

Mar 6th, 2016
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  1. [5:53:44 PM] JackProehl: YipYip: Martin Shkreli actually isn't as bad of a guy as you think...
  2. YipYip: There's an interesting Vice documentary that you should watch.
  3. YipYip: I mean, personally, I'd like to see some third party research by an expert subject.
  4. YipYip: But it's clear that the media has exaggerated his character and intentions.
  5. WANG$AP: They have.
  6. YipYip: Such as?
  7. WANG$AP: I have watched the Vice Documentary
  8. WANG$AP: sa well as many of his livestream VODs
  9. YipYip: Okay, what's not to like/trust?
  10. WANG$AP: I have*
  11. YipYip: He's reputable the majority of the time.
  12. WANG$AP: majority of the time
  13. WANG$AP: lol
  14. YipYip: Certainly it can be argued that what he did was morally wrong.
  15. YipYip: But it genuinely hasn't had reprecussions for anyone other than insurance companies.
  16. WANG$AP: what he did with Daraprim was a publicity stunt
  17. YipYip: For?
  18. WANG$AP: He could have just done what a normal POS would have done
  19. WANG$AP: and just slowly ticked up the price of the drug
  20. YipYip: Yes, I agree.
  21. WANG$AP: and gained free money over time while getting no publicity
  22. WANG$AP: instead he chose to get worldwide attention
  23. WANG$AP: for his brand
  24. YipYip: And he would have gotten away with it with no publicity.
  25. WANG$AP: and what he does
  26. YipYip: Right.
  27. WANG$AP: by raising the price to $750
  28. YipYip: But he wanted money in the short term.
  29. WANG$AP: The drug he uses is literally live saving
  30. YipYip: Didn't want to wait years upon years.
  31. WANG$AP: He says that he wanted to improve the drug
  32. WANG$AP: The drug did has issues
  33. YipYip: Life saving in a limited number of cases.
  34. WANG$AP: it was an 80 year old shitty drug
  35. YipYip: And hasn't been denied to any individuals.
  36. WANG$AP: but no other corporation wanted to make an alternative that was better
  37. WANG$AP: because there was no money in it
  38. WANG$AP: the entire pharm industry is fucking awful
  39. WANG$AP: they're all scumbags
  40. YipYip: Yes.
  41. WANG$AP: it's really sad to think about
  42. WANG$AP: But still
  43. YipYip: But Martin Shrkeli is at least obvious about it.
  44. [5:53:57 PM] JackProehl: WANG$AP: He used HIV victims
  45. WANG$AP: and pregnant women
  46. WANG$AP: with life threatening conditions
  47. WANG$AP: to gain publicity
  48. WANG$AP: and make money
  49. YipYip: And if anything, he's better than the incumbants in the industry.
  50. WANG$AP: That's so arguable though
  51. WANG$AP: because he did all of it to get attention
  52. YipYip: They passed up Diapram because there was no way to make money without taking extreme measures.
  53. WANG$AP: to make more money int he long run
  54. YipYip: Which would in turn lead to bad publicity for those companies.
  55. WANG$AP: exactly, because not many people need the pill
  56. YipYip: He simply didn't care, like Donald Trump.
  57. WANG$AP: Not many people need it, but it's very important
  58. YipYip: Didn't care what people would think.
  59. WANG$AP: It's still fucked up
  60. YipYip: Again, but it's not denied to any of those patients.
  61. YipYip: Health insurance companies bite the bullet.
  62. WANG$AP: He said
  63. YipYip: And in turn, if they were to remove Diapram from supported treatments, Martin Shrkeli has said he would provide the drug.
