
RHCE ex294 all feb21

Feb 19th, 2021
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  2. PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************************************************************************
  3. : ok=0 changed=0 unreachable=1 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
  4. localhost : ok=3 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=1 rescued=0 ignored=0
  6. [ansible@control lesson16]$ vim software-advanced.yml
  7. [ansible@control lesson16]$ ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass software-advanced.yml -e -e newhostip= -k
  8. SSH password:
  9. Vault password:
  11. PLAY [add host to inventory] ***************************************************************************************************************
  13. TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************************************************************************
  14. ok: [localhost]
  16. TASK [fail] ********************************************************************************************************************************
  17. skipping: [localhost]
  19. TASK [add new host to inventory] ***********************************************************************************************************
  20. ok: [localhost]
  22. TASK [add new host to /etc/hosts] **********************************************************************************************************
  23. ok: [localhost]
  25. PLAY [configure a new RHEL host] ***********************************************************************************************************
  27. TASK [configure user ansible] **************************************************************************************************************
  28. ok: []
  30. TASK [set a password for this user] ********************************************************************************************************
  31. changed: []
  33. TASK [enable sudo without passwords] *******************************************************************************************************
  34. changed: []
  36. TASK [create SSH directory in user ansible home] *******************************************************************************************
  37. changed: []
  39. TASK [copy SSH public key to remote host] **************************************************************************************************
  40. changed: []
  42. PLAY [use subscription manager to register and set up repos] *******************************************************************************
  44. TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************************************************************************
  45. ok: []
  47. TASK [register and subscribe] *****************************************************************************************
  48. fatal: []: FAILED! => {"msg": "The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: 'rhsm_user' is undefined\n\nThe error appears to be in '/home/ansible/rhce8-live/lesson16/software-advanced.yml': line 57, column 5, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n tasks:\n - name: register and subscribe {{ newhost }}\n ^ here\nWe could be wrong, but this one looks like it might be an issue with\nmissing quotes. Always quote template expression brackets when they\nstart a value. For instance:\n\n with_items:\n - {{ foo }}\n\nShould be written as:\n\n with_items:\n - \"{{ foo }}\"\n"}
  50. PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************************************************************************
  51. : ok=6 changed=4 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
  52. localhost : ok=3 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=1 rescued=0 ignored=0
  54. [ansible@control lesson16]$ history
  55. 1 pwd
  56. 2 ../../countdown 12
  57. 3 ansible-doc firewalld
  58. 4 cat vsftpd.yml
  59. 5 rhce8-live/countdown 6
  60. 6 cd rhce8-live/lesson5/
  61. 7 cat user.yml
  62. 8 sudo vim /etc/hosts
  63. 9 ping ansible1
  64. 10 ping ansible2
  65. 11 cat /etc/hosts
  66. 12 sudo yum install -y epel-release
  67. 13 sudo yum install -y ansible
  68. 14 sudo ls -l /root
  69. 15 sudo -i
  70. 16 ssh-keygen
  71. 17 ssh-copy-id ansible1
  72. 18 ssh-copy-id ansible2
  73. 19 history
  74. 20 ssh ansible1 ls -l /root
  75. 21 ssh ansible1 sudo ls -l /root
  76. 22 ssh ansible2 sudo ls -l /root
  77. 23 ansible --version
  78. 24 sudo yum install -y git
  79. 25 git clone
  80. 26 git clone
  81. 27 cd rhce8-live/
  82. 28 ls
  83. 29 ./countdown 12
  84. 30 vim /etc/ansible/hosts
  85. 31 cd lesson2/
  86. 32 ls
  87. 33 vim inventory
  88. 34 vim ansible.cfg
  89. 35 ansible -i inventory all --list-hosts
  90. 36 ansible -i inventory -m ping
  91. 37 ansible -i inventory all -m ping
  92. 38 ansible file --list-hosts
  93. 39 cat inventory
  94. 40 ansible db --list-hosts
  95. 41 ../countdown 4
  96. 42 cd ../..
