

Jun 8th, 2013
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  1. <Reki|JERK> Yo Funk you around
  2. <UnkleFunK> Hi
  3. <Reki|JERK> so er, is the rest of demigods going to be pretty similar to what we've already had
  4. <UnkleFunK> What do you mean
  5. <Reki|JERK> ah fuck it, I won't beat around the bush. I'm really pretty bored with it
  6. <UnkleFunK> Is it because Pathfinder
  7. <Reki|JERK> only partially
  8. <UnkleFunK> Well
  9. <UnkleFunK> Give me an hour or so and we can talk it out
  10. <Reki|JERK> ok
  11. * Tomoko- ( has joined #bun-dnd
  12. * Yisus has quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by YisusCraist)))
  13. * YisusCraist ( has joined #bun-dnd
  14. * Tomoko has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  15. Reki Reki|JERK
  16. <UnkleFunK> Hi Reki
  17. <Reki|JERK> hi
  18. <Reki|JERK> that wasn't an hour
  19. <UnkleFunK> ddr went to do stuff
  20. <Reki|JERK> that bastard
  21. <UnkleFunK> So, what's up
  22. <Reki|JERK> despite the individual characters being interesting, the party chemistry still manages to suck completely. being a scion doesn't feel particularlly unique or cool. it sucks when all of our plans get torn to shit for no real reason and we are reduced to murderhoboing despite desperately trying to avoid it. we're supposed to be these cool operators but mostly just bumble around in incompetence because you seem reluctant to d
  23. <Reki|JERK> rop real hints
  24. <UnkleFunK> That's a fair complaint
  25. <Reki|JERK> it's a fair number if anything
  26. <AyaS> Yeah, I guess I've just felt incredibly incompetent through the game myself too. We've been having impossible fights one after another, we got soundly beaten by our rivals in a climatic showdown, and every plan we make tends to fail miserably somehow. It's just kind of like stumbling about feeling like idiots.
  27. * YisusCraist is now known as Yisus
  28. <UnkleFunK> Yeah, I suck at things that don't involve numbers
  29. <UnkleFunK> Every fight is meant to be hard because that was that point of making you all so powerful
  30. * Ellenpage is now known as ddrddr
  31. <UnkleFunK> What plan other than the one with Bowrn filed
  32. <UnkleFunK> 'failed
  33. <Reki|JERK> kidnapping the succy
  34. <AyaS> that ended up failing because we lost to our rivals
  35. <Reki|JERK> so I guess it failed twice
  36. <Reki|JERK> that's impressive
  37. <AyaS> w
  38. <ddrddr> well, I'd better not hide
  39. <ddrddr> actually, I've been sharing some of these frustrations too
  40. <ddrddr> I thought when reki and I rebuilt our characters from scratch it would help shake up the party dynamic and make us gel a little better
  41. <ddrddr> but it kinda didn't
  42. <AyaS> Well, but yeah. It's mostly that I've felt kinda really incompetent the whole time, and yeah, the party dynamic kinda blows. Also I hate Ryuko she sucks.
  43. <Marisu> oh, Ryuko, I get it now
  44. <ddrddr> yeah, I kinda wanted to create a character that was quiet and loyal but just ended up with one that was awkward and wooden
  45. <ddrddr> that is kinda my bad
  46. <Reki|JERK> Well I guess I succeeded in making a cranky noble who is incompetent without his knight
  47. <Reki|JERK> but it isn't quite how I imagined it somehow
  48. <AyaS> I don't even know what I did with Ryuko, she has no personality traits whatsoever
  49. <Reki|JERK> you were blinded by SA dice
  50. <AyaS> so I was
  51. <Reki|JERK> optimization always comes back to haunt
  52. <AyaS> w
  53. <Reki|JERK> take heed, marisu
  54. <qvv3rty6> hello loves
  55. * qvv3rty6 is now known as qvv3rty
  56. <Yisus> Hello qvv3rty
  57. <qvv3rty> Hello Yui
  58. <qvv3rty> How's life
  59. <UnkleFunK> I'll level with you; this whole campaign is really a hastily conceived dungeoncrawl because I was in a mood for minmaxing Pathfinder when I came up with the idea. It started way before it was really ready to be run, because of how Jade ended prematurely, and it's just got a very vague goal to it and a few ambiguous locales for the setting. It's semi-intentional, so I can create encounters and NPCs as and when the situation requires them, beca
  60. <UnkleFunK> use I find it easier to do things that way. In all honesty I shouldn't have started running it without either spending a lot longer developing the setting and the general plot, or finding someone else who is actually good at that thing to do it for me.
