
Fire Emblem Syalla x Deere A support

Jul 17th, 2015
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  1. T/N: Ahhh, some of the phrases in this support were sooo confusing >.> Once again, I apologise for any mistakes in the translation, I did my best. Am I the only one that really likes this pairing? I'm currently taking requests for support conversation translations, so don't hesitate to PM either here or on SerenesForest!:
  4. Syalla x Deere A support
  6. Deere: Hey, Syalla...what are you doing?
  7. Syalla: Studying the dark arts...
  8. Deere: I admire your enthusiasm...but don’t you think it’s unnecessary to spend so much time studying?
  9. Syalla: Unnecessary?...What do you mean?
  10. Deere: You can do all sorts of things, such as creating new organisms or cursing someone.
  11. Syalla: …That's right. Dad thinks it’s a hassle, although I try to be modest...
  12. Deere: Whew! You know, I really like to study too.
  13. Syalla: ............
  14. Deere: ... What did you do?
  15. Syalla: I'm not a bad person...Deere...
  16. Deere: ...Huh?
  17. Syalla: It’s just that ordinary people keep their distance from me...
  18. Deere: You just have a bad reputation...I don’t think you’re a bad person...
  19. Syalla: Unusual people like me tend to scare others off.
  20. Deere: Were you lonely before?
  21. Syalla: No...I have never thought of myself of them anyway...hehehe...I've always been immersed in my studies of the dark arts...but...I'm keeping Deere company...even though my research isn't strange...I wonder why?
  22. Deere: I guess our brooding personalities match...?
  23. Syalla: I'm not brooding, I'm cheerful...I said it before.
  24. Deere: Right...Well they say happiness is...well, I only pretended to listen. But now I can take care of those I love, so-
  25. Syalla: -I didn't ask...anyway, I'm going to carry on studying...will you help me?
  26. Deere: Oh...I guess I can help...
  27. Syalla: Good...It's hard to gather materials on my own. First I need haunted earthworm eyes...they live in corrupted land soil. They can be very violent, so be careful. After that, I need Red mandrake roots...this one’s pesky. Once pulled out, it’s said to scream in a way that can shatter glass, so, again, be careful.
  28. Deere: Ahhh, now I want to withdraw my previous statement...I’ll have to be careful...
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