
The Last Olympian - Magic Resistance

Oct 17th, 2021
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  1. “A lot of inventions . . . dangerous ones. If my mother wants me to use this plan, she must think things are very bad.” She looked at me. “What about her message to you: ‘Remember the rivers’? What does that mean?”
  3. I shook my head. As usual, I had no clue what the gods were telling me. Which rivers was I supposed to remember? The Styx? The Mississippi?
  5. Just then the Stoll brothers ran in to the throne room.
  7. “You need to see this,” Connor said. “Now.”
  9. The blue lights in the sky had stopped, so at first I didn’t understand what the problem was.
  11. The other campers had gathered in a small park at the edge of the mountain. They were clustered at the guardrail, looking down at Manhattan. The railing was lined with those tourist binoculars, where you could deposit one golden drachma and see the city. Campers were using every single one.
  13. I looked down at the city. I could see almost everything from here—the East River and the Hudson River carving the shape of Manhattan, the grid of streets, the lights of skyscrapers, the dark stretch of Central Park in the north. Everything looked normal, but something was wrong. I felt it in my bones before I realized what it was.
  15. “I don’t . . . hear anything,” Annabeth said.
  17. That was the problem.
  19. Even from this height, I should’ve heard the noise of the city—millions of people bustling around, thousands of cars and machines—the hum of a huge metropolis. You don’t think about it when you live in New York, but it’s always there. Even in the dead of night, New York is never silent.
  21. But it was now.
  23. I felt like my best friend had suddenly dropped dead.
  25. “What did they do?” My voice sounded tight and angry. “What did they do to my city?”
  27. I pushed Michael Yew away from the binoculars and took a look.
  29. In the streets below, traffic had stopped. Pedestrians were lying on the sidewalks, or curled up in doorways. There was no sign of violence, no wrecks, nothing like that. It was as if all the people in New York had simply decided to stop whatever they were doing and pass out.
  31. “Are they dead?” Silena asked in astonishment.
  33. Ice coated my stomach. A line from the prophecy rang in my ears: And see the world in endless sleep. I remembered Grover’s story about meeting the god Morpheus in Central Park. You’re lucky I’m saving my energy for the main event.
  35. “Not dead,” I said. “Morpheus has put the entire island of Manhattan to sleep. The invasion has started.”
  37. [...]
  39. I whistled for Mrs. O’Leary, and she came bounding over.
  41. “Hey, girl,” I said. “You remember Grover? The satyr we met in the park?”
  43. “WOOF!”
  45. I hoped that meant Sure I do! And not, Do you have more hot dogs?
  47. “I need you to find him,” I said. “Make sure he’s still awake. We’re going to need his help. You got that? Find Grover!”
  49. Mrs. O’Leary gave me a sloppy wet kiss, which seemed kind of unnecessary. Then she raced off north.
  51. Pollux crouched next to a sleeping policeman. “I don’t get it. Why didn’t we fall asleep too? Why just the mortals?”
  53. “This is a huge spell,” Silena Beauregard said. “The bigger the spell, the easier it is to resist. If you want to sleep millions of mortals, you’ve got to cast a very thin layer of magic. Sleeping demigods is much harder.”
  55. I stared at her. “When did you learn so much about magic?”
  57. Silena blushed. “I don’t spend all my time on my wardrobe.”
  59. “Percy,” Annabeth called. She was still looking at the shield. “You’d better see this.”
  61. The bronze image showed Long Island Sound near La Guardia. A fleet of a dozen speedboats raced through the dark water toward Manhattan. Each boat was packed with demigods in full Greek armor. At the back of the lead boat, a purple banner emblazoned with a black scythe flapped in the night wind. I’d never seen that design before, but it wasn’t hard to figure out: the battle flag of Kronos.
  63. “Scan the perimeter of the island,” I said. “Quick.”
  65. Annabeth shifted the scene south to the harbor. A Staten Island Ferry was plowing through the waves near Ellis Island. The deck was crowded with dracaenae and a whole pack of hellhounds. Swimming in front of the ship was a pod of marine mammals. At first I thought they were dolphins. Then I saw their doglike faces and the swords strapped to their waists, and I realized they were telkhines—sea demons.
  68. - The Last Olympian, Chapters 9-10
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