
Ch 5: Part 1: A Memory of Darkness: Session 76

Oct 20th, 2013
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  1. [15:36] <@Kilarra> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [15:36] <@Kilarra> ~~~Chapter 5: A Memory of Darkness~~~
  3. [15:43] <@Kilarra> -Session 76-
  4. [15:45] <@Kilarra> The party, on their return to Celwynvian, stopped in at an old border fort amidst the Maerani, only to find that while they had slain its previous occupant, Razorhorn, it had since been usurped by an older green dragon who claimed to be his sister. She had taken his roost along with his treasure, and had been looking to start a brood of her own.
  5. [15:49] <@Kilarra> Thankfully, the party put a stop to her before she could create more potential problems for the elves rebuilding Celwynvian, and for their efforts they were also rewarded with her expansive hoard.
  6. [15:51] <@Kilarra> Kjell looks to Kahree, "So, how much is there?"
  7. [15:53] <Aluthyra> Before Kahree is four piles of platinum, gold, and gems. "6750 gold worth for each of us." She smirks, taking her portion.
  8. [15:57] * Kilarra is more concerned about sticking close to Aluthyra, having never seen the woman come so horrifyingly close to dying before.
  9. [15:57] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods and slips his portion into his Haversack so as to avoid having to worry about lugging it around.
  10. [15:57] * Aluthyra smiles appreciatively to Kilarra before depositing her own share into her pack.
  11. [16:00] * Kilarra collects hers as well, and makes a mental note to keep well stocked in diamond dust in case of emergencies. She takes Aluthyra's hands and leands against her.
  12. [16:01] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods to the two of them and redons his Haversack. "If we are finished here, we should get moving. It will likely be nightfall by the time we actually make it back to Celwynvian from here."
  13. [16:01] * Aluthyra nods in agreement, giving Kilarra a small hug. "Agreed. Let's make haste."
  14. [16:02] * Kilarra nods, but keeps hold of Aluthyra for a while, even as they get moving.
  15. [16:04] <@Kilarra> The party's return to Celwynvian is uninterrupted by threats from the forest, all of whom seem to have quieted down much since the end of the conflict. As they get closer to the city, they can notice the occasional elven patrol moving through the woods, but none stop them
  16. [16:09] <@Kilarra> Eventually they emerge into the limits of the city on the eastern side, but by the time they do, the sun has already dipped below the horizon. Still, they can see numerous elves throughout the city, having undertaken restoring and rebuilding in the time the party was away in the darklands.
  17. [16:11] * Aluthyra raises an eyebrow. "Shall we report to Eviana before resting, or rest now?"
  18. [16:12] * Kilarra yawns. "We should let her know we're here, but I'm beat. She can debrief us in the morning."
  19. [16:12] * Kilarra looks to Aluthyra, "Plus, you probably need to bathe and change." She points to the holes and bloodstains in her robes left by the dragon.
  20. [16:12] * Aluthyra nods, continuing towards Eviana's tent.
  21. [16:14] <@Kilarra> Eviana's tent is still ah ub of activity, although it has changed from a war room to a construction coordination center. Eviana herself no longer has her arm in a sling, and Kaerishiel and Shalelu are with her. All three of them seem happy to see the party. "Welcome back. We are quite glad you have returned to us safely. Although admittedly we were not expecting you back so soon."
  22. [16:16] * Aluthyra nods. "We still have business with the dark elves, though we thought informing you of our progress thus far would be prudent."
  23. [16:18] <@Kilarra> Eviana nods, "We suspected there might still be things of concern. Still, we can discuss them when you are rested. We elves may not need to sleep, but between your time in the darklands and..." she notices Aluthyra, "Whatever else you've had to endure, you must be exhausted."
  24. [16:19] * Aluthyra bows her head, a slight, appreciative smile on her lips. "Very well. We shall see you in the morn."
  25. [16:21] <Aluthyra> Kahree yawns. "You got someplace to sleep here, or should we just set up bedrolls?"
