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Jun 14th, 2018
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  1. #Generating Comment Changelog
  2. #Aushilfe: 24 commits
  3. #Scubaman3d: 14 commits
  4. #Q1184: 61 commits
  5. #Pufu: 8 commits
  6. #Sickboy: 2 commits
  7. #Norrin: 5 commits
  8. #Inkompetent: 2 commits
  9. #Squelch: 5 commits
  10. #Vipermaul: 11 commits
  11. #Killswitch: 1 commits
  12. #Unknown: 3 commits
  13. #Maddmatt: 1 commits
  14. #Rocko: 94 commits
  16. --- !ruby/object:OpenStruct
  17. table:
  18. :mods:
  19. - !ruby/object:OpenStruct
  20. table:
  21. :folders:
  22. - !ruby/struct:Collection::STATS_MOD_FOLDERS
  23. add: []
  25. change:
  26. - six_config_weapon
  27. - six_sys_base
  28. - six_version
  29. del: []
  31. - !ruby/struct:Collection::STATS_MOD_FOLDERS
  32. add: []
  34. change: []
  36. del: []
  38. :changelog: !ruby/struct:Collection::STATS_MOD_CHANGELOG
  39. added: []
  41. updated: []
  43. removed: []
  45. changed:
  46. - Ai Doesnt engage Infantry with RPG anymore; not correct implemented [Buildtools]
  47. - At against infantry [Sonsalt]
  48. fixed: []
  50. local:
  51. - Arm group script now supports GUER side as enemy [Q1184]
  52. :newrev: 021e81c30039a2ac2e90273289dc9cb5b8d71475
  53. :oldrev: 67578305a7aea3a08a0b0542e0c3a5bd02ed998b
  54. - !ruby/object:OpenStruct
  55. table:
  56. :folders:
  57. - !ruby/struct:Collection::STATS_MOD_FOLDERS
  58. add: []
  60. change: []
  62. del: []
  64. :changelog: !ruby/struct:Collection::STATS_MOD_CHANGELOG
  65. added: []
  67. updated: []
  69. removed: []
  71. changed: []
  73. fixed: []
  75. local: []
  77. :newrev: 021e81c30039a2ac2e90273289dc9cb5b8d71475
  78. :oldrev: 67578305a7aea3a08a0b0542e0c3a5bd02ed998b
  79. - !ruby/object:OpenStruct
  80. table:
  81. :folders:
  82. - !ruby/struct:Collection::STATS_MOD_FOLDERS
  83. add: []
  85. change: []
  87. del: []
  89. :changelog: !ruby/struct:Collection::STATS_MOD_CHANGELOG
  90. added: []
  92. updated: []
  94. removed: []
  96. changed: []
  98. fixed: []
  100. local: []
  102. :newrev: 021e81c30039a2ac2e90273289dc9cb5b8d71475
  103. :oldrev: 67578305a7aea3a08a0b0542e0c3a5bd02ed998b
  104. - !ruby/object:OpenStruct
  105. table:
  106. :folders:
  107. - !ruby/struct:Collection::STATS_MOD_FOLDERS
  108. add:
  109. - 76_vdv.pbo
  110. change:
  111. - SF_SCAR
  112. - ace_anims_jump
  113. - ace_anims_movement
  114. - ace_config_men
  115. - ace_config_useractions
  116. - ace_config_vehicle
  117. - ace_config_weapon
  118. - ace_fx_explosions
  119. - ace_fx_plane
  120. - ace_model_compass
  121. - ace_model_crewserved
  122. - ace_model_infantry_weapons_east
  123. - ace_model_infantry_weapons_ind
  124. - ace_model_infantry_weapons_mp5
  125. - ace_model_magazines
  126. - ace_model_man_ussr_army
  127. - ace_model_men_iraq_army
  128. - ace_model_men_iraq_civ
  129. - ace_model_men_iraq_ins
  130. - ace_model_men_iraq_rg
  131. - ace_model_men_us_army_woodland
  132. - ace_model_vehicles
  133. - ace_model_vehicles_bmd
  134. - ace_model_vehicles_helicopters
  135. - ace_model_vehicles_planes
  136. - ace_model_vehicles_static
  137. - ace_model_vehicles_tanks
  138. - ace_model_vehicles_wheeled_armor
  139. - ace_models_infantry_weapons
  140. - ace_settings
  141. - ace_sounds
  142. - ace_sys_attachments
  143. - ace_sys_bearing
  144. - ace_sys_crewserved
  145. - ace_sys_destruction
  146. - ace_sys_eject
  147. - ace_sys_engine
  148. - ace_sys_grenades
  149. - ace_sys_magazines
  150. - ace_sys_missiles
  151. - ace_sys_network
  152. - ace_sys_rocket_ballistics
  153. - ace_sys_ruck
  154. - ace_sys_shotgun
  155. - ace_sys_sight_adjustment
  156. - ace_sys_sight_adjustment_at
  157. - ace_sys_sight_adjustment_gl
  158. - ace_sys_stamina
