
Intersectional Group Identity Politics

Apr 13th, 2018
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  1. Intersectional Group Identity Politics
  3. How the Regressive Left intends to construct a Minority-Majority political & social coalition using divide & conquer tactics that will inevitably erupt in civil war.
  5. Intersectional Group Identity Politics is a virulent form of weaponized cultural appropriation from the Regressive Left. This tactic seeks to co-opt the burdens and plight of minority groups until they amalgamate enough groups to establish a numerical advantage while capitalizing from the social victim-hood currency granted these groups and subsequently squandering it by grandstanding on the legitimate grievances these groups and communities have in order to pursue their own collectivist political and social ends. Many of which only exacerbate the original stated grievances of successfully co-opted marginalized movements & groups before they were intersectionally appropriated by the Regressivists. Just as in nature when certain species inflate their size as an intimidation tactic.
  7. Intersectionality is how the Regressive Left intends to construct a minority-majority political & social coalition. It forms the ideological binds that are designed to reduce individuals into groups centered around the most superficial features that define who we are as individuals. That's why we see the eager beavers in the movement looking to pile in as many of these identity qualifiers as Denaryes Targareon has titles before her name. It's how they fulfill that natural desire to stand out and excel, by stacking identity groups like a general stacks ribbons and pins. It's how they signify status and position within the greater victim-hood hierarchy.
  9. When you churn out these empty platitudes and tired buzzwords, all you're telling us is that you haven't the ability to think for yourself. You're only able to regurgitate your high-priced indoctrination that we've all heard before to the point that we can write programs that generate scholarly papers indistinguishable from one written by actual professors. All you have successfully achieved is retarding the level of civic discourse with obligatory virtue signaling.
  11. It used to be, a white guy could argue issues without it being assumed from the outset that he is the epitome of everything wrong with the universe. That's no longer the case. You state that whites should be quiet, give time and credence to the voices of colored people, check our inborn privilege that is characteristic of nothing other than our melanin content, regardless of national or ethnic origin and ancestry. Give up jobs, possessions, money and time to alleviate our guilt and privilege...and then feign surprise when we see a rise of white identitarianism, which you conveniently utilize to further your racist, sexist, intersectional fear-mongering...which only engenders more resistance from whites who aren't afflicted with self hating, Marxist pathology. Rinse & repeat until cultural revolution & Helter Skelter ensue. The quintessential ideological love child of Mao and Manson. See Also: Self-Fulfilling Prophecy.
  13. Lets not confuse stringing together a plethora of arcane multisyllabic words in a semi-coherent sentence with saying something intelligent. The primary distinction between intellectual horns-waggle and hobo mumbo jumbo is one requires a diploma and tens of thousands of dollars, and the other requires a smack habit and a brown bag special.
  15. And this always comes out when you're trying to make these arguments in person. The lack of confidence, hesitancy, stammering. The searching for what to say, what line were you programmed to give to this question, or that critique. The reliance on talking points and buzzwords. The contradictory positions and double speak.
  17. When people can write programs that generate scientific papers that are indistinguishable from those penned by actual "scientists", due to the corrosive effects of your pathological ideology.
  19. I'm not going to preface and qualify my language. I'm not going to play these social intimidation games. I'm not going to disavow your laundry list of bogymen just to be smeared with the same overused slurs you would use regardless of who I disavow or how often I do so. If you can not exhibit the basic human decency of not assuming I'm a genocidal, fascistic, racial supremacist for no other reason than the complexion of my skin, then don't cry about my not validating your humanity by recognizing your identity or waste my time with any other of your limp-dicked, sophistical tantrums.
  21. Tags: Intersectionality, Feminism, Regressive Left, ID pol, Cultural Marxism,
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