
She's mad, he's mad, we're all mad here.

Jul 1st, 2016
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  1. Covet has joined the chat
  2. Alexithymiaa: (Did you dress for battle? Because I did)
  3. Covet: Lol kinda ]
  4. Musik has joined the chat
  5. Alexithymiaa: -Steph stood in the parking lot, her body leaned up against her car with her phone in her hand, her eyes turned down to stare at the screen. She was clearly dressed for World War three, and probably looked pretty pissed off.-
  6. Covet: -Cadence had pulled up in her Hummer, parking it near Steph's car. Getting out, she grabbed the bat she'd put in the passenger seat. She closed the door and walked over to where Steph was at and nodded her head- Is she chickening out?
  7. Alexithymiaa: -Her eyes flicked up to look at Cadence, giving a quick shrug before glancing back down at her phone. "I havent heard anything. She's probably too stupid to even think anything of it."-
  8. Covet: -Frowning, tapped the bat on the ground a few times- Well that would be disappointing. I was really looking forward to this.
  9. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : "It's not like I wouldn't make it happen either way. This was just much more convenient." She gave a shrug and looked up from her phone again, sizing Cadence up. "Sneakers. Good choice."-
  10. Covet: Yeah, Easy to run in if we have to chase her down. I can't say that white was the best choice, but I figured if things got bloody it'd give a nice over all effect in the moment. -She stopped herself then shook her head- I have a problem.
  11. Alexithymiaa: "I had a similar idea." She looked down at herself, giving a shrug. "Like the one time I don't wear black, right?"-
  12. Covet: -She smirked and laughed- Yeah pretty much. And pants...-she said looking down at herself.- I'm glad we're on the same page here.
  13. Musik: -Kitty pulled Trace's car into the parking lot, climbing out of it and adjusting her too tight shorts she was wearing before shoving her hands into the pockets of her vest, looking around.-
  14. Alexithymiaa: "We usually are." Her eyes followed the car that pulled into the parking lot, nodding toward it. "She's still not as smart as I'd like to give her credit for." She dropped her eyes down to look at her phone, sliding her fingers over the screen before leaning into her car to toss the phone down onto the seat.-
  15. Covet: -Cadence looked over seeing the vehicle and recognizing the girl that got out.- Let's see what damage we can do to remedy that. -Cadence crossed her arms and let the bat rest just inside the seat of the car with Steph's phone. It was just there for security after all.-
  16. Musik: -Kitty yawned into her hand and continued to look around. She saw Steph and rolled her eyes, grumbling to herself before leaning against Trace's car pulling her cigarette's out, popping one into her mouth to light the end of, inhaling deeply.-
  17. Alexithymiaa: "Gladly." She added before leaning off the side of her car, her hands already balled into fists at her sides as she made her way over toward Kitty. "I can't believe you actually showed. Actually, yes I can, because you're not exactly the brightest bulb in the candelabra."-
  18. Covet: -Cadence raised her eyebrow at Kitty as they walked over to her.- It's a the tragic side of being so completely full of yourself. -She added-
  19. Musik: -She looked over as Steph and Cadence came closer to her.- "Oh so YOU'RE the one who sent the text? I was praying it was Ash using a secret number so your dumbass would't find out."
