
Epilogue - UnusualSuspects

Jun 30th, 2012
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  1. > Twilight breaks the silence in the wake of Ditzy's escape. "We need to go."
  2. > Gilda voices my thoughts. "What about him?" she points a talon at the unconscious Soarin.
  3. > Rainbow asks "Gil?" nervous of the implication.
  4. > AppleJack gives his prone form a stare and then adds "Ah know what yer saying don't sit right with me..."
  5. "She's right sweetheart. We have to do something.
  6. > Twilight shakes her head "What can we do? He hasn't broken any laws and no prison would hold him on our word..."
  7. > Oh Twi...
  8. > I shake my head, unable to meet her stunning, violet eyes.
  9. > Always so smart, but so... principled.
  10. > Unsullied by the world she lives in and the things she's seen.
  11. > It's what I love about her.
  12. > It's what makes me scared for her safety.
  13. "Not thinking of putting him in prison, Sparks."
  14. > I lean down and start working at that hoof of his.
  15. > She gets it and I hear her protests as I pull at the horseshoe "...but... you can't mean... no! th-that's not right. We're not killers. We STOP killers!"
  16. > With a lurch the horseshoe comes free.
  17. > I pocket it for later.
  19. "Twilight..."
  20. > ...I turn to look her in the eyes...
  21. "...if we let him go, the first p0nies he'll go after are Rarity and Fluttershy. Then us. After that he'll be after the rest here. You know what he'll do to anyp0ny he takes."
  22. > Applejacks expression hardens "Ah ain't lettin that happen. No way."
  23. > Twilight looks between everyp0ny present, pleading "b-but... All of you? You all agree? He's... a living being.... he's defenceless!"
  24. > Gilda pops her talons and says coldly "Honey? He's not any of those things now. He's a problem waiting to be solved."
  25. > Rainbow places a hoof against the chest of the advancing griffon "...You ain't gonna be the one to do it, Gil."
  26. > "But..." begins the griffon only to be cut off by the blue pegasus.
  27. > "No buts. You're not a shadowbolt anymore. You don't do this... I... I don't know if we should or not..." Dash looks away, eyes tired and sad...
  28. > "...but I know it's not going to be you." She looks back at her friend with a fierce determination "I wont let you end up like him." she nods at the prone Soarin.
  29. > Gilda glances at me, her expression half wordless cry for support and half apology.
  30. "It's ok. I'll find my piece. Won't feel a thi-"
  31. > "No." Twilight says firmly. "We don't kill."
  32. "Then were screwed. I'm sorry, but this is the kind of problem that doesn't go away. The kinda problem-"
  33. *Krack!*
  34. > ".Solved."
  35. > Spike is leaning over the prone Soarin, one hand wrapped around a head that doesn't face the right way anymore.
  37. > Applejack steps back, muttering "...horseapples..." and shaking her head in disbelief.
  38. > Dash lets out a shocked exhalation, holding a hoof up to her mouth.
  39. > Tears start to well in her eyes.
  40. > Gilda hangs a halfhearted hug around her shoulder "Dash? that wasn't the Soarin you knew... he died a long time ago..."
  41. > The pegasus sinks into the hug with a sob and Gilda tightens the hug as she leads her friend away from the body.
  42. > Twilight is just standing there wearing an expression of tear rimmed, wide eyed shock like a mask.
  43. > Spike stands slowly.
  44. > He looks back to Twilight and then points an accusatory talon at the body ".Bad."
  45. > I lean down and place a reassuring hand on Twilight's shoulder.
  46. "We don't know what Soarin put him through, Twi. It..."
  47. > She shakes free of my hand and approaches the dragon.
  48. > "Spike?" her tone is measured and without inflection. "What you did there... that was wrong. Do you understand?"
  49. > The dragon looks at her, puzzlement almost radiating from his green eyes.
  50. > She looks up at him, voice still balanced but anger radiating from her violet eyes. "We. Do. Not. Kill. Understand?"
  51. > Spike looks down at his hand, palm up and slowly grasping like it's still holding the memory of Soarins neck.
  52. > ".Understand." he rumbles.
  53. > With a relieved smile, Twilight lowers her head and rests it against his leg. "Good. Good Spike. Never again, Ok? We're... better than that."
  54. > I give them some time.
  56. -----
  58. > Later.
  59. > We caught the train at a small depot between P0nyville and Manehatten.
  60. > Twilight, myself and Applejack.
  61. > Applejack was ready to head back to her family and leave for appleoosa.
  62. > Didn't take long to convince her to come with me and Sparks.
  63. > I needed a lead on the kidnapping and she was all I had left.
