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Oct 19th, 2018
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  1. Alistar
  2. -aggressive sustain support
  3. -must be good with the alistar combo
  4. -bush warding is important because it increases your combo potential into the walls
  5. -op on blue side
  6. -I usually level q first, then w or e depending on how badly I need the heal. the cd reductions when leveling q and w are too good though
  7. -flash q is insanely good engage, especially at lower levels to secure a kill
  8. -I feel like I die a lot when playing alistar since he does a lot of hard engages, especially late game, compared to the other supports
  9. -I take flash+CV
  11. Janna
  12. -passive support that can get aggressive when needed
  13. -I feel like she has the best "sustained" cc out of all the supports
  14. -IMO the hardest to play well
  15. -w+q is a great way to engage since it guarantees a tornado to hit
  16. -need to get good with timing shields to save your carry from hits/harass
  17. -treat ult as an extra "flash" for your carry
  18. -I tend to take heal+cv on janna so I don't really go for flash+ult engages anymore.
  19. -DON'T use w when running away, you will lose your movspd passive
  20. -level e > q > w
  21. -I take heal+CV
  23. Sona
  24. -Pretty easy for the most part to play really averagely
  25. -utilizing her passive is what differentiates sona players
  26. -use E passive (slow) for better ganking/killing potential
  27. -in general laning phase keep your w up for the armor bonus for your carry
  28. -engage with E if you can, then switch to q for the ap/ad bonus for your carry and yourself
  29. -if your carry is getting owned w, then mash your head on your kb
  30. -level q > w > e
  31. -sona is basically an aggressive support. her damage on q is insane at lower levels and that's why you level it first
  32. -you can play passive sona (level w first) and you might need to depending on the matchup or how things are going w/your carry
  33. -flash is incredibly good and necessary on Sona. Flash+ult is IMO one of the most important things with Sona since her ult is a game-changer
  34. -you can use her ult to engage OR counter engage (and turn a fight in your favor), which is another reason why its so good
  35. -I take flash+CV
  37. Soraka
  38. -Passive support
  39. -Probably the easiest to play at an acceptable level
  40. -I usually level w > e > q, but there are certain comps where leveling e is beneficial
  41. -For example w/graves+soraka, leveling e so graves can spam spells is insanely good. He's already tanky so he doesn't need the w buff too much to survive engages
  42. -Need to keep watch of all the other lanes, kind of in the same fashion as when you're playing GP, so if needed you can ult to save someone's life.
  43. -One thing I learned from Xpecial's guide is that you can w your tank/engager in the beginning so that they get the armor buff, which is crazy good
  44. -spam q (starcall) nonstop in fights
  45. -You never really ever have mana problems with her
  46. -One thing I think is important when playing Soraka is that you should use the side (top left) portraits when trying to heal someone because you don't want to waste your huge cd heal on a minion on accident or something. It takes a bit of getting used to though.
  47. -I take heal+CV
  49. Taric
  50. -Gay man
  51. -Aggressive support, very similar to Alistar in playstyle
  52. -Make sure you level w(armor buff) over the heal, as the aura is incredibly good and it makes both your carry and taric retardedly tanky
  53. -Pretty easy to play...I'd say he's the second easiest support
  54. -He falls off fairly quickly mid/late game and doesn't offer as much as some of the other supports IMO
  55. -Has some hard counters, like Sivir
  56. -I take flash+CV, but heal+CV would work as well
  59. Masteries: 0/9/21 on all supports, making sure to take the heal/cv/flash masteries when needed
  61. Runes
  62. -For Reds I usually go armor
  63. -For Blues I usually go flat MR, or scaling AP/lv
  64. -For yellows I used to go scaling mana regen, but lately I've been running gold yellows
  65. -For quints I take gold/10
  66. -Consider dodge/armor yellows (along with the armor reds) if against heavy AD comp
  68. Builds
  69. -I build most supports the same way
  70. -Core build order: Philo > Boots (lv1) > HoG > Shurelya's > lv 2 boots
  71. -I usually get cdr boots on support, but when needed (heavy cc) I go merc treads, and against heavy AD I go ninja tabi
  72. -Doran's ring is very good on support; don't be afraid to grab 1 if you feel like you need the extra AP/survavability/manargn
  73. -You can go the "rush Shurelya's" build too, where you rush it ASAP. Grab a doran's for the HP though (over the HoG) after you finish your Shurelya's
  74. -Shurelya's is a strong item on certain junglers, so if you work with them, they can be the one who rushes it while you get other aura items (Aegis)
  75. -Good items to consider are Aegis(I sometimes get this over Shurelya's on janna), Stark's, WoTA (wota(revolver) is really good on Sona/Soraka/Nunu)
  76. -Getting a negatron cloak or chain vest are good investments if you need the defensive stats
  79. Strategy
  80. -Keep your carry alive, always. You exist to carry your carry
  81. -Wards, wards, wards
  82. -Every back I tend to get at least 1 pink ward during laning phase for dragon control
  83. -If the enemy is warding excessively, get an oracles early on
  84. -Do NOT excessively buy oracles; if you keep dying and keep buying oracles you will constantly be in a negative loss
  85. -If the enemy support has oracles DO NOT "stop warding", you need to instead ward in abnormal spots so that you can have vision of parts of the map
  86. -It is partly your job to mantain dragon and baron control (along with the jungler)
  87. -Keep timers for baron, dragon, wards, and buffs if needed/if you can
  88. -CV (CLAIRVOYANCE) is extremely important. You need to keep track of the enemy jungler so that the other lanes are aware of what they can and can't do
  89. -DO NOT CV unnecessarily...the increased cooldown makes this even more important, you have to use your CV more wisely now
  91. Timers
  92. -Wards: 3 min
  93. -Buffs: 5 min
  94. -Drag: 6 min
  95. -Baron: 7 min
  97. That is all for the feezy support guide version 1.0 (bow) I hope you enjoyed it
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