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a guest
Apr 24th, 2019
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text 17.28 KB | None | 0 0
  1. clear
  2. ps faux | grep firefox
  3. man wmctrl
  4. wmctrl -l
  5. man wmctrl
  6. wmctrl -r 0x03800011 -a
  7. wmctrl -a 0x03800011
  8. man wmctrl
  9. wmctrl -g100,100 -r 0x0380
  10. man wmctrl
  11. wmctrl -l
  12. exit
  13. wmctrl -l
  14. su -c wmctrl -l student
  15. su -c "wmctrl -l" student
  16. exit
  17. ps faux | grep firefox
  18. wmctrl -g100,100 -r 9585
  19. exit
  20. firefox
  21. wmctrl -l
  22. man wmctrl
  23. wmctrl -d
  24. man wmctrl
  25. wmctrl -d 1
  26. wmctrl -d
  27. man wmctrl
  28. wmctrl -s 1
  29. man wmctrl
  30. firefox
  31. man date;
  32. date -d "%N"
  33. date -d%N
  34. man date
  35. date --date="%N"
  36. date --date="%h"
  37. man date
  38. date --date="%H"
  40. date
  41. date +"%s"
  42. man date
  43. exit
  44. echo hih
  45. manual xargs
  46. man xargs
  47. /
  48. cat Adsresy.txt
  49. /homex
  50. /root
  51. cat adresy
  52. adresy
  53. cat adresy
  54. cat adesy | xargs Firefox
  55. cat adresy | xargs Firefox
  56. cat adresy | xargs chrome
  57. cat adresy | xargs firefox
  58. /proc/cpuinfo
  59. /proc
  60. /proc/cpuinfo
  61. man grep
  62. /usr/share/dict/words
  63. cat /usr/share/dict/words
  64. cat
  65. cat /proc/cpuinfo | xargs < ii
  66. cat /proc/cpuinfo | xargs > ii
  67. cat /dev/urandom | xargs > adresy
  68. cat /dev/urandom
  69. man cat
  70. cat /dev/urandom -20
  71. cat /dev/urandom -2
  72. cat --help
  73. cat /dev/urandom -50
  74. cat /dev/urandom | -50
  75. cat /dev/urandom
  76. head -10 /dec/urandom
  77. head -n 10 /dew/unrandom
  78. head -n 10 /dev/unrandom
  79. head -n 10 /dev/urandom
  80. head -n 3 /dev/urandom
  81. cat /dev/urandom| tr -cd 0-9 " "|xargs|
  82. cat who
  83. who
  84. echo who | sort
  85. man fold
  86. who
  87. ls
  88. cd ~
  89. ls
  90. vim
  91. ls
  92. vim
  93. cat b
  94. cat a.txt
  95. cat a.txt b
  96. cat b > /dev/null
  97. cat b /head -n 3 / > c
  98. cat b / head -n 3 / > c
  99. cat b head -n 3 > c
  100. cat b -n 3 > c
  101. cat b -n 3 > a
  102. cat b -n 1 > a
  103. cat b head
  104. cat b head -22
  105. cat b head -2
  106. cat b head -n 2
  107. cat b head -n 1
  108. cat b -head -n 1
  109. cat b head -n 1
  110. cat b
  111. vim b
  112. cat head -n
  113. cat b head -n
  114. cat b head -n 2
  115. cat b head -n2
  116. cat b head --lines=3
  117. cat b head -lines=3
  118. cat b head --lines=3
  119. cat b --lines=3
  120. cat b head -n --lines=3
  121. cat --help
  122. cat head
  123. cat head -- help
  124. man cat
  125. head -n 2 b
  126. xargs firefox b
  127. xargs b firefox
  128. l;s
  129. ls
  130. cat ii
  131. cat
  132. ls
  133. cat adresy
  134. cat adresy | xargs firefox
  135. cat adresy xargs firefox
  136. cat adresy xargs firefox
  137. /proc/cpuinfo
  138. /usr/share/dict/words
  139. cat /proc/cpuinfo
  140. cat /proc/cpuinfo xargs
  141. cat /proc/cpuinfo | xargs
  142. xargs --help
  143. grep /usr/share/dict/words
  144. cat /usr/share/dict/words
  145. cd /usr/share/dict/words
  146. grep /usr/share/dict/words
  147. grep --help
  148. grep /usr/share/dict/words -e
  149. grep '$$a$$$y' /usr/share/dict/words
  150. cat /proc/cpuinfo | xargs
  151. cat /proc/cpuino
  152. cat /proc/cpuinf
  153. cat /proc/cpuinfo