  64. WANG$AP: He would give free bottles of the pill for free
  65. WANG$AP: if someone would have messaged him
  66. WANG$AP: saying they needed it
  67. YipYip: "free bottles of the pill for free."
  68. WANG$AP: But, still, hospitals that needed to keep the pill could not
  69. YipYip: Little redundant.
  70. WANG$AP: I'm typing quickly, shut the fuck up
  71. YipYip: He created a smaller bottle though.
  72. WANG$AP: keep it in stock
  73. YipYip: To allow hospitals to keep it available.
  74. WANG$AP: Bottles still costed an unbelievable amoutn of money
  75. WANG$AP: I don't know why you're trying to justify it
  76. WANG$AP: That's unbelievable to me
  77. YipYip: I just don't think he's the villain that people make him out to be.
  78. YipYip: He's an unethical businessman.
  79. WANG$AP: He is a villain
  80. WANG$AP: But he's not as bad
  81. WANG$AP: as the media portrays him
  82. YipYip: But no less unethical than the rest of the industry.
  83. WANG$AP: No one is as bad as the media portrays them
  84. WANG$AP: People defend him, "He's just the same as these other people!"
  85. YipYip: Pharma industry is worse than Martin Shkreli.
  86. WANG$AP: Which is, in my eyes, the same as saying "He's a rapist, but at least he's not as bad as other rapists!"
  87. YipYip: They do what he's doing on a mass scale.
  88. [5:54:08 PM] JackProehl: WANG$AP: like what the fuck
  89. WANG$AP: lmfao
  90. YipYip: But with smaller incriments.
  91. YipYip: To avoid detection by the media.
  92. YipYip: Because no one cares if a drug gets raised $1.
  93. YipYip: But they do it to every drug in their arsenal.
  94. YipYip: And in turn, the numbers add up.
  95. WANG$AP: Drugs are too expensive
  96. WANG$AP: and they make like 2000% return on them
  97. YipYip: Shkreli only made headlines because he didn't care to hide it.
  98. WANG$AP: that's the entire industry
  99. WANG$AP: He did it all for publicity
  100. WANG$AP: he is a bad person
  101. YipYip: Well, I don't necessarily see anything wrong with that.
  102. YipYip: There are people who have to research those drugs.
  103. WANG$AP: making upwards of 5000% return per pill?
  104. YipYip: And they get paid big bucks to find treatments.
  105. YipYip: They wouldn't be in the field if the reward was smaller.
  106. WANG$AP: 5000%?
  107. WANG$AP: 2000%?
  108. WANG$AP: that return is ridiculous
  109. YipYip: Daegonner had insane return rates.
  110. WANG$AP: Obviously
  111. YipYip: App games do too.
  112. WANG$AP: It's a scam
  113. WANG$AP: They're all scams
  114. YipYip: I don't see anyone complaining about that?
  115. WANG$AP: what?
  116. YipYip: It's business.
  117. WANG$AP: People complain a shit ton
  118. YipYip: It's economics at it's finest.
  119. WANG$AP: about freemium games
  120. YipYip: No media attention, however.
  121. WANG$AP: you can look up a million videos about freemium games
  122. YipYip: And people play the games nonetheless.
  123. WANG$AP: there's a shitton of things that get no media attention
  124. YipYip: So I guess they don't care that much,
  125. WANG$AP: and people play the games because of ginormous ad campaigns
  126. YipYip: If they still play the games anyways.
  127. WANG$AP: Those games take advantage of little kids and people with poor judgement
  128. WANG$AP: Someone I know through family has aspergers, and is currently in the airforce
  129. YipYip: I mean, I've bought things on freemium games, I'm not a kid.
  130. WANG$AP: and spent $5000 on one of those games
  131. WANG$AP: like what the fuck
  132. [5:54:24 PM] JackProehl: WANG$AP: it takes advantage of people that don't understand
