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Apr 19th, 2019
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  1. variables:
  2. {GGLevel.%player%} = 0
  3. {GunGame.kills.%player%} = 0
  4. {GunGame.tode.%player%} = 0
  5. {GunPoints.%player%} = 0
  7. options:
  8. prefix: &7&l❘ &9&lGunGame &8► &7
  9. keinerechte: &7&l❘ &9&lGunGame &8► &7Keine Rechte
  10. GunGameWelt: GunGame
  13. command /GG [<text>] [<number>] [<text>]:
  14. trigger:
  15. if arg 1 is not set:
  16. if player has the permission "GunGame.Spieler":
  17. wait 0.2 seconds
  18. open chest with 2 row named "&b&l❘ &9&lGunGame &b&l❘" to player
  19. wait 0.1 second
  20. format slot 1 of player with diamond sword named "&aGG Beitreten" to close then run "ggsudo %player% gg beitreten"
  21. format slot 3 of player with end portal frame named "&cGG Verlassen" to close then run "ggsudo %player% gg verlassen"
  22. format slot 5 of player with chest named "&9Shop" to close then run "ggsudo %player% gg shop"
  23. format slot 7 of player with book named "&4Stats" to close then run "ggsudo %player% gg stats"
  24. format slot 10 of player with lava bucket named "&4Resetlevel" with lore "&cDamit Löschst du dein aktuelles Level!" to close then run "ggsudo %player% gg resetlevel"
  25. format slot 12 of player with tnt named "&4Resetstats" with lore "&cDamit Löschst du deine Stats!" to close then run "ggsudo %player% gg resetstats"
  26. format slot 14 of player with dispenser named "&9Aufruf" with lore "&fHiermit machst du einen Aufruf!" to close then run "ggsudo %player% gg aufruf"
  27. format slot 16 of player with clock named "&7&k!!!&4Admin&7&k!!!" with lore "&4Zu den Admin Befehlen!" to close then run "ggsudo %player% gg Admin"
  28. if arg 1 is set:
  29. if arg 1 is "Admin":
  30. if player has the permission "GunGame.Admin":
  31. message " &b&l❘ &9&lGunGame &b&l❘"
  32. message "&9/GG Setspawn &7- Damit Setzt du den Join und Respawn Punkt"
  33. message "&9/GG Setleave &7- Damit Setzt du den Leave Punkt"
  34. message "&9/GG Reload &7- Damit Ladest du das Skript Neu"
  35. message "&9/GG Setlevel [Das zu Setzende Level] &7- Mit diesem Befehl kannst du das Inventar von den Leveln 1-50 setzen"
  36. message "&9/GG bearbeiten [Das zu Bearbeitende Level] &7- Mit diesem Befehl kannst du das Inventar von den Leveln 1-50 bearbeiten"
  37. message "&9/GG levelup [Das zu Setzende Level] [<Spieler>] &7- Damit Kannst du dein GunGame Level Setzen"
  38. message "&9/GG getGunPoints [Die Anzahl an GunPoints] &7- Damit Kannst du dein GunGame Level Setzen"
  39. message " &b&l❘ &9GunGame &b&l❘"
  40. else:
  41. message "{@keinerechte}"
  42. if arg 1 is "setspawn":
  43. if player has the permission "GunGame.Admin":
  44. set {GunGame.Spawn} to player's location
  45. message "{@prefix}Du hast Erfolgreich den GunGame Join und Respawn Punkt gesetzt!"
  46. else:
  47. message "{@keinerechte}"
  48. if arg 1 is "setleave":
  49. if player has the permission "GunGame.Admin":
  50. set {GunGame.Leave} to player's location
  51. message "{@prefix}Du hast Erfolgreich den GunGame Leave Punkt gesetzt!"
  52. else:
  53. message "{@keinerechte}"
  54. if arg 1 is "setlevel":
  55. if player has the permission "GunGame.Admin":
  56. if arg 2 is not set:
  57. message "{@prefix}Bitte wähle ein Level"
  58. if arg 2 is set:
  59. if num arg is greater than 50:
  60. message "{@prefix}Du kannst nur bis Level 50 das Inventar Speichern!"
  61. else:
  62. set {_count} to 0
  63. loop 36 times:
  64. set {Inv.GunGame.%{_count}%.%arg 2%} to slot {_count} of player's inventory
  65. message "{@prefix}Gespeichert wurde auf Slot %{Inv.GunGame.%{_count}%.%arg 2%}%"
  66. add 1 to {_count}
  67. set {Inv.GunGame.helmet.%arg 2%} to player's helmet
  68. set {Inv.GunGame.chest.%arg 2%} to player's chestplate
  69. set {Inv.GunGame.legs.%arg 2%} to player's leggings
  70. set {Inv.GunGame.feet.%arg 2%} to player's boots
  71. else:
  72. message "{@keinerechte}"
  73. if arg 1 is "bearbeiten":
  74. if player has the permission "GunGame.Admin":
  75. if arg 2 is not set:
  76. message "{@prefix}Bitte wähle ein Level!"
