

Jun 8th, 2016
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  1. Life on its surface seemed a simple thing, the world grew bright and dark, food would be eaten, and foes would be fought. You knew better than anyone that this simple directive was but the beginnings of greatness untapped, that life was not merely these mechanics write again and again, but instead a steady path towards progression.
  3. Just as your Nestmother always said. “A dragon must grow into its power.”
  5. You were the born in a small colony, remote and underground, your earliest memories drifted again and again to a simple feeling of struggle, of darkness and sound as you fought against the thing which surrounded your body. Like all Kobold Chicks you found yourself spilled from the tough leather of your container as the eggtooth broke away from your nose, your first gasps of air filling you with ecstasy as you remembered the words which would echo into your life.
  7. Not that you understood them then, but they’d been already said so many times that even without understanding you knew them well.
  9. They were the first which came to your tongue.
  11. “Come on little beasties, you’ll earn your name and your keep.” You remembered a voice snap, the Nestmother’s booming call cascading over all of your egg-group. For weeks you’d spent your time there in the shallow nursery, forming rowdy bonds of camaraderie and enmity as you and your siblings fought for the chunks of meat which would occasionally be tossed in in-between sessions of learning what the sounds your Nestmother made meant in order for her to figure you and yours worthy to feed.
  13. It had been the simplest time in your life, and this heralded its end.
  15. “Come on, chicks. Rubicelle wants you sorted out today.” The Nestmother spoke authoritatively, a tone which you’d come to associate with needing to solve a task for food, you all looked up towards her expectantly. “Today won’t be a lot of brainwork for you lot. Today, you’re going to show me who’s the hardiest, toughest bastard of the lot of ya. Fight and keep fighting till only one of you can stand up… the winner gets a special treat.”
  17. Treat!
  19. The most magical word among all which you’d learned so far, the word which associated not only with food of the mere mundane and meaty kind, but with sweet richness of flavor which defied everything else you’d ever experienced... or the beauty of that which shone brilliantly even within the darkness of your nursery pit.
  21. No matter what, it had been the motivation for your most substantial of efforts... and as a result your brothers and sisters rarely tried to contest your skills any longer in competing for ‘treats’ when it came contests of physical prowess matching Chick against Chick. You hadn’t been the largest or the most imposing, though you and most of your siblings were of similar sizes, but if there had been a single thing which you’d been good at among all others, was your ability to fight. You were indisputably the best, and you let the rest of your nestmates know it every chance you got.
  23. Today however, you could practically smell the difference, something strange was in the air, and you understood immediately that this was a greater prize than you’d ever committed yourself to gaining before. A prize you found your fellows had been conspiring to take as they gathered their strength against you.
  25. “Now come on. Fight it out, and let’s get this over with. Remember though babies, it’s not just the strongest, it’s also the smartest that gets the prize.”
  27. You bared your teeth and claws turning about to hold your ground as all around you the nursery turned its focus. Wisdom it seemed had spoken to your siblings, the many of them turned towards you, eyes fixed in hungry agreement; they would deny you and then fight among themselves.
  29. That was fine.
  31. You grinned wide, the sides of your lips stretching over teeth as your heart gave way to a feeling which you’d never had before. The rush of at the prospect of challenge overcame your senses; the solid desire to win over insurmountable odds. Slowly you edged your way about the familiar pit, placing the wall against your back in memory of an attempt once to blindside you, you’d worked out quickly how never to allow it.
  33. The world slowed. And as one your twelve other siblings fell upon you on the attack. You never faltered. Not even once as they came.
  35. Instead you seized the advantage.
  37. Instincts for combat screamed within you as your claws raked forward, slashing hard towards the eyes of one of your siblings even as you ducked the claws of another. Your body armour, developed by the multitude of scrapes which you’d entered, and polished by the realization that if you rubbed parts of your scales against rocks, they’d harden faster and more solidly.
  39. Teeth lashed out towards a hand which strayed too close, claws found purchase against the softer scale of your brethren, as you forced the multi-man melee towards your pace, pulling back and darting forth as needs be to keep your siblings stumbling over each other, your fight growing in intensity as scales and teeth were knocked free by your ruthless abandon.
  41. For all that you were winning though, it was an uphill battle.
  43. For every one you pulled down, another would manage to hurt you. One of them even pulled out a jagged knife of stone, ramming it into your torso and leaving a bloody gash across scales which had otherwise failed to be breached. Again and again you put them down, forcing them to the ground, hurting them badly enough to give up the fight, even as the damaged your body, bled you from those softer corners of your skin, and left you tired to the point of near complete exhaustion.