  159. - ace_sys_vehicles
  160. - ace_sys_viewblock_smoke
  161. - ace_sys_wound
  162. - ace_ui
  163. - ace_version
  164. - math_armaeffects
  165. - six_weap_files_M16
  166. del: []
  168. - !ruby/struct:Collection::STATS_MOD_FOLDERS
  169. add: []
  171. change: []
  173. del: []
  175. :changelog: !ruby/struct:Collection::STATS_MOD_CHANGELOG
  176. added:
  177. - "2 reskinned and animated BIS AK-74 models (courtesy of RobertHammer and Solus). Added: 2 animated Makarov models by Solus. [Q1184]"
  178. - 9k35 Strela-10 by GodHammer [Aushilfe]
  179. - 9p148 new animated model [Aushilfe]
  180. - 9p31 Sa-9b Gaskin [Aushilfe]
  181. - A10 Pave Penny System. Unguided Weapons are able to lock on Lasertargets to simulate the PassivLaserScanner [Aushilfe]
  182. - Added VDV units by Studio Alpha, created VDV recon classes and group [Q1184]
  183. - Aircraft flyby sounds [Rocko]
  184. - Ak47,Bizon, RPK drum magazine models [Q1184]
  185. - Bradley temporary model [Aushilfe]
  186. - Buckshot round for m79 [Q1184]
  187. - Compatibility tag required by RKSL [Vipermaul]
  188. - Created ACE_MakarovSD class, added to ammoboxes [Q1184]
  189. - Fab500m62 by GodHammer [Aushilfe]
  190. - G36 Trommelmagazin model [Rocko]
  191. - Improved Parachute Scripting (by Homer Johnston) [Rocko]
  192. - Kab500l by GodHammer [Aushilfe]
  193. - M40a3 (Thanks to Silverguy 82 and Col_Kurtz) [Rocko]
  194. - M79 grenade launcher by Scubaman/Dasquade [Q1184]
  195. - More detail to shadow lods on M16s and M4s [Scubaman3d]
  196. - Muzzleflash to FALs [Scubaman3d]
  197. - New EOTech reticle for CAR rifles and improved CAR L normal map [Scubaman3d]
  198. - New M3 MAAWS model and textures (Dasquade/Scubaman] [Scubaman3d]
  199. - Prone operating animation for Konkurs launcher [Rocko]
  200. - Rpg7 with pgo-7v3 scope (default model for now). Reticle ballistically matched to V,VR,VL,TBG rounds. [Q1184]
  201. - Sa58 config [Q1184]
  202. - Sparks to firing weapons [Unknown]
  203. - Viewblock support for 40mm smoke grenades (M203, EGLM, GP25) [Rocko]
  204. - Visible viewblock element when debug mode is enabled for smoke viewblocks (ace_sys_viewblock_smoke_Debug = true). Not recommended for casual gameplay - Testing only ! [Rocko]
  205. - Weapons for independant factions [Scubaman3d]
  206. - You can switch to CQB mode to allow direct aiming with M79 [Q1184]
  207. updated: []
  209. removed: []
  211. changed:
  212. - A10 envelop values and model [Aushilfe]
  213. - Ai cannot shoot while going prone from kneel or vice versa [Rocko]
  214. - Av8b reworked model and texture [Aushilfe]
  215. - Bmd-1 now has VDV crew [Q1184]
  216. - "Converted motorbike start sound to mono and wss, fixes #786 [Rocko]"
  217. - Disabled unitUncEject function calls [Squelch]
  218. - Increased damage caused by anti-tank mines (by KingHomer) [Rocko]
  219. - Increased indirectHit damage for mines [Rocko]
  220. - Konkurs Launcher is now part of crewserved weapons (has some little issues, but is operational) [Rocko]
  221. - "Mission maker can now disable 'weapon on back' feature with 2 variables: 'ace_disable_primaryweapononback=true' to disable carrying 2 primary weapons, but allow to carry 2 secondary weapons (backpack and launcher or 2 launchers). 'ace_disable_weapononback = true' to disable the feature completely. [Q1184]"
  222. - Name for G36 Trommelmagazin [Rocko]
  223. - New BMD1 models [Rocko]
  224. - Optimized BMP2 Damageappearance and sectioncount [Aushilfe]
  225. - Pg9/PG15 ammo is now of ShellBase class, as AI can't handle RocketBase class in vehicles properly. [Q1184]
  226. - Properly scaled MP5 models [Q1184]
  227. - Reduced helicopter armor [Q1184]
  228. - Stryker ICV sight adjustment changed to metric [Q1184]