  77. if arg 2 is set:
  78. set {_count} to 0
  79. loop 36 times:
  80. set slot {_count} of player's inventory to {Inv.GunGame.%{_count}%.%arg 2%}
  81. add 1 to {_count}
  82. set the helmet of player to {Inv.GunGame.helmet.%arg 2%}
  83. set the chestplate of player to {Inv.GunGame.chest.%arg 2%}
  84. set the leggings of player to {Inv.GunGame.legs.%arg 2%}
  85. set the boots of player to {Inv.GunGame.feet.%arg 2%}
  86. else:
  87. message "{@keinerechte}"
  88. if arg 1 is "beitreten":
  89. if player has the permission "GunGame.Spieler":
  90. if {GunGame.true.%player%} is not set:
  91. teleport player to {GunGame.Spawn}
  92. add 1 to {GG.AZ}
  93. execute console command "/god %player% off"
  94. execute console command "/fly %player% off"
  95. set gamemode of player to adventure
  96. set player's health to 10
  97. set the player's food level to 10
  98. message "{@prefix}Du hast GunGame betreten!"
  99. set the player's level to {GGLevel.%player%}
  100. set {GunGame.true.%player%} to 1
  101. set {_count.%player%} to 0
  102. loop 36 times:
  103. set slot {_count.%player%} of player's inventory to {Inv.GunGame.%{_count.%player%}%.%{GGLevel.%player%}%}
  104. add 1 to {_count.%player%}
  105. set the helmet of player to {Inv.GunGame.helmet.%{GGLevel.%player%}%}
  106. set the chestplate of player to {Inv.GunGame.chest.%{GGLevel.%player%}%}
  107. set the leggings of player to {Inv.GunGame.legs.%{GGLevel.%player%}%}
  108. set the boots of player to {Inv.GunGame.feet.%{GGLevel.%player%}%}
  109. else:
  110. message "{@prefix}Du bist bereits in GunGame!"
  111. else:
  112. message "{@keinerechte}"
  113. if arg 1 is "verlassen":
  114. if player has the permission "GunGame.Spieler":
  115. if {GunGame.true.%player%} is set:
  116. remove 1 from {GG.AZ}
  117. clear player's inventory
  118. teleport player to {GunGame.Leave}
  119. set {GGLevel.%player%} to 0
  120. wait 1 tick
  121. message "{@prefix}Du hast GunGame verlassen"
  122. clear {GunGame.true.%player%}
  123. else:
  124. message "{@prefix}Du bist momentan nicht in GunGame!"
  125. if arg 1 is "leave":
  126. if player has the permission "GunGame.Spieler":
  127. if {GunGame.true.%player%} is set:
  128. remove 1 from {GG.AZ}
  129. clear player's inventory
  130. teleport player to {GunGame.Leave}
  131. set {GGLevel.%player%} to 0
  132. wait 1 tick
  133. message "{@prefix}Du hast GunGame verlassen"
  134. clear {GunGame.true.%player%}
  135. else:
  136. message "{@prefix}Du bist momentan nicht in GunGame!"
  137. else:
  138. message "{@keinerechte}"
  139. if arg 1 is "stats":
  140. if player has the permission "GunGame.Spieler":
  141. wait 0.1 second
  142. open chest with 1 row named "&b&l❘ &9&lGunGame-Stats &b&l❘" to player
  143. wait 0.1 second
  144. format slot 0 of player with diamond sword named "&1Deine Kills:" with lore "&a%{GunGame.kills.%player%}%" to be unstealable
  145. format slot 2 of player with mob head item named "&4Deine Tode:" with lore "&c%{GunGame.tode.%player%}%" to be unstealable
  146. format slot 4 of player with book named "&9Deine K/D:" with lore "&c%{GunGame.kills.%player%}/{GunGame.tode.%player%}%" to be unstealable
  147. format slot 6 of player with bottle o' enchanting named "&9Dein Level:" with lore "&a%{GGLevel.%player%}%" to be unstealable
  148. format slot 8 of player with nether star named "&1GunPoints:" with lore "&f%{GunPoints.%player%}%" to be unstealable
  149. if arg 1 is "reload":
  150. if player has the permission "GunGame.Admin":
  151. make player execute command "/sk reload GunGame"
  152. message "{@prefix}GunGame wurde erfolgreich neu Geladen!"