  154. cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep ^model_name | xargs
  155. cat /proc/cpuinfo grep ^model_name | xargs
  156. cat /proc/cpuinfo grep ^model_name
  157. cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep ^model_name
  158. cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep ^model_name
  159. cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep ^
  160. cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep ^ | xargs
  161. grep '$$a$$$y' /usr/share/dict/words
  162. grep '\\a\\\y' /usr/share/dict/words
  163. ls | grep txt
  164. grep '..a...y' /usr/share/dict/words
  165. grep "..a...y" /usr/share/dict/words
  166. install.packages("RCurl")
  167. words <- RCurl::getURL('',
  168. cat(words, file='dictionary.txt')
  169. install.packages("RCurl")
  170. apt-get install --reinstall wamerican
  171. apt-get install wamerican
  172. cat(words, file='dictionary.txt')
  173. grep "..a...y" words
  174. ls
  175. cd Desktop
  176. ls
  177. grep "..a...y" words
  178. grep ".a.y" words
  179. grep "..a...y" words
  180. grep "^..a...y" words
  181. grep "^..a...y$" words
  182. ls /dev
  183. ls /dev/urando,
  184. ls /dev/urandom
  185. head -20 /dev/uranodm
  186. head -20 /dev/urandom
  187. head -n 20 /dev/urandom
  188. cat /dev/urandom
  189. head -n 20 /dev/urandom
  190. head -n 20 /dev/urandom | tr -cd [1-9]
  191. head -n 20 /dev/urandom | tr -cd 0-9
  192. cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd 0-9
  193. wc -c 20 /dev/urandom | tr -cd 0-9
  194. cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd 0-9
  195. head -n 20 /dev/urandom | tr -cd 0-9
  196. head -n 20 /dev/urandom | tr -cd 0-9
  197. head -n 20 /dev/urandom | tr -cd 0-9
  198. head -n 20 /dev/urandom | tr -cd 0 9
  199. head -n 20 /dev/urandom | tr -cd 0-9 \
  200. head -n 20 /dev/urandom | tr -cd 0-9 \ \
  201. head -n 20 /dev/urandom | tr -cd 0-9 ' '
  202. head -n 20 /dev/urandom | tr -cd 0-9
  203. egrep -m 20 "[0-9]
  204. egrep -m 20 "[0-9]"
  205. egrep -m 20 "[0-9]" /dev/urandom
  206. egrep -aio -m 20 "[0-9]" /dev/urandom
  207. egrep -aio -m 2 "[0-9]" /dev/urandom
  208. egrep -aio -m $2 "[0-9]" /dev/urandom
  209. egrep -aio -m 2 "[0-9]" /dev/urandom
  210. egrep -m 2 "[0-9]" /dev/urandom
  211. egrep -aio -m 2 "[0-9]" /dev/urandom
  212. fold
  213. fold --help
  214. egrep -aio -m 2 "[a-zA-Z0-9]{8}" /dev/urandom
  215. egrep -aio -m 6 "[a-zA-Z0-9]{8}" /dev/urandom
  216. grep -aio -m 6 "[a-zA-Z0-9]{8}" /dev/urandom
  217. egrep -aio -m 6 "[a-zA-Z0-9]{8}" /dev/urandom
  218. egrep -aio -m 6 "{8}" /dev/urandom
  219. egrep -aio -m 6 "[*]{8}" /dev/urandom
  220. egrep -aio -m 6 "[a-zA-Z0-9]{8}" /dev/urandom
  221. sort who
  222. sort
  223. who
  224. sort -n
  225. sort -n | who
  226. sort -n xargs who
  227. sort -n <who
  228. sort -n < who
  229. sort -n > who
  230. who
  231. who> sort
  232. who> sort -n
  233. who > sort -n
  234. sort -n > who
  235. sort who
  236. sort -n | who
  237. who
  238. who -al
  239. who
  240. who
  241. who
  242. who -la
  243. cat /dev/urandom| tr -cd 0-9 " "|xargs|
  244. tr -cd a-z-Z
  245. ipconfig
  246. ifconfig
  247. ifconfig | grep
  248. ifconfig | grep /inet/
  249. ifconfig | grep "inet"
  250. ifconfig | grep "inet$"
  251. ifconfig | grep "inet"
  252. ifconfig | grep "inet "
  253. time
  254. time -s
  255. time -m
  256. time -u
  257. killall
