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Feb 11th, 2017
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  1. Yukari script outline
  3. V1.0
  5. Voice notes- female, vaguely older / mature sounding. Accent ideally neutral / hard to pin down.
  6. Should probably sound vaguely smug in the "I know more about what's happening than you do" sense,
  7. and a little bit teasing as well.
  9. [Opening setup]
  10. Oh, you're finally here? [small giggle to herself]
  11. Or maybe you're feeling like you've been here before?
  12. How did I get here? Who am I and what am I doing here? Well, your first question isn't that important,
  13. but you can call me Yukari.
  14. Yukari Yakumo. [another giggle]. Or maybe you already knew that? Your name? No, let's save that for later.
  15. [smirks, fan moving to cover mouth, another small laugh]
  17. [pause]
  19. As for why I'm here... let's say I have an offer for you. I know a place far far away from here, so far away you could fly
  20. for a hundred days and never reach it. But at the same time it's close enough that you can almost reach out and touch it
  21. when the midnight moon shines, so close that you find yourself there by walking around the corner of a dream.
  23. There's a place for you there, something not many people can do. You would be the protector of this realm, stopping anyone
  24. who would try to destroy the peace of that world. You don't need to worry about not fitting in, you don't need to worry
  25. about being alone or not knowing how the world works, I promise you that nothing like that will bother you ever again.
  26. This is a role Gensokyo cannot exist without, so I will make sure that you and the role fit each other perfectly.
  27. All you need to do is agree to my offer.
  29. So, are you interested?
  31. [pause, followed by light hearted laughter- not malicious]
  33. I knew you wouldn't say no. Or maybe you've already said yes?
  35. [induction and deepening]
  37. Well then, shall we begin? You'll want to find somewhere to lie down, somwehre comfortable where you won't be disturbed.
  38. [pause]
  39. Yes, just like that. Why are we doing this? I did say you could reach this world, my Gensokyo, from the corner of a dream
  40. did I not? Would I not be the perfect person to guide you into that dream?
  42. Now remember, you must accept everything I say as the absolute truth. For this to work, there cannot be any doubt in your
  43. mind about anything I say. Do you understand?
  45. Perfect- [very satisfied / smug sounding there, little bit sinister. You've just landed in trap after all.]
  47. [voice soothing for this part onwards- time to get people into trance]
  49. Now then, I want you to close your eyes and relax, just like you would when you've just got into bed after a long days
  50. work and all you want to do is rest. That's right, just like that. Let my words wash over you as you rest, filling
  51. your ears with their truth. It's nice to just listen to me like this isn't it?
  53. As you relax, allow your breathin to deepen, each breath dragging on for just a bit longer than the last.That's right, just
  54. breathing in... and out, letting my voice fill your thoughts more and more with each breath you take.
  56. Now, as you lie here, breathing in and out as my voice fills your thoughts,
  57. you might find that your body starts to feel just a little bit heavy. It's nothing uncomffortable, just the same tired
  58. heaviness you might feel when settling into bed after a long day, the heaviness you feel when the only thing you want is
  59. a nice, deep, sleep. With each breath you take, you feel this heaviness flowing through your body, starting at your heart
  60. and flowing out through your body. Flowing along your legs, all the way down to your feet, making them so relaxed now.
  61. Flowing down your arms and into your hands, right down to your fingertips. Feel the heaviness flow up to your shoulders,
  62. up your neck and into your head, your eyelids getting so heavy now as your entire body relaxes more and more.
  64. With this nice relaxing heaviness filling your entire body, making you more and more relaxed with each breath you take,
  65. you might find that you start finding it a little harder to move your body, like every part of you wants nothing more
  66. to stay here, relaxing more and more to the sound of my voice, more and more of this rellaxing heaviness filling your body
  67. with each breath you take.
  69. And as your body gets heavier and heavier, sinking deeper and deeper into comfy relaxation, you might find that you start
  70. to feel like you're floating, and that the heavier your body gets, the more floaty you feel, just like water
  71. that's so hot it feels cold. Heavier and heavier, but floating further and further away, almost as if you're drifting away
  72. on a cloud of fog, drifting so far away from any troubles you might still have.
  74. As you keep floating away like this, letting my voice take you further and further away from the world and all the
  75. troubles it might contain, you might find that a soft fog begins to creep into your mind, more and more seeping in with
  76. every word that I say. There's nothing to worry about, just a nice soft fog that's as fluffy as a cloud, filling your
  77. mind more and more as you continue to listen to my voice. that's right, just feel the fog filling your mind, slipping into
  78. all the gaps in your brain, making everything feel so hazy, with my voice the only clarity that remains.
