
4chan Hazbin Hotel story - BAD GIFTS An X-Mas story

Dec 14th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. from /hhg/ Hazbin Hotel general #505 and #507.
  2. --------
  3. Gentlemen, I present you:
  6. An X-Mas story
  8. >"Time to open the presents!" said Charlie, clapping
  9. >the others just rolled their eyes, and ambled towards the pile of boxes and wrappers to pick out their stuff
  10. >one among them, however, was a bit slower than the others
  11. >she dragged her feet, a glum frown present on her face, whilst everyone else had at least SOME semblance of a smile
  12. >it could've just been exhaustion - she had bags under her eyes, and her hair was frazzled
  13. >but no
  14. >if one were to look deep into her peeper, they would've found a certain cold, dark simmering within the blackness of the pupil - but, of course, this went amiss by the others
  16. >one by one, they gathered their gifts and set them aside
  17. >she did so, too, but only set one, and, after some hesitation, another one aside
  18. >the rest she immediately tore open, not even bothering with reading the names
  20. >"W-Whoa... A bit eager, are we, Vaggie?" her love asked, surprised to see her tear through them
  21. >"I'd rather get this done and over with." she replied with a low growl
  22. >the others stared
  23. >Husk was inclined to agree, but the tone of the woman caused him to pause
  24. >usually, she'd be more feisty, but now, she just sounded sullen
  26. >with the wrappers gone, she held the bottle into the air
  27. >it was beer
  28. >just a single bottle of beer, nothing special
  29. >looking up and past the cat, she could even see the place it had been taken from at the bar
  31. >lowest shelf visible
  32. >loaded with bottles just like it
  34. >"Merry Christmas." Husk grumbled, to which she just nodded...
  35. >...and then flung the bottle into the fireplace with a single, arching move, causing it to shatter against the bricks, the cheap liquid doing more to extinguish the flames than to set them more alight
  37. >Husk stared
  38. >"What the Hell was that for?!" he snapped, but she held his gaze
  39. >"Just gave it as much thought as you did." she replied, shutting him up
  40. -
  41. >the next box yielded what at first appeared to be a small booklet
  42. >upon closer inspection, however, she could see that it was just a pamphlet, giving her some general pointers about etiquette and proper manners for a lady
  43. >included within was a coupon to someone named Rosie
  45. >someone who, judging by the address, lived in the cannibal district
  47. >she looked up, eye set immediately on the smirking face of the Radio Demon
  48. >seeing her look up at him, his grin grew broader
  49. >her face, however, showed little emotion
  50. >"Pot calling kettle black." she said, crumpling the pamphlet into a ball
  51. >it landed in the fire as well, this time, actually feeding the flames
  52. >finally, she opened the third box - by far, the most shabby looking
  53. >in it, she found a leash
  55. >she could hear the spider snicker
  58. >the others opened their gifts as well.
  59. >Charlie received knitted piglet plush from Angel, a hand-made bracelet from Vaggie, a cookbook with notes included from Alastor, a bag of exotic bathing salts from Niffty, and a bottle of Bull's Blood from Husk
  60. >Angel got a small, knitted hat for Fat Nuggets from Charlie, an elegant, hand-written Restraining Order from Alastor (he just laughed it off), a bottle of Nero d'Avola from Husk (with a note, saying "Now stop asking for it!"), and a bottle of perfume from Niffty
  61. >Alastor's gift were a new, pinstriped shirt from Niffty, a bottle of Muscandine from Husk, a bottle of Lomando from Angel, and an old, DIY tube radio set from Charlie
  62. >Husk got a new top hat from Alastor, a fur brush and polish from Niffty, a rather... Implicity photo from Angel, which he immediately discarded with a blush, and turned away from the spider, who had somehow taken up the exact same pose he had in the photo (but with clothes) while the cat was looking at it, and a warm, knitted scarf from Charlie
  63. >and finally, Niffty received a box of gourmet chocolates from Alastor, a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon from Husk, and a warm winter coat from Charlie
  64. -
  65. >they immediately noticed that something was amiss
  66. >"Uhh... Vaggie?" Charlie began "Where are your gifts?"
  67. >"Yeah, Toots, what gives?!" snapped Angel, half-jokinly "I want my free shit!"
  68. >"Christmas is a time of giving AND receiving~!" added Alastor "It's very rude of you to neglect your part in it, Miss Vagatha!"
  69. >"Oh dear... Did you forget?" Niffty asked, alarmed "It's alright! You can always get something later, if you'd like! It doesn't have to be ON the holiday!"
  70. >Husk said nothing
  71. >he just studied the moth demoness
  72. >something didn't feel right
  74. >"Here."
  75. >they all fell silent, as she pulled out four more gifts from under the hanging drapery of the armchair
  76. >one, wrapped but not tied with a ribbon, she immediately handed to Niffty, while the rest she just dumped on the table, and sat back down
  78. >the cyclops didn't open her gift
  79. >instead, she waited, along with the two other women
  80. >before the silence could grow weary, Alastor moved forward, picking up the silvery gray box which simply had his name written on it with a marker
  81. >it was hard and heavy, which made him curious
  82. >realizing the others were waiting for them, Husk and Angel moved in quickly as well, grabbing their respective gifts
  84. >they all sat back down, hesitating
  85. >Husk didn't feel right
  86. >the moth woman's silence and stoicism was unnerving
  88. >"Oh, I almost forgot!" said Angel, suddenly, and pulled out another gift "This one's for you, Chuck!"
  89. >"Oh? Why, thank you, Angel!" the Princess replied, opening it carefully "But I already received one from you... Oh."
  90. >she stared, puzzled, at the item in her hand
  91. >it was a studded dog collar
  92. >"...Thank you, Angel, but... I don't have a dog..." she muttered, before noting the dangling nametag
  93. >"..."Vaggie"?" she read out loud
  94. >the others' eyes widened, whilst Angel could barely hold back his laughs...
  96. >...but his guffaws soon petered out, as she noticed the moth woman staring at him
  97. >not glaring or scowling, not gnashing her teeth
  98. -
  99. >she just looked... Disappointed?
  100. >no, that wasn't
  101. >the way she looked at him...
  102. >it was like she didn't even see him
  103. >as if she was looking at the chair underneath him
  105. >like he was dead to her
  107. >shaking his head, he now stared down at the box in front of him
  108. >it had the same, somewhat dulled, silvery gray color as Al and Husk's gifts, with his name written on it with a felt tip pen
  109. >it was heavy, though he could clearly feel that most of the weight was concentrated in the box's center
  110. >and that whatever was it could slightly roll around
  112. >somewhat anxious, Husk used a claw to tear the wrapping off the bottle
  113. >it appeared to be some sort of clear liquid, with a large note attached over the original sticker, reading "One Last Drink", in a somewhat elegant font
  114. >as he turned it around in his hands, he noticed something:
  115. >a silvery residue on his claws
  116. >puzzled, he stared at it, wondering where it came from... Before looking down
  117. >the wrapper appeared to only have the silvery coat on the outer side
  118. >the inside revealed that was made of old newspapers
  119. >he was about to protest, before he recalled what the woman said:
  121. >"Just gave it as much thought as you did."
