
White Room

Feb 27th, 2013
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  1. ****************************************************
  2. posted by an anon with no linked pastebin,
  3. thread 607 for any future refference
  4. ****************************************************
  8. >your first impressions are white emptiness and directionless pale light
  9. >you stand on something solid but you can't even distinguish it from the ceiling, or sky
  10. >also, you're naked
  11. >is this a dream?
  12. >what is this place?
  13. >where were you yesterday?
  14. >you don't recall
  15. >you see a dot in the distance
  16. >for lack of a better plan, you walk toward it
  17. >you walk at least half an hour
  18. >you begin to notice that the dot is a feature on some kind of wall or hillside
  19. >you continue to approach
  20. >it is a doorway in a vertical white wall
  21. >you enter
  22. >narrow passageway with smooth white walls shortly leads to a broad, sparsely furnished room
  23. >a window on the opposite wall admits more of the colorless light
  24. >a large bed, a bench of some kind, pillows
  25. >also, perhaps unsurprisingly, all white
  26. >but in the middle of the room you see it
  27. >the creature resembles a horse at first glance
  28. >a smallish one, or a tall slender pony
  29. >white, with sparkly rainbow colored mane and tail that move in a breeze you can't feel
  30. >you notice she also has a single long slender tapering horn
  31. >and wings
  32. >you stare in astonishment
  33. >she turns to look at you
  34. >okay, definitely NOT a horse
  35. >as if the horn and wings weren't enough of a clue, derp
  36. >not a horse face
  37. >horses should have long muzzles and little beady eyes on the sides of their heads
  38. >her face is not quite human
  39. >eerily beautiful, though, in an alien and unsettling sort of way
  40. >she has big expressive violet eyes
  41. >for a moment you think of a young Elizabeth Taylor
  42. >rowr, Liz Taylor
  43. >also, horses don't talk
  44. >her face is more than sufficiently human that it's obvious she's not pleased to have visitors
  45. >you crouch by the entrance, eyes locked on hers
  46. >"Who are you? WHAT are you?" she asks
  47. >that is most definitely a woman's voice
  48. >you say nothing
  49. >you've never been asked that second question, actually
  50. >you are a bit thrown off by it
  51. >you frown and stand up
  52. >you step slowly towards her
  53. >she stands her ground
  54. >you circle one another slowly, looking one another up and down
  55. >you are a bit embarrassed at your nekkidness, actually
  56. >not that she's wearing any more than you are, unless hair counts
  57. >"Are you some kind of ape? Or a monster? Are you a beast?"
  58. >finally you find your voice
  59. "Are you a horse?"
  60. >her eyes narrow at that
  61. >and a yellow glow surrounds her horn, as she grabs you telekinetically (ponykinetically?) and lifts you into the air to pull you closer to her
  62. >She nods slowly. "Point taken. But I don't know what to call you, and I'm not quite sure what you are."
  63. "My people call our species 'human,' but I do not know whether that word means anything to you. You may call me 'Anonymous.'"
  64. >she nods slowly. "Fair enough. Call me Tia."
  65. >you are more than a bit curious
  66. >"so... what are you, exactly? I've seen similar... creatures, but not quite like you."
  67. >she smiles at that
  68. >"the word is 'alicorn,' but I do not know whether it holds any meaning for you."
  69. >you raise an eyebrow
  70. >"like unicorn? I thought they were mythical. And invisible."
  71. >she smirks
  72. >the expression is rather cute on her
  73. >you plow onward
  74. >"What is this place? I don't remember much at all before about an hour ago. Did you bring me here?"
  75. >she makes a movement with her wing
  76. >instinctively you recognize it as a shrug
  77. >"I could ask the same of you. Maybe one of us is dreaming."
  78. >"My dreams normally run in other directions. If this is a dream, it's an odd one, though not unpleasant."
  79. >"My, Anonymous. You're such a flatterer."
  80. >you glance at her
  81. >she's got that smirk again
  82. >is she trolling you?
  83. >you squat on a pillow
  84. >"So, I'm curious. Tell me about yourself and your, um, species."
  85. >"It's a long tale."