  97. 43 history | grep git
  98. 44 cd rhce8-book/
  99. 45 ls
  100. 46 vim /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
  101. 47 ansible --version
  102. 48 cd ../rhce8-live/
  103. 49 ansible --help
  104. 50 cd lesson2/
  105. 51 vim ansible.cfg
  106. 52 cd
  107. 53 ansible all -m ping
  108. 54 ls
  109. 55 ansible localhost -m ping
  110. 56 cd rhce8-live/
  111. 57 ls
  112. 58 cd lesson2/
  113. 59 ansible ansible2 -m command -a "useradd lisa"
  114. 60 ansible ansible1 -m user -a "name=linda"
  115. 61 history
  116. 62 ../countdown 12
  117. 63 ansible-doc -l | wc
  118. 64 ansible-doc -l
  119. 65 ansible-doc user
  120. 66 ansible all -m ping
  121. 67 ansible all -m yum -a "name=httpd state=latest"
  122. 68 ansible all -m yum -a "name=httpd state=absent"
  123. 69 ansible all -m service -a "name=httpd state=started"
  124. 70 ansible all -m copy -a 'content="hello world" dest=/etc/motd'
  125. 71 ansible all -m command -a "id lisa"
  126. 72 ansible all -m command -a "rpm -qa | grep nmap"
  127. 73 ansible all -m shell -a "rpm -qa | grep nmap"
  128. 74 ansible all -m raw -a "rpm -qa | grep nmap"
  129. 75 ansible-doc -s user
  130. 76 ../countdown 5
  131. 77 ansible -m package -a "name=nmap" all
  132. 78 ansible all -m command -a "which nmap"
  133. 79 cd ../lesson4/
  134. 80 ls
  135. 81 vim vsftpd.yml
  136. 82 ansible-playbook vsftpd.yml
  137. 83 vim vsftpd.yml
  138. 84 ansible-playbook vsftpd.yml
  139. 85 history
  140. 86 ../countdown 12
  141. 87 history | grep git
  142. 88 ansible-playbook vsftpd.yml
  143. 89 cp vsftpd.yml vsftpd2.yml
  144. 90 vim vsftpd2.yml
  145. 91 ansible-doc -m command
  146. 92 ansible-doc command
  147. 93 ansible-playbook vsftpd2.yml
  148. 94 vim vsftpd2.yml
  149. 95 ansible-playbook vsftpd2.yml
  150. 96 ansible-playbook -vvvv vsftpd2.yml
  151. 97 sudo yum provides */ansible-lint
  152. 98 sudo pip3 install ansible-lint
  153. 99 ansible-lint vsftpd.yml
  154. 100 ansible-lint vsftpd2.yml
  155. 101 ../countdown 3
  156. 102 vim mo.yaml
  157. 103 ansible-playbook mo.yaml
  158. 104 cat mo.yaml
  159. 105 cd ../lesson5/
  160. 106 ls
  161. 107 vim user.yml
  162. 108 ansible-playbook user.yml
  163. 109 ansible-playbook user.yml -e user=anna
  164. 110 vim user.yml
  165. 111 ansible-playbook user.yml
  166. 112 ansible-playbook user.yml -e user=bob
  167. 113 git clone
  168. 114 ls
  169. 115 mv ansible-advanced/ ../../
  170. 116 cd ../../
  171. 117 ls
  172. 118 cd ansible-advanced/
  173. 119 ls
  174. 120 cd windows/
  175. 121 vim inventory
  176. 122 cd -
  177. 123 cd ../rhce8-live/lesson5/
  178. 124 ls
  179. 125 cd webservers/
  180. 126 ls
  181. 127 pwd
  182. 128 cat inventory
  183. 129 ls
  184. 130 cat group_vars/lamp
  185. 131 cd ..
  186. 132 cd webservers/
  187. 133 ls
  188. 134 vim site.yml
  189. 135 ansible-playbook site.yml
  190. 136 cd ..
  191. 137 vim piotr.yaml
  192. 138 ansible-playbook piotr.yaml
  193. 139 ansible -a "firewall-cmd --list-all"
  194. 140 ansible -a "firewall-cmd --list-all --permanent"
  195. 141 vim piotr.yaml
  196. 142 ls
  197. 143 ls -lrt
  198. 144 curl
  199. 145 mv whatstate whatstate.yaml
  200. 146 vim whatstate.yaml
  201. 147 ansible-playbook whatstate.yaml
  202. 148 ansible -a "firewall-cmd --list-all --permanent"
  203. 149 ansible -a "firewall-cmd --list-all"
  204. 150 ansible-vault --help
  205. 151 cd ../lesson7/
  206. 152 ls
  207. 153 cd vault/
  208. 154 ls
  209. 155 ansible-vault create secret.yml
  210. 156 vim create-user.yml
  211. 157 ansible-playbook create-user.yml
  212. 158 ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass create-user.yml
  213. 159 ansible -a "tail -1 /etc/shadow"
  214. 160 echo password > vault-pass
  215. 161 ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=vault-pass create-user.yml
  216. 162 history
  217. 163 history | grep git
  218. 164 ansible -m setup > facts.txt
  219. 165 less facts.txt
  220. 166 cd ..
