
AMiE Day 2

Apr 4th, 2012
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  1. >Wake up. You'd say you are feeling pretty Diddy right now.
  2. >If only your back wasn't trying to fuck with you.
  3. >Oh well, it'll solve itself.
  4. >Magic yourself up and clean up your makeshift bed wih magic.
  5. >>I can get used to this.
  6. >Look around, find that beginners magic book.
  7. >Read that thing cove to cover before twilight gets up.
  8. >Have everything memorized because you need to remember this stuff.
  9. >Start reading the intermediate book.
  10. >Twilight comes down to the library not too long after you started.
  11. >"Someone's been doing some research."
  12. >Her remark causes you to look up.
  13. "I'm just learning what I can about magic."
  14. >"well it is a lot more than simple reading."
  15. >>orly?
  16. >You raise your hand and turn a quill on Twilight's desk into a blood red rose.
  17. >She stares, stricken at how good you are already.
  18. >"No pone advances that fast!"
  19. "You seem to be forgetting that I am not a pony."
  20. >"Well then Mr. Allseeinghuman, tell me how you know about Pinkie-parties."
  21. >>Damn, you were hoping she forgot about that.
  22. >Begin by explaining how a television works.
  23. >Then explain who Lauren Faust is.
  24. >Then explain the show and the non-creepy part of the fandom.
  25. >You don't know how long you were explaining, but when you are done Twilight is again wide-eyed.
  26. >She seems to be doing this a lot since you showed up.
  27. >"This is... This is amazing!"
  28. >Cue overly impressed twilight.
  29. >"If what you told me is true, then the hue-man race is far more technologically advanced than Equestria! Plus, it seems to me like hue-mans can see into other worlds! I have to write to the Princess about this as well!"
  30. >>Dude, Celestia is going to hate you for all the letters Twi is going to write about you.
  31. "I don't think we can see into other worlds. I mean it's all made up!"
  32. >"Then how could anyone have know about this world?"
  33. >> could they?
  34. "I'll admit it's strange, but that doesn't mean humans have some window in the back of our heads that allow us to see other realities!"
  35. >She is already off and writing all of this down.
  36. >You sigh. She really loves learning things. And writing to Princess Celestia.
  37. >>Celesita is going to hate you for all the mail she will be getting.
  38. >>Don't remind me.
  39. >" what exactly do you know about us?"
  40. >1 Explanation Later.
  41. "And that's it. I was actually going to see the next episode when I ended up here."
  42. >"Well this is more than a little embarrassing... Everyone knows all that?"
  43. "Everyone who watches the show, yeah."
  44. >You have been levitating yourself for a while now. It feels like you must have gotten stronger in your sleep.
  45. >You mention this to twilight.
  46. >She thinks for a moment.
  47. >"What were you doing before you came here?"
  48. "Well I was walking home after a few hours of meditation and 'magic practice'."
  49. >"Then this is your full power.
  50. >>Damn, you are a hell of a lot stronger than you thought.
  51. "Nice."
  52. >You float to the door.
  53. "I'm going out, that okay?"
  54. >"Well there is going to be a meeting later discussing you and your stay, the Princess arranged it."
  55. >You turn, look at her, and relinquish your hold over yourself, favoring your graceful two footed walk to the majestic floating.
  56. "She works fast."
  57. >And she's smart. A Princess arranged meeting to properly introduce you to everypone so the locals don't hate you.
  58. >>Nice work.
  59. "So I should stay here until the meeting?"
  60. >"That would be a good idea. Somepone might attack you thinking you're a monster."
  61. "Good point."
  62. >You walk away from the door.
  63. >You wonder what you should do In the meantime.
  64. >Almost like she read your mind, Twilight gestures to the magic book you were reading.
  65. >You sigh, look at her as she starts to go about her daily chores of running a library, and Pick up the book and move to a secluded corner of the library where you can try out some of the spells and not get in Twilight's way.
  66. >You are a natural.
  67. >>feelsgoodman
  68. >After what feels like forever
  69. (but no one ever tells you that forever feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head)
  70. > and three magic book, Twilight calls you for lunch.
  71. >Flowers and grass in a salad.
  72. >>Why flowers?
  73. >Remember that they are horses. -ponies-
  74. >Pick around the flowers, and manage to down the grass with the rest of the salad. Drink the offered tea like its water.
