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Jun 17th, 2018
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  1. Ah… Don’t you remember those nooby days? Those days where you couldn’t tell the difference from one side of Cuberstrike to the other? When you always wondered why those people bunny hopped all the time and could get across the map a gazillion times faster than you? Back when George Washington signed the... WAIT. Not that far back, and hold on.... Did he even sign that?
  2. Anyway… The first thing I thought when I joined a game in “Lost Paradise 2” was “Why are all these freaks hopping around like bunnies?” The second thing I thought was “Oops”. My screen had erupted into a red indicator saying I was hit. “Mayday!” I almost yelled. All of a sudden I was dead and looking at the countdown until I could respawn. I nearly had a heart attack. How dare someone just shoot me in that fashion? For god sakes, I have never touched this game before. That was very rude.
  3. I hit enter and start typing frantically. “What do you think you’re doing? Can’t you see I’ve never played this game before?”
  4. A message faded into the bottom left corner of my screen. “Well that explains it, you noob.”
  5. Now that was one step too far. If I had even known what the word ‘Noob’ was, I’m sure I would’ve been mad. I hit the tab button and saw his perfect score of 23-0. Before I could even respawn, a plan had formed in my head. By the time I spawned I was determined to kick some butt. I ran left and right picking up all armor in sight (hey, that rhymes, too). All of a sudden, the same man appeared in front of me, and took out a big hammer and hit me. SMACKDOWN appeared on my screen and I nearly jumped out of my skin. Who knew these games were so graphic?
  6. The next time, I decided to take a different approach. I found a nice sniping spot in between two comfy looking cubes. After a patrol of the area, I settled in cozily. I took out my ‘Deliverator’ and went to work. I quickly spotted my enemy and after a few shots (when I say a few shots, I really mean about two minute’s worth of shots) managed to hit him. He quickly turned around and it was just a matter of: Looking, Spotting, Shooting, And Killing. HEADSHOT.
  7. “This game is so annoying,” I thought. “Yet addicting.” After my 5 seconds worth of thinking, I decided not to respawn. I tapped the ‘ESC Button’ and
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