  20. Alexithymiaa: "Which only further proves my point of how dumb you are because no matter how many times he tells you to fuck off, you just don't get it through your thick skull. So let this be the very last time someone has to tell you...." SHe stepped forward, pushing her hands out toward Kitty's chest to shove her backward. "Fuck. Off."-
  21. Covet: Wow...Bitch are you seriously that delusional. You deserve every bit of this you dumb broad. -Cadence said shaking her head, watching the fight, letting Steph have her glory and keeping an eye out for her and anyone else.-
  22. Musik: -She leaned further into the car when she shoved her, taking a long drag off of her cigarette and blwoing it into Steph's face, looking to cadence then to Steph.- "Okay, but he does. This is how we work. he goes off with some other bitch, then I come back and he comes back to me. It's how it works. Get the fuck over it. You're just a pit stop like everyyyyyyyy other girl." -She said with a smirk, poking her in the chest.-
  23. Alexithymiaa: -She clenched her jaw when she felt the smoke in her face, her eyes narrowing on Kitty's. When her finger hit her chest, she completely lost her shit, bringing her right fist up quickly to swing across Kitty's face quickly, her left pushing toward the side of her ribs.-
  24. Covet: That's rich coming from the girl who's a fucking groupie. Remind me again who's a pit stop? Does that help? -She asked antagonizing the fight as Steph started swinging blows-
  25. Alexithymiaa: (HEY. Dont shit on the groupies)
  26. Covet: [XD]
  27. Musik: -Her head jerked sideways when Steph hit her, bringing her hand up to run her hand over her btton lip, feeling the hand jab into her ribs she let out a groan. She slowly stood back up straight, bringing her hand up to taking a drag as she reached for Steph's hand, quickling yanking it forward before putting the cigarette out against her skin.-
  28. Alexithymiaa: "Bitch!" She screeched, yanking her hand back from the girl's grasps to shake it off, the burn stinging her skin. She brought her knee up quickly toward the girl's stomach, anticipating her to lean forward and totally just throwing technique out the window as she swung her fingers at her face over and over again because she was super mad.-
  29. Covet: Woah woah woah, Let's not start using weapons. Two can play that game. Fists only bitch. -Cadence said looking at Kitty- We're trying to make it at least partially fair.Fists not fingers, Steph! They work better! -Cadence told her.
  30. W0nderlandishHipster has joined the chat
  31. Alexithymiaa: (I meant fists. I dont know why I wrote fingers.)
  32. Musik: -Kitty leaned forward when Steph's knee met her stomach. She quickly brought her arms up to block her face, quickly shoving her hands into Steph's stomach to shove her back.- "God damnit, Skeletor get the fuck off me!" -She shouted looking to the other girl.- "Who the fuck even are you?!"
  33. Covet: [XD]
  34. Alexithymiaa: -She took a step back when Kitty shoved her, letting her hands fall to her sides already bloody and raw from hitting the bitch so many times. She took a deep breath, barely able to hear anything from the blood pumping in her ears so wildly as she lunged at the girl, her hands stretched out to circle her throat.-
  35. Covet: She's the one that's kicking your ass. And she's probably going to be the one that kills you. -Cadence said keeping her distance around the two girls fighting-
  36. W0nderlandishHipster: ((O_O do i want to know whats going on ))
  37. Alexithymiaa: (Sleezy bitch is getting her ass kicked for being a sleezy bitch. It's fine. This is normal.)
  38. Musik: -She brought her hands up to grab Steph's wrists trying to pull her hands away from her throat.- "!" -She gasped.-
  39. Alexithymiaa: -Since Steph is Steph it wasn't all that hard to pull her hands off of Kitty's throat. Trying to free her wrists from Kitty's grasp, she brought her knee up, shoving it at her vag.-
  40. W0nderlandishHipster has left the chat
  41. Covet: [thank god]
  42. W0nderlandishHipster has joined the chat
  43. Covet: -Cadence laughed as she tried to tell Steph to stop- She will when you do. How bout that? So really this could go on all night...or for weeks...months. However long you think it's going to take. -She said still egging on the fight-
  44. Alexithymiaa: (Cadence is the best peanut gallery ever)
  45. Covet: [XD]
  46. Covet: [Steph has other things to focus on.. Cadence has the mouth...she's trying to be distracting]
  47. W0nderlandishHipster: -Rose ran through the park singing along to a song that was playing on her iPod. She was enjoying her time out of the dorm and from work. She was glad. She was unaware that anything was going on. While she was still running her fingers were twitching like she did sometimes did when she sung-((whats she seeing
  48. Musik: -She lunged forward, grabbing at her vagina like a guy would his balls after getting kicked in it.- "God damnit! Your knee is so boney. How the fuck does Ash fuck someone like you? Do you know what a cheeseburger is?" -She groaned and pushed back up, throwing her hand back and shoving it across Steph's face.-
  49. Alexithymiaa: -Her head rocked to one side when the blow struck her face, the edges of her vision going dark as she saw stars. She pushed forward again, swinging blindly at the girl's face with intent to cause as much damage as possible. "Well he sure as fuck likes me better than you!" // Bryan pulled his car into the parking lot of the park, killing the engine and scanning the park until he saw the ruckus of females and blood and fighting and some other shit I guess.He quickly glanced to Aubrey, pointing a finger at her. "Stay in the car." He pushed out of the car, jogging over to the girls and throwing his hands up in the air. "What the fuck are you doing?"-
  50. Covet: It's okay...She's making her point known Bryan. They're just working out their issues. -She said casually shrugging then yelled back at Kitty- BITCH SAY ONE MORE SKINNY COMMENT and I'll be jumping in to help! You've asked for this!
