
[Classic FR] Crystal Apple

Dec 2nd, 2012
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  1. >Day crystal apple in Equestria.
  2. >Wake up with rock-hard morning wood.
  3. >Jesus, it almost hurts to move.
  4. >Head to the bathroom to solve the problem.
  5. >Blast it with piss.
  6. >Your erection isn't subsiding.
  7. >In fact, upon closer inspection, you notice that there's a thin, hard, transparent material coating it.
  8. >What the fuck?
  9. >You tap at it a few times with your finger and the material responds with a dull 'plunk.'
  10. >Seriously, what the fuck?
  11. >Your mind attempts to ponder the possibilities of what's happening when your cock begins to tremble ever so slightly.
  12. >The material begins to encase the tip of your member and grows a few more inches towards your pelvis.
  13. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
  14. >Your hyperventilating is interrupted by a knocking at your door.
  15. >Of course. Fluttershy...
  16. >You race to the door and open it, not even bothering with your boxers or pants.
  17. >Sure enough, it's Flutters. But she looks different.
  18. >She's shiny, almost crystalline. And she's wearing some jewel apple pendant around her neck.
  19. >But her fashion statement isn't important right now.
  20. Fluttershy, what the FUCK is this about?
  21. >You gesture to your glass dick.
  22. >"Oh, well... It's because I love you, Anon."
  23. That doesn't even make sense! Why can't you find a nice stallion to bother?
  24. >"Their love isn't enough. I want you, Anon. I want you to become my sexy crystal king."
  25. >You glance back down at your family jewels display case.
  26. That'll never happen, Shy.
  27. >"Marry me, Anon! And we can snuggle through time and space. And kiss each other in the Crystal Kingdom."
  28. No! You've become too sassy and drunk on crystal power!
  29. >You sock her in her chest, shattering her pendant.
  30. >Her body reverts to its normal form, along with Anon Jr.
  31. >"S-So... Tree Trunks isn't your fetish?"
  32. >Fucking Adventure Time...
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