

Nov 18th, 2016
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  1. The plot is new and unrevised, and still being worked on.
  3. Anyways, the game, called The Still,
  4. follows a 17 year old schizophrenic girl named Allison.
  5. Allison's had a rather rough life, being nearly haunted by death.
  6. She's a vivid dreamer and there may even be some supernatural implications
  7. in her dreams..
  8. because she has seemed to see shadows of figures
  9. (can be interpreted as death)
  10. before losing countless people that she cared about in her life.
  12. Most importantly, she lost her sister Rose and then her mother.
  13. Her father does love her but is abusive.
  15. While her father was a boy and growing up, he lived with an extremely
  16. pathological and abusive father.
  17. He'd lock him and his sister
  18. in cages in the basement , beat them , and take pictures.
  20. Eventually it got to the point where he killed the sister
  21. and dumped her body in the forest outside the house(it's in the country)
  23. Shortly before the events of the game take place,
  24. Allison's father loses his wife.
  25. He blames Allison and her sister for her death
  26. and takes it out on them physically.
  27. Struggling with problems most his life
  28. and realizing that he started to do to them what his father did to him
  29. and his sister,
  30. he takes his life at the start of the game after apologizing to Allison.
  32. There's a cutscene where you see Allison kneeling over her father crying
  33. before a sudden gunshot and collapse.
  35. After the father's death, she continues living in the same house
  36. but her uncle watches over her.
  38. You start in one of Allison's nightmares, in a forest.
  39. Allison can wake up from the dream when she wishes with a key(it'll act as a pause feature)
  40. she can then roam around her bedroom and
  41. review her voiced journal/diary entries
  42. to see backstory and updates on the story progression.
  44. She can then go back to bed to resume the game.
  45. The main objective(although unknown to the player) is to find out
  46. why her father took his life. And it's a natural drive Allison has
  47. to return to sleep although she's terrified to do it.
  49. (Again , this is all just an idea, it may be totally revised or changed )
  52. It's the forest outside of her father's old home
  53. (the one where his sister was killed and dumped)
  58. Throughout the game Allison is hunted and chased by abstract figures of
  59. abuse and death, and the one outside in the forest could be seen as
  60. her father's dead sister
  62. Once making it to the house, Allison is guided by her father as a small boy.
  63. He leads him to clues regarding the history of her family and
  64. insert_other_interesting_plot_elements here.
  66. Allison , aside her boy father, re lives a lot of the nightmares
  67. of her father and his abusive father. While discovering more and furthering
  68. the progression to finally end the dream, she must escape and hide from
  69. this antagonist which is seen as a disfigured chain bearing monster
  70. (as the little boy saw him)
  72. She does this by hiding under beds, in closets, etc.
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