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Apr 7th, 2016
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  1. How to pop pimples, and remove blackheads/whiteheads
  3. >someone told people to "never pop acne"
  5. I wouldn't tell people to "never pop acne". In general though, it could be wise to ask people to not "pop" different kinds of acne as people in general do it in harmful ways.
  7. "Popping" of acne can generally be split into the treatment of pimples, and whiteheads/blackheads:
  9. - Popping of pimples (generally pustules - pus-filled sacks in the skin): Most people try to make their pimples "pop" by squeezing them with their fingers in order to make the the pimple break, allowing for pus to come out and cleaning of the area and healing of the pimple. Some people also utilize needles and squeezing.
  11. - Squeezing of blackheads/whiteheads (open/closed comedones): Most people try to extract what they believe to be comedones by squeezing the area using their fingers, and sometimes a needle, in order to allow the area to heal once the comedo is removed.
  13. Treating pustules is generally more hazardous, as the contents can spread across the skin during the procedure - as well as spreading deeper into the area by improper lancing (needle, ish) techniques. Both the popping of pimples and comedones can cause local tissue damage as you compress your skin to harshly. There is never a need to use a great amount of force when popping pimples/comedones.
  15. This guide to dealing with pimples/pustules is okay:
  18. Bear in mind that:
  19. - An ordinary "straight pin" should not be used, as these are in general too thick and can cause unnecessary tissue damage. Use the sharpest and thinnest needle available.
  20. - Sterilizing a needle using a flame could cause soot (carbon) to cover the tip of the needle. If it pierces your skin incorrectly, then this soot could end up in your skin and create a basic kind of tattoo. Sterilize the needle with alcohol.
  21. - Alcohol should not be used to sterilize the wound after lancing the pimple. Alcohol pains your wounds because it hurts the general area. Healing time is increased, and will most likely increase local flushing (red skin). Use chlorhexidine or some other mild antibacterial agent.
  23. ----
  24. This is a good guide to dealing with blackheads/open comedones:
  27. Notice how ineffective fingers are at applying pressure locally to the target area. They are too blunt, and are more likely to harm the skin in the area. I think you're all familiar with this - the red and painful area around pimples/comedones after you've popped them using blunt fingers and too much force. Get a specialized tool on Amazon or whatever. Try to use that instead of your fingers.
  29. -----
  30. Regarding whiteheads/closed comedones:
  31. They are to be lanced like pustules, and then squeezed gently with fingers - or preferable by the use of special tools (like the one linked to above).
  33. Please note that both closed and open comedones are prone to recurring. "Mechanical extraction" is a very unnecessary thing to do. They'll most likely return in a couple of weeks unless you start treating the area chemically, with stuff like salicylic acid.
  35. ---
  37. Written by STHLM !!6Gk3cvqPqbL
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