  86. >"We appear to have time."
  87. >she approaches and squats on all fours beside you
  88. >she's... almost intimidatingly tall, and slender as a thoroughbred
  89. >you wonder idly how much she masses
  90. >she speaks softly without looking at you, of a world of magic and wonder
  91. >through the window, as she speaks, you see a beautiful little blue planet, with a moon nearly its size orbiting well within what something in the back of your brain says should have been its "Roche limit"
  92. >and on the opposite side of the planet from its satellite is a tiny, searingly bright little yellow dwarf star
  93. >even only the size of the moon it should be a billionfold more massive than the other two
  94. >yet it and the moon appear to orbit the little blue planet
  95. >fascinating. implausible, but fascinating.
  96. >and on the planet, you see pristine, untouched forests, and mountain caves in which dragons, with their vast cool intelligences, sleep for years at a time on their hoards of gold and gems
  97. >you are fascinated by the parallels and divergences of evolution and wonder idly if your gracious hostess, if that is what she is, would give you a DNA sample
  98. >in a forest you recognize poplar trees and black pine, but you also see brightly colored polka-dot toadstools
  99. >wouldn't touch those with an eleven-foot electrically grounded pole
  100. >she shows you forest, savannah, desert, jungle, prairie, tundra, badlands, ice floes
  101. >this world is smaller than yours but still vast, and every inch of it teems with life
  102. >you recognize brown bear and black bear, tigers and lions, but also see a bizarre chimera that looks like a contender for heavyweight champion land predator
  103. >its front half is a lion, its rear half is a gigantic scorpion, complete with articulated stinger tail and chitinous armor
  104. >what the fuck, that could never have evolved naturally
  105. >could it?
  106. >did a wizard create it?
  107. >you recognize bison and deer and wolves
  108. >but also sea serpents, dinosaur-ish creatures with multiple heads, and things still less identifiable
  109. >but never mind that
  110. >plains creatures evolve over millions of years, she says, obviously equine, with bigger, broader heads than any Earthly horse species
  111. >she hints that their evolution may have been guided by magic, by powers older still than the dragons
  112. >she speaks of "the Titans" and "the Creators" and you can hear the capital letters
  113. >you wonder how much of what she is telling you is religion and how much is science
  114. >and in the window, the wee ponies, already some showing horns and wings, evolve sentience and speech
  115. >they are very clever, and cooperate instinctively, as befits herd creatures
  116. >the unicorns are apparently very dextrous telekinetics and are very skilled at making and using tools
  117. >it makes sense, you suppose
  118. >and in the window nations arise among them, and civilizations
  119. >and your hostess, if that she be, lives in an old castle in one of the more peaceful parts of the world
  120. >she turns to you
  121. >my, what big eyes you've got, Grandma
  122. >stop that, dammit
  123. >"Your turn, Anonymous."
  124. >you think of long-ago science classes
  125. >you speak of a star forming in a nebula formed by a supernova billions of years ago
  126. >"a supernova, a phenomenon where an extremely large and powerful star explodes"
  127. >"it's rare but it's the origin of most elements heavier than helium, and almost all atomic nuclei heavier than iron"
  128. >you don't know how to interpret the look she's giving you
  129. >haltingly, in the window, the scene appears
  130. >the little yellow star--vaster by far than the one in the scene she showed you, but a miniscule speck compared to some of the giants known to exist in your galaxy--
  131. >cheerfully converts hydrogen to helium, emitting heat and light
  132. >around it dust and gas congeal into spinning asteroid fields, then planets form
  133. >one has liquid water on its surface and an ammonia/methane/carbon dioxide atmosphere
  134. >you say that how the first life formed is uncertain
  135. >but the composition of cometary ices and the atmospheres of other planets in your solar system
  136. >suggest that this was what your world's atmosphere was once
  137. >and you cite the Miller-Urey experiment
  138. >with such a foundation, complex chemistry and eventually life are thermodynamically favored
  139. >the window shows amoebae and paramecia
  140. >sea spiders and sea anenome
  141. >primitive bony fish that evolve and improve rapidly
  142. >because, you explain, there is a struggle for survival, few of any generation survive
  143. >random mutation and natural selection drive this vast machine
  144. >which, over billions of years
  145. >results in vast silent Permian forests full of giant cycad trees and two-foot-long cockroaches
  146. >and dinosaurs then walk past the window
  147. >and primitive mammals
  148. >some of which, small and monkeylike, lived in trees until about three and a half million years ago
  149. >then came down from the trees, and developed a taste for meat and a knack for making tools
  150. >and conquered a planet with stone axes and the will to power
  151. >which doesn't explain, however, you feel compelled to point out
  152. >how you speak the same language and understand one another's body language and facial expressions
  153. >among your species there are thousands of spoken lauguages, yet you even recognize her regional accent: she is an educated North American English speaker
  154. "Perhaps I'm dreaming. That would explain much of this."