  123. >so, he said nothing, and went back to studying the bottle
  124. >almost immediately, he noticed the warning labels on the back
  125. >"Do not drink?" he muttered, skimming over the small font "If accidentally consumed, call hospital?"
  127. >perturbed, he removed the note on the front
  128. >his eyes widened
  130. >"...What the fuck?!"
  132. >the others looked up, seeing a now aggravated Husk, as he held up a bottle for all to see, revealing the skull and crossbones above the words
  134. >"You got me fucking wood alcohol!" he snapped "Are you out of your god damned mind? I can't drink this!"
  136. >Vaggie said nothing
  137. >her face remained unreadable
  139. >"And why did you call it "One Last--"
  141. >but he cut off, suddenly, as realization struck
  142. >the others, wide-eyed once more as the penny dropped, slowly turned towards the grey woman
  143. -
  144. >though her face remained passionless, her voice was dripping with contempt
  145. >"Drunks drink because they want to forget, right?" she asked "Well, considering how much of the day you spend getting drunk, pissing everywhere and sleeping, you've probably been through enough shit in your life for ten men."
  146. >her eye motioned towards the bottle, before resuming her unbroken gaze at him
  147. >"Figured I'd give something that will relieve the pain, and the memories." she added "That way, you won't have to put up with US anymore..."
  150. >the others just stared, as Husk, still wide-eyed, slowly sat down, the bottle coming to rest in his lap
  151. >the silence was deafening
  152. >but not for long
  154. >"HAH!"
  155. >three of them stirred (Husk and Vaggie didn't) as the deer demon laughed out loud
  156. >"Well, I must admit, I never expect you to have such a thrilling sense of humor, Miss Vagatha!" he chuckled "Makes me anxious to see what you bought for me!"
  158. >Vaggie smiled
  159. >it wasn't happy or jeering
  160. >just a lifeless gesture
  162. >"Well, why don't you find out?" she asked
  164. >his smile becoming somewhat wry - if only for a second - Al set about unwrapping his own gift (also noting how she used painted over newspapers, though, he didn't mind - he'd wrapped a lot of gifts in old broadsheets in his time, and the silvery paint was actually a nice idea to spruce it up)...
  165. >...but as he opened the (rather heavy) lid, his smile didn't fade, but his brows furrowed into a puzzled frown
  166. >most of the weight of the gift seemed to be coming from the box itself, which was wooden
  167. >it's inside was barren, if lacquered, with the bottom padded by some sort of gray, soft material
  168. >it smelled like plastic, though only faintly
  170. >but what caused him to frown was the tiny gadget in the center of the box's bottom
  171. >fit snugly into an indentation on the padding was a small, cylindrical object with three metallic prongs sticking out from the bottom
  172. >it was no bigger than his palm
  173. -
  174. >picking up the small object with his two fingers, he realized that the cylinder's outside was coated with plastic as well, while it's flat top and pronged bottom was
  175. >he turned it around, looking at it this way and that, but couldn't really figure out what it was for
  177. >"Is this...?"
  180. >"A radio transistor."
  183. >in an instant, Al's eyes widened
  184. >the others remained puzzled, but as he looked up, he was met with the gray woman's hollow stare
  185. >with his grin hardening, his brow descended into a deep, icy frown
  186. >"...VERY droll, Miss Vagatha." he said, his voice lacking it's jovial tone
  187. >even the radio crackle seemed to have receded from it
  188. >he put the piece back in the box, and closed it
  191. >now, it was Angel's turn
  192. >looking around, he could still see Husk's dumbounded gaze, Niffty's shocked stare, Charlie's increasingly worried and confused glances, Alastor's frown...
  193. >...and Vaggie's stoic stare
  195. >looking down at his box, he took a deep breath, braced himself...
  196. >...and opened it
  197. >creeping one eye open, he stared down into, before the other popped open after a blink
  198. >confusion crept onto his face, as the lifted up the item for the others to see
  200. >it was a leg of smoked ham with a rope attached to its bone
  201. >holding it up by it, he looked at it, up and down
  202. >it looked like a perfectly normal piece of ham, it's surface cross-crossed by cuts
  204. >he was startled to hear Charlie's and Niffty's gasp, and nearly dropped the damn thing
  205. >looking it up and down again, frantically to find what was wrong with it... Only for his eyes to slip upwards...
  206. >oh
  208. >the rope around the hambone was tied with a hangman's noose
  210. >still puzzled, he lowered the meat back into the box, and stared back at the indifferent Vaggie
  212. >"Uh..." he began, letting out a nervous chuckle "Did you make another for Smiles, and forgot about it? Cause I don't know..." and he motioned towards the ham "...What this is all about."
  213. -
  214. >for the first time in the evening, Vaggie's stoic gaze wavered
  215. >her mouth sharpened into a straight line as her bow furrowed, before she covered her face with her hand, and gave a deep sigh
  217. >"Nevermind..." she murmured
  220. >concerned and just a bit hurt, Charlie stepped up to her
  221. >"Vaggie... These gifts were horrible..."
  222. >the moth woman looked up, her expression softening upon seeing her beloved, though startled by her sentence
  224. >"Why did you do this?"
  226. >"I figured I'll just give them what they deserve after this year." came the dry reply
  227. >it startled Charlie in it's bluntness
  228. >"But... Vaggie, where's your Christmas spirit?" she pleaded "Why ruin it like this?"
  229. >at this, Vaggie frowned, slightly, before giving a sad sigh, and looking the blonde in the eye
  231. >"It was ruined from the get-go, Charlie." she replied "I had to decorate Hotel with them, or rather, on my OWN, MULTIPLE times, because THOSE TWO...!" and she jerked her head in the general direction of the cat and the spider "...Were more of a hindrance, and even when they weren't actively destroying what we've worked on, they were doing such a half-assed job that I had to redo it all over again!"
  233. >Charlie stared
  234. >"Well, all right, but--..." be she stopped at the sound of paper tearing
  235. >they all looked to the side - Niffty had opened her own present, and gasped!
  237. >she held up a book, covered with various pictures of what appeared to be couples in a number of romantic settings
  238. >the book's neat, calligraphic title read "Lovers' Ordeals - the full anthology"
  240. >"Oh. My. GOSH!" the cyclops chirped "I've been looking for this for AGES! I couldn't find it anywhere, and whenever I looked it up online, it cost a fortune!"
