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Jun 28th, 2017
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  1. [17:27] <n30[atwork]> Markb why is the loading getting worse?
  2. [17:27] <n30[atwork]> took me 10 minits this time
  3. [17:27] <tobyy> its much worse today
  4. [17:27] <n30[atwork]> and there is goes again :/
  5. [17:28] * SCK ( Quit (Quit: Page closed)
  6. [17:28] * SCK ( has joined #planetarion
  7. [17:28] * SCK ( Quit (Registered)
  8. [17:28] * SCK ( has joined #planetarion
  9. [17:28] <n30[atwork]> how hard can it be to just send a fleet? :(
  10. [17:29] <Light> Its been getting worse for ages now :oP
  11. [17:30] * Hoppe ( has joined #planetarion
  12. [17:30] <Light> now its just wtf
  13. [17:30] <n30[atwork]> indeed
  14. [17:30] <n30[atwork]> almost unplayable
  15. [17:30] * Hoppe ( Quit (Registered)
  16. [17:30] * Hoppe ( has joined #planetarion
  17. [17:30] <n30[atwork]> trying to send def for 15 minits
  18. [17:30] * Petroman ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  19. [17:30] * zool (~detritus@ has joined #planetarion
  20. [17:31] * PhoeniX` ( has joined #planetarion
  21. [17:32] * Stanezzz ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  22. [17:33] * Stanezzz ( has joined #planetarion
  23. [17:33] * zool (~detritus@ Quit (Quit)
  24. [17:35] * Stender|afk is now known as Stender
  25. [17:35] * Gregzzz ( has joined #planetarion
  26. [17:36] * Phil^mobile (~phil@ has joined #planetarion
  27. [17:37] <n30[atwork]> finally send! took me only 21 minits
  28. [17:37] <n30[atwork]> thnx pa team!
  29. [17:38] <Lunar_Lamp> n30[atwork]: we've know where the problems are, unfortunately Jagex cannot work out what is wrong with their firewall.
  30. [17:38] * Greg ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  31. [17:38] <n30[atwork]> I understand but it makes it kinda unfair
  32. [17:38] <Lunar_Lamp> They're calling in theor providers/support contracts etc to try and solve it, but at the moment they (obviously) haven't worked out how to fix the issue.
  33. [17:39] * Phil^mobile (~phil@ Quit (Quit: Bye)
  34. [17:39] <n30[atwork]> sending def 5 min till tick or sending attack 1 min for tick is not something I do anymore
  35. [17:39] <n30[atwork]> tricky to say the least :P
  36. [17:40] <Lunar_Lamp> We're doing all we can to try and help Jagex work it out - I've even pulled in a few of my own work contacts.
  37. [17:40] <Lunar_Lamp> It's just plain odd.
  38. [17:40] <Mit> remove firewall, see if problem goes away? :D
  39. [17:40] <n30[atwork]> lol
  40. [17:40] <Lunar_Lamp> Mit: it's impacting more than just PA :-p
  41. [17:41] * muchospie (~quayside@ has joined #planetarion
  42. [17:41] <Light> use fubra hosting!
  43. [17:41] <Mit> lol
  44. [17:41] * n30[atwork] searches for spinner
  45. [17:41] <Light> i dont really see how it could be the firewall?
  46. [17:41] <Mit> you'd be better hosting it in our office... and our lines are being really shit atm :D
  47. [17:41] <Light> surely it would be blocking traffic all the time?
  48. [17:41] <Light> and not just at odd times?
  49. [17:41] <Lunar_Lamp> Light: well, you're not a network admin.:-)
  50. [17:41] <Light> and progressively getting worse?
  51. [17:41] <Mit> Light, overloaded - dropping packets... crap software doing random things
  52. [17:42] <n30[atwork]> a lot worse
  53. [17:42] <Mit> hardware issue
  54. [17:42] <Mit> there are many things that can cause issues Light
  55. [17:42] <Light> so what were saying is
  56. [17:42] <n30[atwork]> get a good insurrance make backup burn place down and buy new hardware!
  57. [17:42] <Lunar_Lamp> Light: it's not a simple matter of "oh, someone has configured the firewall to block website traffix!"
  58. [17:42] <Light> there servers can handle millions of people playing runescape
  59. [17:42] <Light> but the second PA gets on there servers
  60. [17:42] <Light> it brakes :oP
  61. [17:42] <Lunar_Lamp> Light: different infrastructure.
  62. [17:43] <Light> the only thing that really annoys me about this situation
  63. [17:43] <n30[atwork]> cant they just move servers again?
  64. [17:43] <Light> is that theres no announcement from JageX
  65. [17:43] <Light> they could of done the annoucement you just did Lunar_Lamp 2 weeks ago and explain they're working on the problem etc
  66. [17:43] <Light> but its just silence
  67. [17:43] <n30[atwork]> we are after all paying customers ..bought 15 credits with my drunk head this round for a game thatr doenst load :P
  68. [17:43] <Lunar_Lamp> Light: I've explained it to people that have asked (including when you were around).
  69. [17:44] * muchospie (~quayside@ Quit (Quit)
  70. [17:44] <Lunar_Lamp> But yes, no announcement.
  71. [17:44] <Light> the thing thats annoying when problems occur, isnt the problems itself as they're bound to happen, but the owners/admins responce to those problems
  72. [17:44] <tobyy> has anybody been able to log in this tick?
  73. [17:45] <Light> you want to be kept informed of what the situation is, rather than feeling like they're doing nothing to fix it
  74. [17:45] * mario ( Quit (Quit: Page closed)
  75. [17:45] <n30[atwork]> yes light I managed to send fleet after 20 minits
  76. [17:45] <n30[atwork]> now its down again for me
  77. [17:45] <n30[atwork]> been down almost intire day :/
  78. [17:46] <tobyy> it could just be us 3
  79. [17:46] <n30[atwork]> they wish it was just us...
  80. [17:47] <n30[atwork]> everyone is complaining about it atm.... doenst seem a bit crouded in here?
  81. [17:47] <tobyy> it loaded!
  82. [17:47] <n30[atwork]> lucky basterd ;)
  83. [17:47] <n30[atwork]> go attack light
  84. [17:47] <n30[atwork]> his game is still down :P
  85. [17:47] <vuLgAr> Game : [OPEN] Ticker : [RUNNING] <-- why
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