  258. killall -e
  259. killall -q
  260. killall -l
  261. lo
  262. ol
  263. po
  264. pr
  265. ifconfig | grep "inet "
  266. ssh student@lab-11-os
  267. sort |who
  268. cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd [:alnum:] | fold -w 8 | head 1
  269. cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd [:alnum:] | fold -w 8 | head
  270. cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd [:digit:] | fold -w 8 | head
  271. cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd [:digit:] | fold -w 8 | head -20
  272. cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd [:alnum:] | fold -w 8 | head -20
  273. cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd [:digit:] | fold -w 8 | head -8
  274. cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd [:alnum:] | fold -w 8 | head -8
  275. cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd [:alpha:] | fold -w 8 | head -8
  276. cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd [:alpha:] | fold -w 8 | head -n -8
  277. cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd [:alpha:] | fold -w 8 | head -n
  278. cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd [:alpha:] | fold -w 8 | head -n8
  279. cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd [:alpha:] | fold -w 8 | head -n 8
  280. cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd [:alpha:]
  281. cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd [:alnum:]
  282. cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd "[:alnum:]"
  283. cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd "[:alphs:]"
  284. cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd "[:alpha:]"
  285. cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd "[:alpha:]" | fold -w 8 | head -n 8
  286. clear
  287. ifconfig
  288. ifconfig | grep -E "^ether"
  289. ifconfig | grep -E "^ether\"
  292. ifconfig | grep -E "^ether"
  293. ifconfig | grep -E "^ether$"
  294. ifconfig | grep -E "^ether"
  295. ifconfig | grep -E "^ether*"
  296. ifconfig | grep -E "^ether*$"
  297. ifconfig | grep -E "^ether .*"
  298. ifconfig | grep -e "^ether .*"
  299. ifconfig | grep -e "ether .*"
  300. ifconfig | grep -e "ether .*" | cut -f 2
  301. ifconfig | grep -e "ether .*" | cut -f2
  302. ifconfig | grep -e "ether .*" | tr -s
  303. ifconfig | grep -e "ether .*" | tr -s ''
  304. ifconfig | grep -e "ether .*" | tr -s''
  305. ifconfig | grep -e "ether .*" | tr -s ""
  306. ifconfig | grep -e "ether .*" | tr -s " "
  307. ifconfig | grep -e "ether .*" | tr -s " " | cut -f3
  308. ifconfig | grep -e "ether .*" | tr -s " " | cut -f2
  309. ifconfig | grep -e "ether .*" | tr -s " " | cut -f4
  310. ifconfig | grep -e "ether .*" | tr -s " " | cut -f 4
  311. ifconfig | grep -e "ether .*" | tr -s " " | cut -f2
  312. su -
  313. su
  314. 123
  315. bc 123+32
  316. echo "123*5" | bc
  317. echo "123*sqrt(5)" | bc
  318. echo "sqrt(5)" | bc
  319. echo "sqrt(5.0)" | bc
  320. echo "sqrt(5.000000000000000000000)" | bc
  321. echo "sqrt(5)" | bc
  322. echo "sqrt(5.0)" | bc
  323. echo "sqrt(5.000)" | bc
  324. echo "sqrt(5.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)" | bc
  325. echo "sqrt(5.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000f)" | bc
  326. echo "sqrt(0xff)" | bc
  327. echo "sqrt(0x12)" | bc
  328. echo "sqrt(float(1)))" | bc
  329. echo "sqrt(float(1))" | bc