  241. >she held it to her tiny chest, and looked up at the grey woman in awe (whilst everyone else looked at her incredulously)
  242. >"But... Why give me this?"
  243. >Vaggie smiled
  244. >"Because you've been a tremendous help." she replied "We would've never finished without you!"
  245. -
  246. >"...OK, that's some bullshit right there!" Husk growled, finally breaking from his stupor
  247. >"Yeah, what the fuck, Toots, how is that fair?!" added Angel
  248. >Charlie was still confused
  250. >"Vaggie, Christmas is about forgiveness! You shouldn't be so spiteful about a few mishaps!"
  251. >now, it was the moth's turn to look at her incredulously
  252. >her brow rose so high that the Princess was actually taken aback before she even said anything
  253. >"Forgive and forget, as the old saying goes!" Alastor chimed in, before adding with a sneer "It's only mature, after all..."
  255. >"Oh, sure..." the gray woman retorted "Because YOUR gifts were full of forgiveness, WEREN'T THEY?!"
  256. >Al frowned, and was about to reply, when Angel stepped forth
  257. >"Oh, shut up!" he snapped "You came here with all of that crap waiting for us! You couldn't have known what our gifts were, but you still wanted to give us all of... This!" he said, motioning vaguely towards the grey boxes
  258. >but the Salvadoran just scoffed
  259. >"It was all rather predictable." she replied dryly "It's rather easy to see through you lot, once someone had the misfortune of spending enough time with you. And do you REALLY think this was just for today?"
  261. >at that, the spider blinked
  262. >one could even hear the gears turn in his mind, as he processed the question
  263. >Vaggie had no patience left
  264. >sighing again, she just looked all over them
  265. >"I think, given everything you've done in the past YEAR, I think what you've got was MORE than well-deserved."
  266. >"Oh, don't get preachy with us..." Husk muttered, only to look up as the moth woman stepped up to him
  267. >"Oh? Preachy, am I?" she asked, before returning next to Charlie
  268. >"I had to put up with your drunken shenanigans, replace several windows because you flew through them, put out fires, clean cat fur off EVERYTHING, and help Niffty clean up CAT PISS from just about every part of the fucking Hotel!"
  269. >she narrowed her eyes
  270. >"Including the ceilings!"
  271. -
  272. >the others just stared, looking between her and Husk, who could also just gawk, as the faint hint of what might have been embarrassment, or even guilt, passed through his face
  274. >"And after all of this, your THOUGHTFUL, WELL-PREPARED, HEARTFELT gift was a bottle of bottom-shelf beer, from the HOTEL's stock." she added, before turning her attention to Alastor
  275. >she only gave him one, long look (and quite an eloquent one, as the Radio Demon began frowning once more), before sighing
  276. >"The LESS said about you, the better!" she spat, and then looked at Angel
  277. >"And honestly, I didn't have high expectations about you to BEGIN WITH..." she growled "But I figured that, after your little "joke" between me and Charlie, you'd be able to understand some simple symbolism..."
  278. >her mouth curled into a sneer, as she spread her arms wide, shrugging
  279. >"But NOPE!"
  281. >Angel rolled his eyes
  282. >"Oh, get off of it!" he muttered "It was only a joke!"
  283. >"You could've shat into that box, and it would've been the same to you AND me!" she retorted quickly, causing Angel to be taken aback
  285. >"Not that I haven't had enough of your "jokes" this entire year..." she added with a growl "Seriously, do I REALLY have to spell it out for you what yours meant?!"
  287. >in response, the spider just shrugged
  288. >she facepalmed, growling, before taking a deep breath
  289. >"Look... You know your pig, right?"
  290. >Angel nodded with a smile, lifting up the sleeping piglet from his seat
  291. >"My lil' Nugsy..." he cooed
  292. >"Well, I just gave you half a ham on a noose." she went on "C'mon, it's not that difficult..."
  295. >Angel pondered for a moment...
  296. >then it became clear; his eyes widened and he gasped, taking up a defensive stance in front of his pet
  297. >"...Don't. You. Fuckin'. DARE!" he hissed, to which the moth could only roll her eyes
  299. >"Obviously I wouldn't go that far, unlike SOMEONE here..." she replied, shooting a dirty look at the Radio Demon, who merely scoffed
  300. -
  301. >"Honestly, Miss Vagatha, was this all really necessary?" he asked "For someone who's stated main goal is "redemption", both that of others and her own, I'd presume, you sure are a petty creature..."
  302. >and he sneered
  304. >"Rather immature, too..."
  307. >"Oh, you're one to talk, Mama's boy..."
  309. >all jest left his person at once, and he stood up straight, glaring at her - his eyes lit red, not by demonic power, but her own ire
  310. >"Ýò̶u̢̡ ̶͝k̵̶é̵e̸̴̕p̶͢ ̶͟Ḩ̛E̶Ŕ o̡͟ưt ̀ǫ̀f͝ th͡i̢͟s͘!̴̸́" he snapped, but she just snickered
  311. >"Oh, have I touched a nerve?" she asked, on a teasing voice, before returning to disdain "Honestly, I am rather curious if it was HER fault or HIS that you ended up the way you are..."
  312. >she paused, as if pondering for a moment
  313. >"Maybe it was both..."
  315. >the others looked between her and Alastor, alert
  316. >it was rare that someone found a grip on the Radio Demon, and it usually didn't end well for the offending party
  317. >however, after the initial surge of anger, Al seemed to calm down
  318. >he exhaled, deeply, and fixed the moth woman with a look of disdain of his own - his smile being the smallest it had been all evening
  320. >"And just when I thought you couldn't sink any lower..." he said, quietly
  322. >Vaggie just stared at him, indifferently
  323. >"I grew up motherless, fatherless." she said, simply "On the streets, fighting to just scraps just to get by. But I still have some semblance of decency - I don't just see others as just something to amuse myself with."
  325. >Al rolled his eyes
  326. >"Oh, really, this?" he mused "Miss Vagatha, please! I'm just a child at heart!"
  327. >and he looked at the others with a menacing grin
  328. >"It's not my fault their misery is so fun!"
  330. >"Yes, it is." she replied flatly, causing him to snap his gaze back at her, dumbfounded
  331. -
  332. >"A kid, no matter how much of a little shit they are, knows how to create. They don't always just break shit and call it their own! They want to play WITH others, not just laugh at their pain!"
  333. >she gave him a quick once-over, and scoffed
  335. >"No, you're just an overgrown, spoiled brat who can't stand being told off."
  337. >she narrowed her eyes
  339. >"Just another privileged old fuck who can't stand being told "No!", if understand it all! And you've been NOTHING but trouble! Both you and him!" she quickly added, shooting a glare at Angel, who jumped at that
  340. >he thought she was already done with her
  342. >Alastor held her glare, his smile, though small, still unwavering
  343. >but then, her look changed
  345. >now, it was the same empty gaze that she fixed Angel with after he completed his "joke" with Charlie's gift
  346. >he had to admit, it was... Effective
  348. >"How did you twist her song again?" she muttered "Oh, yeah. "Inside every demon is a lost cause." That's what you are. A lost cause. Unredeemable."
