
scaring tarzan

Dec 25th, 2024
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  1. When he came upon the first clear footprint, the ape-man stopped in his own barefoot tracks, and the hairs at the back of his neck commenced rising.
  2. Tarzan of the Apes had ranged far and wide upon the Dark Continent, and had encountered many strange tribes and stranger beasts. Even stubborn survivals of the prehistoric age. None had set his hackles rising like this.
  3. For the footprint of the desecrator of the Elephant’s Graveyard was almost as long as Tarzan was tall, and the ape-man stood over six feet tall.
  4. His eyes narrowing, Tarzan walked around the circumference of the footprint. He quickly realized that it was similar to that of a gorilla. Yet there were marked differences, also. The toes were bizarre in their arrangement and configuration, being slightly more manlike than apelike, while still retaining the thumblike big toe sticking out to one side of the broad heel, creating the illusion of a monstrously deformed handprint. This divergence from nature caused the jungle lord’s scalp to tingle as few things did. In the long-ago days of his youth, the hereditary enemies of his ape tribe were the lowland gorillas. His first kill had been a Bolgani bull.
  7. King Kong vs Tarzan, Chapter 47
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