
MMMerge features

Oct 22nd, 2022 (edited)
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  1. I probably don't remember everything and there is not a list for base changes AFAIK, so there are those I remember:
  2. - adaptive monsters stats (this is mostly for boosting monsters who are severely underleveled in comparison to party)
  3. - new questline (fully optional), but not as big as base games (but still big IMO)
  4. - MM6 has got pretty drastic changes, but mostly due to engine change, like prot from magic/invis spells, GM skills, stronger spells in general, armsmaster; this overall makes MM6 easier (but still harder than other continents)
  5. - additional potions (white&black)
  6. - bounty hunt is changed to actually spawn required monster on map for you to hunt down, also requirements are more achievable, so no Titans on level 5, also admittedly bounty monsters won't spawn in cities
  7. - meditation gives SP regen (floor(skill / 10) + mastery; mastery starts on 1 on novice), this makes the game much easier at beginning, but if you want to remove it it's trivial to do (I can easily do it)
  8. - NPC followers are reimplemented, but there are two changes: of medium importance (NPCs don't reroll when reloading map, I don't know exact mechanics but generally some time must pass), and drastic one (you can hire 4 NPCs at the same time, and you can hire same ones (like two instructors) and they'll still work)
  9. - in MM8 you can choose party at game start, but this is not a requirement and you can still start with 1 PC
  10. - NPC mercenaries (PCs for hire) spawn randomly, so you are not limited to NPCs in MM8
  11. - big QoL change: 4 extra quick spell slots! you can bind them to any key you want. Makes playing caster party much more fun
  12. - genie lamps (MM7) now work randomly (skill points are still included as a reward, but this is a bad change for me, I can give you the script which gives them default behavior)
  13. - advanced monster pathfinding (it is known to have some issues with older systems, BUUUT if it does work it's really amazing, monsters will no longer get blocked by a wall)
  14. more things incoming (discord message length limit)
  15. - you can now always complete warlock MM7 quest and the dragon can actually be hired as PC
  16. - this one probably won't be interesting to you, but almost all limits on game files are removed, which makes modding without extensive assembly knowledge much easier
  17. There's also oooold merge tracker which has more info but some of it might be inaccurate: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xf4RCg92qnZD6UNM_UDJH1qPHnli8_APq3a_ECxmZ3o/edit
  18. community (and rodril-fixes) has most of its features written down here: https://discord.com/channels/296507109997019137/296507109997019137/1008392547615375480
  19. revamp (which is a fork of community) has its (own) features written down: https://gitlab.com/cthscr/mmmerge/-/wikis/Revamp/Features
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