  26. [16:21] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods. "By the way, you might want to consider checking any and all remaining border fortifications. The one previously occupied by the Dragon Razorhorn was playing host to an even large green dragon, whom we dispatched."
  27. [16:22] <@Kilarra> Eviana blinks, "Well... that is serious. Thank you, for both your interjection and warning. We shall send scouting parties further out as soon as we are able." She looks to Kahree, "Of course, we can provide you with tents if you need them. It is quite literally the least we can do, considering what you have all been through."
  28. [16:24] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods. "Yeah, sure. That'll work."
  29. [16:26] <@Kilarra> Shalelu smiles and leads the party out to the campgrounds. She motions to a couple of tents. "These are presently unoccupied, their former dwellers working overnight in the city."
  30. [16:28] <Aluthyra> Kahree is quick to hop in one and set up her bedroll. "Night!" she calls, slipping in.
  31. [16:29] <@Kilarra> Kjell slips in after her, leaving Aluthyra and Kilarra to share a tent. He makes a few notes in his spellbook before taking his armour off and going to bed. He had a couple of new spells in mind to try out, but would need tim to finish them the next day
  32. [16:29] * Kilarra hugs Aluthyra tightly, burying her face in the taller woman's bosom, "I was... really scared, when that dragon got you."
  33. [16:31] * Aluthyra holds Kilarra close. "If it were not for you, she may have, but with all my power, I will try to make sure that it does not happen again. I would not want you to worry about my safety..."
  34. [16:32] * Kilarra smiles, shedding a couple tears. "Like I said, I feel different about you than anyone else I've ever met or been with. It's something special, and I want to cherish it. Keep it safe."
  35. [16:33] * Aluthyra nods. "As do I. But let's not focus on what we did not lose... and enjoy rest, together."
  36. [16:34] * Kilarra nods, yawning widely. "Sounds good. You should change though." She slips inside the tent, undressing
  37. [16:35] * Aluthyra shrugs, undressing. "I will bathe tomorrow. And as for the clothes..." She tosses them into her haversack. "They are most likely beyond repair without magical assistance."
  38. [16:36] * Kilarra nods, having stripped down to her yellow silks. "At least you have spares." She chuckles.
  39. [16:36] * Aluthyra chuckles and nods, slipping into her bedroll. "Indeed I do, now..." she scoots over in the bedroll, plenty of room!
  40. [16:37] * Kilarra giggles and slips in with her, snuggling in close. She gives Aluthyra a kiss on the lips, and another just above her cleavage.
  41. [16:39] * Aluthyra snuggles close, closing her eyes...
  42. [16:40] <@Kilarra> The night passes restfully for the party. The morning that follows however, might just have a few surprises in store...
  43. [16:42] * Aluthyra tosses and turns uncomfortably in her sleep, though it seems... oddly difficult to move in the bedroll, as if the space were more confined than when they originally slipped in. Although Aluthyra attempts to not wake Kilarra in her restlessness, she nudges her roughly... though the texture of her 'skin' feels feathery as she turns.
  44. [16:43] * Kilarra cuddles into the soft feeling, murmuring in her sleep. "Ooh, so soft. Such a big, down filled bed. We can do all sorts of things to each other..."
  45. [16:44] * Aluthyra raises an eyebrow in confusion... an odd feeling on her back, and an even odder statement. "Bed?...Kilarra, this is hardly a bed."
  46. [16:45] * Kilarra isn't quite awake yet. "Why yes, I can tie you to it..."
  47. [16:46] * Aluthyra blushes. "Tie me to..." She rolls her eyes, turning back over, and nudges Kilarra gently.
  48. [16:47] * Kilarra blinks awake... "Huh... oh. G'morning," she says blearily. "Couldn't you have waited a few minutes? Such a nice dream..."
  49. [16:47] * Aluthyra blinks. "Ah... a dream. My apologies, I was confused at some of what you had muttered."
  50. [16:48] * Kilarra smirks deviously at Aluthyra, "Well, you were there. Would you like to know what I was going to do to you? I could tell, or I could show~"
  51. [16:49] * Aluthyra blushes. "Well... we are deserving of rest."