  51. W0nderlandishHipster: -Rose stoped for a moment and glanced over seeing girls fighting. She wasnt sure who they were but she stayed quite watching from a distance. She knew though that they were drawing blood. Quickly pulling out her cell phone and texting 911. She knew the only wanted you to do that if you didn;t want to get noticed by what was going on and this was one of the few times she didn't want people to know she was there. She glanced over hereing a guys voiced as she was about to press send. she couldnt belive what she was hearing there working out their issues.-
  52. Musik: -Kitty shoved her hands into Steph's arms, shoving her hand into her chest to shove her backwards.- "What are you going to do? You look like fucking death, you twat!" -She screamed at Cadence before lookinag at the tattooed mess of a man.- "God damnit now we've got the Lumber jack! Sweet!" // -Aubrey rolled her eyes, waiting a few minutes before pushing out of the car, moving to walk over to where they were standing, raising her brows as she watched the fight.- // -Ash climbed off his motorcycle and moved over to where the girls were standing, furrowing his brows.- "Are you fucking kidding me?! Kitty! Stop!" -He snapped.-
  53. Alexithymiaa: -STeph stumbled backward when she shoved her again, turning her head to one side to spit the blood that had been pooling in her mouth. Ignoring Bryan because she normally does anyway, she stepped forward and swung at the girls face again, probably smearing a good portion of her own blood across Kitty's face since bloody knuckles and shit. // Bryan scowled at Cadence. "Are you serious right now? What the fuck is wrong with you?" He saw Steph swing at Kitty again, moving over toward them and putting his arms between the two girls. "Cut it the fuck out!"-
  54. CovetCovet Whisper: Don't ask questions you already know the answer's to Bryan. -she told him then glared back at Kitty- That's because I am, you gaping tuna cave! -Cadence said taking Kitty out again, starting to wail on her since Bryan was now preventing Steph from doing it.-
  55. Covet: *answers
  56. W0nderlandishHipster: -Rose finshed typing saying please bring an ambulance as well as the police. "At the Willameette park." she said quite as she hit the send buttin and tired to deiced if she was going to help the two males break up the fight. She was sure if she tired they would probly attack her as well.-
  57. Musik: -Kitty quickly shoved her fist into Steph's ribs, shoving Bryan's arm away from them.- "Don't fucking touch me you lumber jack looking homo!" // -Aubrey reached out to try and grab Bryan but threw her hands up shaking her head.- "You never try to break up a fight between two pitbulls, Bryan.." -She grumbled.- // -Ash quickly stepped to help Bryan, grabbing Kitty's hands and yanking her away from Steph.- "What the fuck do you think you're doing!? Do you realize this just makes me hate you more, right?"