  64. > She wasn't gonna abandon family in need, but besides that...
  65. > Manehatten is a good place to lose yourself for a while.
  66. > Rainbow Dash and Gilda were going to head for Aerie, a small town inside the Griffon Kingdom.
  67. > Gilda had family there, Dash had nothing else to keep her here.
  68. > The griffon volunteered to take Spike with her.
  69. > Despite him being slow, his frankenwings would still carry him the distance.
  70. > Gilda's only explanation was that she 'kinda owed the big guy.'
  71. > I reckon that she was looking to put right some of the things she'd done.
  72. > Either way, it was his best chance.
  73. > Twilight's farewell with Spike was difficult to watch.
  74. > She knew it had to happen.
  75. > Knew he had to go, for his own safety.
  76. > Still didn't make it any easier on her.
  77. > He was given back to her and taken away in less than a day.
  78. > She didn't speak another word until we were on the train.
  79. > Our little group left first.
  80. > Gilda, Dash and Spike tidied up behind us.
  81. > She threw her Shadowbolt crest into the burning wagon.
  82. > Spike threw in Soarin soon after, giving the son of a bitch a better funeral than I would have.
  84. -----
  86. > The train rattles out of the station.
  87. > It's a dusty, dirty little cabin we're in.
  88. > Poorly lit and cloyingly warm.
  89. > The table in the middle is a wobbly, coffee stained mess with the veneer peeled away by bored passengers and whatever they pretend is java on this cart.
  90. > It makes a good footrest.
  91. > I have my feet up, hat over my face, a smile on my lips and a full hipflask in my pocket.
  92. > Life is, for the most part, good.
  93. > Applejack has tucked her legs under herself and is sitting next to Twilight on the other side of the carriage.
  94. > She watches the lights in the distance through the cracked, dirty window.
  95. > Her mind's eye is on her absent family she left behind and the ones that wait for us in Manehatten.
  96. > Twilight has her bag tucked next to her and an open manilla file floating infront of her.
  97. > Her horn glows and those glasses she wears float their way into her top pocket.
  98. > She massages the side of her aching head with a hoof, eyes squeezed shut.
  99. "I can do that if you want."
  100. > She doesn't even open her eyes "No thankyou."
  101. "I'm not trying anything. You're with the mystery stallion now. Your head hurts and... well... hands are better at that kinda thing."
  102. > Twilight lets loose an exasperated sigh.
  103. "Fine, fine..."
  105. > .
  106. > .
  107. "It is a stallion, right?"
  108. > I hear Applejack make a *pfff* noise as she tries to hold back a laugh while Twilight just growls in frustration.
  109. "I mean... you haven't told me anything about him. Or her."
  110. > I hear the file slap sharply onto my leg "I'm... I'm not a... I mean there's nothing wrong with it... but."
  111. > Applejack splutters "Hey! watcha lookin at me fer when ya say that?"
  112. > "N-nothing! I just thought... there's nothing in your file about a...a coltfriend... and you're pretty, so..." Twilight trails slowly off "a-and Rainbow Dash is... um..."
  113. > An awkward silence descends...
  114. > .
  115. > .
  116. "So you think she's pretty, huh?"
  117. > "Damn it Anon! *ngh*" Twilight presses the side of her head with a hoof again.
  118. > AJ rolls her eyes and lowers her hat "Jus let him massage ya head, sugarcube. He might shut up then."
  119. "Promise."
  120. > "Ugh... fine." Twilight stands, wobbling her way around the table and flopping down next to me. "No funny business... I mean it."
  121. "Scouts honour."
  122. > I give the twin horns sign again.
  123. > Like I said earlier, it makes the point better here.
  124. > I bring my hands up to the either side of her head and work my hands into her mane.
  126. > As the tension starts to leave her brow, Twilight relaxes back into the crook of my arm.
  127. > Her breathing slows and I try my damndest to behave.
  128. > I unbind the bun she wears her mane in and lower my hands to the base of her neck and around her shoulders..
  129. > They bunch reflexively as I touch them "What ARE you...ooh..." The tension in her shoulders fades with her protests.
  130. > I can see a smile creeping onto her lips.
  131. > Her exhaustion and stress slowly being replaced with a satisfied tiredness and a contented murmur.
  132. > Applejack just watches us from the other side of the wagon with a knowing smile on her face.
  133. > I want to keep going.
  134. > More than anything.
  135. > I know what I'll end up trying if I do.
  136. > Time to stop, Anon.
  137. > .
  138. > .
  139. > Aaanytime now.
  140. > .
  141. > Damn it.
  142. "Done, sweethooves. That healing magic really takes it outta you, huh?"