  45. But you were the one standing.
  47. And off to the side, you realized, was the sound of the nestmother, and another strange Kobold, clapping.
  49. “You know Emeraldas I hadn’t expected this kind of performance... I’m rather happy you called me here.” A deeper voice spoke, drawing your eyes towards its source. “Beryl has first pick this time around, but you know I think I’ll call in that favor I owed him.”
  51. “Hehe, I figured you’d one to see this one in action. Beryl will curse me for getting you first but he’s a greedy bastard either way, snapping up all the best talent even when he wouldn’t be the best teacher for them. I figured this little one deserved someone who could really bring out their skills.” The Nestmother replied fondly, then with a sharp motion called you over to her side. “Come.”
  53. You obeyed immediate, ready for whatever treat it was that was lined up as a reward for the hardest fight of your life thus far. The larger adult stood tall with various pieces of equipment strapped to his brilliant Orange body, arranged such that it wouldn’t impede or obstruct any of his guard scales, stone grey eyes stared hard upon you.
  55. Eager anticipation boiled within you as the adult circled about, you barely reached his knees right now, but though of gaining whatever it was that you’re hard fought battle had earned you overwhelmed, idle thoughts of food and treasure filling you up.
  57. You crackle lightly, the hungry sound being the closest thing to words which your still young body could utilize, your tongue wouldn’t grow thick and shapely enough to form words for weeks to come.
  59. But you were none the less understood.
  61. “Ha, you know I like this one. Faced with a strange face and you still demand your treat.” The thorny, calloused hand came forth, scraping pleasantly along the scales of your spine. Shivers worked their way through your body as this new, and all together unfamiliar measure of ‘treat’ left you wanting for more. “Oh you like that don’t you. Such a cute child… one would hardly believe the dragon which lurks within you now wouldn’t they. You’ll make a fine apprentice.”
  63. You cooed at the touching, and the offerings of sweet succulent meat which came after that as well. This was an even better treat… the only thing which could make your life more complete would be something nice and shiny to sleep ontop of.
  65. You were content.
  69. [-][-][-][-][-]
  72. “... for we are the children of Dragons. The strongest and most worthy among us shall one day shed these lesser shells, and transcend to full dragonhood. All it needs be is for a Kobold to harden themselves to the utmost limit, to train our bodies, minds, and souls without end.” The voice of Rubicelle carried on with the tone of a practiced speech.
  74. You’d heard this a thousand times as you lounged at your master’s knee while he preached. You were Kobold, every one of your kind a dragon to be. If only you take the correct course in life. It had been years since the master had taken you in, years of constant practice, constant polishing of your beautiful pink and red scales, years since your master had given you the name Kunzite after the jewel which your scales reflected.
  76. You were the sole apprentice of the greatest warrior among your people, in fact this status of his was the only reason he could get away with only taking on a single apprentice after so many years. He was the master of the frontline when ‘Adventurers’ invaded your clan, he was the one who’s brilliant scale was as hard as mythril yet as supple as leather.
  78. And he taught you without spare for remorse, pushing your limits with every step.
  80. “Have you polished yourself for the night?” He asked, his stern voice soothing to your ears.
  82. “Yes ♥ Master!” You practically purred in your singsong voice, nuzzling his leg affectionately from your seat beside him. Tough as he was on you, he was the one who taught you everything you’d known and for that you’d be eternally grateful. “You know I don’t skimp on my polish and sharpening ♥”
  84. A single claw trailed down, fitting just between the scales were it was most sensitive, leaving you to melt against his scales like so much molten slag in the forges. Rubicelle was nothing, if not great with his claws.
  86. “So my little gem, I’ve been hearing rumours…” Your master spoke gently, continuing his ritual attention.
  88. “I’ve never known you to listen to common rabble Master ♥” You replied, stretching just so in order to expose the more sensitive regions to his talented claws. “You always tell me that I shouldn’t either ♥”
  90. “Normally you’d be right.” He continued to pleasure you lightly as he spoke. “But these ‘rumours’ are coming straight from Pearl, and she’s not particularly taken to flights of fancy. Infact she was somewhat unhappy about a certain person disrupting forge work in order to get his jollies…”
  92. “Oh my! How horrible Mas~ter ♥” You grinned, your purring voice smug with understanding of the situation. “That sounds like a terrible person ♥”
  94. A sharp but expected pain came next as Rubicelle’s claw pressed hard in a particularly sensitive spot. “You little minx. Proud of your playing around I see. Challenging dominance matches is supposed to be a breeding time activity… but horny little thing like you I suppose breeding time is all the time.”