  155. >"Or perhaps I am," she says
  156. >and gives you a long sidelong glance
  157. >and bats her eyelashes
  158. >"Your species is carnivorous, then?"
  159. "Omnivorous."
  160. >"You're not going to eat me, are you, Anonymous?"
  161. >before you can stop yourself, you reply "Not unless you ask nicely."
  162. >there is an awkward pause. the surreality of this conversation, of this white featureless place, unnerve you
  163. "Did you bring me here?"
  164. >"I did, actually."
  165. >You slowly stand. Her eyes linger at your groin. "Male, I take it?"
  166. >You nod.
  167. >she steps forward silently
  168. >she is just an inch or two shorter than you, if we don't count the horn
  169. >You can begin to feel the heat radiating from her
  170. >she says, "I apologize for being so abrupt, but I think that our time here may be limited."
  171. >"Can I interest you in a proposition? Again, it isn't ladylike to be so blunt, but--"
  172. >"I summoned you here for a particular purpose. There's something I need from you."
  173. >oh boy, here we go
  174. >"I have grave responsibilities every day. Without getting deeply into a description of the society I live in, let it be sufficient to say that it's lonely at the top."
  175. >you wonders where she's going with this
  176. >She leans forward, speaking more softly.
  177. >"And my kind have a breeding season. Which I cannot allow to distract me from duties of state."
  178. >oh dear Jeebus, she isn't saying
  179. >She looks at you, staring into your very soul with her big beautiful violet eyes.
  180. >then she blushes slightly and turns away
  181. >she can't be
  182. >"The need won't leave me unless I"
  183. >she appears to be thinking hard and choosing her words carefully
  184. >"spend some time in the company of a male mammal."
  185. >"That is why we are here, alone. I summoned you, Anonymous. The spell chose you, perhaps, because you're not wholly unwilling, and maybe have a similar need."
  186. >you reach out and slowly run your fingers through her mane, which is softer than you had imagined
  187. "You're beautiful, Tia. It is an alien beauty, and I should not feel this for a female not of my species."
  188. >she blushes at that
  189. >"Pheromones."
  190. "Human mating desires aren't triggered by pheromones, I thought."
  191. >she shrugs. "Magic pheromones, then?"
  192. "More magic?"
  193. >"Actually it doesn't seem to require a lot for you. Are you a bit of a xenophile?"
  194. "Perhaps just a bit." you put your left hand on her withers and your right on the back of her neck, and touch your lips softly against hers
  195. >she embraces you with her wings, and you lean close to nibble at her lower lip
  196. >she pulls back and grins, then slowly slides her truly enormous horse tongue into your mouth
  197. >her lips are nearly prehensile, she is an amazing kisser
  198. >and that warm, warm tongue, gentle, nimble, insistent
  199. >your hands roam her back, stroke her wings at the base, touching her soft feathers
  200. >she and you kiss for a long timeless moment, then she breaks the kiss
  201. >her cheeks are visibly flushed
  202. >how the hell is that visible through the fine white horsehair covering every millimeter of her skin?
  203. >it's adorable regardless
  204. >you run your hand gently down her cheek, then her neck.
  205. >you kiss her forehead and gently nibble her ear
  206. "I haven't ever been with one of your... species, Tia. How do we proceed from here? Where are your, uh"
  207. >"Erogenous zones?" she whispers, fluttering her eyelashes. "I'll show you."