  229. - The 'on back' and 'in hands' buttons are disabled after pressing them to avoid unwilling multiple pressing leading to unexpected behaviour. [Q1184]
  230. - Timebomb no longer supported [Rocko]
  231. - Wound AI Respawn script now verifies if unit isKindOf CAManBase before verifying name [Sickboy]
  232. - You can now manually reload vehicle/static machineguns [Q1184]
  233. - Zu23 now in correct class (Static) [Rocko]
  234. fixed:
  235. - Ah-6 with twin M134 fires from both mg's now [Q1184]
  236. - Ah1 was not engaged by tanks [Rocko]
  237. - Ai Vehiclegunner not engaging [Aushilfe]
  238. - Ai is able to throw grenades and shoot at the same time [Rocko]
  239. - Aim9 bug with Ah64 [Rocko]
  240. - Another 'ACE_Breaching' error [Rocko]
  241. - Bmd AT5 Turret error [Rocko]
  242. - Certain vehicles had problems with tracers [Q1184]
  243. - Closing gear menu before weapon transfer from/onto the back was complete might lead to unexpected results. [Q1184]
  244. - Could not recover stamina when in vehicles [Rocko]
  245. - Crewserved M2/NSV couldn't be loaded with ammo [Q1184]
  246. - D30/M119 Missing Models [Unknown]
  247. - Digital compass is back [Rocko]
  248. - Dropping ruck works properly now, including inside vehicles [Q1184]
  249. - Eglm muzzle on CAR-L and CAR-H show correct name [Inkompetent]
  250. - Excessive bandwidth usage at start of burn script. [Maddmatt]
  251. - Excessive bandwidth usage at start of burn script. [Vipermaul]
  252. - Final revision of fix for group leaders commanding team members while unconscious [Norrin]
  253. - Fix for AI group leaders issuing orders while unconscious [Norrin]
  254. - Fix for non-responding playable AI after respawn - re-enables EH and movement (040309) - must also put 'ACE_AIrespawnDetect = true;' early in the init.sqf [Rocko]
  255. - Get out points for ZU23s [Rocko]
  256. - Hellfires not selectable for some Ah1 [Rocko]
  257. - Hmmwv TOW and HMMWV SF Gunnerview angles [Aushilfe]
  258. - Jpg's not found in Mando MCC [Rocko]
  259. - Loading problem with crewserved AGS30 [Q1184]
  260. - M113 had no working Beltanimation [Aushilfe]
  261. - M4 ACOG TA31F reticule despite [Pufu]
  262. - M40 last LOD no texture bug [Rocko]
  263. - Missing rounds from ejection port [Rocko]
  264. - Mp5 mags could not be packed sometimes [Q1184]
  265. - No Shape error when using OG/PG round in BMD1s [Rocko]
  266. - "Paths to scripts in ace_select_side.sqf script. Example call: nil = ['west','russian'] execvm '\\ace_settings\\sys_radio\\s\\ace_select_side.sqf' [Q1184]"
  267. - Performance drop when selecting squad members via the F2-F12 keys. [Killswitch]
  268. - "Performance hit from unnecessary debug messages in respawn script. Fixes #798 [Squelch]"
  269. - Player was able to jump while unconscious [Rocko]
  270. - Reinstated KA52 and ericm_KA52 to missiles XEH after internal problem. [Squelch]
  271. - Removed code as locality was causing AI units to appear unconscious on clients when they were not [Norrin]
  272. - Removed code as locality was causing AI units to appear unconscious on clients when they were not [Rocko]
  273. - Removed unconscious camera as a fix for game locking up when falling unconscious while placing marker in map [Norrin]
  274. - Revised fix for unconscious AI commanders issuing orders [Norrin]
  275. - Rpk74 not using tracer ammo [Pufu]
  276. - Shilka firing script [Q1184]
  277. - Stamina Effects remained when TeamSwitched or Respawned into Group or Side [Rocko]
  278. - Stryker MGS SLAT commander was injured when getting out [Rocko]
  279. - Stryker MGS commander now has no sight adjustment option (has no weapon) [Q1184]
  280. - Stryker RV M2 view obstructed [Rocko]
  281. - The override variable ACE_SYS_MISSILES_MANDO_ENABLED did not disable AI Pilots Flare Deployments [Vipermaul]
  282. - Usmc groups 4/12 [Rocko]