  61. <Yisus> Fun
  62. <AyaS> Mm.
  63. <qvv3rty> How's work going?
  64. <Yisus> There's no work
  65. <Yisus> Only studying ._.
  66. <UnkleFunK> So yeah, I know it's pretty bare right now because we've reached as far as I planned and I'm coming up with entire sessions less than a week before I run them
  67. <Yisus> My bane D:
  68. <AyaS> Yeah, I'll say it straight too, it sorta resembles the Pathfinder campaign I'm running irl
  69. <AyaS> Which suffers from the fact that I don't really like running it at all, where I just come up with the next session the day before I run it
  70. <qvv3rty> Hang in there Yisus
  71. <Yisus> It's kind of fun though
  72. <Reki|JERK> I'm not sure if having fully planned sessions would help that much though, at least with some of the problems
  73. <Yisus> I met a lot of nice people \o/
  74. <AyaS> Buut, yeah, you're also kind of really strict with stuff you run. You sorta "run things straight". Yeah, we come to King Borwn with a plan that doesn't work because he hates the surface world and wouldn't want to visit it but come on
  75. <AyaS> We don't really know jack about the world and we can't really actually come up with the plans our INT 30 characters would be able to
  76. <AyaS> Throw us a bone there. It's not that Demigods is that boring because it doesn't have an epic plot arc going or anything, it's mostly just that we're kinda lost and useless.
  77. <UnkleFunK> Yes, that was wrong of me and I regret it
  78. <ddrddr> mm, yeah
  79. <AyaS> That's making me kind of afraid of playing Shadowrun since that's all about planning, and if all our plans fail there as magnificently as in demigods...
  80. <ddrddr> that dissonance of us being supposed awesome badasses and our crushing incompetence at, well, anything, is kinda making it hard to really get into character I think
  81. <AyaS> yeah, I guess my only character trait is "is awesome" so when I'm the most useless person around that kinda stings
  82. <UnkleFunK> Mmm
  83. <Reki|JERK> It is kind of annoying that aside from random trash packs in that dojo dungeon, every single fight has been unwinnable, intentionally
  84. <Reki|JERK> dragon in the first session, duel with the dojo master, duel with our rivals, griev...
  85. <AyaS> or unwinnable unintentionally
  86. <AyaS> but yeah I mean we get it that we're not the top dogs of the universe and there are plenty of people stronger than us
  87. <AyaS> but they don't have to be half of our fights
  88. <AyaS> Plus the slimes that made the surroundings dark were just stumbling around until they died which didn't exactly make us feel badass either so eh
  89. <UnkleFunK> Well
  90. <Reki|JERK> also pathfinder sucks
  91. <AyaS> ^
  92. <UnkleFunK> Maybe we should drop it then
  93. <Reki|JERK> well I would feel kind of shitty to suggest that, but since you were the one to do it
  94. <UnkleFunK> If people aren't enjoying it then there's no point in running it
  95. <UnkleFunK> It's better for you to say something
  96. <AyaS> Yeah, I'm sorry. I feel kinda shitty about it, but I'd rather play something else too.