  153. else:
  154. message "{@keinerechte}"
  155. if arg 1 is "resetstats":
  156. if player has the permission "GunGame.Spieler":
  157. message "{@prefix}Du hast erfolgreich deine GG Stats Gelöscht!"
  158. set the player's level to 0
  159. set {GGLevel.%player%} to 0
  160. set {GunGame.kills.%player%} to 0
  161. set {GunGame.tode.%player%} to 0
  162. else:
  163. message "{@keinerechte}"
  164. if arg 1 is "resetlevel":
  165. if player has the permission "GunGame.Spieler":
  166. message "{@prefix}Du hast erfolgreich dein GG Level Gelöscht!"
  167. set the player's level to 0
  168. set {GGLevel.%player%} to 0
  169. else:
  170. message "{@keinerechte}"
  171. if arg 1 is "levelup":
  172. if player has the permission "GunGame.Admin":
  173. if player has the permission "GunGame.Admin":
  174. if arg 3 is set:
  175. set {GGLevel.%arg 3%} to arg 2
  176. else:
  177. set {GGLevel.%player%} to arg 2
  178. else:
  179. message "{@prefix}Du bist zu NOOBIG"
  180. else:
  181. message "{@keinerechte}"
  182. if arg 1 is "aufruf":
  183. if player has the permission "GunGame.Spieler":
  184. broadcast ""
  185. broadcast "{@prefix}&c%player% &3fordert euch auf ins &cGunGame &3zu joinen!"
  186. broadcast "{@prefix}&3Joine jetzt mit &c/gg beitreten&3!"
  187. else:
  188. message "{@keinerechte}"
  189. if arg 1 is "Shop":
  190. if player has the permission "GunGame.Spieler":
  191. if player is in world "{@GunGameWelt}":
  192. wait 0.2 seconds
  193. open chest with 1 row named "&b&l❘ &9&lGunGame-Shop &b&l❘" to player
  194. wait 0.5 second
  195. format slot 1 of player with potion of:8201 named "&6Stärke Trank &7(3Minuten)" with lore "&a3200 GunPoints" to close then run "ggkaufen %player% staerke"
  196. format slot 7 of player with potion of:8194 named "&6Schnelligkeit's Trank &7(3Minuten)" with lore "&a2900 GunPoints" to close then run "ggkaufen %player% speed"
  197. wait 0.5 second
  198. format slot 3 of player with potion of:8257 named "&6Regeneration's Trank &7(2Minuten)" with lore "&a3700 GunPoints" to close then run "ggkaufen %player% regen"
  199. format slot 5 of player with potion of:8229 named "&6Direktheilung's Trank" with lore "&a3250 GunPoints" to close then run "ggkaufen %player% direkth"
  200. else:
  201. message "{@prefix}Du musst in der GunGame Welt sein um den Shop Benutzen zu können!"
  202. if arg 1 is "getGunPoints":
  203. if player has the permission "GunGame.Admin":
  204. set {GunPoints.%player%} to arg 2
  205. else:
  206. message "{@keinerechte}"
  209. command /ggkaufen <player> <text>:
  210. executable by: console
  211. trigger:
  212. if arg 2 is "staerke":
  213. if {GunPoints.%arg 1%} is greater than or equal to 3200:
  214. send "{@prefix}Du hast dir 1 Stärke Trank gekauft." to arg 1
  215. send "{@prefix}Du musst den Trank trinken bevor du angreifst sonst wird er gelöscht.Keine Rückerstattung" to arg 1
  216. remove 3200 from {GunPoints.%arg 1%}
  217. give 1 potion of:8201 to player argument
  218. else:
  219. send "{@prefix}Du hast zu wenig GunPoints. &e%{GunPoints.%arg 1%}%&f/&e3200" to arg 1
  220. if arg 2 is "regen":
  221. if {GunPoints.%arg 1%} is greater than or equal to 3700:
  222. send "{@prefix}Du hast dir 1 Regeneration's Trank gekauft." to arg 1
  223. send "{@prefix}Du musst den Trank trinken bevor du angreifst sonst wird er gelöscht.Keine Rückerstattung" to arg 1
  224. remove 3700 from {GunPoints.%arg 1%}
  225. give 1 potion of:8257 to player argument
  226. else:
  227. send "{@prefix}Du hast zu wenig GunPoints. &e%{GunPoints.%arg 1%}%&f/&e3700" to arg 1