  283. - View cargo lod - back to original size - no more heads through roof [Pufu]
  284. - Weird sliding animation when ZU gunner was shot [Rocko]
  285. - Wrong path in .rvmat for M79 [Rocko]
  286. - Wrong reticle on the M40A3 [Pufu]
  287. - Yellow Flare usable with M203 [Aushilfe]
  288. local:
  289. - "'weapon on back' is moved to the main slot if its empty after closing gear menu (prevents concealed carrying of weapons) [Q1184]"
  290. - 1st attempt to fix 'melted faces' [Rocko]
  291. - 2nd multiline comit, The sun shines bright [Rocko]
  292. - Added missing textures [Rocko]
  293. - Added Ah-1W to Mandosys [Aushilfe]
  294. - Added Pilot lod for M79 [Scubaman3d]
  295. - Added bmd configs [Rocko]
  296. - Added bmd1p to config, partially with weapons [Rocko]
  297. - Added but commented baikal mp133 shotty plus magazines [Rocko]
  298. - Added container for new bmd1 models [Rocko]
  299. - Added fal/m14 20rnd metric mag picture [Pufu]
  300. - Added flares to the ACE KA52 [Vipermaul]
  301. - Added inv pics for new weaps and mags, created new Bizon classes, assigned all models/pics [Q1184]
  302. - Added konkurs missile tube magazine [Rocko]
  303. - Added missin rvmats [Rocko]
  304. - Added missing config.cpp's to model_man_ussr_army and ace_sounds [Q1184]
  305. - Added missing icon for bmd1p [Rocko]
  306. - Added more to the info to stringtable based on rockos layout [Pufu]
  307. - Added new M3 MAAWS textures [Scubaman3d]
  308. - Added new pbos to check list and include list [Q1184]
  309. - Added scripts for bmds [Rocko]
  310. - Added seperate scripts for AA vs ground targets. [Vipermaul]
  311. - Added weapons to bmd1. pls som1 verify [Rocko]
  312. - "Added: fal para to configs [Q1184]"
  313. - Adjusted eye pos on m79 folded [Q1184]
  314. - Adjustments on SLX AKs [Unknown]
  315. - Adjustments to AKs [Scubaman3d]
  316. - Ai muzzle on UAZ Dshk was visible to player [Q1184]
  317. - Aircraft auto-deploying flares under missile attack. This should only happen when an AI pilot is flying the vehicle. [Vipermaul]
  318. - Assigned rvmats to ak/rpk models [Q1184]
  319. - Bla [Rocko]
  320. - "Blabla fixes #526 [Rocko]"
  321. - Changed Alamo A textures [Rocko]
  322. - Changed BMD armor, fixed an error with soundservo [Q1184]
  323. - Changed Su Classnames to one standard [Aushilfe]
  324. - Changed classname from bizonSD to bizon_SD [Q1184]
  325. - Changed flyby sounds not played when player is also in a plane [Rocko]
  326. - Checked case sensitivity for CMS [Aushilfe]
  327. - Cleaned up files [Rocko]
  328. - Comented out debug msg [Rocko]
  329. - Commented out debug message to prevent rpt spamming and performance hit. [Squelch]
  330. - Corrected spelling of 'EOTech' on some rifles [Inkompetent]
  331. - Cow & Chicken [Rocko]
  332. - Dedicated server ai firing shotguns are now properly handled [Q1184]
  333. - Deleted old M3 MAAWS textures [Scubaman3d]
  334. - Deleted old bmd model and textures [Rocko]
  335. - Detonation range of AA missiles from 10m to 3m. This will effectively increase slightly the available warhead strength applied to the target. [Vipermaul]
  336. - Disabled rocket ballistics handling of PG9/PG15 ammo [Q1184]
  337. - Explicitly enabled tracers in vehicle ammo config [Q1184]
  338. - Fix some rvmats [Rocko]
  339. - Fixed 'key frame' animation error [Rocko]
  340. - Fixed animation frame error upon binarizing [Rocko]
  341. - Fixed bad model.cfg [Rocko]
  342. - Fixed bad texture path [Scubaman3d]
  343. - Fixed broken proxylink on Su30 Canopy [Aushilfe]
  344. - Fixed bugs in fal [Scubaman3d]
  345. - Fixed geo, view geo and fire geo [Rocko]
  346. - Fixed last issues on the bradley Template and added M6 version [Aushilfe]
  347. - Fixed lods [Rocko]
  348. - Fixed mine damage [Rocko]
