
Guard Avoid Attack

Jul 10th, 2021
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  1. The guards, although not understanding the words, got the general idea of what Louis had said to them. By now, Louis had grown far used to the idea that half of the time, no one knew just what the hell was coming out of his mouth. However, he relished in the fact that his smug, superior attitude had actually gotten him this far along the journey, and it might as well keep working if he doesn't screw up royally. And thanks to that, he was in no way surprised when the guards roared and moved forward with their swords, ready to slice up the boy and take the 'enemy' of the king down. Louis countered each blow that the guards tried to inflict, dodged every swipe, and anticipated every maneuver they tried. He finally decided to end the 'fun' he was having with the guards and spare them any more misery. Louis struck back hard enough to slice through the weapons of the two guards, leaving them with shards and a handle. The guards stared at their former blades only to be met by two new ones that slammed, flat side first, into the sides of their heads, knocking them together. The two fell to the ground, unconscious.
  3. - Cassandra Conflict, Chapter 1
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