  330. echo "sqrt(5.6f)" | bc
  331. echo "sqrt(5.6)" | bc
  332. echo "sqrt(5.6)**2" | bc
  333. echo "pow(sqrt(5.6), 2)" | bc
  334. echo "sqrt(5.6)*sqrt(5.6)" | bc
  335. echo "sqrt(5.006)*sqrt(5.006)" | bc
  336. echo "sqrt(5.00006)*sqrt(5.00006)" | bc
  337. echo "sqrt(5.000061)*sqrt(5.000061)" | bc
  338. ssl
  339. openssl
  340. ps
  341. ps aux
  342. ps aux | grep kworker
  343. ps aux | grep root
  344. ps aux | cutf -d 1
  345. ps aux | cutf -d1
  346. ps aux | cut -d1
  347. ps aux | cut -d2
  348. ps aux | cut -d" "
  349. ps aux | cut -d" " 2
  350. ps aux | cut -d" " -f 1
  351. ps aux | cut -d" " -f 1 | uniq
  352. ps aux | cut -d" " -f 1 | uniq | wc -l
  353. strip
  354. clear
  355. ls
  356. ps aux | cut -d" " -f 1 | uniq
  357. ps aux | cut -d" " -f 1 | uniq | head -n -1
  358. ps aux | cut -d" " -f 1 | uniq | dog
  359. ps aux | cut -d" " -f 1 | uniq | tac
  360. ps aux | cut -d" " -f 1 | uniq | tac | sort
  361. ps aux | cut -d" " -f 1 | uniq | tac | sort | uniq
  362. ps aux | cut -d" " -f 1 | sort | uniq
  363. ps aux | cut -d" " -f 1 | sort | uniq | wc -l
  364. wc
  365. bg
  366. fg
  367. wc
  368. cls
  369. clear
  370. alias cls = clear
  371. alias cls=clear
  372. cls
  373. ls
  374. cls
  375. alias ggg=g++
  376. ggg
  377. ggg sda
  378. poweroff -h
  379. ssh lab-os-11
  380. clear
  381. cd ..
  382. ls
  383. cd public_html/
  384. ls
  385. cd ..
  386. ls
  387. clear
  388. mkdir npr
  389. cd npr/
  390. touch
  391. cd ..
  392. ls
  393. scp -R lab-os-9:/homex/student/Desktop/NPR/* .
  394. scp -r lab-os-9:/homex/student/Desktop/NPR/* .
  395. ls
  396. cd npr/
  397. cd ..
  398. ls
  399. cd 20190403
  400. ls
  401. ls -la
  402. ls
  403. cd 20190404
  404. ls
  405. vim getinf_client.c
  406. make -f Makefile
  407. vim getinf_client.c
  408. make -f Makefile
  409. vim getinf_client.c
  410. make -f Makefile
  411. vim getinf_client.c
  412. make -f Makefile
  413. ls
  414. ./getinf_client localhost
  415. ls
  416. cd ..
  417. ls
  418. cd 20190404
  419. ls
  420. vim getinf_client.c
  421. make -f Makefile
  422. ./getinf_client localhost
  423. man timeval
  424. cd myServer/
  425. ls
  426. vim getinf_client.c
  427. make -f Makefile.getinf
  428. make -f Makefile.getinf & ./getinf_client localhosyt
  429. make -f Makefile.getinf & ./getinf_client localhost
  430. make -f Makefile.getinf && ./getinf_client localhost
  431. make -f Makefile.getinf ; ./getinf_client localhost
  432. ./getinf_client localhost
  433. rsync
  434. man 3 rsync
  435. man 5 rsync
  436. man 7 rsync
  437. man rsycn
  438. man rsync
  439. ./getinf_client lab-os-11
  440. ./getinf_client localhost
  441. ./getinf_client
  442. ./getinf_client
  443. vim getinf_client.c
  445. ./getinf_client lab-os-11
  446. ./getinf_client lab-os-10
  447. ./getinf_client lab-os-9
  448. while 1; ./getinf_client lab-os-9
  449. while 1 do; ./getinf_client lab-os-9 done;
  450. while 1 do; ./getinf_client lab-os-9 done
  451. while 1 do: ./getinf_client lab-os-9 done
  452. while 1 do: ./getinf_client lab-os-9 done;
  453. clear
  454. vim getinf_server.c
  455. ls
  456. vim getinf_svc.c
  457. dc ~
  458. ssh lab-os-11
  459. cd ..
  460. ls
  461. rm -rf *
  462. ls
  463. mkdir Desktop
  464. ls
  465. ls -la
  466. vim .bashrc
  467. shutdown now
  468. ls
  469. cd myServer/
  470. ls
  471. cat getinf_server.c
  472. cd ..