  133. YipYip: He wanted the prizes.
  134. YipYip: It's business.
  135. WANG$AP: That's fucked up business
  136. WANG$AP: to take advantage of people who don't know better
  137. WANG$AP: That's unethical
  138. YipYip: They know better.
  139. WANG$AP: Yes, it's allowed
  140. YipYip: They chose to make that choice.
  141. WANG$AP: Children?
  142. YipYip: Yes.
  143. WANG$AP: Children understand the concept of money
  144. WANG$AP: and that it's not a piece of plastic that mommy slides?
  145. YipYip: Kids work and get money at a young age.
  146. YipYip: And they know the constraints of money.
  147. WANG$AP: yeah, they get $100 for their birthday
  148. WANG$AP: No they do not
  149. WANG$AP: Don't tell me a 10 year old child
  150. WANG$AP: Understand how economics works
  151. WANG$AP: and understands money
  152. YipYip: They absolutely do.
  153. WANG$AP: Fuck no they don't
  154. YipYip: They know they can't purchase things they can't afford.
  155. WANG$AP: Why do they rack up $1000 on itunes?
  156. WANG$AP: Why do a ton of parents have issues with kids snagging money out of their purse
  157. YipYip: Because they want the music.
  159. YipYip: And they know their parents can manage the $1000.
  161. YipYip: Agree to disagree.
  162. WANG$AP: ????
  163. WANG$AP: they udnerstand money
  164. WANG$AP: they don't understand the meaning of money
  165. WANG$AP: and how important it is
  166. WANG$AP: there is no way they could
  167. YipYip: Well, grown adults don't understand the meaning of money.
  168. WANG$AP: they are stupid
  169. YipYip: But we all understand money.
  170. WANG$AP: do you think it's okay
  171. WANG$AP: if a 10 year old kid buys $1000 worth of whatever in clash of clans
  172. WANG$AP: with their parents itunes password
  173. WANG$AP: ?
  174. YipYip: Yes.
  175. WANG$AP: what.
  176. YipYip: Their parents allowed their child to make that decision.
  177. [5:55:09 PM] JackProehl: WANG$AP: how?
