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a guest
Apr 7th, 2016
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  1. > Looking for something?
  2. < Just somebody for chatting
  3. > I'm open
  4. < You new in worlds? Or was here earlier?
  5. > I've been here a few years
  6. < Many people think that there is something terrible. But I think it's just a place where people live and communicate. What do you think?
  7. > There's a ghost in the machine
  8. < You saw there was something really unusual? Or someone else?
  9. > Nexialist is the key bearer here
  10. > Don't step on his toes or he'll take yours
  11. < Yes, I know about him. Where did hi go?
  12. < *he
  13. > Not here now
  14. > He'll show soon
  15. > If you swear in chat, he will scream at you
  16. > so don't
  17. < okay, thanks for it. i ll try to remember
  18. < What do you think about all sorts of newcomers that come here?
  19. > They either join us, lose interest and leave, or die here
  20. < I do not know, I like it here. Though here and very few people can write, because you туц руку
  21. < *new here
  22. > 2chan
  23. > ?
  24. < Nope. Find worlds by myselfs. But 2ch know it place.
  25. < But only in paranormal board.
  26. < So there only a little amount of users.
  27. > There is a group of people here that speak russian
  28. > They keep to themselves and I don't know anything about them
  29. < They want to find something creepy, lol
  30. > Speak to Volkova when he wakes up
  31. > They still live here
  32. < Why you asked about 2ch? People here don't like it?
  33. > No, all the russians came from it
  34. > 2chan is not something accessible to americans
  35. < Russian type of 4chan. But people lose interest, when cant find something creep. Its strange.
  36. < I am here just to find friends, or intresting persones.
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