  350. >and he stepped closer to him, looking deep in his eye, and at the same time, looking through him
  351. >he almost took a step back
  352. >almost
  354. >"You're just in our way." she said, monotonously "Nothing more than an added risk."
  355. >"Vaggie, how can you say that?" Charlie asked, desperate "No-one's beyond saving! Not even... Him..." she clearly swapped the last word with something else, but no-one seemed to notice "And he HAS been useful! We have Husk and Niffty here, thanks to him!"
  357. >"One's drunken slob who's about as useful as a doorstop the same size as him. And BOTH of them were brought here against their will, because if Al tells them to jump, they have to! Just more proof that he doesn't see others as anything but his playthings. He's more trouble than he's worth."
  359. >she sighed
  360. >the one thing she really didn't like was arguing with Charlie
  362. >"Thankfully, Niffty's been a blessing..."
  364. >"I really liked my gift, thank you!" the cyclops chimed in, but nobody really paid attention to her
  365. -
  366. >"But that's no thanks to HIM!" the moth woman added "And what else has he brought? Oh yeah, the unwanted attention of Vox!"
  367. >Al's eyes flared up at the name, but he said nothing
  368. >"As if we weren't getting enough shit from Killjoy!" she went on, causing Charlie to wince
  369. >that was on her, though the anchorwoman had proven to be unusually petty in her pursuit to sling mud at the Hotel
  370. >petty AND persistent
  372. >"AND he does that in tandem with Angel, who also brought Sir Pentious and fucking VALENTINO upon us!"
  373. >now it was Angel's turn to wince
  374. >"Honestly, all we need now is to find out that Husk had somehow pissed off VELVET, and we would have the full trio!"
  375. >the cat just sighed, and lifted the bottle to his mouth - before quickly checking that it wasn't the methanol
  377. >sitting back down, the grey woman sighed once again
  378. >"Though, credit where credit's due, at least YOU understood what the gift meant."
  379. >Al frowned, but nodded, sitting back down himself
  381. >"Really, Vaggie..." said Charlie "You didn't have to go there... I know they're mean, but... Surely, we can help them!"
  382. >she tried to sound cheery
  383. >oh god, how she tried
  384. >"That's why we're here, remember?"
  386. >the look Vaggie gave her made her heart sink
  388. >"I've had to put up with them for over a year." she said, dryly "I had to work with them, or rather, work INSTEAD of them. I had to clean up Husk's fur, piss and vomit. I had to watch Angel backslide every other minute. I had to watch Niffty to ensure she didn't mess up, and to her credit, and ONLY hers, she did things right once I asked her to do so, unlike the others. And, more than anything, I ALWAYS had to keep one eye open for HIM."
  389. >and she pointed toward Al with an open palm
  390. >"Always keep watch of HIS shenanigans, to make sure he didn't do something HORRIBLE to us when he happened to grow bored! Always sleep with one eye open! And worry myself to second death every time he took YOU away for spill."
  391. -
  392. >was that... Jealousy in her voice?
  393. >Worry?
  394. >Envy?
  395. >Charlie felt a ball of guilt form in the pit of her stomach
  397. >Vaggie gave a deep, ragged sigh
  398. >she had to hold onto her shoulder, and the Princess could distinctly feel her loose her balance, momentarily
  399. >when she looked up, the bags under her visible eye were even more pronounced
  401. >"I'm tired, Charlie." she said "I've had to do this for a year, and I'm exhausted."
  402. >and she closed her eyes, her face twisting into a scowl
  403. >"And it just feels like it was a complete WASTE of time!"
  405. >she felt too warm palms upon her cheeks
  406. >looking up, she could see the guilt-riddled look on her love's face
  407. >that, in turn, made her feel guilty is well
  409. >"I'm sorry I haven't been there..." said Charlie "I know it's hard, but... Redemption won't come easy... To any of us!"
  410. >she paused, and looked the moth woman deep in the eye (not realizing that made her look rather cross-eyed, but Vaggie couldn't even muster a smile at that)
  411. >"You have to keep believing!"
  413. >"...I believe in you..." the Salvadoran replied, after a moment. She also shot a glance at Niffty, who gave her a soft, knowing smile
  414. >but then, she closed her eyes, and scowled once more
  416. >"...I just don't believe in THEM!" she spat, shooting a glance at the three men
  417. >Husk looked back indifferently, knocking back yet another glass
  418. >Al just smiled, and Angel pretended to fuss over his pig, though his face betrayed him a bit
  420. >Charlie frowned, softly
  421. >"We have to give everyone a chance, Vaggie." she said, firmly "After all, who are we to say who's worthy of redemption, and who isn't?"
  423. >at that, the moth couldn't help but to smile, albeit wryly, and Charlie beamed back at her
  425. >"I'll try to help more in the future, OK?" she said, giving her a quick kiss, before her face turned serious "But you have to promise to not hold a grudge like that anymore, OK?"
  426. -
  427. >Vaggie nodded, but then the blonde went on, cheekily:
  428. >"It wouldn't do well for the hotel, if it's chief of staff was so spiteful!"
  429. >at this, the grey woman couldn't help but to smile - earnestly, this time around
  431. >Niffty smiled as well, and began to read the blurb on the back of the book
  432. >Angel and Husk sighed a sigh of relief, while Al just took a deep breath
  434. >"Well, if that's settled, then perhaps I could do something to be of more use, since I am apparently useless here, if not detrimental..." Al drawled "Such as cook us some Christmas dinner!"
  435. >and he turned to the spider
  436. >"Angel, would you be so kind as to hand me the ham?" he said, before adding "You can keep the rope."
  438. >cocking his head to the side with a raised eyebrow, Angel removed the noose, and handed the meat over
  439. >rope in hand, he glanced over the room
  440. >Husk was back to drinking, as usual
  441. >Niffty was busy reading her new book
  442. >Charlie made herself busy, fixing some of the skewed decorations
  444. >and Vaggie just sat in her seat, toying with Charlie's and Niffty's unopened gifts
  445. >Angel smirked, and waltzed over, sashaying his hips
  447. >she didn't notice him at first, but the moment he stopped beside her chair, the tentative smile faded from her mouth
  449. >"Nice little speech ya gave, Toots!" he jeered "Real moodsetter! But since ya finished preachin', how discuss tha "lit-orgy"?"
  451. >"That's "liturgy"..." she muttered
  453. >"Whatevah!" he snapped "You had your piece, now it's MY turn! You blathered on about how "tired" you are! Huh, sure didn't seem tired to talk us to tears, now did ya? And if you think YOU'RE tired, well, whadabout me? I had to put up with your whinging and bitching all. Year. Long! And ya don't hear ME complaining... Actually, I just did, but that doesn't count!"