  178. WANG$AP: do you have to watch over your child and literally every action they do 24/7?>
  179. YipYip: You can put on parental controls, not buy them an electronic device.
  180. YipYip: Not give them your password.
  181. YipYip: You know, keep your wallet on you.
  182. WANG$AP: Yeah, don't buy your kid a smartphone
  183. YipYip: Punish them if they do go into your wallet.
  184. YipYip: You think ever kid should have a smartphone?
  185. WANG$AP: do you think a kid shouldn't have a phone?
  186. YipYip: Every*
  187. YipYip: Yes.
  188. WANG$AP: Wow.
  189. YipYip: I don't think they should.
  190. YipYip: It does more harm than good.
  191. WANG$AP: What if they have an emergency?
  192. WANG$AP: What if they desperately need to call you?
  193. WANG$AP: What if they need to call 911?
  194. YipYip: No one desperately needs to call anyone as a kid.
  195. YipYip: There is always an adult around.
  196. YipYip: And other ways of getting help.
  197. WANG$AP: Like what?
  198. YipYip: I.e. finding an adult.
  199. YipYip: Payphones.
  200. WANG$AP: yep, every adult is trustable
  201. YipYip: Most are.
  202. WANG$AP: and payphones are everywhere
  203. YipYip: When it comes to kids.
  204. YipYip: I mean, they kinda still are.
  205. WANG$AP: not anywhere near where I live
  206. WANG$AP: there is not a payphone within 25 miles of my house
  207. YipYip: You live in a suburb.
  208. WANG$AP: I do not.
  209. YipYip: I.e. near adults.
  210. WANG$AP: I do not live in a suburb
  211. WANG$AP: I live in the woods
  212. YipYip: Suburb.
  213. WANG$AP: With neighbors that are never home
  214. WANG$AP: I do not live in a suburb
  215. YipYip: You don't live in a city.
  216. YipYip: There for you live in a suburban developed area.
  217. YipYip: Therefore*
  218. YipYip: Pointing out facts her...
  219. YipYip: Here*
  220. WANG$AP: A suburb is a residential district
  221. [5:55:18 PM] JackProehl: WANG$AP: I do not live in a residential area
  222. WANG$AP: There is not housing near me
  223. WANG$AP: It is mainly woods
  224. YipYip: Agree to disagree.
  225. WANG$AP: And private property
  226. YipYip: > private property
  227. YipYip: > suburb
  228. WANG$AP: > meme arrows
  229. WANG$AP: ??
  230. YipYip: Skype quote style.
  231. WANG$AP: and jeremy telling you I wouldn't debate with him
  232. WANG$AP: when he literally was yelling at the top of his lungs
  233. YipYip: What?
  234. WANG$AP: when I was trying to state my side of the argument
  235. YipYip: Jeremy just told me that you aren't supportive of Martin Shkreli.
  236. WANG$AP: Yeah
  237. WANG$AP: of course that's all he said
  238. YipYip: And you think he's a villain.
  239. WANG$AP: That is believable
  240. WANG$AP: He didn't say anything about how I wouldn't debate with him
  241. YipYip: No?
  242. WANG$AP: yeah okay
  243. WANG$AP: loool
  244. YipYip: Is that a good or bad thing?
  245. YipYip: I honestly don't know where you're going with that.
  246. WANG$AP: was just saying
  247. WANG$AP: that jeremy told you
  248. WANG$AP: to talk to me
  249. WANG$AP: which is unbelievable
  250. WANG$AP: when he can't debate anything serious
  251. WANG$AP: you literally support donald trump
  252. WANG$AP: which is unbelievable
  253. WANG$AP: really tired of talking to you
  254. WANG$AP: ever
  255. WANG$AP: about anything
  256. WANG$AP: you're a condescending asshole that doesn't think about others whatsoever
  257. WANG$AP: and only care about yourself
  258. YipYip: Well I care about Shkreli and Trump obviously.
  259. WANG$AP: and only say stupid shit to piss others off
  260. WANG$AP: yeah
  261. WANG$AP: apparently
  262. WANG$AP: you care about sick twisted people
  263. WANG$AP: instead of normal human beings
  264. YipYip: I'm not saying shit to piss people off.
  265. [5:55:29 PM] JackProehl: WANG$AP: good for you
  266. WANG$AP: yes
  267. YipYip: Those are my opinions.
  268. WANG$AP: you can't say you don't
  269. YipYip: And who I support.
  270. WANG$AP: you are a troll
  271. WANG$AP: you troll people
  272. WANG$AP: for fun
  273. WANG$AP: and for jokes
  274. YipYip: You just won't listen to my thoughts.
  275. WANG$AP: You have two sides
  276. WANG$AP: Condescending asshole somewhat-professional Jack
  277. YipYip: You think Sanders is the only answer and that Shkreli's a villain, etc.
  278. WANG$AP: and then troll dickhead jack
  279. WANG$AP: I don't
  280. YipYip: Like, I hear your opinions but you won't hear mine.
  281. WANG$AP: I never even said that I fully support bernie sanders
  282. WANG$AP: I always hear yours
  283. WANG$AP: but you're condescending
  284. WANG$AP: it's so obnoxious
  285. WANG$AP: can never talk to you about anything
  286. YipYip: "somewhat-professional" Well at least you threw in a compliment. ;)
  287. WANG$AP: video games
  288. WANG$AP: real life
  289. WANG$AP: Idk why I ever talk to you
  290. YipYip: Well I'm condescending cause I believe I'm right.
  291. WANG$AP: it always bites me in the ass
  292. YipYip: But I still let you discuss your ideas on the world.
  293. WANG$AP: my ideas on the world
  294. WANG$AP: lmao
  295. YipYip: ?
  296. WANG$AP: my ideas on martin shkreli you mean
  297. WANG$AP: we're talking about the pharm. industry
  298. YipYip: Well we were talking about both.
  299. WANG$AP: which then went to shitty business practices
