
Arjuna's element is Understanding.

May 14th, 2018
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  1. You tried to approach this from a scientific angle at first. Magic should have definable properties, right? And when you started analyzing it, it sort of did. But only sort of. Properties were only kinda consistent, certain aspects were only vaguely was maddening. Your own knowledge of particle physics actually worked against you here and made you look for certain traits in both Prana and Od that simply didn't exist. Eventually you abandon it and dive entirely into the structure of your own soul, and gain a far greater understanding of your Self than you ever knew. You knew what your Element was: Understanding. Your magic was literally designed to understand the world around you, and that knowledge was beautiful understanding in and of itself. But your soul wasn't just Understanding, there was a core there. An idea that everything else had sprung up around.
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