  221. 167 ls
  222. 168 cd facts/
  223. 169 ls
  224. 170 vim facts.yml
  225. 171 ansible-playbook facts.yml
  226. 172 l
  227. 173 ls
  228. 174 vim ipfact.yml
  229. 175 ansible-playbook ipfact.yml
  230. 176 vim ipfact.yml
  231. 177 ansible-playbook ipfact.yml
  232. 178 cat ipfact.yml
  233. 179 ls
  234. 180 vim newlocalfacts.yml
  235. 181 vim localfacts.fact
  236. 182 vim newlocalfacts.yml
  237. 183 ansible-playbook newlocalfacts.yml
  238. 184 ansible -m setup -a "filter=ansible_local"
  239. 185 vim pk.yaml
  240. 186 ansible-playbook pk.yaml
  241. 187 vim pk.yaml
  242. 188 pwd
  243. 189 cd ../../lesson5
  244. 190 ls
  245. 191 vim user.yml
  246. 192 ansible-playbook user.yml
  247. 193 vim user.yml
  248. 194 ansible-playbook user.yml -e user=boris
  249. 195 ../countdown 12
  250. 196 ls
  251. 197 cd ../lesson7/
  252. 198 ls
  253. 199 cd arrays/
  254. 200 ls
  255. 201 cd vars/
  256. 202 ls
  257. 203 cat users-dictionary
  258. 204 cd ..
  259. 205 ls
  260. 206 vim multi-dictionary.yml
  261. 207 ansible-playbook multi-dictionary.yml
  262. 208 ls
  263. 209 vim vars/users-list
  264. 210 vim multi-list.yml
  265. 211 vim vars/users-list
  266. 212 vim multi-list.yml
  267. 213 ansible-playbook multi-list.yml
  268. 214 vim vars/users-list
  269. 215 vim multi-list.yml
  270. 216 cd ..
  271. 217 cd ../lesson8/
  272. 218 ls
  273. 219 vim loopusers.yml
  274. 220 ansible-playbook loopusers.yml
  275. 221 vim loopusers.yml
  276. 222 vim loopservices.yml
  277. 223 ansible-playbook loopservices.yml
  278. 224 ls
  279. 225 vim loop-over-variable.yml
  280. 226 cat loopvars.yml
  281. 227 ansible-playbook loop-over-variable.yml
  282. 228 vim loop-over-variable.yml
  283. 229 ls
  284. 230 vim loopservices.yml
  285. 231 vim register_loop.yml
  286. 232 ansible-playbook register_loop.yml
  287. 233 vim register_command.yml
  288. 234 ansible register_command.yml
  289. 235 ansible-playbook register_command.yml
  290. 236 vim register_command.yml
  291. 237 ansible-playbook register_command.yml
  292. 238 ../countdown 12
  293. 239 vim register_command.yml
  294. 240 vim distro.yml
  295. 241 ls
  296. 242 ansible-playbook distro.yml -e my_package=nmap
  297. 243 ansible-playbook distro.yml -e mypackage=nmap
  298. 244 vim distro.yml
  299. 245 ansible-playbook distro.yml -e mypackage=nmap
  300. 246 vim distro.yml
  301. 247 ansible-playbook distro.yml -e mypackage=nmap
  302. 248 ansible-doc -l | grep fact
  303. 249 ansible-doc -l | grep _fact
  304. 250 ansible-doc -l | grep _fact | wc
  305. 251 vim quicktest.yml
  306. 252 ansible-playbook quicktest.yml
  307. 253 vim quicktest.yml
  308. 254 ansible-playbook quicktest.yml
  309. 255 vim quicktest.yml
  310. 256 ansible-playbook quicktest.yml
  311. 257 vim quicktest.yml
  312. 258 ansible-playbook quicktest.yml
  313. 259 vim command-output-test.yml
  314. 260 vgs centos
  315. 261 sudo vgs centos
  316. 262 vgs
  317. 263 sudo vgs
  318. 264 vim command-output-test.yml
  319. 265 ansible-playbook command-output-test.yml
  320. 266 vim command-output-test.yml
  321. 267 ansible-playbook command-output-test.yml
  322. 268 vim command-output-test.yml
  323. 269 vim when_multiple.yml
  324. 270 ansible-playbook when_multiple
  325. 271 ansible-playbook when_multiple.yml
  326. 272 vim when_multiple_complex.yml
