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Oct 31st, 2016
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  1. minigames:
  2. hearthstone:
  3. skeleton:
  4. name: '&7Skeleton'
  5. mana: 4
  6. damage: 4
  7. heal: 2
  8. wither_boss:
  9. mana: 9
  10. name: '&4&l&oWither Boss'
  11. damage: 9
  12. heal: 8
  13. chicken:
  14. heal: 1
  15. damage: 1
  16. mana: 0
  17. name: '&eChicken'
  18. notattack: '&cCan''t attack'
  19. creeper:
  20. name: '&aCreeper'
  21. mana: 3
  22. damage: 3
  23. heal: 2
  24. health: 30
  25. zombie_villager:
  26. damage: 4
  27. heal: 2
  28. name: '&2Zombie Villager'
  29. mana: 4
  30. spider:
  31. mana: 5
  32. damage: 5
  33. heal: 1
  34. name: '&4Spider'
  35. blaze:
  36. mana: 5
  37. name: '&6Blaze'
  38. heal: 3
  39. damage: 5
  40. damage: '&6&l{damage} Damage'
  41. villager:
  42. name: '&6Villager'
  43. damage: 1
  44. heal: 1
  45. mana: 1
  46. silverfish:
  47. mana: 2
  48. name: '&8Silverfish'
  49. heal: 1
  50. damage: 2
  51. ender_dragon:
  52. name: '&5&l&oEnder Dragon'
  53. damage: 10
  54. heal: 10
  55. mana: 10
  56. ghast:
  57. heal: 1
  58. mana: 5
  59. name: '&7Ghast'
  60. damage: 6
  61. snowman:
  62. heal: 1
  63. mana: 2
  64. name: '&7Snowman'
  65. damage: 2
  66. squid:
  67. damage: 1
  68. heal: 1
  69. name: '&9Squid'
  70. mana: 1
  71. endturn: '&6Click to end turn!'
  72. heal: '&c&l{heal} Heal'
  73. guardian:
  74. name: '&3Guardian'
  75. mana: 5
  76. heal: 3
  77. damage: 4
  78. enderman:
  79. heal: 5
  80. damage: 5
  81. mana: 6
  82. name: '&dEnderman'
  83. win:
  84. subtitle: '{live1}-{live2}'
  85. title: '&a{player}&a win!'
  86. iron_golem:
  87. heal: 4
  88. damage: 7
  89. mana: 6
  90. name: '&fIron Golem'
  91. ready: '&aReady to attack'
  92. enabled: true
  93. card: '&6{player}''s card'
  94. displayName: HearthStone
  95. mana: '&9&l{mana} Mana'
  96. turn: '&2{player}''s turn'
  97. uno:
  98. cards:
  99. color:
  100. yellow: YELLOW
  101. green: GREEN
  102. blue: BLUE
  103. red: RED
  104. wilddraw4:
  105. name: '&4W&6i&2l&1d&6 Draw 4'
  106. description: |-
  107. &fDraw 4 cards for
  108. &fthe next player
  109. &fUse this card and
  110. &fnow you can set any card
  111. &7Note: You can't put
  112. &72 wild cards in
  113. &7one turn
  114. number:
  115. description: |-
  116. &fOnly can be used
  117. &fif has the same color or number
  118. &fthan center
  119. wild:
  120. name: '&4W&6i&2l&1d'
  121. description: |-
  122. &fUse this card and now
  123. &fyou can set any card
  124. &7Note: You can't
  125. &7put 2 wild cards in
  126. &7one turn
  127. draw2:
  128. description: '&fDraw 2 cards to the next player'
  129. name: Draw 2
  130. skip:
  131. name: Skip
  132. description: '&fThe next player misses a turn'
  133. reverse:
  134. name: Reverse
  135. description: |-
  136. &fSwitch turn direction
  137. &7Note: In 2 players this card skip
  138. displayName: UNO
  139. player: '&7{player} &6{cards} cards'
  140. pick: '&c&lPick a card from deck!'
  141. enabled: true
  142. win:
  143. title: '&a{player} wins!'
  144. sub: '&6Has 0 cards!'
  145. turn: '&6&l{player}''s turn!'
  146. connect4:
  147. see: '&aSee how the game end!'
  148. displayName: Connect4
  149. win:
  150. vertical: vertical
  151. tie:
  152. title: '&6&lTie'
  153. sub: '&c&lThe board is full and anyone connects 4!'
