

Mar 6th, 2024
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  1. Few in the minds of humanity truly questioned their circumstances. There were many great thinkers in the history of humanity, but great feats of philosophy were often reserved for the gifted - for the world was caught amiss in the throws of international politics. What began as a small survey mission discovered an inhabited world not too far away - Earth.
  3. Earth was caught in the throws of the Cold War, an international conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union. The survey mission would observe Earthly events, with individuals having been sent to scout out the newly discovered civilization that was similar to their own. With enough information, some individuals would stay behind to insert themselves into the local politics - while word was sent out for more of their kind to come. More missions were sent, with the attention towards Earth growing while human minds were unaware. Similar to a virus, the prongs had already been inserted within the body.
  5. More of their kind would come to Earth, fulfilling the first directive in full - observation. Everything about humanity and the planet Earth was cataloged extensively by astute scientists and biologists. Earth wasn't too special in the grand scheme of it all. A living mammalian world with a bipedal species as it's dominant life-form. Not too different from their own storied, unclear origins. Then they'd begin to insert themselves further into Earth's politics - taking up high level positions within government and corporate authorities, eventually securing elected and coveted positions for themselves with falsified backgrounds. Every secret was to be uncovered, every shred of information was to be leaked to their authorities, for they were the ones who sent them here. The authorities, never seeing these kinds of directives more than a passing interest - left it to the proles to do their bidding.
  7. Earthly politics was found to be unremarkable. Governments split into ideological camps with petty infighting, and corruption running through the deep pockets of officials, through both the corporate and religious spheres, as well. It was a ripe ground for these individuals to fester within the shaded elites that governed the world. There, they continued their hidden agenda for years. Manipulating the downfall of nations and keeping the people's minds geared towards more meaningless pursuits such as media entertainment. Subliminal messages were wrapped in neatly, like a farmer feeds his cattle - it began to lay seeds of submission within the minds of the viewers over the decades.
  9. More of these individuals would arrive on Earth, taking up jobs within the various industries that kept human society afloat. There they began to mingle more with the common man, learning more about what it is that made him tick. There, they began to set up family relations with humanity, bearing children of their own. By this point, they were already walking among humanity - who hadn't bat a single eye at those who walked among them with complete reflexive ease. Every part of human civilization was uniquely mapped out, and to them, it became muscle memory to walk among humans at every level. Over the decades, control was solidified without so much as a single shot fired. Whole borders shifted over time, with cultures being made to lead up to certain conclusions about themselves. The banner of their society, the Crystalline Caziquedom was raised without so much of a glance from humans - who were not so different from them.
  11. The Cazqiuedom and it's shadowy cabal of aristocratic leaders who sent out their loyal envoys to various worlds, not so much looked at the Earth with much interest. Many worlds were like it. Young and primitive, with minds incapable of leading their own populations away from their self-sabotaging ways. They've been at it for a long time, more than any living mind can remember. Over time, Earth's population was further modified - with pandemics and diseases being engineered to introduce the Crystalline genome to that of the humans, those infected becoming more and more like them. Of course, the Crystallines would also change humans views of their own history. To humans, it was natural, to evolve into a new world lead by the Crystallines. Hand in hand, the Crystallines fates were intertwined - bonds woven within the strands of genetics that lead humanity - granted with the holy grail of incorporation.
  13. It was only decades later, with humanity rendered fully "incorporated", did they introduce their full technology to humans. Biological engineering that would rival that of magic, fast and easy transportation from planet to planet, and life extension technology, along with a litany of other subject matters that humans had been chomping at the bit for so long.
  15. So to, did humans follow in their banner - seeking on other worlds, who just like them - were non the wiser.
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