  97. <AyaS> even if the campaign took a radical turn all of a sudden, I'd still hate my character
  98. <ddrddr> yeah, I mean I really like the demigods world and a lot of the NPCs within it, but my character is really boring and awful
  99. <ddrddr> I'd be happy to give it a go with a totally different character, if that's something that people could get on board with
  100. <AyaS> It feels pretty fucking awkward to switch characters like that. And I'd rather go for not pathfinder if we're changing shit around
  101. <ddrddr> yeah I don't know whether it's pathfinder as a whole or just minmaxy gestalt that's giving me a headache
  102. <Reki|JERK> I think it'd be nice if we just branched out in systems in general
  103. <Marisu> trying out new systems is really fun
  104. <Reki|JERK> there are so many neat ones out there but 90% of our games are pf or sr
  105. <AyaS> we've only had one shadowrun campaign that was more than two sessions
  106. <Reki|JERK> well
  107. <Reki|JERK> we've had like 4 false start sr games
  108. <AyaS> and that's basically shadowrun only system-wise
  109. <Reki|JERK> so that's 8 more sessions
  110. <AyaS> still puts the session count under deadland's ;)
  111. <UnkleFunK> I get the feeling that anything I run will end up the same way
  112. <Reki|JERK> deadlands rox
  113. <ddrddr> don't sell yourself short, jade was going great until we all died
  114. <ddrddr> like it was the highlight of my week, every week
  115. <Marisu> Funk, your Euroge campaign is still my favorite campaign, even though it's been dead since forever ago
  116. <Reki|JERK> restart euroge
  117. <Reki|JERK> using WHFRP
  118. <Marisu> you can be a badass DM, we know that
  119. <AyaS> Jade was great, Saga was great, Euroge was great. I think you're a great GM. I just think you focused on the wrong things in Demigods.
  120. <AyaS> Well, focused on shit I didn't personally care much for, at least.
  121. <AyaS> Like fights and numbers
  122. <AyaS> How about you run a short, more story-focused campaign next? Or if not story, at least not so mechanics-intensive. Just ten or twenty sessions, see how it'd go.
  123. <AyaS> I mean, run what you want, of course, campaigns only tend to be good if the GM himself has fun
  124. <UnkleFunK> That would probably be better
  125. <UnkleFunK> I know I try to make things too
  126. <UnkleFunK> All-encompasing
  127. <AyaS> All-encompassing how
  128. <UnkleFunK> Epic, I guess
  129. <AyaS> yeah, that's kinda my flaw as well
  130. <Reki|JERK> I don't think that's a bad thing
  131. <UnkleFunK> It is, because I have no idea how to write
  132. <Reki|JERK> it just takes an assload more planning than I think you want to do
  133. <AyaS> It doesn't have to be, but it's much more bitch of a run and plan for.
  134. <AyaS> Yeah
  135. <Reki|JERK> I think it's really just a problem with perspective
  136. <UnkleFunK> I can start a story well enough, but I have no idea how to focus it after introductions
  137. <Reki|JERK> epic in dnd is like killing gods and shit
  138. <Reki|JERK> epic in a game like, mouseguard would be fighting an eagle
  139. <Reki|JERK> much easier to write
  140. <AyaS> yeaaah
  141. <AyaS> I like writing stories around a single bad guy, that's usually an easy structure.
  142. <AyaS> you can just advance the plot by having the bad guy do shit, as long as you remember to give reasons for the players to personally hate the bad guy
  143. <UnkleFunK> Well I'll think about it I guess
  144. <UnkleFunK> Nothing's inspiring me right now
  145. <AyaS> Yeah, sure
  146. <Marisu> what about L5R?
  147. <AyaS> Try to come up with some concept
  148. <AyaS> (I would play L5R)
  149. <UnkleFunK> I really don't think I'm the right guy to run L5R
  150. <Reki|JERK> I think you're probably the most right to run it
  151. <UnkleFunK> How so
  152. <Reki|JERK> just the impression I get
  153. <AyaS> I'd just say to run anything that's more fluid and just lets you make cool and fun shit happen, your campaigns have always been the most interesting when you've just kinda handwaved stuff and played fun and awesome NPCs and thought about the players and what they'd like, and the least interesting when you get caught up in the mechanics and try to design an epic fight to end all fights. Like,
  154. <AyaS> I think you're great at telling stories, you just have a habit of suspending that over dice rolling.
  155. <UnkleFunK> That's probably true
  156. <UnkleFunK> I get worried that people are bored when there aren't any dice though
  157. <AyaS> I get bored when there are dice
  158. <ddrddr> yeah it is kinda the opposite
  159. <AyaS> Like, Star Wars Saga was fucking awesome all the way through, except for a single session
  160. <AyaS> That warehouse fight in the darkness that took like five hours because we couldn't hit the enemies and it was just rolling attack rolls back and forth forever without anything interesting happening
  161. <AyaS> everything else was A+
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