  75. >>What it’s as strong as water.
  76. >With a relatively full belly you clear up the lunch mess and inquire again when the meeting is.
  77. >"Just a couple hours from now."
  78. >You pause.
  79. >>Not spending another two hours today reading about magic.
  80. >So go ask about the next best thing to leaving.
  81. "Can I practice my magic?"
  82. >"Sure, just make sure not to destroy anything."
  83. >So you busy yourself by trying every spell you read about from memory.
  84. >Like a baws, you did every spell right.
  85. >And it still feels good.
  86. >You aren't even worn out yet.
  87. "Hey twilight"
  88. >You call out to her.
  89. >"Yeah?"
  90. "What class of magic-user are you?"
  91. >She looks at you for a moment.
  92. >"I'm a class T, why?"
  93. "What class am I?"
  94. >You read about the classes of magic in one of the books. It's a magic-strength grading system. A is weak, and Celestia and Luna are the only know being on level Z.
  95. >"I'd have to rank you at a class J, though only the unicorn grading team can accurately tell the magic class..."
  96. >She trails off; a look in her eyes tells you she is remembering something.
  97. "Hello?"
  98. >"Oh, sorry, I was just thinking about something that happened to me when I met the unicorn grading team."
  99. >Fucking guessed that shit.
  100. >Still, class J is nothing to scoff at. From what you have read, J class unicorns have enough power to move the moon slightly, though are never taught the spell to do so.
  101. "That's pretty awesome."
  102. >Remember what your master told you about being able to increase your power through meditation and physical exercise.
  103. >thisisgunnabegood.
  104. >Twilight looks at your smirking face quizzically, and noticing her look, you tell her.
  105. "I can actually increase my magical strength if I train."
  106. >Her jaw drops.
  107. >"Get more, as in take what you have and add more to it!"
  108. >>Damn she is shocked.
  109. "Yeah, if I train I might be able to double my power. Though this is achieved through very intense training over long periods of time."
  110. >"So much to write about, so little time to write..."
  111. >You hear her mumble this as she runs off to her fifth(?) notebook on you and starts jotting some more notes down.
  112. >>fuckyeah.
  113. >>You fucking Rock!
  114. >>Thanks brain!
  115. >>No fucking problem!
  116. >You go back to your magic, starting to mess with the spells, combining them in different orders and wording them slightly different to do something similar to the spells original intentions.
  117. >>You are a magical genius bro.
  118. >>I know brain, it's amazing.
  119. >Before long twilight comes up to you, motioning towards the door.
  120. >>Time to meet some ponies!
  121. >You head out. No pony to your left, no pony to your right.
  122. >>wut?
  123. >>They're at the meeting you idiot.
  124. >>Oh?
  125. >Head to the town hall and enter the back way so you aren't seen by anyp0ny.
  126. >You make your way to the main discussion hall, via stage entrance.
  127. >Behind a drawn curtain, you see a pony that twilight reveals to be the mayor.
  128. >You walk up to her.
  129. "Hello Miss, Twilight told me you are the mayor, and the one in charge of this meeting. I'd just like to thank you for this opportunity; I shall try to not squander it."
  130. >>Damn, how did you learn to talk like that?
  131. >>Ignore what I said and focus, she's going into shock mode!
  132. >She seems to recover quickly, possibly because of your use of sophisticated words, and mentioning Twilight.
  133. >"Ah yes, the Princess told me about you. I will talk to the townsponies, and then I want you to introduce yourself and tell them things about you that will make them like you."
  134. >You think for a second.
  135. "But what about everything else?"
  136. >"Anything that will put these ponies on edge is to be strictly forbidden from being spoken. I don't want a riot in my town."
  137. >Her stern gaze bores into your eyes.
  138. "Okay, but it's your problem when they eventually find out."
  139. >With that, a pony says its time and the curtain starts to open.
  140. >>Why the fuck is there a curtain there anyway?
  141. >>Maybe this serves as a theatre?
  142. >Whatever the reason is, you are glad for them as you hide behind them when they finish opening.
  143. >Okay, you went unnoticed.
