
239 Mental Stuff 4

Mar 19th, 2024
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  1. I think that whole thing happened the way it did because, whatever 239 is, it wanted to toy with us. It wanted to laugh at us. It made me fight Kondraki. It made the thoughts in my mind into a dragon. It made everyone else act like fucking idiots just for a laugh. It was doing that for years, ever since we discovered it.
  3. She's dead, now. I put a cocktail of cyanide, arsenic, whatever 035 and 075 produce (I got it from the Coffee Machine with help from an assistant), and a few dozen other things into her system. She melted, right then and there. Since then, people have started acting normal again. ~Gears~ Gerry actually laughed yesterday, when I told him a joke. It almost made me rethink this plan.
  5. ***
  6. A Suicide Note
  7. [Note: the text "Gears" was struckthrough in the original article]
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