  96. You laughed lightly, a haughty lit taking to your singsong tone. “I’m just what you trained me to be! Mas~ter ♥”
  98. “I didn’t train you to be everybody’s fuckboi, child.” Your master’s voice grew grumpy, he always did hate sharing his horde... not that you were much different. “Winning is one thing, but you keep letting every and anyone put a cock between your legs after the fact. It’s supposed to be the other way around little pervert.”
  100. “Your fault Master! Hehehe ♥” You giggled, licking out your long thick tongue along the inside of his thigh. “You trained me to be such a terrible pervert I don’t know what I’d do without a little… action! ♥”
  102. “Incorrigible.” He sighed almost happily as your tongue worked its way along the inner thigh, the light trail of your saliva working its way over to his genital slit, teasing its way in past the fleshy lips and tracing a path along the sensitive inner regions.
  104. Briefly you pulled back, giving him a toothy grin. “Only because you encourage me! ♥”
  106. You resume your licks, teasing deeper into his genital pouch, the soft crinkled skin within giving way to your hungry probing, leaving him moaning lightly as his cock began to extend across your waiting tongue. You let your oral organ ripple, flexing and licking to form a tight vacuum about your Master’s extending maleness, the spicy musk of it penetrating your taste buds with their flavor as you sucked hard, drawing his ever deeper within your maw.
  108. “Mmm… you’re far too good at this. Maybe I should have let Citrine take you for a whore.” He moaned, caressing your head scales between your horns. “I remember when these things hadn’t even started to grow in yet. How quickly you’ve grown.”
  110. You let your tongue linger, licking and sucking with rippling motions as you teased him out to his fullest length, the molten heat of his girth sending a shiver of delight down your spine.
  112. “But then I couldn’t be your whore. Mas~ter! ♥” You purred as your tongue drew away from its prize, your own cock poking slightly from its own slit. “After all… you taught me everything I know! ♥”
  114. “Who would have thought, that such a scrappy little thing like you would turn out to become such an eager little cock slut.” He laughed, taking hold of your scales and pulling your still smaller frame up into his lap. “Eager warrior and even more eager lap puppy.”
  116. You giggled appreciatively, even as he drew you up into his lap, settling your slit against his cock as you leaned forward and wiggled your hips helpfully. Slowly you felt his smooth organ slide perfectly along your own, entering your body and filling you with a tightening pressure, familiar and sweet.
  118. “Ahh! ♥” You moaned, sensitive spots along your inner walls being hit as your mentor started to thrust with rough and reckless abandon. You remembered well the first time, his stimulating combination of roughness and gentleness which awoke you to your desires. “Fuck me hard~er! ♥”
  120. Your sing song voice ran out within your master’s hovel, your desire echoing within the chamber as his hips slammed hard against your own.
  122. Again.
  124. And again.
  126. And again…
  128. “♥”
  130. A flush of fullness, pressure as your mentor came, his essence flooding within your genital pouch as his large cock pierced you to your limits. Your own orgasm was not far to follow.
  132. You slumped upon his chest scale spent, your body flaccid as your now retreating cock.
  134. “You’ve been good to me little Kunzite.” Your master breathed, tongue flicking out against the sensitive area between your horns. “You’ve been good for me too. Training you has given me a true understanding of how much farther we must go to become as we should be.”
  136. “Dragons together ♥! Intertwined. ♥” You tittered, nuzzling your master and lover ever so gently. “We’ll grow out our wings and fly ♥! Claws like spears, teeth like swords… our scales, shields. ♥”
  138. “Our wings, Hurricane.” He murmured. “Our breath… Inferno... thunder… poison… and death.”
  140. “And we’ll look down upon nations to demand our proper tribute! ♥” You scraped lightly at his chest scales with your horns, rubbing deliberately against him.
  142. “The dream of every Kobold. To evolve into their perfected state… to be the Dragon!” He sighed, a whistful yet slightly sad tone seemed to creep into his voice even as his wonderful, talented hands caressed you just the way you liked it. “And yet my dearest little apprentice… a Dragon is a solitary beast.”