  144. >”Welcome, mares and gentle colts, and thank you for attending this sudden meeting. There have been rumors of something new in our little town, and The Princess herself has deemed that we shall accept it-him- with open arms, arranging this meeting to get you all acquainted with him and to have him answer any questions you may have.
  145. “So, without further ado, please welcome the newest resident of Ponyville, Anonymous!”
  146. >With that, she swings a hoof over in your direction, and taking the cue you walk out towards the podium, the assembled mass of ponies gasping when they see you.
  147. >>SO. MANY. PONIES.
  148. >The seating is an almost literal sea of colors of all shades and hues. You make it to the podium, which Mayor Mare steps away from, and while walking past she whispers
  149. >”Remember, no alarming my ponies.”
  150. >You nod to her and stand at the podium. Surprisingly it’s tall enough for you to stand, seeing as by estimate ponies are maybe as tall as you when standing on their back hooves.
  151. “Hello everyone…” *cough* “I mean everypony, sorry about that, I’m not from around here if you haven’t already noticed. As your gracious mayor has told you, my name is Anonymous and by allowance of Princess Celestia I will be living here with you ponies. I hope we can all get along. Any questions?”
  152. >everypone’s hand-hoof- rose.
  153. >You point to a mint-green pony.
  154. “What’s your question?”
  155. >“Are those hands?”
  156. “Why, yes they are…”
  157. >How in the everlasting fuck did she know they were called hands??
  158. >She smiles and promptly faints.
  159. >Everypone stares at her for a moment, before the attention turns back to you.
  160. >You call on a grey Pegasus.
  161. >“Do you like muffins?”
  162. >These odd questions.
  163. “Yes I do.”
  164. >She squees, then throws something at you. Catching it, you realize what it is. A muffin.
  165. >Everypone is amazed at the Pegasus’ throw, because looking at her again you realize that her eyes go off in two different directions.
  166. >A brown pony is next.
  167. >“Would you consider a job as a wandering salesman? With your, erm, stature, I am positive that you would boost my sales close to tenfold! I’d pay handsomely, if that helps.”
  168. >Damn. He doesn’t even care about who you are, he just knows that you’re an oddity, and oddities sell product. But, it’s still a job…
  169. “I’ll consider your offer.”
  170. >You look around.
  171. “Does anyone have questions about who I am or who my people are?”
  172. >The crowd hushes, seeing as many people started to talk amongst themselves in hushed tones at the job offer, but they are now just staring at you.
  173. >Looks almost like they are expecting a story.
  174. >>They are.
  175. >Oh.
  176. >Shit.
  177. “Well, I should start with an explanation of my world and my race.
  178. “You see, in my world, there were a few laws of nature. Harsh laws, but they kept the world balanced. One of them was the concept of survival of the fittest. It reads that only the organisms most adapted to an area will thrive there, and any organism not fit to survive will either adapt or die. In my world, we have this saying, ‘It’s a dog-eat-dog world’. And in my world, truer words could never have been spoken. For many animals, to survive meant killing other animals for food, and in turn be killed and eaten by a bigger predator.
  179. “This is the land that my race grew from. This is the nature that created us. We began to appear about 10 million years before my time. At first, there was not much separating us from the chimpanzees that we descended from. But soon, we learned to stand upright, to make tools, to farm.
  180. “Now I will tell you, on the planet earth, the Human race is the only race that is sentient, and being such we see everything else as below us, and many would be insulted at being called an animal.
  181. “Now back to what I was telling. We herded animals, we domesticated them, and we made wild animals tame. For those we couldn’t tame, we made weapons and hunted them down, Killing them and eating the remains. Humanity soon started to prosper, and grow, spreading out across the entire planet, creating rich societies that grew into dazzling empires that stretched across oceans, across deserts and mountains, covering hundreds of thousands of miles.
  182. “But we are humanity. We are not perfect. Since we started living in communities, we fought amongst ourselves. For food, land, water, women, all the things that would continue one’s existence on that planet. Even when we had it all, we still fought for more. Then we began to grow even more advanced, creating brilliant art, architecture, studying the world and the things on it to try and understand it better.
  183. “And we learned. We learned so much. We learned about evolution. We learned about Gravity, and the planetary movements due to gravity. We learned that our planet moves around the sun due to the sun’s extreme gravitational pull. We learned that the earth, though looking flat, was round. We traveled into space, we Developed ways to send messages to others thousands of miles away using a technology based off of things we learned about the sun. We developed steam engines, then internal-combustion engines. We Built buildings that pierced the clouds.