  349. - Fixed missing ';' in model.cfg [Rocko]
  350. - Fixed missing anim [Rocko]
  351. - Fixed missing m6 model reference [Rocko]
  352. - Fixed missing proxy [Rocko]
  353. - Fixed model.cfg error USE PULL IN THE FUTURE [Rocko]
  354. - Fixed model.cfg for ZU23s [Rocko]
  355. - Fixed non present ace_sys_respawn in cheat protection [Rocko]
  356. - Fixed rvmat path [Rocko]
  357. - Fixed rvmats and textues for as50 [Rocko]
  358. - Fixed several UH60L Bugs and added a more realistic gunneranimation by the model. [Aushilfe]
  359. - Fixed sights [Rocko]
  360. - Fixed smoothing groups on RHS VSS [Scubaman3d]
  361. - Fixed smth [Q1184]
  362. - Fixed some more animation frame errors [Rocko]
  363. - Fixed wrong weapon/mags on bmd1p [Q1184]
  364. - "Fixes #601 [Pufu]"
  365. - "Fixes #635 [Rocko]"
  366. - "Fixes #700 [Pufu]"
  367. - Implemented pbo presence check for clients on dedicated servers. options configurable through ace_serverconfig in dta/ace [Q1184]
  368. - In Diana Jones III [Rocko]
  369. - Included support for non-standard world coords in pbo check script [Q1184]
  370. - Line 2 [Rocko]
  371. - Line 3 [Rocko]
  372. - Lowered reloadtime of shotguns [Q1184]
  373. - M6 Linebaker temporary model [Aushilfe]
  374. - M6 config rechange [Aushilfe]
  375. - Merge branch 'master' of [Aushilfe]
  376. - Merge branch 'master' of [Q1184]
  377. - Merge branch 'master' of [Rocko]
  378. - Merge branch 'master' of [Scubaman3d]
  379. - Merge branch 'master' of [Squelch]
  380. - Merge branch 'master' of [Vipermaul]
  381. - Merge it, bitch [Aushilfe]
  382. - Missing file [Aushilfe]
  383. - Model/textures for AS50 [Q1184]
  384. - Models and textures for RPK, AK47, Bizon by Roberthammer [Q1184]
  385. - More models and textures [Q1184]
  386. - More reasonable temp coords for live grenade, to prevent issues with certain islands [Q1184]
  387. - More text if needed [Rocko]
  388. - Multiline Test Commit [Sickboy]
  389. - Normals for RH weapons [Q1184]
  390. - Optimized KAB500KR [Aushilfe]
  391. - Optimized pbo check script a bit [Q1184]
  392. - Pic for m576 buckshot round (by scuba) [Q1184]
  393. - Reduced fadeout time for explosion flashing [Rocko]
  394. - "Refs #508 [Pufu]"
  395. - Removed "crewVulnerable = 0;" from Landvehicle class to avoid strange behaviour within the config compared to 3rd party addons [Aushilfe]
  396. - Removed 2nd uv sets, fixed some lods [Rocko]
  397. - Renamed folder according to standards, added config.cpp [Q1184]
  398. - "Revert \"~ Added: Sparks to firing weapons\" [Q1184]"
  399. - Scaled down slx_bmp model to actual size, fixed proxies [Pufu]
  400. - Scars fixed another wrong path for reticleshine.rvmat [Pufu]
  401. - "Second line test build script local revert, refs #596 [Sickboy]"
  402. - Sla box_model for ace_east ammo boxes [Pufu]
  403. - Sorted Bizon mags (ruckable, SD etc) [Q1184]
  404. - Sys_grenades script modified, to be able to use other than grenades kinds of rounds in a grenadelauncher [Q1184]
  405. - Test [Rocko]
  406. - Test, Multiline comit text [Rocko]
  407. - This reverts commit 34dfb1b7402701fbff64b87d021b8b05f08738e0. [Q1184]
  408. - Tittenfick [Rocko]
  409. - Upd credits [Q1184]
  410. - Upd model.cfg [Q1184]
  411. - Upd model.cfg [Rocko]
  412. - Updated BRDM2 series [Aushilfe]
  413. - Updated build scripts [Rocko]
  414. - Updated loadouts with the scoped rpg7 [Q1184]
  415. - Updated model.cfg for west weapons [Rocko]
  416. - Updated several Readmes. More details for local credits should follow if there are changes to the pbos again. [Aushilfe]
  417. - Wrong version got commited, oops [Q1184]
  418. :newrev: b99408a7c7973fa3a51aa6b3ef19fed99a010af4
  419. :oldrev: 736eedf5a96c6a9f86a47a794d508d5d3209cd60b05f08738e0. [Q1184]
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