  208. >her horn glows again, and a red glowing arrow-shaped pointer appears in the air. a hologram?
  209. >"Low on my belly, just ahead of my hips, we have our mammary glands. The nipples are pleasantly sensitive." The arrow follows to point them out conveniently.
  210. >Horse Sex for Dummies?
  211. >you kneel behind her, beneath her flowing tail, reaching up to touch her nipples
  212. >heh, crotchboobs
  213. >they're already quite erect
  214. >you squeeze and pluck and pull on them gently with your fingertips, provoking a series of small squeaks and moans and whinnying sounds from her
  215. >you can't help but laugh at that
  216. >she goes silent and looks back between her legs to glare at you for a moment, then giggles
  217. >you decides to kiss and suckle on her nipples, gently kneading the sensitive tissue surrounding them
  218. >she likes that
  219. >she moans softly and sways her hips back and forth
  220. >"Anonymous, that feels good. Please don't stop. Oh, you don't know, I haven't been able to do this in years."
  221. "It's been a few years for me, also," says you, softly.
  222. >"Oh?"
  223. "Not since my wife died."
  224. >"I'm so sorry, I didn't know."
  225. "It's not your fault, and if you summoned me to a dream because we both need this, I can hardly object."
  226. >"Thank the Creators you're a gentleman. Sometimes the things the spell brings aren't anatomically compatible. Some were monstrous carnivorous things that tried to eat me."
  227. "I think I'd love to eat you, but in the nice way."
  228. >"Oh, my. Would you?"
  229. "I thought you'd never ask. Can you lie on your side, with your hind legs apart?"
  230. >her answer is a grin
  231. >you lies on your side, your face between her haunches
  232. >my, what a big clitoris you have, Grandma
  233. >seriously, it's as big as a big man's thumb
  234. >a finger slips inside her, then two
  235. >she's already wet inside, and soft and almost uncomfortably hot, but only almost
  236. >she shudders and sighs
  237. >fingers slip back out and slide over her clit forward and back, up and down its length as it becomes more pronounced
  238. >then kiss it softly, touching it lightly with the tip of the tongue, then licking it
  239. >she squirms and moans incoherently, her hips begining to pump up and down
  240. >three fingers slide inside her, then your whole hand, then your clenched fist
  241. >minus five points for anatomical incompatibility, plus several million for ingenuity and enthusiasm
  242. >your fist goes deeper, your free hand plucks at her nipples
  243. >she arches her back and makes a curiously soft squeaky sound while very powerful muscles squeeze down on your fist and forearm
  244. >panting, she says "now I think I'm ready," with a warm smile
  245. >she stands back up, and motions for you to stand behind her
  246. >"Now, please put your fist deeper inside me. I want you to punch me in the uterus. Hard."
  247. "Anything to oblige someone as beautiful as you."
  248. >your fist slides in against only slight resistance
  249. >she moans, arches her back, and spreads her wings broadly
  250. >"harder, fuck me with your fist, do it harder," she hisses
  251. >you are nothing if not obliging
  252. >she raises her haunches higher to meet the thrusts
  253. >with your other hand you put first one finger into her cheerful pink anus, then two fingers
  254. >she moans and begins to whinny
  255. >this is a bit distracting, but you are up to the challenge and focused on the task
  256. >she bucks her hips one last time, clamping down on your forearm with almost crushing force, and whispers "Oh, Anonymous," then, shuddering, slides herself forward off your fist with a comically audible little "slurp" sound as it pops out
  257. >she lies on her side panting for a long time, then turns to look at you again
  258. "Are you all right?" you ask, concern in your voice. "I didn't hurt you, did I?"
  259. >She grins. "Deliciously." There is a long pause. "Now, can I ask you to do something else for me?"
  260. >you smile and nod, kneeling beside her.
  261. >she leans forward to embrace you with her wing again, and kisses you, open-mouthed and hungrily
  262. >"How do you feel about touching a girl's horn?"
  263. "Horn?"
  264. >"Yes. It's another erogenous zone for us, sort of."
  265. "Sort of?"