  456. >looking from the side, Husk paused between gulps, hiding his face with the glass, as his eyes scrolled across the scene
  457. -
  458. >Alastor had popped back in from the kitchen, probably to ask something, but appeared to be enthralled by the unfolding argument
  459. >Niffty was still busy looking at the book... Perhaps a bit too busy... And was thus ignoring it
  460. >And Charlie still had their back to them, but she had stopped fiddling with the decors
  461. >she was listening...
  462. >but not doing anything
  464. >Husk frowned
  465. >the spider was running his mouth again
  466. >this wouldn't end well
  469. >"...An' when you're not ragging on ME or Husker, you go after Smiles!" Angel complained
  470. >he has been talking to a good five minutes by now, and Vaggie struggled to ignore him
  471. >she had put the gifts down, for fear of crushing them out of anger, and was now resting her hands on ether side of her waist
  472. >"So, what if you get a few sleepless nights over the Strawberry Pimp?! Newsflash, sweetie, so does the rest of us! He's a fucking lunatic!"
  474. >realizing he was actually agreeing with her, Angel quickly changed the subject
  475. >for the worse
  477. >"You complain ALL THE FUCKIN' TIME about US sinning, and then, you spend the day shitting your pants about your little girlfriend going off with the biiig, scaaawy Radio Demon! I mean, it's not like she's the Princess of Hell or anything! No, you're just jealous that she's spending more time with him than with you, but can you honestly blame her?"
  479. >Vaggie's fingers dug into the mattress
  480. >Husk winced
  481. >"He stepped in it now." he thought
  483. >"I mean, if I had a gee-eff - BLEUGH, as if I'd ever...! But, high-poe-tat-whatchamacallit, if I had a girlfriend who just talked like she had verbal diarrhea, and couldn't stop complaining, I'd dump her ass, even for a stinky deerman!"
  485. >stealing a quick glance, Niffty could tell that the grey woman was gritting her teeth, while her fingers tore holes in the fabric of the seat
  488. >Angel had gone too far, and he was vaguely aware of it
  489. -
  490. >caught between the crossfire of Alastor's disapproving glare behind him, and Charlie's unseen frown (to mention nothing of the sheer rage now simmering off the moth woman beneath him), he had some sense of self-preservation left to cut it short
  491. >but none of the wits to execute it smoothly
  493. >"Aaaahnyways..." he muttered "I'm not sure what you're worried about. It's not like Chuck would dump you. I mean, she'd put up with you for like, what, FIVE years, at least? Heh, now THAT'S fucking dedication! I mean, yeah, Al may be the "Haz-bin" he changed the Hotel's sign into, and yeah, I got watcha meant with the transistor, get off my fuckin' back unless you're paying me! But anyways, he may be a lost cause, but then what are you?! 'Cuz you ain't changing for shit, that's for sure! You'll be stuck here with the rest of us, 'till the end, and don'tcha forget it! You're no better than us, in fact...!"
  495. >and he sneered
  497. >"The way you hound after all for being with Chuck, despite the two of ya being together for five years? Speaks more about how much faith you have in HER, doesn't it?"
  499. >Vaggie's eyes widened
  501. >putting the glass down, Husk just reached for the bottle, and took a swig
  502. >Niffty forced her gaze on the book, but she wasn't reading it
  503. >she was waiting for the bomb to go off
  504. >Al watched with interest - "credit where credit's due", as the gray wench would say it, she did see through him, just enough to know he was aware of every faux pas he committed...
  505. >...and aware of those of the others
  506. >he wondered if Angel will leave the room alive
  509. >"So, anyway, thanks for ruining Christmas, Toots!" the spider chuckled "Now, what did you mean by the rope, again?"
  510. >he glanced down
  511. >and froze
  513. >the previous, "you're dead to me" look returned
  514. >but now, with full beams
  515. >even though her brow was hardly furrowed, the cold, icy rage that emanated from her single eye sent shivers down his spine
  517. >and then, she spoke:
  520. >"Go fucking hang yourself, you worthless whore."
  521. -
  522. >the room fell silent
  523. >literally, as with a record scratch, the music that Al usually played had gone out
  524. >Niffty and Charlie gasped
  526. >Angel could only stare
  528. >Vaggie, on the other hand, turned away from him
  529. >"Not gonna waste any more time and effort on you."
  531. >the spider still stood beside her for some time
  532. >the look on his face was... Indescribable
  533. >he was going through the motions
  534. >however, eventually, he stepped away from the chair
  535. >walked back to his own, grabbed up Fat Nuggets and his gifts, and then left through the door, down the hallway
  536. >the only thing he left behind was the noose
  539. >while she may have felt tired before, Vaggie was now exhausted
  540. >she looked up, faintly, to Charlie
  541. >and wished she hadn't
  543. >the Princess had her hands covering her mouth
  544. >she, too, showed a number of emotions: shock, pain, anger...
  545. >disappointment
  547. >she spoke, after somehow making her disappointed frown the most prominent among the many:
  548. >"That was a horrible thing to say, Vaggie..."
  550. >and with that, she walked out through the door, breaking into a jog down the hallway
  553. >Vaggie slumped in her seat
  554. >the others, who'd done nothing, returned to just that, although with a dulled mood
  555. >all of a sudden, Husk's drink didn't taste all that good, and Niffty lost interest in the book
  556. >back in the kitchen, Al realized just how much of a chore he'd gotten himself into
  559. >moving her seat to a darker corner of the room - away from the others - Vaggie opened her two remaining gifts
  560. >Niffty's was wrapped in a cheaper, dark wrapping paper, and tied neatly with a bow, but didn't have its own box
  561. >rather, the wrapping went around the box-shaped object itself: a box of biscuits
  562. >coffee biscuits, to be precise
  563. >it was a rather large one, too. Economic size
  564. >it should last her through the winter, if she only eats one with her morning coffee, although no doubt Charlie will also sneak some from time to time
  565. >as would the others, if she isn't careful...
  567. >Charlie...
  568. -
  569. >her gift had a nice, deep red wrapping paper, but she clearly struggled to tie on the ribbon neatly
  570. >it was a small photo album - a collage on each page
  571. >the inside cover read: "First year!"...
