
PAGE 20-22

Sep 1st, 2021 (edited)
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  2. TONY suddenly opens his eyes--wide--and SCREAMS as he is pulled into an upright position inside the sterile white cavity of the REDEEMER. MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS EMERGE AND ATTACH THEMSELVES to his body. Tony doesn't move. Just stares into space, his mouth still open in the scream he finished moments ago. A NEEDLE appears and enters the back of his neck. His face relaxes. His eyelids close.
  3. ARTIFICIAL VOICE Redeemer medical simulation...number seven thousand three hundred ninety- eight. Commencing medical analysis: subject inside Redeemer has suffered a penetrating chest injury, possibly
  4. caused by a gunshot wound or fragmen- tation missile. Initiating computer tomography scans to determine status of test subject's internal organs...
  5. Tony's head bobs forward a bit, and from side-to-side, as DIAGRAMS OF A BULLET LODGED IN HIS HEART run on a screen.
  6. ARTIFICIAL VOICE Projectile has penetrated the right ventricle of the heart severing the chordae tendineae, and resulting in
  7. an atrioventricular valve inversion. Irregular contractions of the right atrium are disrupting blood flow of the superior and inferior vena cava.
  8. 20
  10. There is a short pause. And suddenly, GRIPS EXTEND FROM THE INTERIOR WALL, holding his head in one place. As if something is about to happen requiring that he not move.
  11. ARTIFICIAL VOICE Invasive medical procedure required.
  12. There is the HIGH-PITCHED WHINING OF A SAW BLADE followed by the FLESHY SOUNDS OF SURGERY. Tony slowly opens his eyes, his expression vaguely alert, as if he realizes what is happening, but only just, his glassy eyes staring ahead during WET SOUNDS OF THINGS MOVING INSIDE HIS BODY.
  13. Tony's mouth slowly drops open in a look of surprise. As if in slow-motion. But he utters no sound. Tony stares ahead unable to move as the armor around him HUMMMMMMMMS.
  16. TONY is suspended in the sterile cavity of the REDEEMER. Although his body is secured in place, he still jerks, as if instruments are being removed from his chest cavity.
  17. ARTIFICIAL VOICE Temporary corrective procedures are now complete. Subject's heart will continue to function via artificial electrical stimuli furnished by the
  18. Redeemer armor chest plate.
  19. That NEEDLE re-enters his neck and there is a FSSSSSSH as Tony suddenly comes alive. His face growing wild. Like a trapped animal. His BREATHING coming in furious waves.
  21. Subject inside Redeemer must proceed to an emergency trauma center triage for immediate cardiogenic surgery to remove foreign body lodged in heart.
  22. Tony's eyes look left. Look right. Like he is trying to take all of this in, as quickly as he can. Where he is. What happened to him and what that voice just told him.
  24. The simulation is concluded. Would you like to terminate this program?
  25. Tony seems confused for a moment. Then he looks frantic.
  26. TONY
  28. He waits for whatever is to come, seconds passing before:
  29. ARTIFICIAL VOICE Redeemer medical simulation, number
  30. seven thousand three hundred ninety- eight , now continues.
  31. (short pause)
  32. Subject inside Redeemer must proceed to an emergency trauma center triage.
  33. Tony listens. His eyes moving. As if thinking. Not so frantic, like he realizes he's okay. Formulating a plan. He closes his eyes for a moment, as if steeling himself.
  34. TONY
  35. Get to the hospital...I can do this.
  36. (louder, to the armor) Maneuvering control to subject—now.
  37. The INTERIOR LIGHTS DIM as EYE SLITS OPEN on the panel in front of him—no, not slits—a set of SMALL RECTANGULAR SCREENS displaying whatever is outside the armor. Tony looks out across the lab at his executive office beyond.
  38. Tony concentrates. Like a person learning to walk again.
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