  266. >"Well, when we use our magic, a charge of energy builds up in it in a manner sort of analogous to static electricity, which makes it harder to use our magic."
  267. >you nod, not sure if you comprehend fully
  268. >"And we can't drain the charge ourselves. Someone has to touch it and stroke it for us. We also find it intensely pleasurable."
  269. >You lie beside her, looking into her eyes, and begin touching her horn, first at the base, then stroking lightly upward with your fingertips
  270. >she shudders and the horn almost immediately emits a few little sparks of light
  271. >experimentally, you lean over to kiss her horn just above the base, then give it a lick
  272. >she moans, but says "stop, stop."
  273. "Hmm?"
  274. >"when it discharges, it can be dangerous. I don't want to hurt you. For example, it could pick you up and throw you across the room, if you let it discharge into your mouth."
  275. >"Or other, stranger things could happen. I once had a lover turn into a newt."
  276. "You turned him into a newt?"
  277. >"He got better. But it took a few hours for him to change back, and that put a damper on the mood."
  278. "Ah."
  279. >"That felt amazing, but please, for your own safety, just use your hand."
  280. "Very well."
  281. >and soon she is squirming and moaning your name over and over
  282. >the whole horn is glowing and emitting little rainbow colored sparks of light
  283. >you sense she's on the edge, and whisper to her.
  284. "Now. Hold on tight, Tia."
  285. >her wings enfold you, and you begin to stroke the horn more rapidly with both of your hands, leaning forward to press your lips against hers as well
  286. >she screams wordlessly, her whole body stiffening, as a shower of sparks and magical flame shoot out of the tip of her horn, lighting up the room in harsh blinding light
  287. >some of the sparks of light look like little stars and hearts, you notice
  288. >then she goes limp, leaning against you, panting, eyes half-lidded and glassy
  289. >then looks up at you, smiling contentedly. "Oh, that was amazing."
  290. >"Now I think it's your turn."
  291. "What do you have in mind? I am not sure our species are anatomically compatible."
  292. >"True, but I can improvise too. Lie on your back."
  293. "Yes, ma'am."
  294. >She smiles. "Let me make you feel good."
  295. >with one marshmallow hoof she touches you
  296. >she shouldn't really be that dextrous with a featureless hoof
  297. >but it is, you suppose, more pony magic
  298. >"No, that's too impersonal. Let me do something more personal for you."
  299. >she kisses you one more time, slowly putting her long tongue into your mouth, while you suckle on it and let her slide it into the back of your throat
  300. >then bends her head down and coils her tongue around your erection in a most lovely helical shape, a most delicious look of mischief in her eyes
  301. >she has, obviously, done this before
  302. >in seconds your hands are on the back of her head and you are moaning her name
  303. >she frowns and pushes your hands away with a hoof. "No hands, Anonymous. Just lie back and relax. Let Tia make you feel good."
  304. >she returns to her work with a will
  305. >it feels amazing
  306. >in a matter of seconds you are whispering her name and she is swallowing your seed, gulping greedily
  307. >and you are spent
  308. >she grins at you, and kisses you chastely on the cheek while you lie together side by side, panting
  309. >"As wonderful as this has been, I am very sorry, but I must now leave to begin a very busy day."
  310. >"Maybe someday the spell will bring you here again."
  311. "I'd like that," you say, softly.
  312. >suddenly a second winged unicorn-ish creature appears in the room, this one dark blue, and noticeably smaller than the first
  313. >"SISTER!" she booms
  314. >"THOU ART LATE FOR wait what the tartarus"
  315. >she stares at you in confusion and begins to blush, then resolutely turns her head away from the nekkidness
  316. >"Lulu, I did tell you I was going into heat and this time I was going to have to do something about it."
  317. >"I thought you said were going to do something about THE heat. Adjust the weather."
  318. >Tia facehoofs. It is a very human gesture.
  319. >The blue one, "Lulu," turns back and smirks.
  320. >Tia returns her smirk and says "I think you need to get laid yourself."
  321. >"Really, sister! I never!"
  322. >"That's not what I heard," says Tia, waggling her eyebrows.
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