  184. “But we were still divided. Because like you ponies, no two humans looked alike. We had different hair color, eye color, and skin color; we spoke different languages, had different beliefs, and upheld different customs and traditions. And since the first time cultures mixed, there was hatred and resentment towards the other races, for seemingly absurd reasons. But in this age, we were starting to look past that, even if it was happening too slowly to notice. We wanted to unite, and in that spirit people traveled to the United States of America; a country built on the concept of equality between all.
  185. “It was, and still is, the first attempt to create a society of all the different people of the world, and it is almost three hundred years old now, but it is still far from reaching its goal of total equality.
  186. “Humanity is chaos and harmony.
  187. “I will admit that I have cut a lot of the history out. But it would take too long to tell of thousands of years of human history, let alone the billions of years the planet existed. So that is the past of the land I used to call home. Thank you for your time.”
  188. >You walk off stage.
  189. >You walk past a raging Mayor Mare.
  190. >A stunned Twilight.
  191. >You walk all the way back to the library.
  192. >And you sit down, and wait for the sounds of angry yelling of the townsponies forcing you out of town.
  193. >Nothing happens.
  194. >Waiting for what feels like eternity, but in all reality if around two to five minutes, has your curiosity piqued.
  195. >No pitchforks and torches.
  196. >Then again it’s been five minutes at most, hardly enough time to equip a town with such equipment.
  197. >>But you did say some ..things.
  198. >Thinking it over, what you said was silly at best, and damning at worst.
  199. >>Well I can’t take it back.
  200. >Guess it’ll have to do.
  201. >Perfect time for some last minute whining before the mob is ready.
  202. “I didn’t even get a chance to mess around with magic…”
  204. >Normally senses don’t yell like that, but suddenly there is a steady beat of steps, slow and gentle, against the dirt outside.
  205. >The scent of fur gracing the area as a voice murmurs from outside the bark.
  206. >“What is that idiot thinking?”
  207. >>Heyy, it’s Twilight. Maybe she can kill me with lightening so I’m not impaled by a dirty pitchfork and left to rot.
  208. >Morbid thoughts aside, it’s rather peculiar, not hearing anger in her voice, but also the quite sudden sensitivity to the outside world.
  209. >Losing track of all thoughts the dazzling array of colors upon the shelves catches the eye; surprisingly you didn’t notice this earlier. There is literally every color of book binding conceivable.
  210. >It’s breathtaking.
  211. >The beige of the living wood shelves, the pulse of life almost visible, making for a nice and pleasing contrast to the lively books, the grain of the wood pulling your eyes all around the room.
  212. >So devoted to ignoring the world you now are, Twilight’s entrance to the treebrary escapes notice.
  214. >Until she clears her throat.
  216. “Wah!”
  217. >You question your choice of surprised yelp, turn to face twilight, and suddenly become aware of your surroundings in an instant.
  218. >“What was that?”
  219. >With a laugh, perhaps nervous, perhaps not. (it is)
  220. “Well I don’t like getting heart attacks, so I yell instead. So when will the mob get here? They should be close, why can’t I hear them?”
  221. >Twilight seems shocked at this, which is odd seeing as she has to have passed the mob to get here first.
  222. >>Maybe there’s no mob?
  223. > “I think you are a bit confused. There isn’t any mob, the mayor is talking to every0ny.”
  224. >>Oh hey, just want to let you know she’s lying. Here all of those angry grumbles and hoof-stomping?
  225. “What’s going on…”
  226. >Looking out the window, you see the townsponies heading over to your current location.
  227. >>OH SHIT.
  228. >About to flee the premises, you almost miss the lack of torches, or pitchforks. Or any sharp and flame-y objects for that matter.
  229. >In fact Pinkie-Pie is helping carry a banner that reads: “It’s Okay”
  230. >She also is helping push a cart with a cake on it.
  231. >And is wheeling her party cannon over.
  232. >While pepping up the other ponies by the looks of it.
  233. >>Isn’t that a bit much?
  234. >God. Allah. Japeto. At least it isn’t an angry mob.
  235. “More of a mobile party.”
  236. >“What?”