  572. >...and she recognized some of these
  574. >the night when they had the cook-off between Alastor and her (which she failed, in part due to the Radio Demon's shadow shenanigans, which these pictures now served as evidence for)
  575. >that one volleyball match against Angel (where he broke her shin "by accident" - she'd never believe him in a million years)
  576. >the time Niffty accidentally covered her in floor polish - though, it turned out to be "Floor polish" from Angel, so she spent the rest of the day in the clouds
  577. >and the party where Husk spiked her punch
  578. >not THE punch, just her punch - with the follow-up picture showing the punch he'd gotten from her in return
  580. >she frowned
  581. >yup, this has been a horrible year
  582. >but as she turned the pages, the pictures began to change:
  584. >when she beat Angel in ping-pong, despite the spider using all six of his arms
  585. >the moment she won a bit against Al, with the follow-up showing him wearing Angel's clothes (he had to do that for a week, though if she lost, she would've had to wear HUSK'S clothes for the same amount of time)
  586. >the night she managed to drink Husk under the table (well, that wasn't true - he swore he could outdrink them all, combined, and he failed at her, but not before knocking out Niffty, Angel, Alastor and Charlie)
  587. >and a more recent one: her and Niffty standing proudly (and, in her case, tiredly) in the center of the recently decorated main hall
  589. >well... perhaps it wasn't all horrible
  590. >she turned the page, once more, and her face fell
  591. ------
  592. >one picture was of her with Niffty, as she showed the cyclops a new sewing technique - one she hadn't even heard of
  593. >it perfectly encapsulated the moment, showing Niffty's mouth agape and with her eye sparkling, and the subtle pride in Vaggie's smile
  594. >another one was about the night Husk taught her how to become a Sommelier - for once, the old cat looked professional, and happy, whilst she looked like a real lady, sipping on some Merlot
  595. >then, there was a truly epic picture of her, staring down at the camera judgmentally, spear in hand, with Angel and Cherri Bomb flanking her from either side
  596. >this was after one of Sir Pent's attacks, where she took it upon herself to deal with him - mainly to show Alastor that they didn't need him to deal with the old coot, but also, to finally get the message across to the snake: Don't fuck with the Hotel!
  597. >Angel actually had to hold her back when she threatened to start popping Sir Pent's many eyeballs, one by one, if he didn't shut up - which he predictably didn't, which left with a few "blind spots" on his tail
  598. >and finally...
  599. >a picture of her and Charlie in pretty dresses, dancing to the samba - with music provided by Alastor in the background
  600. >she had completely forgotten about that night - it happened fairly early in the year, when she was longing for the summers at home, when she was alive, and Charlie wanted her to teach how to dance, and managed to goad Al into helping
  601. >in the end, they spent a lovely night together, with her and Charlie in each others' arms, and with Al at a respectful distance, but not out of sight
  602. >it was... such a perfect night
  605. >she felt herself tearing up
  606. >but a tap of glass on wood stopped her
  607. >she stared at the glass of Rosé - her favorite!
  608. >Husk shuffled awkwardly around her
  609. >"...Sorry about the whole... Year." he murmured "I've... Just so much I don't wanna think about. It's easier when I'm not sober."
  610. >she stared at him
  611. -
  612. >"I'm not as sturdy as I used to be." he admitted, though painfully "I can still drunk, but my body can't take it anymore."
  613. >"It's alright. I understand." she replied "I'm sorry about the methanol..."
  614. >she paused, before sheepishly admitting:
  615. >"I thought you'd be more sensible, given your age. Angel's a handful already... To mention nothing of Alastor..."
  617. >Husk chuckled
  618. >"Heh. Hate to break it to ya, lady, but the years just made me an OLD fool. I ended up in Hell, didn't I?"
  619. >and he shook his head
  620. >"Anyways, don't sweat it. I'm not gonna drink it, of course, but maybe I can sell it as antifreeze or something..."
  622. >the moth woman's eye lit up
  623. >"Actually..." and she dug under her chair again, pulling out an unpackaged bottle
  624. >"Here..."
  625. >having been handed over the bottle, the cat demon observed the label meticulously
  626. >this one seemed like a genuine article
  628. >"Irish coffee?"
  630. >"I tried it." she replied "Different bottle, I mean. It mixes into some kind of coffee liquor in the bottle, so it's kinda shitty, despite being expensive..."
  631. >"That's what tends to happen with bottled cocktails and mixed drinks." the cat agreed "Why did you buy this, then?"
  633. >"It was meant to be a symbolic gift as well..." Vaggie replied, sheepish again "A "wake up call", if you will..."
  634. >she frowned
  635. >"But, then just one week ago, you guys decided to crown your year-long "performance" by a night of bar hopping and binge drinking, and made a fucking mess..."
  637. >the cat blinked, and frowned, puzzled...
  638. >"I don't... Remember that..." he muttered
  639. >Vaggie sighed
  640. >"I'm not surprised... You two crashed in after 2 a.m., you stiff drunk and immediately throwing up all over the carpet, and then soaking it in piss for good measure, whilst Angel was a wired mess, hopped up on crack and breaking shit no damn reason..."
  641. >"Oh..."
  643. >under his fur, Husk blushed
  644. >but Vaggie wasn't done yet
  645. -
  646. >"Come next morning, you were still delirious from hangover... Or alcohol poisoning, whichever. When I asked you for a spare key for one of the rooms, you slapped me."
  648. >Husk stared
  649. >"I did what?" he stammered
  650. >"You took a swipe at me!" the grey woman replied "Slapped up the side of my head! Hell, your claws nearly took out my good eye!"
  652. >and she lifted her hear from the side of her face, revealing a mostly healed, heart-shaped bruise on the back of her cheek - HIS paw-mark - and three healing scars, running between her ear neck and cheekbone, with one ending dangerously close to her good left eye
  654. >dumbfounded, Husk reached out, his claws gently tracing the scars
  655. >"...I don't remember any of this." he muttered "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
  656. >"I did." she replied, simply "But you were too drunk or hungover to care, so I gave up, and bought the wood nafta instead."
  658. >the cat's ears hung lower
  659. >he could even vaguely recall seeing the woman with a bandage on her cheek, but the beginning of the week was mostly a blur
  660. >he really DID need to cut back on drinks
  662. >no more nights out with the spider, either
  663. >well, no more bar-hopping
  664. >the only thing that really ached from that night, besides his head, was his wallet
  666. >"...So, anyway..." Vaggie continued "I figured you could do something with this. It may be shit as Irish coffee, but maaaaybeee it's good for something else? I dunno, I'm not a bartender..."
  667. >"I'll see what I can do..." he replied "And... Sorry about it... About everything..."
  669. >she smiled
  670. >"Hey, it's alright!"
  671. >but then, she furrowed her brows, imitating Al's angry stare in a way
  672. >"Just don't do it again!"
  674. >nodding, Husk ambled back to the bar, coffee liquor in hand, leaving her with her gifts
  677. >with her spirits somewhat lifted, she returned to the lighter side of the room, and chatted a bit with Niffty over the book
  678. -
  679. >soon enough, though, Alastor poked his head through the door once again:
  680. >"Dinner's ready in a couple of minutes, so you better take your seats!"