  144. You couldn’t help but blink at those last words.
  146. Still he continued.
  148. “I… I have been considering it. The gulf between us as we are and us as we must eventually become. And only one true conclusion springs to mind as I turn this question over and over and over in my head.” His voice grew heavier, the seriousness of his tone weighing it down. “I believe that the very colony of those of us who strive for this ideal… the very act of living together like is suppressing our ability to reach beyond what we already are. I have lived and fought among the best. Maybe I have missed my chance to become. Maybe… But you… you and your fire are destined to be so much more than I could ever hope to become.”
  150. “Mas~ter… what are you saying?” The sing song lit of your voice dropped for the moment as the implications weigh upon you both.
  152. “I’m saying Kunzite… that you’re past the age of your apprenticeship. I’m saying get out of this hole in the ground and go live. I’m saying that I’ll be going too… that you’re now a journeyman. And that we both will depart.” He pulled you away, staring into your wide green eyes. “In the morning I will depart this place. I will leave and you will go the opposite direction… and we both shall keep going until we have become what we have promised ourselves we shall be.”
  154. You could only breathe out the word in a mingled awe, terror, and wonder. “Dragons! ♥”
  156. He nodded, running his claw tips along the base of your horns.
  158. You didn’t dare breathe, and yet nothing less than excitement swoll within your belly. The utter need to progress and grow as much a driving force in your life as the lingering need to love and be loved… the Greed for affection as strong as your lust for that which shone.
  160. “I expected you to cling to me tighter… but the Dragon in you is strong indeed, Kunzite.” Your master smiled. “Just the mention of this has you excited. You won’t say no now will you?”
  162. And within your heart you understood so perfectly the will which drove you to battle, which drove you onward to excellence.
  164. “Yes! ♥“
  169. [-][-][-][-][-][-][-]
  173. It had been months since you’d left the colony, your journey the opposite direction to your master as you’d left home; just as he’d instructed. Your slit ached with unfulfilled need, reminding you of the lack of partners with which you’d had to practice your promiscuous ways, cock throbbing lightly within its holster as you traveled. Along the way you’d managed quite neatly to find adventure again and again, fights with bears, soft-skinned robbers, and all manner of beast and being which found themselves in your path. You dealt with them all the same, powerful claws and hardened scales providing options as you fought, taking foes apart at the seams.
  175. It seemed however that your master had been right to send you out into the world, your level and skills had grown just the relatively short time of bouncing from one hotspot of trouble to another.
  177. Your apparent gift for practically sniffing out treasure seemed to lead you to all manner of interesting spots.
  179. And into fights with all manner of interesting defenders.
  181. Like the asshole with whom you were currently engaged, a soft skinned ‘Adventurer’ who figured that you were just another mob in the area. An amateur, you could tell, though with definite one with access to resources, fully armoured and armed with good Steel weaponry.
  183. You’re polished scale was strong, but good steel could damage even the thicker sections of iron-hard scale.
  185. “Bloody rare-mob ain’t gonna get away from me this time.” The idiot puffed, clearly having been running in his heavy ass armour, before crying out loud then swinging his massive sword down toward the spot where only a moment ago you’d been.
  187. As if you’d stand there long enough to get hit.
  189. With a dismissive huff you stepped forward and to the side, using the especially hardened scale of your forearms to deflect the blow, and push the man off guard. You were barely bigger than half his size, but your natural weaponry was no joke, and unlike many of your kind you disdained anything else beyond your own body and martial prowess.
  191. After all you were a dragon to be, and dragons carried no weapons beyond what their bodies grew.
  193. They needed none.
  195. You needed none.
  197. Without a modicum of respect you smacked your hand into his fingers, knocking the sword from his hand in a quick maneuver which your master had thought, even as you threw yourself forward, towards the fool’s knees to get just behind and smash your claws into the exposed back of one of them.
  199. You grinned, jumping onto your knelt opponent, grabbing his head as you pulled down and jumped forward, bringing forth all of your weight to slam him down into the ground.
  201. KO!
  203. Heh, you won… again.
  205. *Clap*Clap*Clap*Clap*
  207. The sudden intrusion of noise invading your space… far too close for comfort.
  209. “Oh hoho! That was a nice little show.” A soft skin stood behind you with a manic grin. “So what do you plan to do with the loot?”
  211. “Who… how?” You started and stammered, then stopped yourself. “No… If you don’t mind me asking what are you? ♥”
  213. “Oh a sensible one? Not bad not bad. Me though I’m just a traveling merchant nothing more nothing less. And I couldn’t help but think ‘now here’s a guy who wants something and needs a helping hand’.” She grinned, an unnatural thing even for a softskin, but there was no menace present within it.
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