  237. >Twilight looks too.
  238. >Turning away, you make your way to the door, figuring the best plan is to go out there and talk at this point.
  239. >>Just don’t say anything else stupid.
  240. “Hey!”
  241. >Strolling out to meet them, when pinkie appears from behind your left arm, the smell of confections nearly giving you ‘beetus.
  242. >“Mayor Mare was all talking to everypone when I got the best idea, and so I got everypony together and came over here to welcome you!”
  243. “Well that’s nice.”
  244. >>Can’t think of anything else to say??
  245. >She is looking at you rather happily, guess there is no hidden mob, so bye-bye paranoia.
  246. >>Okayu, iiiit’s timu forah sum guud ‘ooool paaaratayy tiiimuh.
  247. >Taking care to keep the horrible Asian accent in your head.
  248. “Let’s do this then?”
  249. >Pinkie grins and nods, and turns into dust.
  250. >Suddenly a cannon shot is heard and confetti and party accoutrements are flung through the air to land perfectly in place around the treebrary.
  251. >Pinkie-Pie is suddenly near some buildings on the far road, basically erecting the banner herself at the same time she is bringing tables and tables of baked goods and drinks into existence.
  252. >>Seriously does anyone else notice this is impossible?
  253. >Not caring much after that thought, you decide to get some punch.
  254. >Before you even make it there a cup is in your hand and Pinkie stands beside you.
  255. >Literally standing.
  256. >Like you.
  257. >“Hope you like it, it’s fresh!”
  258. >And she’s off.
  259. >>AAAAaaaaaand back to twilight.
  260. >>Hey, I went over for punch and she gave me punch. I could have gotten some pastries on that table, but she gave me punch.
  261. >C-Can she read my mind?
  262. >“Nope! I just know what ponies want!”
  264. >Overcome with the heebie-jeebies, sitting down seems like a good idea.
  265. >You squat down to plop to the ground.
  267. >Only to find a seat under you.
  269. >>Oh, look at all the ponies, why are they so short?
  270. >>Where did Pinkie come from?
  271. “What?”
  272. >You appear to be on a stage of some sort that was not in sight until now.
  273. >“This is Anon, and he’s in for a treat now that he’s not in scary humon land anymore, right everypony?”
  274. >Wow, the response of the ponies gathered is heartwarming.
  275. >>Sorry to disturb you, me, you, whatever, but there is a bear.
  276. >>A bear?
  277. >How you heard the growling of what is definitely bears is beyond you, but you did, and still do.
  278. >Standing up suddenly, you swivel towards the growl to see something nightmare-ish.
  279. >Ursa Majors.
  280. >Yeah. Ursa MajorS. SSSSSSS.
  281. >Maybe seven in total.
  282. >and if your eyes can be trusted (Doubts are being had in droves) There are diamond dogs riding atop their necks as the uras’ advance on the town on all fours.
  283. >Turn back to the ponies, who are somehow oblivious of the impending threat.
  284. “Excuse me, Everyone, I need you all to get away from town. Now.”
  285. >Everyone looks at you with an odd look.
  286. “Look behind me.”
  287. >They now notice the group of gargantuan death machines coming this way.
  288. >>What are they..
  289. >They panic.
  290. >Like they ruin this part of town panic.
  291. >>This isn’t good.
  292. >You think about pinkie.
  293. >“What is it Anny?”
  294. >>Can’t read thoughts my ass.
  295. “Don’t call me that and can you round everyone up and get them away from town?”
  296. >“Sure thing ‘Nonny!”
  297. >>Again, no. Anon is fine for a nickname.
  298. “Good.”
  299. >You look over your shoulder to look where the the Ursa’s are now IN TOWN.
  300. >>Wat.
  301. >But they aren’t moving closer.
  302. >A pony blocks their path.
  303. >A certain pony.
  304. >One you recognize.
  305. >Mayor Mare.
  306. >>What is she doing?!
  307. >Time seems to slow as the Ursa closest to her raises a paw.
  308. >And smacks her out of their way.
  309. >Anime-styled, with her body flying through the air and crashing through a building, causing a mother of a dust cloud.
  310. >>No…
  311. >Looking to see if anyone else saw that, you find all the ponies have stilled and are staring at the dust hidden house.
  312. >>This will not end well. At all.
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