  80. That's it, just let everything slip away, let the fog cover everything in your mind. Let any thoughts you have left fade
  81. away, let your memories vanish under the fog, let everything just fade away, so that the entirety of your existence is
  82. your mind and body floating away in this fog as my voice guides you onwards, deeper and deeper into the fog. As you drift
  83. deeper and deeper into the fog, you feel it get thicker and thicker, making your body so much more relaxed and even lighter
  84. than it was before. And as your body relaxes more and more, the fog covers more and more of your mind, like snow in winter.
  86. That's right, just feel the fog cover your mind in pure whiteness. Let everything in your mind just fade away as the fog
  87. drifts in, all your thoughts and memories slowly getting covered by a layer of thick white fog, leaving everything a pure,
  88. blank white in its wake. You can feel it can't you? The first wisps of fog curl around your memories, a thin veil that
  89. makes it just a bit harder to think, just a bit harder to remember anything at all. Feel the fog grow thicker, small wisps
  90. completely enclosing your mind, all your thoughts and memories fading further and further away. It feels good to just let
  91. this happen, to let everything that makes you you fade away. All your painful memories are fading away to nothingness,
  92. all the sadness and anger you've ever felt is vanishing. You feel cleansed, like the thousand impurities everyone gains by
  93. living are just fading away, leaving you pure and perfect.
  95. Feel the fog drift even deeper into your mind, covering more and more of your mind and memory in thick, white nothing.
  96. Now, I'm going to count down from ten to one. With each number, more and more off your mind will be covered in the fog,
  97. and when I reach one, you're entire mind will be covered in this thick white fog.
  99. Ten... Feeling the fog fill all the gaps in your mind...
  101. Nine...
  103. Eight...
  105. Seven... The fog keeps getting thicker and thicker, covering everything under a layer of blank whiteness...
  107. Six...
  109. Five...
  111. Four... Your mind fading away to nothing as it gets buried under the pure whiteness of the fog
  113. Three...
  115. Two...
  117. ...And one, your entire mind covered in a thick white fog, your every thought and memory buried under a thick, impenetrable
  118. layer of pure blank whiteness, completely out of your reach. Your mind is pure whiteness now, like a sheet of blank canvas
  119. just waiting to be painted on. And it feels amazing, everything that you are vanishing away into pure blank serenity, with
  120. my voice filling your world. Your entire world is you floating in a white void, with your mind a blank slate. No thoughts.
  121. No memories. No feelings. Just pure, blissful, emptiness. You are blank. You are mindless. You are empty.
  122. You are canvas, waiting to be painted. You are a flower, waiting to bloom. But that is in the future.
  124. For now, you will simply float, mindless and empty. Completely blank.
  126. Blank.
  128. Blank.
  130. Blank.
  132. [transformation]
  134. Now, as you float in this void, you might find that as you spent more and more time in this blissful blank-minded trance,
  135. colours start to appear, tracing out a scene around you that seems to get more and more real the blanker your mind gets.
  136. Before long, you might find yourself sitting calmly at the centre of this fantasy, allowing your thoughts to keep draining
  137. away to fuel the creation of this world.
  139. In this serene, blank, empty-minded state, you find yourself sitting cross legged at the edge of a pond, hands clasped
  140. together in your lap. Trees surround the water, and the afternoon sun shines warmly on your skin, and the stone beneath
  141. you is smooth and polished. Behind you lies the back a simple shrine, polished wooden panels soaking in the suns light,
  142. and sliding doors left slightly open, inviting people to enter. The pond in front of you is perfectly still, it's unmoving
  143. surface providing a perfect mirror to the blankness of your thoughts.
  145. Looking down, you can see a reflection in the mirror-like stillness of the pond. It seems hazy at first, but as your gaze
  146. falls upon it, the reflection seems to define itself more, forming into the image of...
  148. [repeat instructions]
  150. [conclusion]
  152. [rework start]
  153. And now, it's time to leave this dream. When I count to three, you will wake from this trace, feeling completely refreshed.
  155. [pause]
  156. One... slowly stirring from slumber, awareness filling your mind once more
  157. [pause]
  158. Two... floating back into the waking world
  159. [pause]
  160. And... Three, completely awake once again.
  161. [reowrk end]
  163. So, how are you feeling?
  164. Don't worry, it's normal to be a little confused right now.
  165. Oh yes, do you remember what I said earlier? About your name?
  166. I suppose I don't need to ask you that anymore. [laughter] After all, I already know.
  168. Welcome back, Reimu.
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