  143. > Twilight jolts from that half asleep cocoon of bliss "huh?.. oh."
  144. > She kinda sounds disappointed. "right. *cough* thankyou, Anon."
  146. > Twilight makes her way around the table again and sits down with a relaxed sigh.
  147. > Applejack still has that knowing grin on her face as she watches her.
  148. > I put my feet back up and lower my hat over my eyes, hoping I see something in it to take my mind off Twilight's mane.
  149. > "How long you lovebirds been workin together?" Asks the orange mare.
  150. "A year."
  151. > "We're not lovebirds!"
  152. > We blurted our answers at the same time and answered a whole lot more by doing it.
  153. > Clever p0ny.
  154. > I'm gonna have to keep my eye on you, AJ...
  155. > I peer out from underneat my hat and Twilight looks at me with a sheepish grin.
  156. > That gets me chuckling, we're so damn obvious with each other us two.
  157. > Also, Twilight looks so cute when flustered.
  158. > "What?" she asks, oblivious to the source of my amusement.
  159. "Nothing, Sweethooves."
  160. > AJ continues the small talk "So... who's this lucky stallion ah'm hearin so much about?"
  161. > Twilight looks away from me, the grin still in place. "O-oh.. you wouldn't, um, know him."
  163. > "We got a long journey ahead, sugarcube. Spill."
  164. > "Well, um. He's nice."
  165. > "That's what ah look for in a colt."
  166. > "...and he's handsome."
  167. > "S'gotta help git things movin too."
  168. > "...and, um. He's... got a nice smile."
  169. > "Uhuh. What else gits miss sparkles apples bucked?"
  170. > I peer out again, just to catch the blush I know is gonna be on Twilight's cheek.
  171. > She's still grinning that rictus grin hard, blushing harder and floundering badly "Oh... um. call me Twilight... please."
  172. > "AJ. Pleastameetcha." AJ tips her hat and Twilight smiles, relieved at the conversational change of direction
  173. > Applejack immediately follows up with "Now... 'bout mr wondercolt..." and Twilight's face drops again.
  174. > "I... er..." Twilight trails off into an embarrassed silence.
  175. > She never really did have much time for friends before Canterlot... less after.
  176. "AJ? give her a break. I promised her I wouldn't pry. She's not being seeing him long."
  177. > "Ah reckon she's been seein' him a while now..." AJ chuckles to herself.
  178. > I shrug in response while Twilight almost seems to shrivel in her seat.
  179. > Applejack gives me a puzzled look "Oh come on, Anon... yer not buyin it are ya?"
  181. "What?"
  182. > "This here gal ain't seein nop0ny" AJ shakes her head, not quite believing that I don't get it "Celestia's sake... she was lookin right atcha when she was describin her beau!"
  183. > .
  184. > Well shit.
  185. > I look at Twilight, who's blushing brightly enough to light the carriage and trying to shrink into the crappy, threadbare upholstery.
  186. "Aw come on... that's..."
  187. > "...true..." whispers Twilight.
  188. > Well.
  189. > Buck me sideways.
  190. "Then... then what's the problem? You know I still, um..."
  191. > ...I look at the orange mare who gives a 'roll on' gesture with her hoof.
  192. "...screw it... you know I love you, Twi. I miss you. Every minute. Every day. Come back. Please."
  193. > "" She still won't look at me.
  194. > She's still blushing.
  195. > I glance at AJ, who shrugs.
  196. "Then... just tell me. Tell me you don't love me. I can... let go then."
  197. > Twilight stares at me then and I lose myself in those deep, violet pools.
  199. > She sighs and blinks away moisture "I wish I could believe that... you can't let go... you never will."
  200. "Then tell me."
  201. > "I can't..."
  202. "Why?"
  203. > " know why."
  204. "God dammit, Twi. You love me or you don't. It's that damn simple."
  205. > "...because I know you don't love me."
  206. "That's bull and you know it. I think abo-"
  207. > "Is it? Every day you told me that you did... and every day I got to watch you crawl home stinking of cider... If you made it."
  208. "...but..."
  209. > "Every. Day. Then you're smoking those.... things! Coughing in the morning so much that I'd have to... heal you so you could get out of the door."
  210. "...I..."
  211. > "If you love me? why are you trying so... *snf* so bucking hard to kill yourself?"
  212. > Silence.
  213. > Her tears are rolling down her face, freely.
  214. > I can see the hurt I've caused her... It's so raw, still. After all this time... so fresh.
  215. "It's... complicated."
  216. > "No! It's not! You can't get home. You can't forget them, so you're... *sigh* finding another way out."