  473. ls
  474. cat getinf_server.c
  475. ./getinf_server
  476. ls
  477. cd myServer/
  478. ./getinf_server
  479. ls
  480. make -f Makefile.getinf
  481. ./getinf_server
  482. cat/dev/urandom |tr -cd 0-9 | fold -w 1 | head -n 20
  483. cat /dev/urandom |tr -cd 0-9 | fold -w 1 | head -n 20
  484. cat /dev/urandom |tr -cd 0-9 | fold -w 2 | head -n 20
  485. cat /dev/urandom |tr -cd 0-9 | head -n 20
  486. cat /dev/urandom |tr -cd 0-9 | fold -w 2 | head -n 20
  487. cat/dev/urandom |tr -cd 0-9 | fold | head -n 20
  488. cat /dev/urandom |tr -cd 0-9 | fold -w 2 | head -n 20
  489. ifconfig
  490. who -u | sort 3
  491. who -u | sort 3| cat
  492. who -u | sort 1
  493. who -u | sort -k 3
  494. who -u | sort -k 4
  495. ifconfig
  496. cat ifconfig
  497. ifconfig
  498. ifconfig | head -n 3 | tail -n 1| tr -s " "| cut -d " " -f 3
  499. ifconfig | head -n 4 | tail -n 1| tr -s " "| cut -d "
  500. ifconfig | grep -e "..*..*..*..*"
  501. ifconfig | grep -e "./../../."
  502. ifconfig | grep -e "./../../../a"
  503. ifconfig | grep -e "./../../../."
  504. ifconfig | grep -e "/../../../../."
  505. ifconfig | grep -e ".../..../..../..."
  506. history
  507. .bash_history
  508. history | cut -d' ' -f 4-
  509. history
  510. history uniq -c 5| sort -n 5
  511. history uniq -c | sort -n 5
  512. history | uniq -c | sort -n 5
  513. history | uniq -c 5 | sort -n 5
  514. cat history | uniq -c 5 | sort -n 5
  515. history
  516. history | uniq x
  517. history | uniq c
  518. cat history | uniq c
  519. history | uniq c
  520. history uniq c
  521. history uniq -c
  522. history | uniq -c
  523. history | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 | uniq -c
  524. history | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 | uniq -c |sort -k 1
  525. /s
  526. ls -l
  527. ls
  528. ls -l
  529. ls0l
  530. ls -a
  532. .
  533. /
  534. /.
  535. /
  536. ./
  537. ..
  538. .
  539. ..
  540. .
  541. ls -l
  542. ls -all\
  543. /sog
  544. /sof
  545. sof
  546. cat sof
  547. sof
  548. lsof
  549. lsof
  550. lsof | tr -s " "| sort -k 3| uniq -c
  551. lsof | tr -s " "| sort -k 3| cut -d " " -f 3 | uinq -c
  552. lsof | tr -s " "| sort -k 3| cut -d " " -f 3 | uniq -c
  553. cd !
  554. cd ~
  555. ls
  556. ls -l
  557. ls -all
  558. ls -c
  559. ls -all
  560. man tczak
  561. ls -all
  562. ls -o
  563. ls -l -o
  564. ls -all -o
  567. lsof | tr -s " "| sort -k 3| cut -d " " -f 3 | uniq -c\
  568. lsof | tr -s " "| sort -k 3| cut -d " " -f 3 | uniq -c
  569. cat /etc/passwd
  570. lsof | tr -s " "| sort -k 3| cut -d " " -f 3 | uniq -c
  571. cat /etc/passwd
  572. cat /etc/passwd | more -num 5
  573. cat /etc/passwd | more -num
  574. ls
  575. touch ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  576. ls
  577. .bash_history
  578. find
  579. find .bash_history
  580. cat .bash_history
  581. cat .bash_history | sort |uniq
  582. cat .bash_history | sort
  583. cat .bash_history | uniq -c
  584. cat .bash_history | uniq -c | sort
  585. cat .bash_history| sort | uniq -c
  586. cat .bash_history| sort | uniq -c | sort
  587. cat .bash_history| sort | uniq -c | sort | tail
  588. cat .bash_history| sort | uniq -c | sort | tail 5
  589. cat .bash_history| sort | uniq -c | sort | tail -n5
  590. cat .bash_history| sort | uniq -c | sort -r | head -n5
  591. /s
  592. find /s
  593. find s
  594. ls
  595. ls -a
  596. man ls
  597. ls -al
  598. ls -al | sort
  599. ls -al | grep "^-"
  600. ls -al | grep "^-" || "^l";
  601. ls -al
  602. cd Desktop
  603. ls -al
  604. ls -al | grep "^-" || "^l";
  605. ls -al | grep "^-" || grep "^l";
  606. jobs
  607. cd ..