  52. [16:49] <Aluthyra> "And relaxation."
  53. [16:50] * Kilarra giggles. "How early is it? Oh well, doesn't matter. After what we went through, they can wait for us."
  54. [16:51] * Aluthyra wraps her arms around Kilarra, pulling her close and into a kiss.
  55. [16:52] * Kilarra kisses back and attempts to reach her arms around ALuthyra, only to pull back, "What the?"
  56. [16:52] * Aluthyra pulls her head back, confusion on her face. "Is there something wrong?"
  57. [16:52] * Kilarra can't see much in the confined bedroll, but asks, "Is there something on your back?"
  58. [16:54] * Aluthyra quirks her head. "I do not think..." Her hand reaches around and her eyes widen. "U-um... there would seem to be."
  59. [16:54] * Kilarra kicks the bedroll off of them, looking a bit concerned. She motions for Aluthyra to sit up
  60. [16:56] * Aluthyra sits up and turns around! What is on her back... A pair of large, white angelic wings.
  61. [16:56] * Kilarra blinks a few moments, her jaw dropping. She rubs her eyes a few times. "Um... am I still dreaming?" a small trickle of blood leaks from her nose.
  62. [16:58] * Aluthyra fidgets. "Why...? What is it?"
  63. [16:58] * Kilarra reachs out and grabs hold of a feather, tuging gently on it as though to make sure it was actually attached
  64. [17:00] * Aluthyra winces, squirming. "O-ow. What was that...?"
  65. [17:03] * Kilarra just gapes for another few moments. "You um... you have wings." She finds herself almost overwhelmed by the urge to play with them. Find out how sensative they were, stroke them, tease them...
  66. [17:05] * Aluthyra turns her head, confused. She pauses, staring at them. "I..." She purses her lips, concentrating on moving them. Twitch. The wings flutter slightly.
  67. [17:08] * Kilarra runs her hands over the wings, trying to make sure they were actually healthy and not crooked or anything. She didn't really know the exact nature of wing bones, but figured she knew enough to tell it anything was glaringly broken or misalligned.
  68. [17:09] * Aluthyra shivers, the wings fluttering once more at the touch.
  69. [17:09] * Kilarra straightens out a few bent feathers as she goes. "Aluthyra... these are gorgeous. How... how do you think this happened?"
  70. [17:11] * Aluthyra shakes her head. "I am as confused as you are. My only guess would be that they are part of my celestial heritage."
  71. [17:14] * Kilarra nods, "That's probably. Maybe being on the plane where your blood originated from caused it to... I dunno, but that's all I can really think of off the top of my head."
  72. [17:15] * Aluthyra nods, closing her eyes. "Now I just need to find out how to use them..." She concentrates, focusing on the new appendages... meditating. Within several moments, both wings lift, spreading as wide as the tent allows.
  73. [17:16] * Kilarra looks at the impressive span and has another nosebleed. "Bluh..." She finds her hands moving instinctively towards her more sensative areas. Just looking at them was a turn on.
  74. [17:18] * Aluthyra blushes, instinctively letting out a small moan as Kilarra's hand reaches the base of one of her wings.
  75. [17:19] * Kilarra begins stroking Aluthyra at the base of her wings, where they melded almost seamlessly with her alabaster skin. She wwas going to have a -lot- of fun exploring this new angle of the woman. She suspected Aluthyra would be just as excited about that.
  76. [17:21] * Aluthyra bites down on her lip, another moan, louder, escaping her lips.
  77. [17:22] * Kilarra removes one hand from Aluthyra and slips it into her silks, Aluthyra's moaning doing even more for her. She runs her free hand along the edge of the wing, all the way to the tip. She did need to do her morning preparations anyways, and she could think of no more exciting way to do so than by simultaneously playing with Aluthyra's new appendages.
  78. [17:24] * Aluthyra groans, leaning into Kilarra as her wings start to grow stiff. Her breathing grows labored, her new wings unused and extremely sensitive.
