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a guest
Mar 20th, 2019
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  1. -Good evining, sir
  2. Good evining
  3. -Can I help you ?
  4. I wold like of A Swíte
  5. -For how many days ?
  6. one week
  7. -okay, you've preference?
  8. yes I do, I wold like of A room with mini-bar
  9. - okay sir, singler or double ?
  10. single, please
  11. -help me fill out the registration form , please?
  12. yes of course
  13. - Whats your name?
  14. Dave
  15. - And surname?
  16. Mustine
  17. -Can you spell it,please?
  18. M-U-S-T-A-I-N-E
  19. - Your permanent address
  20. Street 1254 Lincoln, Miami, FL, United States
  21. - Nationality?
  22. American
  23. - What is you job?
  24. Singer
  25. - When were you born?
  26. September 13th, 1956
  27. -that's all, thank you. Your room is number 666, here is your key. only wait that somebody come to get his luggage to you room.
  28. Okay , thanks.
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