  58. Covet: [Ummmmm]
  59. W0nderlandishHipster: Se typed*
  60. Alexithymiaa: -Steph felt the wind rush out of her lungs, leaning over and nearly falling forward. She gasped for a breath of air, spitting blood at her feet again before planting her hands on her knees, trying to catch her ragged breath which didnt stop her from opening her big mouth. ""Don't touch her, that's exactly what she fucking wants!" // Bryan moved out of the way to avoid being punched, grabbing Cadence by the shoulders and yanking her back away from Kitty. "Stop instigating the fight! You're fuckin' nuts!" He wrapped his arms around her to pin her arms to her sides, dragging her backwards and directing his words to Aubrey. "There's too many crazy bitches and not enough sane ones."-
  61. W0nderlandishHipster: -Rose trembled as she slowly walked towards the parking lot trying to make sure the girls and boy didn't noticed her as she waiting for the reply from 911. -"Please...hurry."she said to herself as she held onto the phon. Then the loud ring from her phone of her recvering a text message could be heard. "Crap...
  62. W0nderlandishHipster: ((x.x fuck))
  63. Covet: Yeah...We know! GET THE FUCK OFF ME BRYAN! -Cadence said flailing trying to get out- The desperate homewrecking whore had it coming! -She tried to kicking him next - Let me go! Seriously...let me go and I'll stop. Unless that bitch starts running her mouth again!
  64. W0nderlandishHipster: -Rose trembled as she slowly walked towards the parking lot trying to make sure the girls and boy didn't noticed her as she waiting for the reply from 911. -"Please...hurry."she said to herself as she held onto the phon. Then the loud ring from her phone of her recvering a text message could be heard. "Crap... " she mutterd as e tried to cover the sound of the beeping.-
  65. Musik: -Kitty yanked her arms away from Ash, bringing her hand up to run her hand against her lip.- "Do you see what she did to me!? And your asking me what's wrong with me?!" // -Aubrey shrugged.- "We're supposed to be crazy..I don't know what you were thinking." -She moved over to Steph, running her hand over her back.- "Take slow breaths." // "Yeah! I do see! And she fucking gets a cookie for it! You're lucky that you don't have a penis or I would've done way fucking worse. Now fucking leave and don't come back here." -He snapped and moved over to Steph, leaning over to look at her face.- "Are you okay?"
  66. Alexithymiaa: -Steph sucked in a deep breath, straightening up and lifting her hand up to wipe the blood dripping from her mouth, but both hands were covered in blood and therefore she just deposited more onto her face. "I fucking hate her." Her eyes drifted to stare at Kitty, taking a step toward her. "Don't even fucking look at him!" // Bryan rolled his eyes and dropped his arms from Cadence, letting her go and letting out a sigh. "I don't know what I was thinking either." He ran his hand back over his hair, watching the girls. "Seriously? Steph, stop!"-
  67. Covet: -Cadence was flexing her hands as if that would help get rid of the pain and made her way over to the group. She brushed her hair out of her face and looked at Steph- Let her go lick her wounds Steph. She got a good warning. Maybe she'll get the fucking picture now.
  68. Musik: -Kitty held her arms out on either side of her.- "Fucking come on walking stick!" -She turned to look at Cadence, holding up her middle finger straight to her face.- "Fuck off bimbo." // -Aubrey stepped back away from them, wanting to stay out of the crossfire.- // -Ash shook his head at steph and wrapped his arm around her waist loose enought not to hurt her.- "C'mon let's go home and clean you up."
  69. W0nderlandishHipster: -Rose tyed on her cell phone there was no need to send anyone it was a false almar. She let out a sigh as sat down on the crub on the parking lot wondering what they were going to do late on. She took a deep breath still shaken up seeing of somewhat had happend.-
  70. Alexithymiaa: -Steph leaned against Ash's arm, steam practically coming out of her ears at Kitty's words. "Bitch I will shove my foot so far up your ass you'll be able to taste your own skank!"// Bryan swept his eyes to look at Aubrey, pushing his arm out in front of her to nudge her backward. "Didnt I tell you to stay in the car?"-
  71. Covet: -Cadence rolled her eyes- Bryan She's a free person, she's not getting involved or anything. -She looked at Kitty and made a biting motion at being flipped off- Don't give me a reason to fuck you up some more Skankasaurus. I'm not anywhere near worn out enough yet....If you were smart you'd get the fuck out of our town.