  79. [17:26] * Kilarra delights herself in exploring them as much as she can, using one hand and, occasionally, her mouth.
  80. [17:31] * Kilarra spends an hour getting intimate with Aluthyra and her new wings.
  81. [17:32] * Aluthyra pants, her wings and body in need of a short rest. Currently, she lays with Kilarra, wings wrapped around the other woman.
  82. [17:33] * Kilarra blushes very warmly in the enwrapping of the wings. She feels strangely light, although her heart is pounding.
  83. [17:34] * Aluthyra kisses Kilarra on the cheek. "Shall we wait until they fetch us, or shall we get dressed?"
  84. [17:35] * Kilarra cuddles into Aluthyra and her wings, "I can wait. This is sooooo nice.
  85. [17:36] <@Kilarra> "
  86. [17:38] * Aluthyra chuckles, ruffling her feathers as she snuggles closer. "It is odd, but yes, quite nice."
  87. [17:39] * Kilarra chuckles, "As if you weren't amazing enough already. Think you can actually fly?"
  88. [17:45] * Aluthyra hums... "Shall we find out?" Aluthyra sits up, looking to a folded pile of clothes.
  89. [17:46] * Kilarra nods and sits up, gathering her underclothers back from wherever she flung them. "You're lucky too. No mess, no pain, just poof! I've seen the occasional young tiefling have their horns grow in, and it can be messy." She sighs.
  90. [17:47] * Aluthyra winces. "It does not sound pleasant... unfortunate." She sighs, quickly dressing and heading outside.
  91. [17:48] * Kilarra pulls over her clerical outfit and breast plate. "Yeah." She strokes one of her own horns. "There's really not a lot of pleasant things about being a tiefling."
  92. [17:51] * Aluthyra turns, pulling Kilarra into a hug. "Besides how wonderful you, they, seem to be."
  93. [17:52] * Kilarra chuckles, but sighs. "Well, I think I've gotten a bit better since I met you, but there are plenty of others who embrace their fiendish sides. I used to worry that mine might be too strong for me. Not only that, but if I ever have children, they'll be stuck with it too."
  94. [17:54] * Aluthyra nods. "It all depends on the friends they make, I suppose... and if they have the strength to press on. Clearly, you are one that does."
  95. [17:55] * Kilarra smiles and hugs ALuthyra again, "Thanks. I certainly borrow some of that strength from you though."
  96. [17:57] * Aluthyra smiles. "You are welcome to it, as long as I may do the same.:"
  97. [17:57] * Kilarra nods, "You got it." She finishes getting dressed and steps outside to stretch a bit
  98. [17:58] <@Kilarra> Kjell spend the morning hour or so putting the finishing touches on another pair of spells he had been working to add to his repertoire.
  99. [17:58] * Kilarra smiles up at the sun above the canopy of the forest. She felt like she could do anything
  100. [17:58] <Aluthyra> Kahree's still asleep. She'll wake when everyone needs her.
  101. [17:59] * Aluthyra stretches as she steps outside. She takes a few moments to orient herself... then spreads her wings.
  102. [17:59] <@Kilarra> Kjell looks outside his tent to see if Aluthyra and Kilarra are out and about yet. He certainly heard them, though muffled by the tents
  103. [17:59] <@Kilarra> Kjell blinks and steps out of his tent as he catches a glimpse of Aluthyra, "My word..."
  104. [18:00] * Aluthyra lets out a deep breath as Kjell steps out. As soon as her exhale ends, she flaps her wings downward, propelling her several feet in the air. Her wings continue to flap, leaving Aluthyra hovering.
  105. [18:00] * Aluthyra smiles widely. "It seems that I can, Kilarra."
  106. [18:00] * Kilarra nosebleeds again
  107. [18:01] <@Kilarra> Kjell looks very impressed. "How came you by this Aluthyra?" he asks.
  108. [18:01] <@Kilarra> Kjell also asks, "Are they some magical alteration, or are they actually a part of you?"
  109. [18:02] * Aluthyra continues to hover as she looks down. "I am not so sure. My best guess is that they are part of my celestial heritage."
