
Letter Wish - Yellow

Aug 10th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. The Scramble ball swirled into an image of his wish, and Letter spent a long moment alternating his stare between Danny and Yellow. He really just went there, didn’t he? “Allllright. Yellow, you ready to save the Viridian Forest?”
  3. “Actually,” Yellow said softly, rubbing at her sleeves. Without the tattoos of light and glowing stand, she looked frail and delicate, like speaking too loud could crack her. Letter never would have guessed she had it in her to hold the fate of the Scramble in her hands. He was reminded, however, when she made her wish. “My wish is to end the Scramble.”
  5. The room went silent as Letter met Yellow’s eyes. A tense moment passed as Letter began to chuckle, holding out the ball that remained a swirling cloud of particles. “I mean, I get that this has gone on too long already, but I’m gonna ‘end the Scramble’ once you make your wish, so-”
  7. “That’s not what I mean,” Yellow said calmly. “My wish is that you never run the Scramble again. It ends, and all of its universes and timelines end with it. Send everyone back where they came from and make it so none of this ever existed.”
  9. Many eyebrows raised at the scope of Yellow’s wish, but it was Letter who wore an expression of absolute shock. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
  11. Yellow stared Letter down with the resolve only possessed by mortals who have killed gods. “I’m saying that from its inception, this tournament has been a celebration of bloodshed, forcing good people to do horrible things for the amusement of everyone watching. It’s sick and disgusting, and it’s a blight on existence. We both know the only way to get rid of it... is to wipe everything clean.” She gave Letter a significant look near the end, and it was only because of the look that Letter clued into what she meant. They had driven The Other away from this timeline, leaving one opening to make the wishes and end the season, but she wanted to be sure it was gone forever. The only way to be sure was to nuke the Scramble and leave The Other to decompose in the ashes.
  13. But there was more to it than that. Yellow had said that she never wanted Letter to run it again. That spoke volumes too- despite the fact that he was willing to put his life on the line to protect her, the fact of the matter was that half of the reason The Other rose to power in the first place was because of him. She considered him part of the problem, and had decided to use part of her wish to force him into an early retirement. It was a slap in the face to someone who had just helped save the universe, and in all honesty, Letter knew he deserved it. No, more than that- the Scramble as a whole deserved it. The Other was a product of his environment, and if he wasn't dealt with, he'd eventually return, stronger than ever. It was the only way.
  15. The smoke parted, revealing an empty void.
  17. ***
  19. Finals, Season 6, FreestyleKneepad
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