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May 30th, 2016
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  1. Albedo entered the room, and then took a deep breath.
  2. 走进房间后,雅儿贝德深深的吸了一口气。
  4. Sadly, there was nothing in the air to excite her nose. But that was only to be expected -- after all, not only did her beloved master not possess a metabolism, but he did not even breathe, so he would not leave any scent in the air.
  5. 但遗憾的是,她完全没能闻到刺激鼻腔的气味。这是理所当然的,毕竟她所深爱着的主不仅人没有新陈代谢、甚至连呼吸都没有,自然不会留下什么味道。
  7. Still -- she could feel it in her heart.
  8. 然而——在她的心中却能够感觉得到。
  10. After breathing the air through which her master had passed, she felt peace flowing through her soul.
  11. 吸入主人待过房间的空气后,心灵仿佛也变得安宁了起来。
  13. This was what it meant to be a girl in love.
  14. 所谓恋爱中的少女,便是指这样的人。
  16. “Ku~ kuku.”
  17. 「库——呵呵」
  19. As the soft chuckle escaped, Albedo hurried to cover up her mouth.
  20. 不由得漏出了轻笑声,雅儿贝德赶忙用手捂住了嘴角。
  22. It was not that anyone was there, or even that her teeth were showing. However, it was not something that a proper lady should have done.
  23. 不是因为有谁在场,而且即使露出牙齿不会有什么问题。但那可不是与淑女的身份相符的事。
  25. Albedo sat primly upon the bed, and then lay down.
  26. 雅儿贝德优雅地坐在床上,随后躺了下去。
  28. She sniffed again, and as expected, there was nothing in the air. Still, the fact that she could do this while lying on her beloved master’s bed filled her with the deepest joy.
  29. 再一次次嗅了嗅,果然还是没有味道。但是躺在最喜爱的主人的床上这件事本事,便让她感到了深深的喜悦。
  31. This was a perfectly reasonable course of action for a girl in love to take. Consider that if there were any woman existed that could lie on the bed of the man she loved, do the same things as Albedo herself and yet not feel anything, while at the same time daring to call herself a “girl in love” like Albedo did. She would certainly consider that woman to be one that did not understand true love, and swiftly eliminate that unpleasant person without delay.
  32. 作为恋爱中的少女,这是合情合理的举动。如果要是有在深爱的男人的床上,和自己做了同样的事,却什么也感觉不到的女人存在,并且胆敢和自己一样自称是「恋爱中的少女」的话。她一定会将那女人当成是,不理解真正的爱的、令人不愉快的家伙给结果掉的吧。
  34. “Haaa~”
  35. 「哈啊——」
  37. Albedo pulled back the hands wandering down her belly. Now was not the time for such things.
  38. 雅儿贝德制止了渐渐往下腹部伸去的手。现在不是该做那种事情的时候。
  40. It seems this is becoming a habit, Albedo thought as she pulled herself upright.
  41. 看来这都快要养成习惯了。这么想着雅儿贝德起身道。
  43. In any case, she had to finish the day’s tasks.
  44. 总之,必须先把今天的工作给结束了不可。
  46. After founding the Sorcerous Kingdom and placing E-Rantel under their rule, Albedo’s workload had dramatically increased. Much of the reason for that was because the officials who were supposed to manage E-Rantel had fled back to the Kingdom, leading to a shortage of administrative personnel.
  47. 建立了魔导国,并将耶·兰提尔纳入支配下之后,雅儿贝德的工作急剧地增加了。而其原因则是由因为本来管理耶·兰提尔的王国官僚们纷纷地逃跑——回到了王国,导致了现在管理内政的人不足。
  49. The plan was to use the undead made by her master to handle this task. However, since they were still in the training phase, the result was that it consumed her time instead, and added to her workload. In addition, there were many other things that she had to do. While her schedule would probably free up in the near future, for the time being she would still be very busy.
  50. 本来是打算由自己的主人所创造出的不死者们,来担当这个任务的。但由于现在还处于教育阶段,这件事本身反而占用了她的时间,这让她的工作更多了。另外其他也有许多不得不作的事情。
  51. 虽然不久的将来还是会空下来,但现在还得在忙一段时间。
  53. Of course, to Albedo, these labors were not an onerous thing. Or rather, there was not a single denizen of Nazarick who would say that service to their master was a hardship. This was what Albedo believed. One might even go so far as to say that the heavier her burden, the greater her joy.