  72. Musik: -Kitty rolled her eyes waving her off.- "You boyfriend fucked me for YEARS, so whatever "skank" I have, he's got too, baby. Welcome to the fuckin' club!" -She spat and looked at Ash.- "Have fun fucking skeletor. I honestly don't know what you grab during it all." -She said rolling her eyes, turning to look at Cadence.- "Bitch I'm here to stay. Welcome to the fun house, cunt." -She turned and yanked Trace's car door open, climbing in and reving the engine before speeding out of the parking lot as fast as she could to go cry to trace.- // -Aubrey shrugged looking up at Bryan, pushing her hand into his arm when he nudged her, taking a small step backwards.- "You did..But since when do I actuallyyyy listen?" -She asked laughing slightly at cadence's comment, pointing to her.- "Exactly. I'm a free person. and I stayed out of it." -She said holding her hands up on either side of her head.- // -Ash kept his arm around Steph, pulling her back so Kitty didn't run over her.- "Okay, might dogs you got her. You're bleeding a lot, come on. Let's go home." -He said holding his hand out for her keys.- "You're not driving."
  73. W0nderlandishHipster: -Rose stood up and walked off heading towards were the bus stop was. She let out a sigh as her hand trimbled still scared and let out a sigh.-"That...was someting i never want to see again."she said to herself as she waited for the bus.-
  74. Musik: (Fights happen a lot.. She'll see another one.)
  75. W0nderlandishHipster: ((XD haha))
  76. Alexithymiaa: -She basically panted at this point, half because she was tired and half because she really hated that bitch and was incredibly mad. Her eyes shot up to look into Ash's face, still seeing red. "I'm going to fucking kill her. And Cadence is going to help and NO ONE is going to miss her." She dug her hand down into the pocket of her shorts, pulling out her car keys and handing them over to Ash. "I'm not getting in my car like this." // Bryan narrowed his eyes at Cadence and her remark, slowly turning to look at Aubrey. "Will you two shut the fuck up? I get it, you never listen. Go get in the fuckin' car. Now."-
  77. Covet: -Cadence rolled her eyes at Kitty- Good analogy you fucking clown. You're in our house now, and we call it the thunder dome! Cant' wait to kick your ass next time! -Cadence said watching as everyone was starting to leave- Hey Steph, message me later or if anything else comes up. I'm going to head home. Night guys! -she said waving to those that were still there.-
  78. Musik: -Ash took her keys and nodded.- "You are." -He turned to look at Cadence.- "Thanks for fucking helping with this shit and not telling me what was happening. Awesome job." -He said and wrapped his arm around Steph's back, pulling her over to her car, taking his shirt off and laying it on the seat.- "There. Now get in." // -Aubrey rolled her eyes and turned around to walk back towards the car.- "No one died, will you calm down?" -She asked looking back to Bryan as she got into the car.-
  80. Musik: (He's regretting it)
  81. Alexithymiaa: "But... the interior...." She grumbled as she basically fell into the car because her adrenaline rush was coming down and she was in pretty bad shape. She nodded to Cadence, lifting a bloody hand to give her a thumbs up. // Bryan bitched and moaned to himself, kicking at the pavement with his shoes as he walked back to his car and dropped down inside. "Could have. Very well could have. This was fuckin' stupid. And unnecessary." He jammed the key into the ignition, letting the car sit idle for a second before shoving it in reverse and backing out of his spot, shifting into gear and punching it away to be mad about it.-
  82. Covet: I wish I could say sorry, but I really wouldn't mean it, so it'd be pointless. Sometimes you just have to make a point, and stand your ground. -Cadence bit the inside of her lip then shrugged because she didn't care if Ash was mad, because beating that hoes ass was some great stress relief for herself too. She got into her vehicle and headed off towards her appartment.-
  83. Musik: -He pushed the door closed and walked around the car to climb in, starting it up and pulling out of the parking lot being mad also. Everyone's mad.-
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