

Jul 31st, 2018
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  1. 「ᴱᴸᴱⱽᴱᴺ」
  3. ∞ ▏NAME
  4. — phoenix | originally they called her blondie but after discovering her powers, one of the boys thought 'phoenix' would be a cool name.
  6. ∞ ▏REAL NAME
  7. — yoo aera
  9. ∞ ▏NICKNAME
  10. — blondie | not given by jisung as this is a nickname the boys still use.
  11. — teddy bear | jisung bc she's a cuddlier uwu
  13. ∞ ▏AGE
  14. — 17
  16. ∞ ▏DATE OF BIRTH
  17. — april 2nd, 2001
  20. — korean
  22. ∞ ▏ETHNICITY
  23. — korean
  25. ∞ ▏POWER
  26. — fire manipulation
  29. 「ᴰᵁˢᵀᴵᴺ」
  33. — QUIET | rather than shy, aera just tends to keep to herself. she doesn't have to a lot say really. she's not shy or timid. in fact, she was rather comfortable with the boys. it's more of that she is afraid of saying something wrong. because aera doesn't remember much about the world, she thinks she'll mess up. however, aera does pitch into conversations sometimes. if she feels it's important, she will say it. what she says is either completely useless or a brilliant idea — there's no in between.
  35. — CURIOUS | obviously, aera is curious about the world. and she's super curious about the limits of her powers when she probably shouldn't be. because she can get bored listening to the boys (or girls), she tends to sneak off. she found out herself that she is very good at that. but she also soon realized that it gets her in a lot of trouble. but aera just likes to be alone when using her powers. she finds it a little embarrassing to do it in front of the boys knowing she has all their attention.
  37. — BLUNT | despite the fact that she doesn't talk too much, whenever she does say something, it's very straightforward. aera gets straight to the point. of course, she doesn't really notice and doesn't get the whole "discreet" thing so it probably is better that she is more on the quiet side. sometimes it hurts people's feelings and sometime's it can make someone's day. it depends.
  39. — CALM | it takes a lot for aera to get mad which people may find surprising considering her power is fire manipulation. while she gets nervous or scared, aera doesn't make a scene and it's something the boys thoroughly like about her. if something is bothering her and making her mad, she'll calm herself down. but of course, you don't want to make her mad. like most of the girls, strong feelings (especially of anger) can cause dangers due to their powers. and fire is not one you want to deal with.
  41. — LOWKEY SOFT | she wouldn't say she is soft but the things she does and the things she likes prove it. from cuddling at night because she's scared of the dark to sitting outside in the garden with jisung's dog while sipping a juice box, aera is in fact super soft (once again, something that confuses people since they don't exactly identify that with fire). this is how jisung describes her to the boys when they're alone — like all the time. "jisung, how is phoenix/aera?" "she's so soft and precious and she cuddled with me. i'm on a whole other level than you guys."
  43. — RISK-TAKER | the risk-taker who doesn't even realize she's taking hella risks. following along with her curiosity, aera puts herself in a lot of danger being away from the group. she doesn't realize that she's practically exposing herself to the world so if she manages to get away while in a public place, you better find her quick. she means no harm, though and hates being scolded by the older girls/boys for almost messing up a plan. they almost put her on a leash once.
  45. — SCARED | she tries not show it but aera is in fact scared of the real world — not that she wants to go back. but it's all so new here with a bunch of "rules" (thank you chan) that you have to follow. she doesn't want to make a mistake and pretty much beats herself up whenever she realizes she messed up. the poor baby isn't as brave as she may come across. but she is learning and is able to build up her confidence and strength.
  47. ∞ ▏LIKES
  49. — fire | obvious. aera loves how it looks and watching stuff (obJECTS) burn (it sounds weird but ig that's her aesthetic).
  50. — chocolate bars | the first food she had (thank you jisung) but now the boy needs to always have a full supply of them.
  51. — the color red | although fire is orange, for reason she is more attracted to red or red-oranges.
  52. — photography (or just how a camera works) | she's fascinated that you can keep a picture of something forever (hint; pictures of jisung) and especially of how the camera works. she'll play around with it and once tried to take hyunjin's camera apart.