  217. "Twi... I can't forget them. She was my wife. She was my daughter... but they're..."
  218. > "Gone?.. not to me they weren't. I can see them *snf*... at the core of... everything you do to yourself."
  219. "..."
  220. > "... I listened to you as you slept... The name you'd call out when we..."
  222. "...I'm sorry."
  223. > She sniffs back her tears and looks out of the window. "I don't want to be the mare you... rut to forget your wife."
  224. > "I deserve better than that."
  225. > I can't argue with that.
  226. > I know it's true.
  227. > but...
  228. "I can change. Try harder."
  229. > "You can't."
  230. "Give me a chance... please"
  231. > "I left. What changed? You still end up in the gutter. You still tear yourself apart coughing every morning."
  232. "...I got better since you came back..."
  233. > She shakes her head. "You just tried harder to hide it. I can't do it, Anon. I love you and that's why I cant' watch you die."
  234. > Silence again.
  235. > I don't know what to say... I want to argue... tell her she's wrong... but I can't.
  236. > Everything she say's is true.
  237. > Applejack coughs "Ah'...Ah'm sorry. Ah didn't know this was so raw... Ah didn't mean ta."
  239. > I can't hear her anymore.
  240. > All I hear is the clickerclacker of the train and the rattle of the window.
  241. > My breathing, fast and shallow.
  242. > I look at the hipflask that somehow found it's way into my hands.
  243. > It sloshes with a satisfying weight.
  244. > Battered, scuffed and 45% proof.
  245. > It's like an effigy of my soul.
  246. > On one side I can still just about make out the words inscribed on it
  247. > ~To a be--v-d Fa--er -nd d-v-t-d Husb--d~
  248. > ~Ha--y B--thd-y~
  249. > I feel the liqueur swish in the flask... the cap would just... pop free.
  250. "...because I can't let anything go..."
  251. > Fuck it.
  252. > I throw open the window and pitch the flask into the long night.
  253. "There."
  254. > Twilight looks up "Anon... I didn't mean..." her eyes are still damp with tears, but she seems concerned.
  255. > I watch her... thinking about that last bit of my home I just threw out of the window.
  256. > ...about the two smiling faces as I opened the present...
  257. > The two blurred figures that I can barely remember...
  258. > ...and now? now they're gone.
  259. > .
  260. > .
  261. > I last ten seconds before I pull the emergency brake cord.
  263. -----
  265. > I left the train, into the fields and a meager, wan sunrise.
  266. > Digging in the mud, looking for a shitty dinted silver plated flask.
  267. > As I left, I could hear her sobs.
  268. > For me or for herself?
  269. > I couldn't say.
  270. > Maybe both.
  271. > At least AJ was there to comfort her.
  272. > .
  273. > It took me two hours to find the flask.
  274. > .
  275. > Another day to walk back to my city.
  276. > .
  277. > Only an hour to find a bar.
  278. > .
  279. > Manehatten looks after all her lost children.
  281. -----
  283. > A lurch of imagined motion, actual pain and sudden nausia brings you back to the world.
  284. > It's dark.
  285. > You're in a... cave... you think.
  286. > You're sitting on a stone, cradling another lump of misshapen stone.
  287. > It's... vaguely head shaped.
  288. > You are Anonymous.
  289. > A detective, a loser and for the last few hours?
  290. > You haven't just being recollecting events.
  291. > You've been reliving them.
  292. }BuT tHaT mAkEs It aLL tHe MorE FUn{
  293. "For you maybe. Hurts like hell for me."
  294. } AwwwWW... dID pOoR WiDdle AnOn FeeL SaaAAaaD?{
  295. "You were there."
  296. > You turn the object in your hands, bringing the eyes around so you can meet that stoney gaze.
  297. "How'd it feel for you?"
  298. }dEliCIouslY PaiNful, aNON... ThaNkyOU... WheN YoU aRE aS I aM... iNDisPOsed. aNy SensAtIon iS pLEaSuRaBLe{
  299. "Glad you got your jollies outta it, sicko."
  300. > You look at the malformed face staring up at you, etched in stone.
  301. > Two mismatched horns...
  302. > One vile, snakelike tongue...
  303. > A broken in two goatee beard...
  304. }DiD iT HuRT? KnowInG wHaT YoU kNOw noW?{
  305. "You know it did, sleezebag."
  306. > The laughter peels around the darkness, one laugh with many voices.
  307. > All cruel.
  308. "Laugh it up, fucker. We're not done yet..."
  310. -----
  312. ~Anonymous will return in "The Cinderella Waltz"~
  313. ~Coming soon to a thread near you~
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