  327. 273 ansible-playbook when_multiple_complex.yml
  328. 274 vim when_multiple_complex.yml
  329. 275 ansible-playbook when_multiple_complex.yml
  330. 276 vim ifsize.yml
  331. 277 ansible-playbook ifsize.yml
  332. 278 vim ifsize.yml
  333. 279 history
  334. 280 vim ifsize.yml
  335. 281 journalctl -f
  336. 282 sudo vim /etc/systemd/journald.conf
  337. 283 sudo mkdir /var/log/journal
  338. 284 sudo ls /var/log/journal/
  339. 285 vim ts.yaml
  340. 286 ansible-playbook ts.yaml
  341. 287 vim ts.yaml
  342. 288 ansible-playbook ts.yaml
  343. 289 vim ts.yaml
  344. 290 cat ts.yaml
  345. 291 ls
  346. 292 vim handlers.yml
  347. 293 ansible-playbook handlers.yml
  348. 294 touch /tmp/index.html
  349. 295 ansible-playbook handlers.yml
  350. 296 vim handlers.yml
  351. 297 ansible-playbook handlers.yml
  352. 298 vim handlers.yml
  353. 299 ansible all -m file -a "name=/var/www/index.html state=absent"
  354. 300 ansible all -m file -a "name=/var/www/html/index.html state=absent"
  355. 301 vim handlers.yml
  356. 302 ansible-playbook handlers.yml
  357. 303 vim handlers.yml
  358. 304 vim blocks.yml
  359. 305 ansible-playbook blocks.yml
  360. 306 vim blocks.yml
  361. 307 ansible-playbook blocks.yml
  362. 308 vim blocks2.yml
  363. 309 ansible-playbook blocks2.yml
  364. 310 ls
  365. 311 vim failure.yml
  366. 312 ansible-playbook failure.yml
  367. 313 vim failure.yml
  368. 314 ansible-playbook failure.yml
  369. 315 vim failure.yml
  370. 316 ansible-playbook failure.yml
  371. 317 ls
  372. 318 vim failure2.yml
  373. 319 ansible-playbook failure2.yml
  374. 320 vim failure2.yml
  375. 321 ansible-playbook failure2.yml
  376. 322 vim failure2.yml
  377. 323 vim failure2.yml failure3.yml
  378. 324 cp failure2.yml failure3.yml
  379. 325 vim failure3.yml
  380. 326 ansible-playbook failure3.yml
  381. 327 vim failure3.yml
  382. 328 ansible-playbook failure3.yml
  383. 329 vim failure3.yml
  384. 330 ansible-playbook failure3.yml
  385. 331 vim failure3.yml
  386. 332 ../countdown 15
  387. 333 ls
  388. 334 grep sdb *
  389. 335 vim jg.yaml
  390. 336 vim lb.yaml
  391. 337 ansible-playbook lb.yaml
  392. 338 vim lb.yaml
  393. 339 vim changed.yml
  394. 340 ansible-playbook changed.yml
  395. 341 vim changed.yml
  396. 342 ansible-playbook changed.yml
  397. 343 cd ../lesson9/
  398. 344 ls
  399. 345 vim file.yml
  400. 346 ansible-playbook file.yml
  401. 347 ansible all -a "ls -l /tmp/removeme"
  402. 348 vim copy.yml
  403. 349 ansible-playbook copy.yml
  404. 350 ls -l /tmp/
  405. 351 cd /tmp/
  406. 352 ls
  407. 353 cd tmp/
  408. 354 ls
  409. 355 cat hosts
  410. 356 cd
  411. 357 cd rhce8-live/
  412. 358 cd lesson9/
  413. 359 vim copy.yml
  414. 360 ansible-playbook copy.yml
  415. 361 vim copy.yml
  416. 362 ansible-playbook copy.yml
  417. 363 vim selinux.yml
  418. 364 sudo yum provides */semanage
  419. 365 vim selinux.yml
  420. 366 ansible-playbook selinux.yml
  421. 367 cat selinux.yml
  422. 368 ../countdown 13
  423. 369 ls
  424. 370 ls templates/
  425. 371 vim templates/vsftpd.j2
  426. 372 vim vsftpd-template.yml
  427. 373 ansible-playbook vsftpd-template.yml
  428. 374 ansible all -a "cat /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf"
  429. 375 vim hostsfile.yml
  430. 376 vim templates/hosts.j2
