

Apr 26th, 2012
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  1. //User Created Variables
  2. set acc1 "0.8"
  3. set acc2 "1.0"
  4. set accfactor "0.8"
  6. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  7. // //
  8. // A L I A S E S //
  9. // //
  10. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  13. unaliasall
  14. alias +accfire "acc_on; +attack"
  15. alias -accfire "acc_off; -attack"
  16. alias +shaftfire "if ('lg' isin '$weapons') and ($cells != 0) then shaft_fire else {set shafting 0;}"
  17. alias -shaftfire "if ('$shafting' != '0') then shaft_stop;"
  18. alias +zoom90 "zoomby 0.6428571428571429"
  19. alias -zoom90 "zoomby 1.5555555555555555"
  21. alias acc_off "set inAcc 0; set_calc sensitivity $sensitivity / $accFactor"
  22. alias acc_on "set inAcc 1; set_calc sensitivity $sensitivity * $accFactor"
  23. alias acc_toggle "if ($accFactor == $acc1) then { set accFactor $acc2; } else { set accFactor $acc1; }; echo accFactor is $accFactor"
  24. alias catiftrue "if (%2) then {set_calc %1 %3 + %4;} else {set_calc %1 %3 + %5;}"
  25. alias f_0_lg "if ('$weapon' == 'lg' || '$weapon' == 'sng') then { crosshair 4; } else { crosshair 2; }"
  26. alias f_2_last "if ($prevWep == 0) then {set prevWep $weaponnum}"
  27. alias f_weaponchange "set prevWep $currentWep; set currentWep $weaponnum; f_0_lg"
  28. alias iddqd "set lolmsg $msg; msg 4; god; msg $lolmsg; set_calc iddqdCounter $iddqdCounter %% 2; inc iddqdCounter 1; if ($iddqdCounter == 1) then { give health; echo Degreelessness mode ON; } else { echo Degreelessness mode OFF; } unset lolmsg"
  29. alias idfa "give 3; give 4; give 5; give 6; give 7; give 8; give shells; give nails 200; give rockets; give cells; echo Ammo (no keys) added"
  30. alias idkfa "set lolhp $health; give all; give health $lolhp; echo Very Happy Ammo Added; unset lolhp"
  31. alias lastweapon "weapon $prevWep"
  32. alias lsn "connect"
  33. alias rlgl_0_rlgl "if ($glpref == 0) then rlgl_1_rl else rlgl_2_gl"
  34. alias rlgl_1_rl "if ($rockets != 0) then weapon 7 6"
  35. alias rlgl_2_gl "if ($rockets != 0) then weapon 6 7"
  36. alias rlgl_3_togglegl "if ($glpref == 1) then { set glpref 0; } else { set glpref 1; }; echo GLPref is $glpref"
  37. alias rlgl_4_notrlgl "weapon $hspref 8 5 4 3 2"
  38. alias rlgl_5_nexths "set_calc hspref $hscnt * 2.5; set_calc hspref $hspref + 3; set_calc hspref $hspref div 1; inc hscnt 1; set_calc hscnt $hscnt %% 3; echo Next HS is $hspref"
  39. alias rlgl_6_togglerlgl "if ('$weapon' == 'rl') then { weapon 6; } else { weapon 7; }"
  40. alias rlgl_7_togglehs "if ('$weapon' == 'lg') then { weapon 5; } else { if ('$weapon' == 'sng') then { weapon 3; } else weapon 8; }"
  41. alias rlgl_8_togglelgrl "if ('$weapon' == 'lg') then { weapon 7; } else { weapon 8; }"
  42. alias shaft_fire "set shafting 1; if ($weapon != 'lg') then {set oldwep $weaponnum}; weapon 8; +accfire"
  43. alias shaft_stop "set shafting 0; weapon $oldwep; -accfire"
  44. alias zoomby "set cfov $fov;set_calc nfov $cfov * %1;fov $nfov;set_calc sensitivity $sensitivity * %1"
  45. alias zoomto "set_calc fovd %1 / $fov; zoomby $fovd"
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