  228. if arg 2 is "direkth":
  229. if {GunPoints.%arg 1%} is greater than or equal to 3250:
  230. send "{@prefix}Du hast dir 1 Direktheilung's Trank gekauft." to arg 1
  231. send "{@prefix}Du musst den Trank trinken bevor du angreifst sonst wird er gelöscht.Keine Rückerstattung" to arg 1
  232. remove 3250 from {GunPoints.%arg 1%}
  233. give 1 potion of:8229 to player argument
  234. else:
  235. send "{@prefix}Du hast zu wenig GunPoints. &e%{GunPoints.%arg 1%}%&f/&e3250" to arg 1
  236. if arg 2 is "speed":
  237. if {GunPoints.%arg 1%} is greater than or equal to 2900:
  238. send "{@prefix}Du hast dir 1 Schnelligkeit's Trank gekauft." to arg 1
  239. send "{@prefix}Du musst den Trank trinken bevor du angreifst sonst wird er gelöscht.Keine Rückerstattung" to arg 1
  240. remove 2900 from {GunPoints.%arg 1%}
  241. give 1 potion of:8194 to player argument
  242. else:
  243. send "{@prefix}Du hast zu wenig GunPoints. &e%{GunPoints.%arg 1%}%&f/&e2900" to arg 1
  245. #Level Behalten bei Leave? Ja
  246. #on: Befehle
  248. on first join:
  249. set {GGLevel.%player%} to 0
  250. set {GunGame.kills.%player%} to 0
  251. set {GunGame.tode.%player%} to 0
  253. on quit:
  254. if {GunGame.true.%player%} is set:
  255. clear {GunGame.true.%player%}
  256. set {GGLevel.%player%} to 0
  257. remove 1 from {GG.AZ}
  259. on death:
  260. if {GunGame.true.%attacker%} is set:
  261. if {GGLevel.%attacker%} is 50:
  262. loop all players:
  263. loop 15 times:
  264. if loop-player is in world "{@GunGameWelt}":
  265. set action bar of loop-player to "&8&l[&a&l%{GunGame.kills.%attacker%}%:K&8&l|&c&lD:%{GunGame.tode.%attacker%}%&8&l]&a&l%attacker%&8&l[&5&lL:%{GGLevel.%attacker%}%&8&l] &c&l>>>>&r &8&l[&a&l%{GunGame.kills.%player%}%:K&8&l|&c&lD:%{GunGame.tode.%player%}%&8&l]&c&l%player%&8&l[&5&lL:%{GGLevel.%player%}%&8&l]"
  266. add 1 to {GunGame.tode.%player%}
  267. add 1 to {GunGame.kills.%attacker%}
  268. add 20 to {GunPoints.%attacker%}
  269. message "{@prefix}Du hast &c20 GunPoints &3für den Kill von &a%victim% &3bekommen!" to attacker
  270. if {GunPoints.%victim%} is higher than or equal to 10:
  271. remove 10 from {GunPoints.%victim%}
  272. stop
  273. else:
  274. attacker is a player
  275. loop all players:
  276. loop 15 times:
  277. if loop-player is in world "{@GunGameWelt}":
  278. set action bar of loop-player to "&8&l[&a&l%{GunGame.kills.%attacker%}%:K&8&l|&c&lD:%{GunGame.tode.%attacker%}%&8&l]&a&l%attacker%&8&l[&5&lL:%{GGLevel.%attacker%}%&8&l] &c&l>>>>&r &8&l[&a&l%{GunGame.kills.%player%}%:K&8&l|&c&lD:%{GunGame.tode.%player%}%&8&l]&c&l%player%&8&l[&5&lL:%{GGLevel.%player%}%&8&l]"
  279. add 1 to {GunGame.kills.%attacker%}
  280. add 1 to {GunGame.tode.%player%}
  281. add 1 to {GGLevel.%attacker%}
  282. add 20 to {GunPoints.%attacker%}
  283. message "{@prefix}Du hast &c20 GunPoints &3für den Kill von &a%victim% &3bekommen!" to attacker
  284. heal attacker
  285. message "{@prefix}Du bist nun Level &c%{GGLevel.%attacker%}%" to attacker
  286. wait 2 ticks
  287. set the attacker's level to {GGLevel.%attacker%}
  288. wait 1 tick
  289. clear attacker's inventory
  290. set {_count.%attacker%} to 0
  291. loop 36 times:
  292. set slot {_count.%attacker%} of attacker's inventory to {Inv.GunGame.%{_count.%attacker%}%.%{GGLevel.%attacker%}%}
  293. add 1 to {_count.%attacker%}
  294. set the helmet of attacker to {Inv.GunGame.helmet.%{GGLevel.%attacker%}%}
  295. set the chestplate of attacker to {Inv.GunGame.chest.%{GGLevel.%attacker%}%}
  296. set the leggings of attacker to {Inv.GunGame.legs.%{GGLevel.%attacker%}%}