  53. — dogs | jisung has one and she loves it !! so now she loves all dogs oof.
  54. — cuddling | it helps her sleep and just makes her feel safe overall.
  55. — candles | obviously bc they light on fire. jisung found out it's a good way to keep her from burning valuable stuff since the fire in a candle can't really go anywhere. so now he also needs a supply of candles constantly.
  57. ∞ ▏DISLIKES
  58. — the dark | as her power is something bright, the dark is not her thing. being alone in the dark scares and always needs someone with her when it it nighttime.
  59. — rain | not only does it wash away her precious flames, it is also noisy and makes outside "yucky" as she says.
  60. — bugs (especially butterflies for unknown reasons) | she just hates them and butterflies especially because they're bigger bugs.
  61. — loud noises | aera prefers the quiet but tolerates jisung's loud headass sometimes.
  62. — soda | she doesn't like the way it tastes or feels. she'll only drink lemonade and water.
  63. — wearing shoes | it's weird but she hates the feeling of shoes. jisung has to force shoes onto her.
  64. — birds | noisy and thinks they're only there to annoy her — birds hate her too.
  66. ∞ ▏HABITS
  67. — cuddling / having to sleep with someone to fall asleep
  68. — putting herself in danger lmao
  69. — if she's touching something when she gets scared, she'll accidentally burn it (not set it on fire).
  72. 「ᴹᴵᴷᴱ」
  74. ∞ ▏FACE-CLAIM
  75. — 3.48kg
  78. — kimjayoung8
  80. ∞ ▏SLOT
  81. — the spy
  83. ∞ ▏BACKUP SLOT
  84. — madmax
  86. ∞ ▏USERNAME
  90. 「ᴸᵁᶜᴬˢ」
  93. — han jisung
  97. — aera didn't take long to get comfortable. she may not say it, but she showed her affection to him volunteering to take care of her. of course, she was unaware of the fact that affection/skinship wasn't exactly considering normal for two people that just met. the first night, aera didn't want to bother him with the fact that she's scared of the dark and likes to sleep with someone. unfortunately, she didn't sleep that night. but the second night, she decided to just tell him because she was extremely tired. aera was ecstatic that he said yes, not sensing how nERVOUS he was. so the second night, she got in his bed like it was nothing and snuggled into his neck. needless to say, jisung was n o t okay. aera was always blunt with him. if she thought he looked cute, well he knew now. she appreciates his effort into helping her and although she is a softie, she has a VERY BIG soft spot for him. he was the one that took care of her and spent the most time with her so it was no doubt she felt close and comfortable with him. in fact, she started to talk and have conversations with him more than everyone else. whatever, he does, aera laughs or smiles at or agrees with and just sticks to him like glue. now, aera doesn't really understand 'feelings' but she knows there's a different feeling she gets around him.
  101. — jisung went into this a little hesitant but still volunteered to take care of her anyway. he was kind and tried to be as enthusiastic as possible. he didn't think that enthusiasm would be returned but was super shocked whenever she hugged him as a thank you. after that second day and many more days after, jisung grew used to the affection and cuddling but that doesn't mean he wasn't weak for it. every time the guys came together alone (when they could) and jisung was asked about aera, he would get a little shy but still gush about how cute and nice she was. a lot of te guys were surprised aera didn't cause too many troubles for jisung since she was constantly causing trouble with them. it seemed that the two were fond of each other and jisung was the only one aera actually listened to. jisung does his best to make her comfortable and make her laugh (since he does pride himself on being funny). and just straight up, he likes her. but he's too nervous to confess because she was still trying to fit in and.. well... he was just really nervous. this boy would protect her with his life even though she probably could take care of herself just fine. like sis can burn a bitch. but jisung still insists that she should stay around him which she listens. in the end, jisung does end up telling her (or more like explaining to her how dating works).
  103. 「ᵂᴵᴸᴸ」
  105. ∞ ▏ANYTHING I MISS?
  106. — make my sis hella short thanks
  108. i hope this was okay !! it may be a little messy and all over the place bc i was trying to finish it as i wouldn't have time any other day. i hope this applyfic does well uwu !
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