  608. ls -al | grep "^-" || grep "^l";
  609. ls -al | grep "^-" && grep "^l";
  610. ls -al | grep "^-" || grep "^l";
  611. /sof
  612. cd /sof
  613. lsof
  614. lsof | sort | uniq -c
  615. lsof
  616. cat .bash_history| sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | head -n5
  617. cat .bash_history| sort | uniq -c | sort -n | head -n5
  618. cat .bash_history| sort | uniq -c | sort -n
  619. cat .bash_history| sort | uniq -c | sort -n | tail -n 5
  620. lsof | tr -s
  621. lsof | tr -s " "
  622. lsof | tr -s " " | cut -f3
  623. lsof | tr -s " "
  624. lsof | tr -s " " | cut -f
  625. lsof | tr -s " " | cut -f 3
  626. lsof | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f 3
  627. lsof | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f 3 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
  628. lsof | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f 3 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | tail -f1
  629. lsof | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f 3 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | tail -f 1
  630. lsof | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f 3 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | tail -n 1
  631. ls
  632. ls -al
  633. ls -a
  634. man ls
  635. man ls -x
  636. ls -ax
  637. ls -a1
  638. man ls
  639. ls -a1 | grep "\....$"
  640. ls -a1 | grep "\....$" | wc
  641. ls -a1 | grep "\..*$" | wc
  642. ls -a1 | grep "\..*$"
  643. ls -a1 | grep ".*\..*$"
  644. ls -a1 | grep ".\..*$"
  645. ls -a1 | grep ".\..*$" | grep -v "\.\..*"
  646. mimetype
  647. cat mimetype
  648. file
  649. cat file
  650. man file
  651. ls -a1 | xargs file
  652. find / ".cpp"
  653. find / | grep "\.cpp$"
  654. cd /usr/include/glm/detail
  655. ls
  656. cat dummy.cpp
  657. cat dummy.cpp | wc
  658. cat dummy.cpp | xargs wc
  659. cat dummy.cpp | wc
  660. cat dummy.cpp | wc -l
  661. cat dummy.cpp | grep ";"
  662. cat dummy.cpp | grep ";" | wc -l
  663. cat dummy.cpp | grep ";" | xargs echo "Semicolons: {}"
  664. cat dummy.cpp | grep ";" | xargs echo
  665. cat dummy.cpp | grep ";"
  666. cat dummy.cpp | grep ";" | cs
  667. cat dummy.cpp | grep ";" | wc
  668. cat dummy.cpp | grep ";" | wc -l
  669. cat dummy.cpp | grep ";" | wc -l | xargs echo
  670. cat dummy.cpp | grep ";" | wc -l | xargs echo "Semicolons : {}"
  671. cat dummy.cpp | grep ";" | wc -l | xargs echo "Semicolons : "
  672. cat dummy.cpp | grep ";" | wc -l | xargs echo "Semicolons :
  673. "
  674. cat dummy.cpp | grep ";" | wc -l | xargs echo "Semicolons :"
  675. man more
  676. cd /etc
  677. cat passwd
  678. cat passwd | more -5
  679. man more
  680. cat passwd | more +5
  681. man more
  682. man less
  683. cat passwd | more -5
  684. cd ~
  685. ls
  686. cat oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  687. vim
  688. vim tekst1
  689. ls
  690. vim tekst2
  691. ls
  692. vim test3
  693. cat tekst1 > tekst2 >>tekst3
  694. cat tekst3
  695. cat tekst1 > cat tekst2 >> tekst4
  696. cat tekst4
  697. cat tekst2
  698. vim tekst2
  699. ls
  700. cat tekst1 > cat tekst2 >> tekst4
  701. cat tekst4
  702. ls
  703. ls -1
  704. ls -1 | xargs cat | head -n5
  705. cat tekst4
  706. cat test3
  707. ls -1 | xargs cat
  708. ssh lab-os-11
  709. exit
  710. clear
  711. ssh student@lab-os-11
  712. clear
  713. ls
  714. vim Makefile
  715. vim callback.x
  716. rpcgen
  717. ls
  718. vim callback.x
  719. vim getinf_clnt.c
  720. clear
  721. vim callback.x
  722. rpcgen -m callback.x
  723. vim callback.x
  724. rpcgen -m callback.x
  725. rpcgen -m callback.x > callback.h
  726. rpcgen -m callback.x > callback.c
  727. rm callback.h
  728. ls
  729. vim getinf_svc.c
  730. vim callback.c
  731. rm callback.c
  732. mkdir asdf
  733. mv callback.x asdf/
  734. cd asdf/
  735. ls
  736. rpcgen -a callback.x
  737. ls
  738. date
  739. clear
  740. vim callback_clnt.c
  741. cat *
  742. ed
  743. ed Makefile.callback
  744. rlwrap ed Makefile.callback
  745. time
  746. time time time
  747. time bash
  748. clear
  749. alias
  750. echo alias
  751. which alias
  752. echo alias
  753. alias
  754. reset
  755. ed Makefile.callback
  756. ed Makefile.callback -p\*
  757. clear
  758. ls
  759. cd ..
