

Jul 24th, 2018
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  1. select purchase_month, utm_source, hear_about_us, sum("Purchases") as "Purchases"
  2. --, sum("Net Sales") as "Net Sales", sum("GMV") as "GMV", sum(consultations) as "Consultations"
  3. from
  4. (
  5. select utm_source, hear_about_us,
  6. case
  7. when tv_user = true then 'TV'
  8. when utm_source is null and hear_about_us is null then 'Organic (Unknown)'
  9. when utm_source is null and hear_about_us is not null then hear_about_us || ' (User provided)'
  10. when utm_source in ('Google') and utm_campaign like '%Branded%' and google_branded_search is not null then google_branded_search
  11. when utm_source in ('Google') and utm_campaign like '%Branded%' then 'Google: Branded'
  12. when utm_source in ('Google') then 'Google: Non-branded'
  13. else utm_source end as "Source",
  14. purchase_month,
  15. purchase_month_num,
  16. sum(net_sales) as "Net Sales",
  17. sum(gmv) as "GMV",
  18. count(case when refunded in (false) then user_id end) as "Purchases"
  19. from (
  20. select as user_id,
  21. coalesce(f.source, g.utm_source) as utm_source,
  22. coalesce(f.medium, g.utm_medium) as utm_medium,
  23. google_branded_search,
  24. f.campaign as utm_campaign, b.hear_about_us,
  25. to_char(start_date, 'Month') as purchase_month,
  26. date_part('month'::text, start_date) AS purchase_month_num,
  27. case when t.user_id is not null then true end as tv_user,
  28. refunded,
  29. (total_amount_in_cents - amount_refunded) / 100 as net_sales,
  30. (subtotal_amount_in_cents + shipping_amount_in_cents - amount_refunded) / 100 as gmv
  31. from users a
  32. inner join profiles b on = b.user_id
  33. inner join (
  34. select row_number() over (partition by user_id order by created_at) as order_number, user_id,
  35. created_at at time zone 'UTC' as start_date, order_type,
  36. case when total_amount_in_cents in (amount_refunded) then true else false end as refunded,
  37. total_amount_in_cents, subtotal_amount_in_cents, shipping_amount_in_cents, amount_refunded
  38. from orders
  39. where order_type like ('plan%')
  40. ) c on b.user_id = c.user_id and order_number = 1
  41. left join (
  42. select row_number () over (partition by user_id order by updated_at desc) as i, *
  43. from utm_params
  44. where (source not in ('') and campaign not in ('FB-lead-ad'))
  45. ) f on f.i = 1 and = f.user_id
  46. left join scratch.channel_to_utm_mappings g on b.hear_about_us = g.hear_about_us
  47. left join scratch_tv_users_all_5 t on = t.user_id
  48. left join consultations cons on cons.user_id =
  49. where not like '%@thirtymadison%'
  50. and not like '%@keeps%'
  51. and start_date >= '2018-01-16'
  52. ) a
  53. group by "Source", purchase_month, purchase_month_num, utm_source, hear_about_us
  54. order by "Purchases" desc
  55. ) a left join scratch.marketing_source_bucketing b on lower(a."Source") = lower(b.source)
  56. where source_bucket = 'Other - Paid'
  57. group by
  58. --source_bucket,
  59. purchase_month, purchase_month_num, utm_source, hear_about_us
  60. order by purchase_month_num, sum("Purchases") desc;
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