  431. 377 grep localhost /etc/hosts
  432. 378 grep localhost /etc/hosts >> templates/hosts.j2
  433. 379 vim templates/hosts.j2
  434. 380 vim ansible.cfg
  435. 381 ansible-playbook hostsfile.yml
  436. 382 ansible all -a "cat /etc/hosts"
  437. 383 vim templates/hosts.j2
  438. 384 cd ../lesson11/
  439. 385 ls
  440. 386 ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.docker
  441. 387 ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.nginx
  442. 388 ls
  443. 389 vim motd-role.yml
  444. 390 cd roles/
  445. 391 ls
  446. 392 cd motd/
  447. 393 tree
  448. 394 cat meta/main.yml
  449. 395 cat tasks/main.yml
  450. 396 cat templates/motd.j2
  451. 397 ls
  452. 398 cat defaults/main.yml
  453. 399 pwd
  454. 400 cd ../..
  455. 401 vim motd-role.yml
  456. 402 ansible-playbook motd-role.yml
  457. 403 ls
  458. 404 vim nginx-role.yml
  459. 405 ls roles/
  460. 406 cd ../..
  461. 407 cd .ansible/
  462. 408 ls
  463. 409 cd roles/
  464. 410 ls
  465. 411 cd geerlingguy.
  466. 412 cd geerlingguy.nginx/
  467. 413 tree
  468. 414 vim defaults/main.yml
  469. 415 vim vars/RedHat.yml
  470. 416 vim tasks/main.yml
  471. 417 vim tasks/setup-RedHat.yml
  472. 418 cd
  473. 419 cd rhce8-live/lesson11/
  474. 420 ls
  475. 421 ansible-playbook nginx-role.yml
  476. 422 ../countdown 12
  477. 423 ansible-galaxy list
  478. 424 ls
  479. 425 cd roles
  480. 426 ansible-galaxy init mynewrole
  481. 427 ls
  482. 428 cd mynewrole/
  483. 429 ls
  484. 430 tree
  485. 431 sudo yum search roles
  486. 432 sudo yum install rhel-system-roles
  487. 433 sudo rpm -ql rhel-system-roles
  488. 434 cd /usr/share/doc/rhel-system-roles/
  489. 435 ls
  490. 436 cd selinux/
  491. 437 ls
  492. 438 cp example-selinux-playbook.yml ~/rhce8-live/lesson11/
  493. 439 cd
  494. 440 cd rhce8-live/lesson11/
  495. 441 ls
  496. 442 vim example-selinux-playbook.yml
  497. 443 cd /etc/ansible/roles/
  498. 444 ls
  499. 445 cd /usr/share/ansible/roles/rhel-system-roles.selinux/
  500. 446 ls
  501. 447 tree
  502. 448 cd tasks
  503. 449 vim main.yml
  504. 450 cd
  505. 451 cd rhce8-live/lesson11/
  506. 452 ls
  507. 453 vim example-selinux-playbook.yml
  508. 454 ansible-playbook example-selinux-playbook.yml
  509. 455 getsebool -a | grep ftp
  510. 456 vim example-selinux-playbook.yml
  511. 457 ansible-playbook example-selinux-playbook.yml
  512. 458 cd ../lesson16/
  513. 459 vim setup_sudo.yml
  514. 460 cat vars/defaults
  515. 461 cat vars/groups
  516. 462 vim setup_sudo.yml
  517. 463 cat sudoers.j2
  518. 464 ansible localhost -m debug -a "msg={{ 'password' | password_hash('sha512','mypassword') }}"
  519. 465 vim userpw.yml
  520. 466 history
  521. 467 ls
  522. 468 vim users-advanced.yml
  523. 469 vim exercise134-vars.yaml
  524. 470 vim users-advanced.yml
  525. 471 vim exercise134-tasks.yaml
  526. 472 ansible localhost -m debug -a "msg={{ 'password' | password_hash('sha512','mypassword') }}"
  527. 473 vim exercise134-tasks.yaml
  528. 474 vim lb.yaml
  529. 475 ansible-playbook lb.yaml
  530. 476 vim inventory
  531. 477 ansible-playbook lb.yaml
  532. 478 ssh sander@ansible1
  533. 479 ssh ansible@ansible1
  534. 480 exit
  535. 481 ansible-vault create my_vault.yml
  536. 482 history
  537. 483 vim users-advanced.yml
  538. 484 ansible-playbook users-advanced.yml
  539. 485 cd ..
