
  257. >"We feel... Good, as if all the problems are lifted off of our shoulders
  258. I've got seeds for this plant, all kinds, and instructions for growing. If you have a garden or some sort with suitable growing conditions...
  259. >"Yes, that would be great"
  260. >You pull out the seed packets and the instructions, which are levitated from your hands
  261. >"I'll see to it that these are grown and processed, but for the mean time I feel like going on a walk, don't you Luna"
  262. >"We would enjoy that, Twilight Sparkle?"
  263. >"Yes"
  264. Let's go then!
  265. >So you and the calmed princesses and Twilight take a stroll through the castle, out the door, into the gardens, and around the castle walls
  266. >Yep, life here may not be so bad after all.
  268. 5/5
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