  682. >no-one replied, so, clutching the biscuits and Rosé in her hands, the moth demoness made her way through the door
  683. >the dining room was already set for six, with delicious smells wafting from the kitchen
  684. >rather than taking a seat, she headed over to see what Al had prepared
  686. >she found her in front of the oven, having just taken out the ham from roasting, and was busy basting it with it's own juices
  687. >however, he could still hear her stepped, and whipped around
  688. >"Must you peek behind the curtain before the show?!" he asked, witch chagrin "I'm nearly ready with it, Miss Vagatha, so please! Be patient!"
  689. >"Alright, I was just checking." she replied "Need any help?"
  691. >Al scoffed
  692. >"Humph. Only if you can find a way to improve this!" and he cut off a small square from the ham, offering it to her on a fork "It's good as it is, but my culinary instincts tell me there's something amiss."
  693. >and then, he sneered
  694. >"Thought someone like yourself would know anything about THAT, but I'm open for bright ideas... Or stupid ones."
  696. >she just nodded, wordlessly, walked up to a nearby cupboard, and pulled out a small bottle - one that Al had never seen before
  697. >"Why not try this?" she asked, handing it over to him
  698. >the Radio Demon looked at her, warily
  699. >"I'm not sure that after today, I'd be able to accept anything from you that comes in glass bottle..." he murmured, before reading the label "...Truffle sauce?"
  700. >"I heard it goes well with everything." she replied "Figured you could use it."
  702. >Al blinked, suspicious
  703. >"...Why do you have this?"
  704. >Vaggie shrugged
  705. >"It was meant to be your Christmas gift." she explained "Didn't know what to get you, but I knew you liked cooking, so I bought this..."
  706. >and then, she looked him in the eye
  708. >"But then, you decided to make Charlie's and my anniversary a nightmare..."
  709. -
  710. >Alastor blinked
  711. >"Was it really about that?" he asked "It was two months ago..."
  712. >"You never apologized." came the reply "And it just compounded with EVERYTHING ELSE, you've done all year, JUST to piss me off!"
  714. >at this accusation, Al just leaned back
  715. >"Honestly, Miss Vagatha..." he began "I think your fixation has gotten out of hand!"
  716. >and then, he leaned in close, with a faux-sweet smile
  717. >"Do you really think I'd spend so much time and effort on you?"
  719. >"Yes."
  721. >again, the deer demon blinked
  722. >"What?"
  723. >"I'm the only one who tells you to stop." she replied "Of COURSE I'd live rent free in your head."
  724. >momentarily puzzled by that sentence, Al let out a chuckle
  726. >"Oh dear, I think you've gotten us mixed up!" he snickered
  727. >"Yeah, you keep telling yourself that." she replied "I try to keep this place running all day. Have to take account of everyone."
  728. >and she looked her dead in the eye again
  730. >"What do you do, again?"
  733. >Alastor was at a loss for words - she was fixing him with THAT look again
  734. >a bit softer, this time, but also, more intense in a way
  735. >searching
  736. >screening
  737. >"You just look for opportunities to have fun. Visit some old friends with the pretense of helping the Hotel. Generally speaking, you don't work. Well, aside from cooking, but that's more your hobby."
  738. >Al raised an eyebrow
  739. >"Oh, really?" he asked "Well then, I suppose I can leave the defense of the Hotel to you in the future?"
  740. >"Instead of your eldritch sugardaddy?" she retorted, causing him to splutter "Sure. God knows what THAT thing's deal is..."
  742. >outside the kitchen, the sound of chairs being pulled can be heard
  743. >"I'll go join the others." she went on "Hope you find the sauce useful..."
  746. >she found Niffty and Husk, sitting at the table
  747. >explaining that the Radio Demon will be joining them soon, she looked up to see Charlie and Angel entering from the hall
  748. >anxiously, she walked up to them
  749. -
  750. >"There she is." Angel murmured
  751. >Charlie spoke severely to both of them:
  752. >"Well, we've talked things over with Angel." she began, addressing Vaggie "Primarily about his behavior."
  753. >"I'll dial back on the teasing..." he said, half-heartedly "And the jokes... And the pranks..."
  754. >"That's... Good." the moth woman replied, apprehensively
  755. >"However!" the Princess went on "I also feel the need to discuss your behavior."
  756. >Vaggie nodded
  757. >braced herself
  758. >"...Let me begin by apologizing--"
  759. >"Wait, what?"
  760. >"I've neglected my duties as the proprietor and owner of the Hotel, especially since I wanted to be more hands-on with its operation. For all of this, I've nothing to show, since the Hotel hasn't been expanded or repaired in any significant way, nor has it seen new guests arrive. That's on me."
  762. >she could only gape, wordless
  764. >"I've also put you under undue stress, thanks to my neglect of reviewing our employees, and doing little to help with our only patient. I should've also paid more attention to Alastor's behavior. Even though he is a patron of our establishment, he is still a known troublemaker, and I should've been more critical of his proposals and invites for "business opportunities", rather than taking them in good faith."
  766. >pausing with the speech, Charlie then added, softly:
  767. >"I also neglected you as my girlfriend, and as someone who's been by my side for the last 6 years. I'm so, so, SO sorry about that!"
  768. >and she clamped herself around the grey woman's lithe frame
  770. >still baffled, Vaggie quickly reciprocated... But then heard her love's voice, whispering in her ear:
  771. >"I hope you didn't really think I'd be wooed away from you so easily..."
  772. >she blushed, slightly - in hindsight, her worries over Al may have came of as paranoid for the WRONG reasons
  773. >however, she remained firm
  774. >"I never believed for a second that you would." she replied, quietly "Only that he would try."
  775. >she could feel her smile
  776. -
  777. >"You shouldn't have worried. I think he has his eyes on someone else..."
  779. >Vaggie opened her eyes
  780. >"Oh?"
  782. >but then, Charlie pulled back, holding her at arms length, and spoke sternly:
  783. >"However, even in light of all of these mistakes on my end, your behavior tonight has been appalling!" she declared "Regardless of what Angel said, you shouldn't have spoken to him like that! It's horrible, especially in light of the fact that we're supposed to he HELPING him overcome not only his own vices, but what have clearly been traumatic events in his own life AND afterlife!"
  785. >she wasn't sure if it was the weight of her actions, that made her feel guilty
  786. >or Charlie, telling her off
  788. >"I will see to it..." the Princess went on "That I can I have the time to help you actually run this Hotel, and not have to shoulder the burden on your own. But in return, YOU'LL have to work on your own attitude!"
  790. >that hurt
  791. >it made her angry - especially since, deep down, she knew it was true
  793. >"Vaggie, you can't just yell at everyone who doesn't do as they're told! You're a manager, not an army commander! Unruly as they are, you can't treat our employees, and ESPECIALLY our patients like this!"
  794. >"So what, I'm just supposed to take their bullshit?!"