  540. 486 ls
  541. 487 cd lesson13/
  542. 488 ls
  543. 489 vim
  544. 490 ansible-inventory -i --graph
  545. 491 ../countdown 20
  546. 492 vim ps.yaml
  547. 493 ls
  548. 494 vim includes.yml
  549. 495 vim install-and-setup.yml
  550. 496 vim imports.yaml
  551. 497 cat tasks/service.yaml
  552. 498 cat tasks/firewall.yaml
  553. 499 ansible-playbook --help | grep tasks
  554. 500 ansible-playbook --list-tasks imports.yaml
  555. 501 vim imports.yaml
  556. 502 ansible-playbook --list-tasks imports.yaml
  557. 503 vim tasks/firewall.yaml
  558. 504 ansible-playbook --list-tasks imports.yaml
  559. 505 ansible-playbook imports.yaml
  560. 506 cat inventory
  561. 507 vim inventory
  562. 508 ansible-playbook imports.yaml
  563. 509 cd ../lesson15/
  564. 510 ls
  565. 511 vim assertnic.yml
  566. 512 ip a
  567. 513 ansible-playbook assertnic.yml
  568. 514 vim assertnic.yml
  569. 515 ansible-playbook assertnic.yml
  570. 516 vim assertnic.yml
  571. 517 ls
  572. 518 vim assertsize-wrong.yml
  573. 519 ansible-playbook assertsize-wrong.yml
  574. 520 vim assertsize.yml
  575. 521 ansible-playbook assertsize.yml
  576. 522 ls
  577. 523 vim assertstat.yml
  578. 524 ansible-playbook assertstat.yml
  579. 525 vim assertstat.yml
  580. 526 ansible-playbook assertstat.yml
  581. 527 ../countdown 20
  582. 528 cd ../lesson16/
  583. 529 vim jg.yaml
  584. 530 ansible-playbook jg.yaml
  585. 531 vim jg.yaml
  586. 532 ansible-playbook jg.yaml
  587. 533 ansible ansible2 -a "lvs"
  588. 534 ls
  589. 535 vim storage-advanced.yml
  590. 536 cd ../lesson15/
  591. 537 vim uri.yml
  592. 538 ansible-playbook uri.yml
  593. 539 ../countdown 12
  594. 540 ansible_facts['lvm']['vgs']['vgfiles']['size_g'] | float > 5
  595. 541 ansible -m setup ansible1 | less
  596. 542 ansible -m setup | less
  597. 543 ansible-doc -l | grep nuta
  598. 544 ansible-doc yum
  599. 545 ansible-doc -l | grep yum
  600. 546 cd ../lesson16/
  601. 547 vim software-advanced.yml
  602. 548 ansible-playbook software-advanced.yml
  603. 549 ansible-playbook software-advanced.yml -e -e newhostip=
  604. 550 cat /etc/hosts
  605. 551 vim inventory
  606. 552 ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass software-advanced.yml -e -e newhostip=
  607. 553 vim inventory
  608. 554 ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass software-advanced.yml -e -e newhostip=
  609. 555 vim inventory
  610. 556 vim software-advanced.yml
  611. 557 sudo vim /etc/hosts
  612. 558 ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass software-advanced.yml -e -e newhostip=
  613. 559 vim software-advanced.yml
  614. 560 ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass software-advanced.yml -e -e newhostip=
  615. 561 vim software-advanced.yml
  616. 562 ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass software-advanced.yml -e -e newhostip= -k
  617. 563 history
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