  297. set the boots of attacker to {Inv.GunGame.feet.%{GGLevel.%attacker%}%}
  299. on respawn:
  300. if {GunGame.true.%player%} is set:
  301. if {GGLevel.%player%} is not 1 or 3 or 5 or 7 or 9 or 11 or 13 or 15 or 17 or 19 or 21 or 23 or 25 or 27 or 29 or 31 or 33 or 35 or 37 or 39 or 41 or 43 or 45 or 47 or 49:
  302. wait 5 ticks
  303. teleport player to {GunGame.Spawn}
  304. remove {GGLevel.%player%}/2 from {GGLevel.%player%}
  305. wait 2 ticks
  306. set the player's level to {GGLevel.%player%}
  307. wait 1 tick
  308. clear player's inventory
  309. wait 0.5 seconds
  310. set {_count.%player%} to 0
  311. loop 36 times:
  312. set slot {_count.%player%} of player's inventory to {Inv.GunGame.%{_count.%player%}%.%{GGLevel.%player%}%}
  313. add 1 to {_count.%player%}
  314. set the helmet of player to {Inv.GunGame.helmet.%{GGLevel.%player%}%}
  315. set the chestplate of player to {Inv.GunGame.chest.%{GGLevel.%player%}%}
  316. set the leggings of player to {Inv.GunGame.legs.%{GGLevel.%player%}%}
  317. set the boots of player to {Inv.GunGame.feet.%{GGLevel.%player%}%}
  318. else:
  319. wait 5 ticks
  320. teleport player to {GunGame.Spawn}
  321. remove 1 from {GGLevel.%player%}
  322. wait 1 tick
  323. remove {GGLevel.%player%}/2 from {GGLevel.%player%}
  324. wait 2 ticks
  325. set the player's level to {GGLevel.%player%}
  326. wait 1 tick
  327. clear player's inventory
  328. wait 0.5 seconds
  329. set {_count.%player%} to 0
  330. loop 36 times:
  331. set slot {_count.%player%} of player's inventory to {Inv.GunGame.%{_count.%player%}%.%{GGLevel.%player%}%}
  332. add 1 to {_count.%player%}
  333. set the helmet of player to {Inv.GunGame.helmet.%{GGLevel.%player%}%}
  334. set the chestplate of player to {Inv.GunGame.chest.%{GGLevel.%player%}%}
  335. set the leggings of player to {Inv.GunGame.legs.%{GGLevel.%player%}%}
  336. set the boots of player to {Inv.GunGame.feet.%{GGLevel.%player%}%}
  338. on command:
  339. if {gungame.true.%player%} is set:
  340. command is not "gungame" or "sk" or "gg" or "ban" or "kick" or "mute" or "tempban" or "warn" or "at" or "ct" or "qt" or "msg" or "support" or "r" or "Login" or "bw"
  341. send "{@prefix}Du darfst hier keine Befehle ausführen."
  342. send "{@prefix}&cNutze /gg verlassen, um zu leaven."
  343. cancel event
  345. on food level change:
  346. player is in "{@GunGameWelt}":
  347. set the player's hunger bar to 10
  348. cancel event
  350. on drop:
  351. if {GunGame.true.%player%} is set:
  352. cancel event
  354. on pickup:
  355. if {GunGame.true.%player%} is set:
  356. cancel event
  358. on join:
  359. if player is in world "{@GunGameWelt}":
  360. teleport player to {Lobby}
  362. on damage:
  363. if {GunGame.true.%attacker%} is set:
  364. if attacker's gamemode is creative:
  365. cancel event
  367. on walk on water:
  368. if player is in world "{@GunGameWelt}":
  369. kill player
  371. #GUNSHOP
  373. command ggsudo <player> <text>:
  374. permission: GG.Sudo
  375. trigger:
  376. make arg 1 execute command "%arg 2%"
  378. command votegunpoints <player> <num>:
  379. permission: Vote.GG
  380. trigger:
  381. add num-argument to {GunPoints.%player-argument%}
  383. every second in "GunGame":
  384. loop all players:
  385. if loop-player is in "GunGame":
  386. if {GunGame.true.%loop-player%} is not set:
  387. teleport loop-player to {GunGame.Leave}
  388. send "{@prefix}&cWie Bist du Ins &9GunGame &cgekommen?" to loop-player
  389. stop
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