  154. sub: '&6It''s connect 4 in {line} line!'
  155. diagonal: diagonal
  156. horizontal: horizontal
  157. title: '&a&l{player} wins!'
  158. discs:
  159. yellow: '&eYellow disc'
  160. red: '&cRed disc'
  161. enabled: true
  162. turn: '&a{disc} turn!'
  163. tictactoe:
  164. displayName: TicTacToe
  165. turn: '&6&lTurn {player}'
  166. win:
  167. tie:
  168. sub: '&6The board it''s full and anyone wins!'
  169. title: '&c&lTie'
  170. diagonal: diagonal
  171. horizontal: horizontal
  172. vertical: vertical
  173. win:
  174. sub: '&6With {line} line'
  175. title: '&c&l{player} wins!'
  176. enabled: true
  177. whackamole:
  178. broadcastmsg: '&6{player} wins {points} points in WhackAMole'
  179. enabled: true
  180. smash: '&aSmash!'
  181. points: '&6{points} points!'
  182. broadcast: true
  183. displayName: WhackAMole
  184. fabulousfred:
  185. displayName: FabulousFred
  186. end:
  187. title: '&aCongratulations!'
  188. subtitle: '&cYou end the song!'
  189. enabled: true
  190. notes: 5
  191. mastermind:
  192. colors:
  193. blue: '&9&lBlue'
  194. purple: '&d&lPurple'
  195. yellow: '&e&lYellow'
  196. green: '&a&lGreen'
  197. red: '&c&lRed'
  198. win:
  199. sub: '&6In {attempt} attempts'
  200. title: '&aYou win!'
  201. end:
  202. code: '&6Code:'
  203. board: '&6Board:'
  204. lose:
  205. sub: ''
  206. title: '&aYou lose!'
  207. enabled: true
  208. displayName: MasterMind
  209. place: '&6Place &r{color} &6code!'
  210. rockpaperscissors:
  211. remaining: '&4{time} secounds remaining!'
  212. win:
  213. win:
  214. title: '&c&l{player} wins!'
  215. sub: '&6{type1} beats {type2}'
  216. tie:
  217. sub: '&6The selections are the same'
  218. title: '&c&lTie'
  219. enabled: true
  220. type:
  221. paper: Paper
  222. rock: Rock
  223. scissors: Scissors
  224. selection: '{player} select {type}'
  225. displayName: RockPaperScissors
  226. mbg:
  227. stats:
  228. check:
  229. your: '&a--- &3&lYour {game}&3&l stats: &a---'
  230. player: '&a--- &3&l{player}&3&l {game}&3&l stats: &a---'
  231. displaym: '&6Showing top from {from} to {to} on &e{order}&6 order'
  232. nostat: '&cSorry but i can''t find your stats, play {game}&c to generate it!'
  233. notop: '&cSorry but i can''t find this top!'
  234. menutop: '&3Top {from}-{to} {game}'
  235. seeyou: '&6You are in position #{pos}'
  236. command:
  237. accept:
  238. help: '&3(Accept play request)'
  239. cmd: accept
  240. force:
  241. help: <game> &3<players (Separation with spaces)> &3(Force players to play)
  242. cmd: force
  243. top:
  244. help: <game> [stat] &3(Check the top, you can set what stat top you wan't to see, by default is Times Played and will be displayed 10 each page)
  245. cmd: top
  246. reload:
  247. help: '&3(Reload games and configuration)'
  248. cmd: reload
  249. cancel:
  250. cmd: cancel
  251. help: '&3(Cancel play request)'
  252. stats:
  253. cmd: stats
  254. help: <game> &3(Check the stats)
  255. list:
  256. cmd: list
  257. help: '&3(Games list)'
  258. spectate:
  259. help: '[player] &3(See player game)'
  260. cmd: spectate
  261. play:
  262. cmd: play
  263. help: '[rounds] &3(Open game menu)'
  264. debug:
  265. help: <banner> &3(Debug)
  266. cmd: debug
  267. mustnumber: '&c{string} must be number!'