  300. YipYip: Which then went to personal attacks on me because you don't like my arguments.
  301. WANG$AP: No
  302. YipYip: Or who I support.
  303. WANG$AP: Personal attacks because you're condescending
  304. WANG$AP: I know your arguments are wrong
  305. WANG$AP: But there is no reason to ever debate with you
  306. WANG$AP: because even if I'm right, you will simply continue on
  307. YipYip: WANG$AP: you literally support donald trump
  308. WANG$AP: which is unbelievable
  309. WANG$AP: really tired of talking to you
  310. [5:55:41 PM] JackProehl: WANG$AP: really tired of talking to you
  311. WANG$AP: ever
  312. WANG$AP: yup
  313. WANG$AP: still stand by that
  314. YipYip: Yeah, not a personal atttack.
  315. WANG$AP: and I will until I die probably
  316. YipYip: That's what's referred to as ad hominem.
  317. WANG$AP: condescending asshole
  318. WANG$AP: right there
  319. YipYip: Not having a legitimate argument to fall back on.
  320. WANG$AP: condescending asshole
  321. YipYip: So then you attack someone personally.
  322. WANG$AP: condescending asshole
  323. WANG$AP: sorry
  324. YipYip: Again, ad hominem.
  325. WANG$AP: just pointing out where you're a condescending asshole
  326. WANG$AP: I do have a legitimate argument to fall back on
  327. WANG$AP: But you go in circles
  328. WANG$AP: If we have a debate
  329. WANG$AP: it is literally circles
  330. WANG$AP: that go nowhere
  331. WANG$AP: but the whole time
  332. WANG$AP: you be a condescending asshole
  333. YipYip: I disagree.
  334. WANG$AP: which will eventually end with "agree to disagree"
  335. WANG$AP: and never be finished
  336. WANG$AP: and to be honest, I don't really care
  337. WANG$AP: about the arguments or debates
  338. WANG$AP: always about something stupid
  339. YipYip: Well that's fine.
  340. WANG$AP: you're self centered
  341. WANG$AP: which is what you base a lot of your arguments on
  342. YipYip: Ad hominem.
  343. WANG$AP: you don't care about others
  344. WANG$AP: that is where the basis of your beliefs come from
  345. WANG$AP: what benefits you
  346. WANG$AP: personally
  347. WANG$AP: instead of everybody
  348. YipYip: Well of course.
  349. WANG$AP: you don't care what happens to others
  350. YipYip: I'm worried about myself first and foremost.
  351. YipYip: Not Africa.
  352. WANG$AP: that's the difference between you and me
  353. WANG$AP: and that's all I need to know
  354. [5:55:52 PM] JackProehl: WANG$AP: Simple as that
  355. WANG$AP: your world views are deplorable
  356. WANG$AP: it's so sad honestly
  357. WANG$AP: it makes me sad
  358. YipYip: Ad hominem.
  359. WANG$AP: makes me sad that people in the world think like that
  360. WANG$AP: very despressing to think about to be honest
  361. WANG$AP: that you are more worried about income and money
  362. WANG$AP: than the lives of others
  363. YipYip: My life matters first and foremost.
  364. WANG$AP: of course it does jack
  365. WANG$AP: I know you probably have trouble with other people
  366. YipYip: That's logical reasoning.
  367. WANG$AP: and showing that you care for them
  368. YipYip: Has nothing to do with being selfish.
  369. WANG$AP: after what your mother did to you
  370. WANG$AP: and whatnot
  371. YipYip: Ad hominem.
  372. WANG$AP: but maybe one day you will leanr
  373. WANG$AP: so whatever
  374. WANG$AP: life goes on I guess
  375. WANG$AP: the world sucks and you make it worse TBH
  376. YipYip: Ad hominem.
  377. WANG$AP: ad hominem lol
  378. WANG$AP: keep saying it
  379. YipYip: Ad hominem.
  380. WANG$AP: one more
  381. YipYip: Ad hominem.
  382. WANG$AP: don't really care
  383. YipYip: Poor debate skills.
  384. WANG$AP: when you jerk off at the end of the night
  385. WANG$AP: because you debate about stuff and think that you're always right
  386. WANG$AP: that's whatever
  387. YipYip: Starting to think that you genuinely wouldn't debate with Jeremy.
  388. WANG$AP: he literally yelled
  389. WANG$AP: and talked over me
  390. WANG$AP: and started calling me an idiot
  391. WANG$AP: that just listens to what the media says
  392. YipYip: I'm sure he also said "when you jerk off at the end of the night."
  393. WANG$AP: your world views are so shitty lmao
  394. WANG$AP: you just look at how fucked up the world is
  395. WANG$AP: and how bad it is
  396. WANG$AP: and don't care
  397. WANG$AP: that's whatever
  398. WANG$AP: tired of talking to you about anything
  399. [5:57:04 PM] JackProehl: WANG$AP: it's better for my mental health to never talk to you again
  400. WANG$AP: league of legends
  401. WANG$AP: real life
  402. WANG$AP: everything
  403. WANG$AP: bites me in the ass when I talk to you
  404. WANG$AP: because you're a dick
  405. YipYip: Well that's your choice, I certainly have no right to stop you from doing so.
  406. WANG$AP: yeah
  407. WANG$AP: that's really true
  408. YipYip: But if you ever do feel like talking, I am available whenever.
  409. WANG$AP: never message me again through any platform please
  410. YipYip: Okay, I will await your response then.
  411. WANG$AP: never message me again through any platform please
  412. YipYip: You got it.
  413. WANG$AP: never message me again through any platform please
  414. WANG$AP is now Offline.
  415. WANG$AP is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.
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