  54. 当然,对于雅儿贝德来说,这忙碌工作给她带来的并非苦痛。不,对于从属于纳萨力克所有仆从来说,为主人工作却还会感到痛苦的人,连一个也没有。雅儿贝德是这么确信道。倒不如说越是繁重的职务,反而越能够令她感觉到了欣喜。
  56. “It’s about time, I should go check on the fruits of their training…”
  57. 「差不多,也该去看一看教育的成果了呢……」
  59. It had stretched from a few days to a few weeks. Even after a month, they were still only half-baked. Still, she would have to hand the reins of administration over to them, depending on the circumstances. Recently, she had been considering a visit to the Kingdom, to meet with the King. In truth, it would be fine as long as her wise master was around, even without her presence. However, such tasks were little more than petty errands, which did not suit his role as an absolute ruler.
  60. 从几天到几周。就算一个月的时候还有些欠火候,但还是先把内政交给他们,看看情况吧。
  61. 最近正考虑着是时候去王国访问,进行一次会谈了。说实话只要有满是睿智的主人在,即使没有自己不会有什么问题。可那不过只是些、与绝对的支配者的身份所不符的工作——杂务而已。
  63. Kings had things which kings needed to do.
  64. 王有王该做的事。
  66. “Although, come to think of it… where does Ainz-sama intend to take the Sorcerous Kingdom?”
  67. 「不过话说回来……安兹大人究竟打算将魔导国引向何处呢」
  69. A nation had policies which they could implement.
  70. 国家所独具的特色。
  72. Once one had decided on them, they could to determine the laws of the land and the future direction of the entire country. For instance, they might decide to turn humans into slaves and have the entire country serve Nazarick. If they chose that path, then they would need to properly pass legislation for turning humans into slaves. Then, with that as a forethought, they would need to consider various problems such as how to deal with the nearby countries of humans, how to treat the humans of other countries, and other related problems.
  73. 一旦这间事决定下来的话,便能够依据它来制定法律,整个国家的方针也能够落实下去。
  74. 比方说将人类全都作为奴隶,以供纳萨立克使役的国家。如果以这种方针走的话,那就需要出台把人类完全作为奴隶来支配的法案。并事先考虑起,今后与临近的人类国家怎样交往、如何看待他国的人类等,一系列的问题。
  76. However, her master had not been able to give her a clear answer, even up till now.
  77. 然而即使是到了现在,主人也没能给以明确的答复。
  79. In other words, the Sorcerous Kingdom was missing its central leadership, based on the foundations of the old house called the Kingdom, and merely rebuilding itself.
  80. 也就是说,现在的魔导国只不过是在缺少了主干部分的状态下,在这栋旧家——名为王国的国家——的基础上,进行改建而已。
  82. Or could it be that this was the ideal sort of country for her beloved master? Or could that great being be waiting for something else? If it was the latter, she could only feel embarrassed that she could not read the thoughts of her master.
  83. 还是说,这便是自己敬爱的主人理想中的国家吗。又或者说那位大人还在等待着些什么呢。
  84. 如果是后者的话,只能为领会不出主人心思的自己而感到羞愧了。
  86. This was one of the few times that she was troubled by her master’s brilliant intellect.
  87. 会为自己主人那太过伶俐的头脑而感到困惑,也就只有这种时候了啊。
  89. There were many meanings to every move her master made, as a being of deep insight and distant considerations. It was because she could not immediately comprehend the significance of her master’s actions that she felt the bitterest regret.
  90. 主人是只走一步其中便有着复数意义的、深谋远虑的存在。正因如此主人所作出的行动,总是令她不能够立刻参透,而感到非常的惭愧。
  92. Even Demiurge -- whose intellect rivalled, or perhaps even surpassed hers -- had said in the past: “my wisdom could not even begin to catch up to the master’s; it is truly unbearable”. Still, even so--
  93. 在纳萨力克内能和自己匹敌、又或者是在自己之上的迪米乌尔哥斯也曾说过「我的智慧连主人脚后跟都摸不到,实在是无地自容」这样的话。但即便如此——
  95. “All I need to do is obey Ainz-sama’s decisions, no matter what kind of country he wants to create.”
  96. 「无论要创造出什么样的国家,我只要遵从安兹大人的判断即可」
  98. In all ways but one, Albedo would faithfully follow her beloved husband.
  99. 除去一件事以外,雅儿贝德任何事都会遵从她所敬爱的夫君。
  101. “Still, what’s happened to him?”
  102. 「不过,到底是怎么样了呢?」
  104. But of course, there was no answer to the sound of Albedo’s muttering.
  105. 当然雅儿贝德的嘟囔声,并没能引起回应她的声音。
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