  760. ls
  761. make
  762. make all
  763. make clean
  764. make all
  765. clear
  766. ls
  767. cd asdf/
  768. ls
  769. vim callback*
  770. clear
  771. poweroff
  772. ls
  773. cat *
  774. cat cat
  775. rm cat
  776. cat
  777. rm ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  778. rm te*
  779. ls
  780. clear
  781. ssh lab-os-11
  782. ssh lab-os-12
  783. clear
  784. ssh lab-os-11
  785. clear
  786. mkdir things
  787. cd things/
  788. scp -r student@lab-os-11:/homex/student/labRPC .
  789. vim getinf_client.c
  790. ls
  791. cd labRPC/
  792. ls
  793. vim getinf_client.c
  794. clear
  795. ls
  796. vim getinf_server.c
  797. vim getinf_svc.c
  798. vim getinf.x
  799. cd ~
  800. vim .vimrc
  801. vim
  802. clear
  803. /etc/passwd
  804. cat /etc/passwd
  805. man more
  806. more /etc/passwd
  807. cat /etc/passwd | more +5
  808. cat << EOF
  809. Tekst3
  810. EOF
  812. cat p1 - p2 <<XXX
  813. dsds
  814. dsds
  815. dsds
  816. dsds
  817. ds
  818. ds
  819. d
  820. s
  822. cat p1 - p2 <<XXX >p3
  823. fddf
  824. fdf
  826. cat p1 - p2 <<XXX >p3
  827. fdf
  828. fd
  829. XXX
  831. cat p3
  832. /student
  833. cat /student
  834. cat /home
  835. /home
  836. ..
  837. -ls
  838. l
  839. ls
  840. /student
  841. .
  842. ..
  843. .
  844. ..
  845. `
  847. ~
  848. cat /homex
  849. man cat
  850. cat /etc/passwd | head -n 5| tail -n 3
  851. cat /etc/passwd
  852. cat /etc/passwd | tail -n 5
  853. ls
  854. .
  855. /.
  856. ..
  857. ~
  858. /~
  859. ..
  860. .
  861. ~
  862. ls
  863. ~
  864. /homex/student
  865. cat /etc/passwd |tr -d \n
  866. cat /etc/passwd |tr -d n
  867. cat /etc/passwd |tr -d /n
  868. cat /etc/passwd | tr " " "\n"
  869. /etc ls
  870. ls /etc
  871. cat ls /etc | tr " " "\n"
  872. ls /etc | tr " " "\n"
  873. ls /etc | tr " " "\n" | wc -l
  874. cat /etc/passwd | head -n 3| wc -c
  875. cat /etc/passwd | head -n 3
  876. cd ~
  877. cd \
  878. cd \.
  879. cd \~
  880. cd /homex/student
  881. ..
  882. ...
  883. ..
  884. .
  885. ..
  886. cd /homex
  887. cd /student
  888. ls
  889. ls -l
  890. /etc/passwd
  891. cat /etc/passwd
  892. /etc/passwd
  893. cat /etc/passwdcat /etc/passwd\
  894. cat /etc/passwd
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