  796. >she couldn't help but to lash out - it's been a long year
  797. >Charlie paused, frowning thoughtfully
  799. >"...Of course not." she continued, softly "But tell me... Was all that yelling worth it? Has it actually worked?"
  801. >words failed her
  802. >that's what she complained about - all of it, feeling like wasted effort
  803. >it all felt Sisyphusian
  805. >"...No." she muttered
  806. >Charlie nodded, smiling a little
  807. >"So you see..." she went on "You need to change your ways as well... Maybe show the others an example of how they can improve as a person!"
  809. >"So that they could walk all over me!" was what Vaggie wanted to say, but she bit it back
  811. >this had already worked, in a way
  812. -
  813. >the gifts did get through to Husk and Alastor, and once she explained herself, they did change - Al more immediately, and Husk more effectively
  814. >only Angel - the patient - showed no signs of change
  815. >and he was the one who didn't get the message, either
  817. >now, she faced the spider once more
  818. >still holding Fat Nuggets in his lower pair of hands, Angel looked down at her with his top pair crossed, his face unimpressed
  820. >"I have to lead by example." she thought "Have to be the bigger man..."
  821. >"I'm sorry..." she began "For what I said."
  823. >he raised an eyebrow
  824. >"That's alright." he replied "Glad to have heard you speak your mind."
  825. >"I--" but she cut off, wide-eyed
  826. >Charlie was staring, too, shocked at what Angel said
  828. >"But I wasn't..." the moth woman muttered, but the spider cut him off
  829. >"No, no. You've meant it, Toots, I could tell." he replied "I've seen you get pissy, but that was no scolding. You spoke how you felt. Which, I guess, was a culmination of everything you felt for fuck knows how long about me. Can't blame you for being honest..."
  831. >"But... I... I didn't..." she stammered, well and truly ashamed for the first time
  832. >she couldn't take it back, could she?
  833. >he won't let him
  835. >"I think you'll understand that I won't accept your apology." he went on, before taking an aside glance at Charlie "Not yet. I mean... Fuck, not even VAL had spoken to me like that..."
  837. >at this point, the ground might as well could've opened up and swallowed her whole
  838. >her shoulders slumped
  839. >beside her, Charlie couldn't help but cringe
  841. >"But... I should be thankful..."
  842. >"...What?"
  843. >she looked up
  844. >"Well..." he went on "Val never spoke to me like that, because he was a lying bastard, and because he wanted to keep me around, despite how much trouble I was... Greedy prick... But you, ya just told me where to go! This wasn't about being high or breaking a window. Youse just had enough, and told me so!"
  846. >"...But..." Charlie mumbled "...How does that...?"
  847. -
  848. >"Well, the way I see it..." Angel continued "If even those who are there get you back on yer feet just give up and want to ensure you're staying on the ground, you've fucked up. If even someone who wants to help you think you're hopeless, you're doing SOMETHIN' wrong! "
  850. >the others just stared
  852. >"It was a wake-up call!" said the spider, spreading his closed arms "I gotta shape up now!"
  853. >and he looked straight at Vaggie
  854. >"If nothing else, just ta prove ya wrong." he said, quietly "Show ya I'm no basket-case."
  856. >still speechless, the two women watched as he waltzed over to the table, just as Al leaned out from the kitchen with a tiny belly, shaking it
  857. >"Dinner's ready~!" he said, and then opened his eyes "Oh..."
  858. >the others were waiting for him, their expressions indescribable
  860. >"I'm missing out on all the fun!" he thought
  863. >the dinner was fine, with everyone complimenting it, especially the ham
  864. >afterwards, an eager Al and Angel set about assembling the radio on the cleared out table (soon joined by Husk, who couldn't stand them fucking about with the soldering-iron, especially after they popped some of the old radio tubes - luckily, the transistor Vaggie gave Al came in handy)
  865. >Niffty was back to reading her book, munching on her chocolate
  867. >Charlie and Vaggie sat together in the couch, relaxing with cups of hot cocoa and marshmallows
  868. >warmed from the inside and out, the Princess had settled down, cozy and calm, but Vaggie was still pensive
  869. >the tension she felt could only be described as "...Have I gotten away with it?"
  871. >in hindsight, everything - the "gifts", her fiasco with Alastor and Angel - was awfully petty on her part, and egregious
  872. >Charlie was right, in more than one way: her changing her ways did help to finally get the message across (in a way), but she needed to change her attitude as well
  873. -
  874. >with these thoughts lapping against her mind, she struggled to relax, choosing instead to tune them out, and watch as the three men assembled the radio
  875. >eventually, there came a cry of cheers, as the wooden box crackled to life, playing a familiar song:
  877. I don't want a lot for Christmas
  878. There is just one thing I need
  879. I don't care about the presents
  880. Underneath the Christmas tree...
  882. >Charlie grinned, while Vaggie just rolled her eyes...
  883. >...and that was when she spotted the mistletoe above them
  885. >behind the couch stood Angel, in his festive "sexy Santa" outfit, pretending to clean his nails, with one arm holding the item
  886. >his face remained dispassionate, but once he noticed Vaggie staring, he quickly cracked a smile, and winked, before resuming the same, dull look
  887. >perplexed, the grey woman felt a hand on her shoulder
  889. >Charlie was looking deeply into her eyes
  890. >lovingly
  892. >"You know what they say about them!" she said, eyes motioning towards the mistletoe
  893. >her eyes shimmered
  895. >despite the day's events, despite her week, despite the entire God damned, Satan blessed trainwreck of a year, Vaggie couldn't help but smile
  896. >the music reached a quiet part
  899. And I'm just gonna keep on waiting
  900. Underneath the mistletoe
  903. >leaning into the kiss, she could feel the tension melt away
  904. >she had to wrap her arms around Charlie, for fear of buckling from her lax muscles
  905. >thus, pulling herself even deeper into the kiss
  907. I don't need to hang my stocking
  908. There upon the fireplace
  909. Santa Claus won't make me happy
  910. With a toy on Christmas Day
  912. >with Alastor dancing with Niffty, and Husk and Angel knocking back a few eggnogs (Husk's with less alcohol), the gang hunkered down for the night, as the season soot began to fall outside, with Hell's ruddy hue turning bluish with the flames, causing Heaven to shine down upon it like a full moon
  913. >the year had come to a close
  914. >it was time to celebrate!
  915. -
  916. 'Cause I just want you here tonight
  917. Holding on to me so tight
  919. >"Merry Christmas, Vaggie!"
  921. What more can I do?
  922. Baby, all I want for Christmas is you
  924. >"Merry Christmas, Charlie..."
  927. All I want for Christmas... is you~
  930. THE END
  933. And that's a wrap!
  934. Hope you enjoyed the story, everyone.
  935. Happy holidays, one and all!
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