  268. database:
  269. sqlite:
  270. filename: miniboardgames.db
  271. mysql:
  272. database: miniboardgames
  273. port: '3306'
  274. host: localhost
  275. password: '1234'
  276. username: user
  277. type: sqlite
  278. columns:
  279. discsPlaced: Discs Placed
  280. purplePlaced: Purple Placed
  281. minionsDamage: Minions Damage
  282. lose: Lose
  283. GhastPlaced: Ghast Placed
  284. SilverfishPlaced: Silverfish Placed
  285. mobsSmashed: Mobs Smashed
  286. VillagerPlaced: Villager Placed
  287. WitherBossPlaced: Wither Boss Placed
  288. horizontalWins: Horizontal Wins
  289. rock: Rock
  290. coins: Coins
  291. timesPlayed: Times Played
  292. diagonalWins: Diagonal Wins
  293. CreeperPlaced: Creeper Placed
  294. songs: Songs
  295. bluePlaced: Blue Placed
  296. ZombieVillagerPlaced: Zombie Villager Placed
  297. linesCompleted: Lines Completed
  298. EnderDragonPlaced: Ender Dragon Placed
  299. paper: Paper
  300. IronGolemPlaced: Iron Golem Placed
  301. SnowmanPlaced: Snowman Placed
  302. EndermanPlaced: Enderman Placed
  303. ChickenPlaced: Chicken Placed
  304. SpiderPlaced: Spider Placed
  305. greenPlaced: Green Placed
  306. wins: Wins
  307. verticalWins: Vertical Wins
  308. SquidPlaced: Squid Placed
  309. skullsPlaced: Skulls Placed
  310. redPlaced: Red Placed
  311. player: Player
  312. green: Green
  313. totalDamage: Total Damage
  314. SkeletonPlaced: Skeleton Placed
  315. GuardianPlaced: Guardian Placed
  316. scissors: Scissors
  317. blue: Blue
  318. yellow: Yellow
  319. red: Red
  320. fails: Fails
  321. goodNotes: Good Notes
  322. playersDamage: Players Damage
  323. cardsPlaced: Cards Placed
  324. BlazePlaced: Blaze Placed
  325. yellowPlaced: Yellow Placed
  326. invite:
  327. distance: 10
  328. donthave: '&cYou don''t have play requests'
  329. players: '&6For {players} players'
  330. accept: '&a{player}&a accept play request'
  331. page: '&3Page {current}/{total}'
  332. roundsleft: '&6{rounds} rounds left'
  333. cancelseconds: 30
  334. already: '&cYou already has request!'
  335. canceltime: '&cMinigame play request has been canceled after 30 seconds!'
  336. distanceorlist: distance
  337. lessplayers: '&cThis minigame is max for {players} players please remove {invite}
  338. user/s!'
  339. moreplayers: '&cThis minigame is min for {players} players please invite {invite}
  340. user/s!'
  341. alreadyaccept: '&cYou already accept the request!'
  342. waiting: '&cWaiting for {requests} request accepts...'
  343. select: '&6Select a game to play!'
  344. ingame: '&c{player}&c is in game!'
  345. logout: '&cMinigame play request has been canceled for {player}&c logout'
  346. goto: '&3Go to page {to}'
  347. nonear: '&cYou don''t have any player in {distance} blocks!'
  348. sendrequest: '&6&lSend request to:'
  349. offline: '&cSorry but {player} is offline'
  350. send: '&aYou send play request to {players}'
  351. cancelplayer: '&c{player}&c cancel play request. The game has been canceled!'
  352. receive: '&6You have a play request from {player}&6 to {rounds}&6 rounds in {game}&6
  353. &a(/miniboardgames <accept/cancel>)'
  354. invalidgame: '&cInvalid minigame name "{game}"'
  355. new: '&6You have a new play request!'
  356. error: '&cError sending play request, can''t found player "{player}"'
  357. selectfriends: '&6Invite your friends!'
  358. metrics: true
  359. updatechecker: true
  360. timer: '&4{seconds} seconds remaining!'
  361. nopermission: '&cSorry but you don''t have permission to use this command!'
  362. hologram: '&aPlaying {game}'
  363. header_special: '&c[&2Mini&4Board&3Games&3-&6{subheader}&c]'
  364. header: '&c[&2Mini&4Board&3Games&c]'
  365. cancel:
  366. sub: '&c&lThe game has been canceled'
  367. title: '&6&lTie'
  368. spectate:
  369. notplayer: '&cThis player isn''t current in game!'
  370. debugmode: false
  371. notfound: Can't found {string}
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