  110. [18:03] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods, "I suppose it is possible that exposure to one of the upper planes stimulated your celestial touched blood."
  111. [18:05] * Kilarra steps out of her tent. "Glad I didn't land us on one of the lower planes then. Who knows what that oculd have done given my ancestry."
  112. [18:06] * Aluthyra nods, floating back down to the ground and tucking in her wings. "Certainly interesting." She looks about. "Is Kahree still asleep?"
  113. [18:07] * Kilarra moves around to Aluthyra's back. "This is kind of awkward though. We should see about getting you something with no back, or maybe modifying these a bit." She inspects the back of the robes
  114. [18:07] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods, "For the moment, yes. Allow me." She slips back into the tent and places a hand on Kahree's shoulder. He chuckles as she's a bit warm, then says, "We are assembled and ready, save for you."
  115. [18:10] <Aluthyra> The back of Aluthyra's robes have been cut into so that the wings may exit through the back, though the cut-job is very rough and slightly uncomfortable.
  116. [18:11] <Aluthyra> Kahree groans, curling up further in her bedroll. "Do we have to...?"
  117. [18:11] * Kilarra nods. "Yeah, we can probably get this touched up by a seamstress in the next town we get to, unless the Elves have one in their ranks. Or would you rather something new altogether?"
  118. [18:12] * Aluthyra shrugs. "Either works, I suppose."
  119. [18:13] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods, "We do. We shall see what Eviana will ask of us afterwards before you can go back to napping."
  120. [18:13] <Aluthyra> Kahree sighs, sitting up and slipping out of her bedroll. "Alright, alright..." It only takes her a little over a minute to prepare, and she heads outside.
  121. [18:14] <Aluthyra> Kahree blinks, noting Aluthyra's new wings as soon as she exits. "...How..." She shakes her head. "Never mind. I don't understand how these things work anyway."
  122. [18:14] * Aluthyra chuckles, shrugging.
  123. [18:15] * Kilarra snickers and strokes Aluthyra's feathers just to amuse herself with the tactile sensation as they walk to Eviana's tent. Kaerishiel is there, but Eviana and Shalelu are absent for the moment.
  124. [18:17] <@Kilarra> Kaerishiel looks up to the group. "Ah, welcome. Shalelu is out on scouting duty for today, but Eviana left to trance a few hours ago. She should be back shortly."
  125. [18:19] * Kilarra nods and takes a seat.
  126. [18:19] * Aluthyra nods. "Very well. Then I suppose we shall wait." She raises an eyebrow. "Has much progress been made within the ruins?"
  127. [18:20] <Aluthyra> Kahree takes a seat as well.
  128. [18:21] <@Kilarra> Kaerishiel does seem to stare at ALuthyra's wings for a moment, but deems it prudent not to comment. "There are enough of the major buildings still whole that it is worth rebuilding for certain. As well, the potential knowledge available to us through the Academy and the Library is immense."
  129. [18:21] <@Kilarra> Kjell takes a seat also and nods. "That is good to hear. What of the gate?"
  130. [18:22] * Aluthyra sits down next to Kilarra.
  131. [18:23] <@Kilarra> Kaerishiel nods, "We did manage to successully disconnect it from the gate near Zirnakaynin, but fully cleansing the drows twisted magic that bent it will take longer. If we are to reconnect it to its former place in the network that is."
  132. [18:23] * Kilarra flicks her tail idly, glancing to see if sitting would be in any way uncomfortable for Aluthyra now.
  133. [18:24] * Aluthyra is leaning forward slightly in her seat so that she does not press her wings against it.
  134. [18:27] <@Kilarra> A few minutes later, Eviana comes into the tent, stretching and taking her seat at the head of the table. She bows her head to the rest of the group. "I hope you all are no well rest-" she notices Aluthyra's wings as well, "-ed. I am sure you have quite a lot to tell us, and we are eager to hear it. Shall we begin?"
  135. [18:27] <@Kilarra> -End Session-
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