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We Are knot Always Love You - Prologue

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Dec 12th, 2016
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  1.  見えざる帝国による瀞霊廷への侵攻から、三年。
  2. Three years since the invasion of Seireitei by Invisible Empire.
  4.  混迷を極めた尸魂界にも、ようやく日常が戻りつつあった。
  5. Everyday was finally coming back to the Soul Society, where the confusion was extreme.
  7.  一番隊隊舎・隊首会議場。
  8. The first squad building / Headquarters conference hall.
  10. 「それではこれより、護廷十三隊定例隊首会を始めます。総隊長」
  11. "Now, we will start the Gotei 13 Regular Assemby. Captain Commander."
  13.  一番隊副隊長・伊勢七緒にうながされ、同隊隊長である京楽春水が一つうなずき、前に出た。
  14. Prompted by 1st Division Vice Captain Ise Nanao, the Division's captain Kyouraku Shunsui nodded and came forward.
  16. 「みんな忙しい中悪いね。今日は復興状況の報告だけだから早く済むはずだよ」
  17. "Everyone is busy and busy, because today is only a report of the reconstruction situation, it should be done soon."
  19.  各隊の隊長副隊長が居並ぶ会議場をぐるりと見渡す。建て替えられたばかりの会議場はどこも真新しく、清々しい材木の香りに満ちていた。
  20. Each team's Captain and Vice Captain overlook the residential conference center. The freshly reconstructed conference hall was full of brand new, refreshing timber scents.
  22. 「はぁ……木の匂いっていいよねぇ。じゃ、あとは七緒ちゃん、よろしく!」
  23. "Haa ... it's okay for the smell of the tree ... Well then, Nanao-chan, thanks!"
  25. 「はい。ではまず……」
  26. "Yes, but first ..."
  28.  分厚い資料をめくりながら、七緒が復興状況の報告を始める。その声に耳を傾けながら、京楽は三年という月日を思った。
  29. Nanao starts reporting the reconstruction situation while turning over thick material. While listening to that voice, Kyouraku thought of the three-year month.
  31.  瀞霊廷内で最も被害が大きかったのは、一番隊隊舎や数多くの行政施設を含む中央一番区────通称〝真央区〟であった。
  32. The most damaged in Seireitei was the first central ward, including the 1st Division building and numerous administrative facilities - aka "Shin'ou Ward".
  34.  戦時特例として、中央四十六室が自らの居住区域である清浄塔居林を開放したことで、避難した民衆の命は救われた。しかし、戦乱後地上へ戻った彼らが目にしたものは、破壊の限りを尽くされた一面の焦土だった。家屋を建て直そうにも物資も人手も不足しており、皆がただただ途方にくれる中、いち早く復興へと歩み出したのは、中央四十六室が一人、阿万門ナユラだった。
  35. As wartime special cases, the living of the evacuated people was saved by opening the clean tower lodge where the Central 46 room is their residence area. However, what they saw when they returned to the ground after the war was a scorched earth that was limited to destruction. It was Amakado Nayura, one of the 46 rooms in the Central, that quickly began to rebuild, as everyone was merely at a loss as to rebuilding houses, as well as supplies and manpower.
  37.  藍染惣右介に殺害された父の地位を継ぐ形で賢者となったナユラは、まだ幼さの残る少女である。尸魂界における全ての事象・情報が強制的に集積される大霊書回廊の筆頭司書でもある彼女は、柔軟な姿勢で現世や死神について学び、旧態依然とした四十六室の在り方を変えるにはどうしたらよいのか、日々模索していた。
  38. Nayura, who became a sage who succeeded the position of her father who was murdered by Aizen Sousuke, is still a young girl. She is also the lead librarian of the Great Language Book Corridor where all events and information in the Soul Society are forcibly accumulated. She learns about this world and the death goddam with a flexible posture and changes the way of the old-fashioned 46 rooms I was looking for something every day from what I should do.
  40.  そんな折に起きたのが、星十字騎士団による地下議事堂の襲撃である。半数は殺され、生き残った者たちも大なり小なり傷を負った。体は癒えても虐殺を目の当たりにした恐怖は拭えず、辞席を申し出る者が相次ぎ、もはや中央四十六室に戦前のような最高司法機関としての働きは期待できそうになかった。
  41. What happened at such a time is Sternritter's attack on the Underground House of Parliament. Half of them were killed and those who survived were injured much less. Even though the body could heal, the fears that witnessed the massacres could not be wiped out, and those who offered a resignation were one after another, and it was no longer possible to expect the Central 46 room to serve as the supreme judicial body like the prewar.
  43.  しかしその状況を前に、ナユラは今こそ変革の時だと奮い立った。意気消沈する老賢者たちを叱咤し、護廷十三隊総隊長である京楽と連携して次々と臨時法を制定した。若い魂は前進することを恐れず、その熱に感化された老人たちも、わずかずつではあるが変わり始めていた。
  44. But before that, Nayura was excited that it is time to change now. She scolded the elderly sages who were depressed and cooperated with Kyouraku, Gotei 13 Captain Commander, to establish temporary law one after another. The young soul was not afraid to move forward, and the elderly people who were inspired by the fever also started to change though slightly.
  46.  戦後、彼女は真っ先に通廷証の手続きを簡略化する法を定めた。通廷証とは、流魂街から瀞霊廷へ入る際、各瀞霊門の門番に提示しなければならない証書である。本来数週間を要する煩雑な手続きを経なければ手に入らなかった通廷証を、各門前に設置された臨時の人別録管理局で簡単な手続きさえすれば入手できるようにした。これにより、瀞霊廷外からの資材搬入が容易となり、流魂街の民を広く労働力として迎え入れることが可能となった。また、臨時人別録管理局では指紋の登録と同時に霊力がチェックされ、素養がある者には死神の育成機関である真央霊術院への勧誘も行われた。この法により尸魂界が受けた恩恵は計り知れない。
  47. After the war, she set out a law firstly to simplify the procedure of the courtroom. A courtroom seal is a certificate that must be presented to the gatekeeper of each priestess when entering Seireitei from Rukongai. We made it possible to obtain a court document which could not be obtained only through a complicated procedure which normally takes several weeks, but only by a simple procedure at an extraordinary personnel recording station installed in front of each gate. This made it easy to import materials from outside Seireitei and it was possible to welcome Rukongai people widely as labor force. At the temporary personnel record management station, spiritual power was checked at the same time as registering fingerprints, and solicitation was also made to those who were well-educated to Spiritual Arts Academy, which is the learning institution of shinigami. The benefits received by the Soul Society by this law are immeasurable.
  49.  資材と人手がそろい、復興は急速に進んでいった。
  50. Materials and manpower are in line, reconstruction has proceeded rapidly.
  52. 「報告は以上となります」
  53. "The report will be over"
  55.  七緒が一礼して下がる。京楽は「さて!」と胸の前で両手を合わせた。
  56. Nanao bows and steps down. Kyouraku put his hands together in front of his chest "Well!"
  58. 「今日はもう一つ、とっておきの報告があるんだ。……さぁ、出てきて自分たちの口から伝えるといい」
  59. "Today there is another good report ... Now, come out and tell it from their mouth"
  61.  京楽にうながされ、緊張した面持ちで列から歩み出たのは────
  62. It was saved by Kyouraku, and walked out of the line with a nervous looking face ─
  64.  六番隊副隊長・阿散井恋次と、十三番隊隊長代行・朽木ルキアだった。
  65. 6th Division Vice Captain, Abarai Renji, and 13th Division Acting-Captain, Kuchiki Rukia.
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